History Argumentative Essay

History Argumentative Essay
History Argumentative Essay

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History Argumentative Essay

Order Instructions:
Write a 1500 word history argumentative essay term paper in which you develop a thesis and support it using historical evidence and cited sources.
You should use a minimum of three different sources: at least one must be a printed source (book, article, journal) and at least one must be from an online source.
Cite all of your sources using footnotes or endnotes according the Chicago Manual of Style format 
Choose ONE of the following topics below and right a 1500 word essay in which you support the position you adopt for or against one of the given propositions with historical evidence. Cite any quoted material using endnotes.

1. Religion was / was not a significant factor in the development of early world civilizations.
2. Trade was / was not a factor in generating cross-cultural contact between different civilizations.
3. Gender roles in early civilizations did / did not differ considerably from one society to another.
4. Settled agricultural societies were / were not superior to nomadic hunter-gatherer societies.

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

History Argumentative Essay

History Argumentative: Gender roles in early civilizations did / did not differ considerably from one society to another.

Gender roles are a prime subject for discussion in the modern society. The variant beliefs and ideology holdings of various individuals, scholars and researchers serve for a lengthy and sometimes heated discussion about the modern role of gender. However, these types of discussion have abounded for a long time. The concepts about the different roles of men and women have been a critical difference among persons holding different ideologies for several centuries.

The notion of these differences has not only been variant among men and women but also between different societies. This paper seeks to determine whether there were major differences in the gender roles in early civilizations and whether these differences varied between various cultures and societies.

The meaning of gender roles

            While the sex of the individual is a biological phenomenon, gender is a social and cultural concept. Gender is, therefore, a social construction that seeks to differentiate the society by assigning behavior and expected attitudes towards certain issues and topics (Barkan and Hund 2015, 143 – 146 ). Therefore, the behavioral notion that implies the intrinsic differences in the manner in which men and women as well as boys and girls act is not because of biological inclinations but rather a societal shaping.

At birth, there are no predetermined gender roles (Barkan and Hund 2015, 144 – 145). Such roles develop as a result of the development and expectations learned from the society. Such lessons on the expectation of the society regarding gender roles begin early. Some early lessons such as some nursery rhymes have in them these lessons that teach the fundamental differences between male and female (2015, 145 – 146). Gender roles, therefore, are not as a result of the sex of the individual, but rather a conditioning by society to fit into the expected behavior and attitudes prescribed for a given gender.

Gender roles in the family unit

            The basic societal unit of the family is where most teaching stems from. In addition, the family is the smallest unit where gender roles and the associated societal begin to play out. The traditional understanding that women are more nurturing than men are predisposes them to behave in a given way in the family. The view of increased femininity by the women ascribes the society to place the role of bringing up the family to them (Blackstone 2013, 336 – 337 ). Such expectations traditionally held the women to believe that their only rational full-time employment venture was in the home taking care of the family.

            On the other hand, the male role in the family unit is one of leadership. Traditional societies viewed all male figures as being highly masculine and, therefore, assigned them roles based on physical, provisional, and permanent abilities required in such roles. These roles included the protection of the family, providing for all their financial and economic needs, provide guidance, and making the decisions for the family (Blackstone 2013, 336 – 337 ). In the early civilizations, such roles were handed out based on gender rather than on the ability of the individual.

Gender roles in leadership

            Traditionally, the role of leadership was predominantly oriented towards the male figures in the society. This stems from the view in most of the traditional societies that the male figure was responsible for making decisions. In this context, the males in the majority of the early civilizations engaged in politics and agriculture (Lalonde 2015). Both of these activities were held in high esteem since they reflected power and wealth. In addition, the majority of the rulers in ancient civilizations were male, as were the leaders of the military units in various societies. There are, however, cases of a number of women who were decorated heroes and leaders in a number of early civilizations.

Gender roles in communication and influence

            Enthusiastic communication and eloquence signify power, strength and leadership qualities of the individual. Given that most of the early civilizations and societies held such qualities as being manly and possessed by leaders, it was unusual to find an eloquent woman. As such, men in most of the early societies were nurtured to be good in communication and develop public confidence as part of their core skills (History World International 1992).

This societal and cultural development led to male dominance in areas that required good communication skills. This predisposition that favored the males in the society had a direct relationship on the influence held by such persons. As such, the influence held by men in such societies was much larger than the women, who were largely confined indoors….

