Culture Responsive Leadership

Culture Responsive Leadership
Culture Responsive Leadership

Culture Responsive Leadership

Culture responsive leadership is essential in every institution as it responds and acknowledges the need for equitable access to education for people of all kinds as well as shaping people’s thinking process. Culture responsiveness would entail strategies to incorporate and improve links between equity and access to education between linguistically diverse communities (Toppel, 2015).

Cultural competence should be intertwined with responsiveness as it enhances better integration of skills, values, attitudes, and knowledge to ensure effective interventions with people from diverse cultures. Culture responsiveness is crucial in empowering students politically, socially, intellectually and emotionally by using of referents of culture to impart skills and knowledge.

Culture responsive leadership is essential in influencing various factors such as equity, outcomes and opportunity in a given educational setting. Culture responsive leadership involves philosophies, policies, and practices that inclusively create better learning environments for populations of culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds (Toppel, 2015). The creation of a culture responsive relationship by the leaders is vital as it helps them make concerted efforts to identify more about the culture and interests of those under them especially students in an education setting.

I had the privilege to interview two people who gave more insight into the issue of culture-responsive leadership. The interview seeks to identify some of the practices adopted by the leaders in enhancing that the policies they use are culture responsive. My first interviewee is a male leader in a university. The interviewee serves in the leadership capacity as a dean of the university who is in charge of the student’s affairs.

He also has the role of overseeing the formulation and implementation of policies that promote culture responsive teaching in the learning institution (McCray et al, 2011). The dean is also responsible for the coordinated planning of the right curriculum to ensure full culture responsiveness.

The second person I interviewed is the chancellor of the University who also doubles up as an organizing secretary of the education board of various private and public universities. She performs both the leadership and managerial roles in all programs started to enhance culture responsive education at the university level. She ensures that the structures are properly made, and procedures followed as well as receiving progress reports from leaders in lower levels such as the university dean. Both leaders adequately provided the required information regarding culturally responsive leadership practices.  

The following questions were used to interview both interviewees who work in a similar capacity as their main role is the promotion of policies and practices that enhance cultural responsiveness through their competence.     

1.    What do you understand by cultural responsiveness and competencies required in ensuring equality and access to education services?

2.    How does the institution promote and advocate for right policies and practices to ensure efforts of enhancing cultural responsiveness are successful?

3.    What are the criteria for evaluating and effective assessment of the policies implementation, and success of adopted practices?

4.    What culture responsive teaching methods have you adopted and are most efficient in leading to the desired results in an education setting?

5.    Which theory of culturally responsive leadership guide you in ensuring full competency while performing your roles in an education environment?

6.    What are the benefits of culture responsiveness and the main challenges experienced during implementation of policies and practices?

The first interviewee who is the Dean of students in the university gave various responses in regards to the questions posed for him during the interview. The Dean of students understands cultural responsiveness as the pedagogy that focuses on empowering the students in various forms mostly emotionally and intellectually (McCray et al, 2011). Competencies entail the adherence and the effective adoption of the right procedures and practices.

According to the dean, competency of a leader has the greatest impact in influencing culture responsiveness in an educational setting. As a leader, the dean has adopted various practices in the curriculum to enhance cultural responsiveness. Establishing inclusion is one of the practices enhanced by the dean.

Such practices are made possible through structures such as cooperative base groups and learning communities while also using procedures such as multidimensional sharing, cooperative learning and collaborative approaches to learning (Santamaria & Lorri, 2013). The use of practices such as experimental learning approaches based on the theory of multiple intelligence to develop the positive attitude is a vital practice aimed at ensuring cultural competence.

The Dean has also ensured policies related to the integration of the culturally responsive curriculum are properly implemented with the objective of access to education to all. Narrative evaluations including responses and measure of satisfaction levels among students are the basis of assessment. Responses by students and other stakeholder involved in cultural competence processes determines the level of equity and access to education to diverse communities which are the outcomes.

The teaching method advocated by the leader include culturally mediated instructions, improved curriculum, and communication of high expectation (Santamaria & Lorri, 2013). The institution advocates for policies and practices for culture responsiveness through various ways such as enhancing a collaborative environment where all work together to result in desired outcomes.