History Argumentative Essay

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Developing Persuasive Business Messages

Developing Persuasive Business Messages
Developing Persuasive Business Messages

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Developing Persuasive Business Messages

Order Instructions:


In Week 3, you selected a product or service that you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop the product or service for sale. To speed up the new product investment, you decide to write a memo proposing and advocating for the launch of a new product or service to the company president. 

Create a memo proposal using the AIDA model in a Microsoft® Word in a minimum of 1,000 words. You will add an introduction and conclusion, and your paper will include the following components:

1. Convince your audience to invest capital resources to develop the product or service you intend to sell and explain your rationale. See Figure 9.5 – Persuasive Message Using AIDA model.

2. Gain credibility (for yourself and your request) and (2) to make your readers believe that helping your product/service will indeed benefit the company. Close with a request for some specific action, and make that course of action as easy to follow as possible to maximize the chances of a positive response.

3. Include secondary research to support your argument, related to your product and/or service.a. Explain what you will do in case the selected product or service does not initially sell as much as expected.b. Indicate potential digital channels for marketing your product or service.c. Consider cross-cultural and multinational implications.

The following guidelines will help you effectively format specific memo elements, Business Communication Essentials, 7/e (Pg. 410):

1. Addressees. When sending a memo to a long list of people, include the notation See distribution list or See below in the position at the top; then list the names at the end of the memo. Arrange this list alphabetically, except when high-ranking officials deserve more prominent placement. You can also address memos to groups of people–All Sales Representatives, Production Group, New Product Team.

2. Courtesy titles. You need not use courtesy titles anywhere in a memo; first initials and last names, first names, or even initials alone are often sufficient. However, use a courtesy title if you would use one in a face-to-face encounter with the person.

3. Subject line. The subject line of a memo helps busy colleagues quickly find out what your memo is about, so take care to make it concise and compelling.

4. Body. Start the body of the memo on the second or third line below the heading. Like the body of a letter, it’s usually single-spaced with blank lines between paragraphs. Indenting paragraphs is optional. Handle lists, important passages, and subheadings as you do in letters.

5. Writer’s initials. Unlike a letter, a memo doesn’t require a complimentary close or a signature, because your name is already prominent at the top. However, you may initial the memo–either beside the name appearing at the top of the memo or at the bottom of the memo.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

Developing Persuasive Business Messages

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Developing Persuasive Business Messages

Developing Persuasive Business Messages


TO:                  Jackson, S. L., President and Chairperson

FROM:            (Type Your Name Here)

CC:                  See distribution list below in the position at the top

DATE:             December 11, 2017

SUBJECT:      Investment toward the launch of the eco-friendly bag production.

Firms under attack for environmental degradation

The current levels of ecological damage on the planet are largely as a result of direct and indirect actions by business entities. Organizations are increasingly taking the blame for the environmental destruction and increasing levels of global warming from excess waste dumped into the atmosphere and the various water masses. The proposal forwarded last month could help our company fend off such accusations by taking the problem head-on by providing viable and lasting solutions to the problem at hand.

Proposal on the action our organization could undertake

To curb the increasing waste in the environment, I sent a proposal to you the previous month detailing the production of an environmentally friendly bag as a replacement for the single-use plastic carriers commonly used today. The widespread use of such bags, coupled with their impact on the environment from an inability to decompose and the release of toxins to the air when incinerated, has increased the environmental degradation from these plastic bags (Green & DeMeo, 2013; Green, Boots, Blockley, Rocha, & Thompson, 2015, p. 5382).

The proposal included the steps to produce the eco-friendly bag and the various audiences of the business and marketing communications (Bovee & Thill, 2015), who would also double as the major customers for the proposed product.

Required steps in the production of the eco-friendly bags

The production of the proposed environmental friendly bags involves the research into the growth of the right material. Since the production is meant to be as environmentally friendly as possible, the company will neither use artificial methods of agriculture, nor production systems and processes that involve leaving a large carbon footprint in the ecological system. Once the firm achieves this objective, there will be many benefits to reap from the investment in the eco-friendly bag alternatives.

Benefits from the investment

The investment into the production of environmentally friendly bags as a better alternative to the widely used single-use plastic carriers is projected to have numerous benefits. The remuneration is not only limited to the firm but involves payback to various public stakeholders as well. In addition, the benefits are not limited to monetary remuneration for the firm but include other returns that will help the business in the long term.

Ecological benefits

The replacement of single-use plastic bags as the primary carriers for groceries and other commodity purchases should have an ecological impact. The high demand for the production of the single-use bags results in increasing air pollution from the manufacturing plants and possibly water pollution from some of them (Green & DeMeo, 2013). The continued one-time usage of the single-use carriers creates an environmental hazard owing to the continuous dumping of the carriers. The incineration of the same bags poses a risk to the ozone layer, where its continued destruction has a direct impact on increasing global warming……

Developing Persuasive Business Messages

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Sports, Culture, and the society

Sports, Culture, and the society
Sports, Culture, and the society

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Sports, Culture, and the society

Order Instructions:

Please answer this two prompt questions…

1. In the article, “Sports Are More than Reflections of Society,” the author, Jay Coakley writes, “people can change sports or keep them the way they are. In fact, it is even possible for people to create and define sports in ways that differ from or even defy dominant ideas and norms and, in the process, to turn sports into sites for the transformation of the very culture of which they are a part.” Using examples from the reading and your research, discuss how people create and define sports and how sports have transformed culture.

2. In this course we have discussed and observed the impact of various factors, such as racism, politics, the economy, and urban decline on sports in various settings from the 1960s to the 1990s. Discuss one social factor that you believe has had the most significant impact on sports in the last four decades. 

Requirements: This assignment has a minimum 2000 word requirement and maximum of five pages (3000 words). You will be expected to incorporate references from the readings in class. Direct quotes are not required but you must use the correct titles and author names.

The goal here is to demonstrate what you have learned during the course of the semester, as well as your ability to critically analyze a subject that is familiar to all of us. 

Sports, Culture, and the society

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Sports, Culture, and the society

            There exists an intricate balance between culture, sports, and the society. These three possess an interesting relationship where each has significant influence in the development of the other two. Their interaction and interoperability, however, is an issue of concern and one that raises a lot of discussion and opinions (Coakley). This section develops a discussion into several publications regarding the interaction and interdependence between culture, sports, and the society.

How people define and create sports

            Sports are a creation of human kind. It is through various stages and levels of interaction that the creation and definition of sports occurs. The nature, rules and various social conditions within a particular society are instrumental in the creation of various types of sports (Coakley 36 – 38). Examples of such interaction between people, natural phenomenon, and social conditions include the development and growth of arena sports in ancient Greece, the spread of various types of sports as a result of colonization, and the customization and change of rules in certain sports to fit into the needs of a particular society.

The development of various types of sports in West Indies such as soccer and cricket resulted from their previous colonial masters from Britain. India, on the other hand, has developed as a cricket powerhouse rivaling and even defeating their masters due to customization of the sport to fit societal needs.

            The transformation of sports into a societal norm involves the interaction between various factors over a long period. Author Jay Coakley uses the analogy of a family unit as it develops over time, its interaction with society, the various underlying factors that determine the structure, rules, and interaction of the family, and how the family is a reflection of the greater society.

The creation and sustenance of the family unit is dependent on following a number of set rules, and the interaction of various stakeholders in an environment dictated by beliefs of how the various members should relate to one another (Coakley 35 – 36 ). In a similar way, the creation of sports is dependent on a set of rules and the interaction of different stakeholders who possess different abilities and characteristics for a common purpose.

            In the same way that a family creates and defines their own set of rules that they live by, different sporting activities also apply different rules. In addition, the same sport may also have different rules depending on the context and location. This is what makes both families and sports activities unique, despite the many similarities and differences (Coakley 35). A family unit is not considered as being exclusive in any given society.

The same applies for the case of any single type of sports activity. One cannot use a single family as a representation of all the rest, and neither is it usable as a representation of the culture in the society. In the same manner, one cannot use sports as a reflection of the society, nor as a way to determine the general destination of the society.

Sports, Culture, and the society

How sports activities have transformed culture

            In continuing to analyze Jay Coakley’s analogy of a family unit, its relation to sports and culture is evident. The author determines that the different approaches of the organization of the family unit adopted by various kin provide a scenario of where debates regarding various opinions of the organization of family life. These discussions point to larger concerns about the cultures of organization philosophies adopted by various cultures. In this way, therefore, discussions about the organizational characteristics of the family leads to questions about the organization and the culture of the society (Coakley 36 ).

Making deductions from the family, sports, and societal relationship analogy presented by Jay Coakley, the organization metrics used in sports lead to questions about the efficiency of the approaches used in the organization of the society as well. By observing such differences and looking into various inefficiencies in the organization of the society, a number of changes have occurred over time in terms of how the society operates…..

Sports, Culture, and the society

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British Joint operations in the South

British Joint operations in the South
British Joint operations in the South

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British Joint operations in the South

Order Instructions:

For your essay, please answer Question #8

“8. Why did British Joint operations in the South fail to win the war for Britain from 1778-1781?”