Instilling various norms, beliefs, and values into the school system is also ways of promoting and advocating practices. Having a culture of inquiry when it comes to implementation of responsive culture practices. Due to values, norms and procedures set in the institutions, the dean would adopt ethical leadership to develop critical consciousness among students.

Some strength of the practices adopted includes more integrated education system that can be sustained for the long and efficient address of inequalities issues (Santamaria & Lorri, 2013). Another strength of the practices is the preparation of a student-centered and inclusive curriculum as well as competent participation in the intercultural community. Weakness includes the poor adherence and failure to implement policies effectively due to poor leadership skills amongst some of those overseeing the processes. Cultural destructiveness and cultural incapacity are also weaknesses that hinder success of the practices adopted.

The second interviewee also offered a lot of information regarding the questions about culture responsiveness. She understands culture responsiveness to entail strategies to incorporate and improve links between equity and access to education between linguistically diverse communities. Culture responsive leadership is essential in influencing factors such as equity, outcomes and opportunity in a given educational setting (Brown et al, 2011).

She also believed that universities are doing a lot to advocate for policies and practices for cultural responsiveness. Some of the measures used to advocate the policies include the development of an understanding of transformative, additive and application of social action models. Creation of organization structures in learning institutions to empower both parents and students and from diverse communities and ethnic backgrounds are measures used to support practices and implementation of policies.

Some of the leadership competencies by the chancellor include promoting inclusive instructional practices, the exhibition of an ethic of care emphasizing on high expectations on students when it comes to academic achievement. Since cultural competencies are focused on the classroom teaching mostly, some of the teaching methods the leader advocates for include learning with the culture context and positive perspective methods (Brown et al, 2011).

She believes that responses by students and the increased levels of integration of culture responsiveness in the education system as well-reduced levels of inequalities are essential in assessment and evaluation of policies and practices’ effectiveness.

 The chancellor is also guided by the leadership for the social justice theory which focuses on improvement of educational outcomes and experiences for all students especially the marginalized. Social justice theory also responds to issues of race, culture, ethnicity and language (Brown et al, 2011). According to her, some strengths include the creation of frameworks and structures that are consistent with orientation of culture for ethnically diverse populations.

In this case, the education sector would face fewer challenges relating to cultural responsiveness. Weaknesses include poor implementation strategies and poor collaboration between some leaders and the people which make practices to be ineffective in addressing the problems (Santamaria & Lorri, 2013).

There is evidence that both interviewees have worked hard to ensure their leadership practices are culturally responsive. The first interviewee demonstrates leadership skills by fostering relationships based on responsibility, respect, and care through strategies to enhance critical consciousness among students. Using procedures such as multidimensional sharing, cooperative learning and collaborative approaches to learning are also essential culture responsive leadership practices by the dean.

Some recommendation for him includes the need to incorporate social justice and intertwine it with ethical leadership so as to lead to better integration of evidence-based practices (Toppel, 2015). I would also recommend that he adopts structures that empower people as they are essential in supplementing effective practices.

The second interviewee also has leadership practices that are evidence of cultural competence. Promoting inclusive instructional practices, an exhibition of an ethic of care emphasizing high expectations practices on students when it comes to academic achievement are culturally responsive practices (Toppel, 2015). She also focuses on practices pedagogical practices and curriculum frameworks consistent with cultural orientation.

My recommendation for her is to incorporate other theories in her leadership practices and also learn about people’s past experiences so as to identify the best strategies to handle issues. There are various ways I would address the needs of culturally responsive education e.g. through acknowledging arising differences, validating cultural identity before adopting any cultural competencies (McCray et al, 2011).

My efforts would entail affirming attitude towards people from diverse backgrounds. Incorporating constructiveness learning skills as well as social consciousness would be essential and included in my practices. I would work as a leader to enhance a holistic approach to the effective creation of plans, teaching activities and also identification of assessment methods that identify weaknesses for the quick remedy. In a nutshell, adoption of right strategies enhances the effectiveness of culturally responsive practices.


Brown, Kathleen M., Jen Benkovitz, A. J. Muttillo, and Thad Urban. 2011. Leading schools of excellence and equity: Documenting effective strategies in closing achievement gaps. Teachers College Record 113.1: 57–96.