Read the question carefully and be sure you do NOT write a paper that explains why the Brits were initially operationally successful at Savannah and more notably, Charleston.

Assume the question acknowledges that they were Operationally successful, but rather is asking you to explain WHY the Operational outcomes/results did not yield STRATEGIC success (i.e. win the war).

As a reminder, these essays are designed to be Critical Analyses, and as such you should only base your arguments on the information that the leadership/decision makers at THAT TIME had available to them. There should not be any “Monday-Morning Quarterback” information presented.

MAXIMUM 5 pages of text essay (Times New Roman 12 pitch font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced, NOT including your Cover Page or any references) and it will count as 30% of your overall S&W grade. Do not exceed 5 pages of text, not including the cover page, in an MS WORD format and please utilize the cover page format (cut/paste to make it easy) included on your disk.

Be sure your essay meets all of the requirements outlined in Annex A, especially those listed below, and I encourage all students to have someone completely unfamiliar with the essay/materials proof-read the essay prior to submittal to make sure your essay/argument makes sense and is influential/effective.

British Joint operations in the South

1. The Thesis paragraph “answers” the questions assigned. There should be no doubt in your readers’ minds exactly how you have chosen to answer the assigned question. 

2. The Main Body of your essay develops your thesis paragraph in a logical and easy to follow manner and includes supporting information/facts/figures/ statements from the syllabus source materials.

3. The essay contains a Counterargument in which you examine a feasible viewpoint that is different than one/more of those you present in your thesis.

4. The essay contains a Rebuttal in which you convincingly disavow the idea/opinion presented in your counterargument and further support one/more of your ideas contained in your thesis.

5. The essay contains the correct formatting as indicated Annex A and the Writing Guide (cover page, page numbering, citations, margins, etc).

British Joint operations in the South

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

British Joint operations in the South

Poor strategic decisions and overreliance on injudicious assessments led to the failure of British Joint Operations in the South, thus leading to failure to win the war. During this period, the British government pegged their strategy on the loyalists, believing that they were the strongest and that the Southern colonies held a significant number of them. Accordingly, they focused their energy to the South. However, this strategy proved futile and led to British’s dismal failure as various challenges presented themselves ranging from lack of support to logistical issues.

The Loyalists were not as many as initially thought and with time could not be controlled by the British commanders as the operation eventually turned into a civil war between Loyalist forces and rebel partisan units. The Loyalists, who were expected to salvage the situation not only proved unreliable but also failed at controlling the countryside (Midgley, p. 139). In addition, Britain lacked adequate resources to deal with the civil war that emanated, thus leading to ultimate defeat. 

With increased resource depletion due to the expanded war, the British economy was becoming a major cause of concern, given the increasing resource strain as the empire sought to address the numerous threats facing it. The ever increasing pressure from the war presented one viable option for the British: to increase the army and navy size. Even then, this meant that Britain had to raise taxes in order to support this implementation, an option that was becoming less popular in the parliament due to the declining economic position (Midgley, p. 140).

Accordingly, the British needed to develop a new tactic to protect the empire’s colonies. In this relation, the West Indies colonies which were considered more valuable to Britain due to their economic value, given the large amounts of imports in the form of sugar and rum that benefited Britain to a significant extent (Learn NC, P. 2). It is this consideration that drove the British government to continue with the American war, but this time with a resolve to change tactic.

During the period between 1778 and 1781, Britain changed tactic by focusing their efforts from the middle colonies to the Sothern colonies in the belief that they had greater chances of winning. This would be achieved through relying on the untapped military strength which they believed lied with the Loyalists (Midgley, p. 139). There were four main reasons for the focus on the Southern colonies from the Northern and middle colonies. The first reason was that the Southern colonies were seen as a means to promote positive gains on war, following Britain’s defeat at Saratoga.

The second consideration is that the Southern colonies were closer to Britain geographically compared to Caribbean colonies. This meant that the coordination of the British army would be easier and that the empire would save on military resources which were highly strained. The third consideration was the clear impossibility of a decisive victory, such that Britain was now focusing on a negotiated settlement. Having lost after Saratoga,

Britain considered the Southern colonies comparatively untouched by war and given the less coverage of American forces in the South, the British could be in a better bargaining position if negotiation became preferred. The last consideration is that the Southern colonies contained more Loyalists, who were expected to provide military support and thus reduce the manpower required in executing the war. This was known as Americanizing the war and that with tactical implementation, only a small British force would be required to win the war.

In essence, the campaign was dependent on Loyalist support and the British government envisioned a situation where the Loyalists would provide manpower and take up military roles. This is considered the major undoing of the British – over-relying on the Loyalists for the success of their campaign…..

British Joint operations in the South

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Constructing Effective Business

Constructing Effective Business
Constructing Effective Business

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Constructing Effective Business

Order Instructions:

1. Select a product or service for this assignment in which you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop for sale in a global environment.
2. Review Ch. 4 of Business Communication Essentials.
3. Create a Microsoft® Word analysis of no more than 1000 words that includes the following:
A. Describe the product or service, including its main characteristics.
B. Why do you believe this product is worthwhile?
C. A profile of your audience/s. Why are these audience/s important? How different would you approach each audience?
D. Explain how you would establish credibility.
4. Explain why you selected the channel.
5. Select the appropriate channel for delivering your message based on context, audience, and purpose.

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Constructing Effective Business

For this assignment, the selection of a product that should sell in the global marketplace is critical. The product should be one that the organization is willing to spend capital resources on for it to develop as a global brand. This paper will look into the characteristics of the chosen product and explain why it is worthwhile. In addition, a profile of the various audiences, their importance, and the different approaches are outlined, as well as an explanation on establishing credibility and the rationale behind the selection of a suitable channel for business communications.

A description of the main characteristics of the product

The product of choice that will be developed by the organization is an environmentally friendly bag. The bag is reusable as opposed to the single-use alternatives used in most retail stores and homes today. This eco-friendly bag will be produced in several shapes and sizes and targets to replace the single-use plastic bags. The bag has a special feature where it completely decomposes down in ten days.

Once thrown into a pit, which is the recommended method of disposal, the bag should be watered and covered with earth, and the decay process begins. The bag is made from natural materials that are interwoven to create a strong fabric. This strength enables users to carry heavy loads without the bag ripping apart.

Why the product is worthwhile

The proposed product is important not only to the firm but also to the society. The eco-friendly bag is a worthwhile project for the organization to invest in due to the effect it would have on the environment. The replacement of plastic carrier bags and especially the single-use plastic bags should help reduce the levels of environmental pollution caused by the polythene bags that are currently in use around the world (Bucher, Drake-Brockman, Kasterine, & Sugathan, 2014).

In addition, once the user has the ability to use the bags for multiple tasks over the lifetime of the eco-friendly bag. Once the environmentally friendly bag completes its usefulness, it is buried and becomes beneficial as a form of organic manure. This should lead to a reduction of the over-dependence on various types of fertilizers on enriching the soil.

A profile of the audiences

            The communication messages targeting the proposed environmental friendly bag has a number of audiences. The profile of the product’s audience is composed of governments and government agencies, retail stores, and individual users.

Why the audiences are important

The three identified audiences are important for various reasons. Firstly, the three audiences are direct and indirect users of the plastic bags that the eco-friendly alternative aims to replace. Second, the environmental impact of the garbage caused by the single-use polythene bags affects all three, as do the costs of environmental maintenance. A third reason is that the three groups are important beneficiaries of the better agricultural practices boosted by the use of the bags as manure after they are disposed of. The three groups are the target customers of the proposed product and, therefore, the audiences of the business communication.

Constructing Effective Business

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The Role of Art Collectors in the Art Market

The Role of Art Collectors in the Art Market
The Role of Art Collectors in the Art Market

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The Role of Art Collectors in the Art Market

Order Instructions:

Discuss academically the role of one of the key agents (dealer, curator, critic, collector) and his/her position in the art market.

In this paper discuss the role of Art collectors and their position in the art market taking a Case study approach looking at specific individuals. 

Art collectors the client has chosen for the case study: Frieder Burda and Christian Boros

Points to cover is the art market and what it is etc also touching on primary and secondary markets and then discussing the role of the art collector in the art market. 

Go straight into the case study and not to explore the art market in a generic way, as word count is limited and to focus on discussing the role of the art collector in the art market.

Take a case study approach and to look at Frieder Burda and Christian Boros. Focusing on Germany and how it has one of the liveliest and most electric collector communities in the world. And touching on how Germany in a way more than any other country has a collecting tradition. Private museums seem to be an on going trend to build own museum for your collection. 

Use a wide range of sources not just online. Structure the case study well. The essay must be fully referenced and include a bibliography.