McCray, Carlos, and Floyd Beachum. 2011. Culturally relevant leadership for the enhancement of teaching and learning in urban schools. In The international handbook of leadership for learning. Edited by Tony Townsend and John MacBeath, 487–502. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Santamaria, Lorri J. 2013. Critical change for the greater good: Multicultural perceptions in educational leadership toward social justice and equity. Educational Administration Quarterly.

Toppel, K. (2015). Enhancing Core Reading Programs With Culturally Responsive Practices. Reading Teacher, 68(7), 552-559.

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Leadership in health promotion

Leadership in health promotion
Leadership in health promotion

Leadership in health promotion

Leadership in health promotion is about the ability of the community to grasp the health concept and believe in what is being told to them. For instance, a leader who is influential and outspoken is likely to attract more followers and listeners than a leader who simply offers direction without influence (Street, Gold & Manning, 2013). In a leadership search for leaders to apply in a health promotion program, several categories of leaders can be used. Here is an explanation of the role and categorization for each.


A professional is a person who studies a particular vocation and manages to grasp the concepts associated with the vocation. It may not be specifically associated with a particular vocation; but a leader will likely opt for certain decisions and choices over others if they subscribe to a particular vocation (Street, Gold & Manning, 2013). Professions such as public health and nursing offer such vocational leadership in health promotion.


Students present a second category that is very important for the societal decisions that one has to make concerning the use of a product. They can critique and even promote a product very well. With the hand wash product for instance, it may not be possible to use the product on all prospective clients. However, advising them using influential students preferably from the medical profession can really change how they perceive these products.


            Leadership in health promotion is very critical. It determines the perception of the prospective clients on a particular product (Street, Gold & Manning, 2013). However, where the leaders chosen are either professionals from the health field or the students partaking health-related courses, they are likely to promote the health product better than members of society who subscribe to different values would. Medicine gives these leaders the ability to reason not only from the client’s point of view but from a public health point of view. 


Street, R. L., Gold, W. R., & Manning, T. R. (2013). Health promotion and interactive technology: Theoretical applications and future directions. Routledge.

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Transactional Leadership Theories

Transactional Leadership Theories
Transactional Leadership Theories

Transactional Leadership Theories

Leadership theories include transactional leadership theories and transformational leadership theories. Transactional leadership theory deals with maintaining the operation flow, using disciplinary powers and an array of incentives as ways of ensuring employees perform as expected (Redman, 2013, p 33). Transactional leadership is tailored towards ensuring that everything is running smoothly.

Conversely, transformational leadership involves going beyond the day to task to come up with strategies that would make the organization performance improve and achieve the intended objectives. Some of the activities conducted by transformational leaders include promotion of team building, motivation and employee collaboration to accomplish the expected change (Redman, 2013, p 41).

On the other hand, emotional intelligence theories emphasize on the ability to comprehend and effectively manage individual emotions and of others. The objective of a leader is to accomplish the set task keeping in mind the team to ensure that everything runs as expected. The four elements of emotional intelligence include self-management, awareness and social skills (MacFarlane, et al, 2011, p 69).

Task 4.2

Transformational leadership mostly encourages teamwork and motivation of employees to work together to accomplish the set objective. As a transformational leader, it is important to set goals and incentives that push employees to perform to the best of their abilities at the same time providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

On the contrary, transactional leadership can be applied through formal authority and responsibilities. Employees will obey the directives that result in expected performance. Transactional leadership can be applied by using both incentives and punishment to enhance performance behaviors (Stainback and Tomaskovic-Devey, 2012, p 74).

Espinilla et al., (2013, p 227) highlight that emotional intelligence theory can be applied by coming up with a strategic plan. Understanding emotions in this process entails perceiving, and managing them. For instance, perception of emotions can be done through surveying to understand customers’ feelings about a specific product. Understanding emotion involves documenting the impact of various market plans by paying close attention to emotional aspects and financial implication. Managing emotion deals with understanding how to be a leader and encouraging desired emotional reaction that will generate positive outcomes.