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

The Role of Art Collectors in the Art Market


According to Alessandra (2016,p. 60), commercialization of art as envisioned in the growth of private museums, auction houses, art fairs and sponsored exhibitions characterizes modern art, where an increasing number of artists are focusing on financial interests rather than the art itself. Horowitz (2014) refers contemporary art as ‘art of the deal’ which basically insinuates that the major objective of the modern artist is to obtain the best deal for their art. In this regard, the demand side of the art market including collectors, museums, investors and intermediaries has gained increased importance for building business and marketing strategies.

Collectors can be said to have shaped the art market to a great extent through influencing the demand side and creating value for artists. What really then is the role of art collectors in influencing the art market given the current state of affairs? Art collectors play a key role in sustaining the art market by promoting the work of artists across the globe. Art collectors, based on their popularity play the role of industry pacemakers, providing an opportunity for artists to thrive and influencing the style of art to a significant extent.

This is more so when their collected work is displayed to the public, thus influencing the interest of art lovers and consequently their future purchases. The role of art collectors has been extensively portrayed in Germany where the number of private galleries and museums has grown tremendously over the years. This paper aims at exploring the role of art collectors and their position in the art market by discussing the role played by two famous art collectors from Germany, Frieder Burda and Christian Boros.

The art market and the role of art collectors

The art market, comprising of the primary and secondary market presents an intricate avenue through which art is valued and where demand and supply factors come into play to set prices for various forms of art. Accordingly, different players including the artists, buyers and agents play unique roles in influencing the art market (Marshall & Forrest, 2011). Art collectors thrive in both primary and secondary markets and their role in each market is based on their interests.

This means that they influence what is sold in both the primary and secondary market, thus influencing the supply side of the market. Zorloni &Ardizzone (2017) note that in an attempt to meet the demands and interests of art collectors, artists tend to lean towards their preference. This has mostly been witnessed with increased globalization and commercialization of the art industry, where it is more about sales. In this relation, the choice of art collectors drives the direction of the industry, such that artists are likely to make productions designed to catch the attention of art collectors.

The preferences of art collectors may influence artists towards a certain genre in a bid to create market and gain recognition. Artists for example are likely to move towards a certain genre of art due to the influence of a famous art collector. A notable aspect of art collectors influence on demand and supply in the art market is their changing preferences, which to a great extent defines the future direction of the market. According to Jahrgang, H. (2011), modern art collectors’ palaces can be likened to a “kaleidoscope with astonishingly small pebbles that keep being reshuffled.” As collector interests keep changing, so do artists have to adjust. 

Art collectors have historically played a significant role in promoting art not only through enhancing interest in art but also supporting artists’ work. The first and most significant role an art collector has is that of providing income to drive the art market. Art collectors purchase numerous works of art for their collections and this provides revenue for the art market to thrive. Art collectors are mostly financially endowed individuals who are capable of purchasing numerous works of art based on their interest, thus creating a market for artists. Furthermore, art collectors have been known to promote unknown or new artists by purchasing their art works.

Art collectors play the role of marketing artists through by publicizing their works, consequently making them earn more from their works of art. This is more so where the art collector also has an exhibition for their collection, thus creating a platform for marketing featured artists. According to Hernando & Campo (2017b), collectors have the potential of increasing an artist’s economic worth just by considering or purchasing a piece of work. When famous art collectors purchase a work of art, they elicit interest in the art as well as the artist and this enhances their value and potential to perform better in the art market (Hernando & Campo, 2017a).

The acute love and passion for art by art collectors is of great significance in promoting the art industry. Art collectors are known to influence peoples’ interest in art and thus play a key role in maintaining the industry. According to Kossenjans & Buttle (2016), collectors may be influenced by various motivations including possessive and materialistic pursuits, attraction, or passion that often border obsession.

However, their collections are bound to impact those who interact with them, such that collectors play a role in influencing art demand. Individuals visiting art exhibitions may not necessarily be art lovers or enthusiasts of particular art genre. However, their interest may be influenced by the collection of art seen from an art collector, further driving the art industry.

Frieder Burda and Christian Boros

Studies in the evolution of art collection reveal that the modern art collector not only commands respect as an influential player in the art market but also a trend setter, whose interests are likely to shape the supply side as artists seek to gain relevance (Pierson, 2017). Among famous art collectors who are currently driving the art market are Frieder Burda and Christian Boros, both Germans who have created a lasting niche for themselves in the art collection business.

Each of these art collectors, who are also among the top ten German art collectors, have invested heavily in collecting unique pieces of art, which are housed and exhibited in their private museums. Born in April 1936, Frieder Burda, took after his father who collected art before him.  Burda’s first work first work was Lucio Fontana’s slashed red painting bought in 1968 at Kassel’s Documenta 4. Since then, he has accumulated a significant number of collections with advice from art-historian friends. His Museum which was opened in 2004 boasts of about 1000 works, where a major focus is given to German painting, drawings and sculptures (Global Art Magazine, 2017).