Task 4.2

At Hounslow tasks should be allocated equally to promote good working relationships and easy management. Every staff needs to comprehend and be made aware of their job description and additional responsibilities. Some of the attributes and features that can help in improving work relationship include trust and honesty.

Additionally, reliable individuals can easily provide constructive feedback and share experiences with other colleagues to impart knowledge and the relevant skills to other colleagues. Effective communication and interaction skills are necessary to manage working relationships (Stainback and Tomaskovic-Devey, 2012, p 77).

Strategies that improve team building also enhance intrapersonal work relationships. Building a conducive environment where communication is open and clear goals are stipulated will results to efficient performance. Team building makes every employee feel valuable in the organization.

Organization structure refers to infrastructure and human resources and how they are utilized to achieve the specified goals.  The overall organization structure needs to be designed to motivate employees to work to the best of their abilities. Work coordination, general operation, employee function and the organization culture need to be conducive to create innovative cultures that foster the competitive advantage of an organization (MacFarlane, et al, 2011, p 76)

Task 4.3

Managing working relationship requires that leaders should trust employees to carry out their duties to high standards. According to CITATION an effective leader is required to respect their employees, be considerate, honest and value their employee’s opinions. Leaders are required to enhance the culture of openness within their teams and put a lot of effort to understand the different values, backgrounds and perspectives of each team members.

Stainback and Tomaskovic-Devey (2012, p 143), explain that working as a team requires effective communication because teamwork focuses more on collaborative efforts to achieve the goals of the organization. Constructive feedback is a process where individuals facilitate a conducive environment to acquire additional skills using appropriate communication strategies. Communication skills require a good understanding of employee perspective on certain issues hence developing a good teamwork.

My own development is primarily influenced by management and leadership approach. As such, I will utilize performance appraisal to help me identify my areas of weaknesses and strengths. I will focus on improving on my weakness by undergoing training or improving myself using self-directed reading to improve my management knowledge.

I will also acknowledge other managers approaches and try to learn from successful managers and leaders. However, I consider the use of team target setting and task allocation to be the most effective management approach. The reason is because I have learned that task allocation not only benefit an individual but a team as a whole.


Department of Work and Pensions. (2013). Making the labour market more flexible, efficient and fair. Available online at accessed 14 October 2014.

Espinilla, M., de Andrés, R., Martínez, F.J. and Martínez, L., 2013. A 360-degree performance appraisal model dealing with heterogeneous information and dependent criteria. Information Sciences, 222, pp.459-471.

Gale, T. C. E., Roberts, M. J., Sice, P. J., Langton, J. A., Patterson, F. C., Carr, A. S., & Davies, P. R. F. (2010). Predictive validity of a selection centre testing non-technical skills for recruitment to training in anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 105(5), 603-609.

Johansson‐Sköldberg, U., Woodilla, J. and Çetinkaya, M., 2013. Design thinking: past, present and possible futures. Creativity and Innovation Management, 22(2), pp.121-146.

MacFarlane, F., Greenhalgh, T., Humphrey, C., Hughes, J., Butler, C., & Pawson, R. (2011). A new workforce in the making? A case study of strategic human resource management in a whole-system change effort in healthcare. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25(1), 55-72.

Redman, T. (2013) .Performance appraisal, in Wilkinson, A. and Redman, T. (eds) Contemporary Human Resource Management. London: FT Prentice Hall.

Stainback, K. and Tomaskovic-Devey, D., 2012. Documenting desegregation. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Tay, K.J., Moul, J.W. and Armstrong, A.J., 2016. Management of Prostate Cancer in the Elderly. Clinics in geriatric medicine, 32(1), pp.113-132.

Taylor, P. (2013).Performance Management and the New Workplace Tyranny. A Report for the. Scottish Trades Union Congress .Retrieved from  

Townley, B., 2014. Selection and appraisal: reconstituting. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), p.92.

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A personal Perspective on Leadership and Organization Justice

Leadership and Organization Justice
Leadership and Organization Justice

Leadership and Organizational Justice


It is no longer news that diversity is an inherent part of modern societies. With the diversity, it means different needs and competing interests. Such diverse needs are more pronounced when it comes to the area of educational. To address the competing interests and diverse needs in education, organizational justice is paramount. In this regard, it is incumbent upon educational leadership to ensure that they adopt the best practices to promote organizational justice and fairness in matters of education.