The famous Christian Boros was born in Poland in 1964 before later moving to Germany with his parents in an attempt to flee from communism. Boros is a self-made entrepreneur whose passion for advertising was driven by art, leading to the development of a massive company that specializes in image management. His interest in art is however cannot go unnoticed, given his wide collection of art which he began collecting at 18 years.

Boros specializes in contemporary art and has collected over 700 works that are currently displayed at Sammlung Boros, developed from a former raid bunker from the Nazi era. The gallery which was opened in 2008 attracts both art lovers and history lovers who want to learn more about the Nazi past. Boros regularly updates his collection with new works of art and is considered a major figure in the Berlin art scene…..

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International Finance Discussion

International Finance
International Finance

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International Finance

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Recently, Marriott International opened the Al Jadaff hotel in Dubai. Discuss qualitatively (no need to use any numbers) how Marriott International should adjust the estimated cash flow for the project and the discount rate when evaluating this project. Which adjustment (cash flow or discount rate) do you believe would be most effective in reflecting the risk of this foreign project?

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International Finance

Qualitative discussion on the adjustment of cash flows for Marriott International

Through the investment in the Al Jadaff hotel in Dubai, Marriott International exposes themselves to country risk. The firm may choose to use cash flow adjustment methods to determine the present value of the project – which would drive further operational, investment and financing decisions. The use of cash flow adjustments would primarily involve identification of prominent risk factors in each year (Damodaran, 2008). Each risk factor is used to discount the estimated cash flow for each year. The result is a net present value of the hotel determined from adjusted cash flows to various risk factors.

Discount Rate Adjustment

Alternatively, Marriott International may choose to use the discount rate as an adjustment method. In this case, when evaluating the Al Jadaff hotel project, the firm should use the prevailing discount rate as a measure to estimate the country’s risk rating. This done owing to the correlation between the discount rate and the project’s rate of return. As such, the adjustment to the rate of return or the discount rate in the capital budgeting approach may be useful in the determination of country risk (Madura, 2008, pp. 459 – 460).

Most effective approach in reflecting risk of the foreign project

The better method that provides an effective approach is the use of estimated cash flows. The effectiveness of this approach stems from the use of each individual cash flow and the specific form of risk affecting that particular cash flow….

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Quality Management System

Quality Management System
Quality Management System

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Quality Management System

Short Answer Essay Questions:

  1. What is a quality management system that is structured to support organizational excellence? How does a quality management system developed to promote organizational excellence differ from the traditional product related quality systems?
  2. Provide at least two specific examples of how quality as organizational excellence can be deployed through operations in a service related company. Include the process and possible quality-based methods and tools which can be applied in your response. Reference to class room workshops and examples are acceptable.

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Quality Management System

Question 1: A quality management system that is structured to support organizational excellence

A quality management system refers to the systems of business process management that ensure the products and services of a given business entity align with the needs and expectations of the customers. A quality management system that is structured to support organizational excellence provides a holistic management of the organization rather than a focus on the various integral parts of the organization with a focus on customer needs, strategic planning, and continuous improvement (van der Tuuk & Sibinga, 2008; Evans, 2013).

How a quality management system developed to promote organizational excellence differs from the traditional product-related quality systems

The traditional quality systems had a focus on improving quality after production. In addition, the traditional systems measure the quality of small batches as a means to determine the process performance. The employees are passive in the traditional systems and the management expects the minimum improvement annually. The traditional systems had a short-term focus, where the current profit is a major driver. In the traditional quality management system, quality is inspected into the product while there is a constant conflict between the shifts in productivity and quality (Goetsch & Davis, 2010)……

Question 2: How quality as organizational excellence can be deployed through operations in a service related company.

In a company whose main product or products are in the form of services, the concept of organizational quality and excellence may be deployed through various operations. In this case, an example of an insurance sales firm provides sufficient context. An organizational approach to ensure excellence, in this case, would involve the use of a statistical measure of sigma to quantify the operational processes required to maximize quality in the example of millions of sales per year. In this scenario, a measure of either 3 sigma or 6 sigma may be used to align operational efforts in the right channels (Dale, Wiele, & Iwaarden, 2007). A global organization such as AON or Prudential PLC may find such an operational approach useful…..

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International Joint Ventures

International Joint Ventures
International Joint Ventures

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International Joint Ventures

Order Instructions

The Board of Directions of an International Joint Venture Company must take important strategic decisions about the direction of the collaboration. Therefore, in setting up a new JVC, it is essential to consider how such decisions would be made. taking into consideration the desire of partners to expert an “appropriate” level of control over their JVC:
(a) Critically compare the relative merits and limitations of making decisions by vote or by consensus (through power of veto)
(b) if consensus is needed but then cannot be reached on a vote concerning a significant issue for the business, what options do the partners have to move forward? 

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

International Joint Ventures


            The concept of joint venture companies has been instrumental in the success of various firms across the world. The most common of these being strategic and international joint ventures, where two or more independent firms come together in a bid to conquer a market that neither of them would have achieved as individual entities (London Business School Review , 2013; Anderson, 1991, pp. 19 – 20). Prior to the success from the establishment of international joint ventures, a lot of work in terms of planning goes into the formation of the joint venture.

Among the critical points of the planning process involves the definition of terms of the joint venture agreement. Key among the terms in the agreement is the structure, control, and voting procedures of the board of directors of the joint venture company (Gutterman, 2017; Yan & Luo, 2016, pp. 87 – 89). Such terms in the preliminary stages of the formation of the joint venture outline, among others, the use and direction of decision-making tools.

Such tools include the use of veto power and the sharing, or lack thereof, of voting rights between the partners who make up the joint venture. This paper looks to expound on the use of voting as a tool to reaching a consensus within the board of directors of a joint venture company and the options available to them if there is no consensus on a vote.

Decisions by vote or consensus

            During the course of operations, the board of directors in the strategic international joint venture will have to make many decisions regarding an array of issues. In spite of the issue at hand, there will be a need for consensus among the board members. Various decision tools are useful during such times, including authoritarian decisions, brainstorming, and voting. Of these examples, most international strategic joint ventures opt for the use of voting, since it provides a conclusive decision based on majority (Demirbag, 1997, pp. 143 – 146).

Other closely related options include the use of veto power and reaching a consensus through discussions before putting the issue at hand to a vote. The section below looks into the use of voting in an international joint venture by enumerating the various merits and limitations of using voting as a decision-making tool within the organization.

Merits of making decisions in a joint venture by vote

            The use of the voting method as a decision-making method in a joint venture entails the casting of ballots to decide on an issue at hand. All the members of the board of directors will have a reasonable if not total understanding of options prior to casting of the votes. A key advantage of using this method is the ability to combine individual skills, strengths, and knowledge into a formidable block to push for decisions and relevant changes. Members with similar ideology will unite and provide a united front to discuss the ideas from a varied viewpoint in terms of skills and contributions toward the needed changes.

            The use of the voting method for decision making in a joint venture company helps provide a unified front for the board of management. In this case, once the board completes the voting process, they come together and discuss the next steps. This allows for the enhanced understanding of the criterion of the decision, as well as the presentation of a collective effort to engage and act on the decision made. This is imperative to the continued operations of the joint venture organization and allows for fluid operation of the company through a united front from the directors.

            By using the voting method, there is a sense of an enhanced commitment from the entire board of directors. The engagement of all the members of the board in the process instils a sense of belonging and camaraderie. In addition, in spite of their leaning on the decisions, the participation in the voting process and the implementation ensures a greater commitment from the entire team. This sense of commitment and belonging spurred by the voting method is vital to the effectiveness of the board in carrying out their mandate within the organization.

            The method of voting as a decision making instrument in a joint venture will serve to inspire a sense of team spirit among the directors. The choice of voting helps bring together individuals with different points of view to collaborate on implementing a given task. In addition, the process serves as a team building activity through constant interaction with other board members who may not meet too often. This enhancement of team spirit allows the board to operate better together in times of unity and disagreement.

            The use of voting in a joint venture is useful when the board of directors is pressed for time. When the directors need to make a quick decision on the direction that the firm should take on a given matter, a vote helps since it may be conducted in a single sitting from the individual views of the members. Such a scenario does not require prior engagement and the decision is made in a matter of a few hours. This allows for the quick turnaround on time-bound decisions that could be potentially beneficial to the organization.

            In the same light of the ability to use the voting as a fast-paced method of decision-making in a joint venture company, the board of directors may use the method to eliminate non-critical decisions. At some point in the operation of the organization, the board will be faced with the challenge of making a number of simultaneous decisions that are time bound. In such a scenario, the use of voting could help the directors to eliminate the non-critical decisions quickly, thereby leaving room and time for discussions on the more demanding issues.

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