A personal Perspective on Leadership and Organization Justice


Considering the rise in globalization, diversity is an inherent part of virtually all organizations. The implication of such diversity is that the needs of all the stakeholders must be addressed. To address the issues generated by diversity, leadership and organization justice becomes at the core. This essay offers my personal perspective on leadership and organization justice based on the interview for a job advertised by the US department of Education.

How Will I Prepare For the Interview

In preparation for the interview, the first step will be to research the organization. Under research, I will establish the location, the mission and values, and the size of the organization. Understanding the organization is critical because a person cannot deliver effectively for organizations that they do not know about (Marilou, 2016). The second measure I will embrace while preparing for the interview will be making comparisons of my skills and qualifications to the requirements of the job.

This step is vital granted that it will ensure that I convince the interviewers with my skills, knowledge, and experience in relation to the position in question (Marilou, 2016). In the next step, I will create potential responses that I may use during the interviews. The process of generating responses is important because it puts the mind ready for the interview. Lastly, I will decide on what to wear and what documents to bring during the interview.

Developing a Set of Notes to Use in My Interview that Address the Following

What I would need to know about the job in order to prepare

Regarding the job, the first aspect I would need to know regards qualifications. About qualification, I would determine the level of certification, the years of experience needed for the job, and other added skills or advantages that may be preferred for the job. Secondly, I would also need to know about the responsibilities associated with the job.

Knowing responsibilities will help me determine my capability based on my experiences (Marilou, 2016). Another aspect I would know about the job in order to prepare is the objective of the position. Determining the objective of the position is critical to matching skills and qualifications to the vacancies offered.

My Qualifications as an Educational Leader from Ethical Perspective Based On the Courses I Have Taken In the PhD Program and Especially Leadership and Organizational Justice

Based on the courses I have taken in the Ph.D. program and especially the course in leadership and organizational justice, my qualifications as an educational leader from an ethical perspective emerges from two areas. The first area is that the courses in the Ph.D. program and leadership and organizational justice have provided me with insights on what ethical leadership in organization entails.

The second area that demonstrates my qualifications as an educational leader from an ethical perspective because of the Ph.D. program and the course of organizational justice concerns the view that passing the courses in the program is an indication that I have grasped the concepts of the ethics and leadership.

Capacity, capability and sustainability from an organizational justice perspective

For me, organizational justice is having the virtue of fairness in the organization conducts and operations. Capacity from an organizational justice perspective entails the development of mission-fuelled efforts geared towards ethical management and transparency in organizations (Jeffry & Elizabeth, 2016). For example, ensuring that the education departments and institutions have vision and mission statements that tie with the element of justice will show capacity to uphold organizational justice.

Capability from an organizational justice perspective implies the ability of the organization to have systems that facilitate justice and fairness in the affairs of the organization (Zhang et al.2013). For example, having a code of ethics and conducting evaluations to ensure that the employees in the education sector adhere to the code of ethics will be a demonstration of capability from an organizational justice perspective.

Lastly, sustainability from an organizational justice perspective means the ability of the organization to uphold fairness and justice not in an episodic manner but rather in a continuum way where justice is the norm in every aspect and operation (Ibrahim, 2016). For example, the application of code of ethics to all employees in the education sector regardless of the positions or stature will be an indication of sustainability from an organizational justice perspective.

How I as The Equal Opportunity Specialist in The Department Of Education, Office for Civil Rights will apply My Passion Toward Educational Reform, Organizational Justice And Social Change

As an equal opportunity specialist in the department of education, Office for Civil Rights, I will apply my passion towards educational reform, organizational justice, and social change in a variety of ways. Regarding education reforms, I will participate in education policymaking processes that are aimed at promoting equality and access in the area of education (Jacobs et al. 2014).

I will also participate in the formulation and implementation of the education programs directed towards minority in the societies. For example, I will formulate policies on programs targeting children with disability. Moreover, I will also embrace the advocacy role regarding the need for equality and fairness in the sector of education. When it comes to organizational justice, I will ensure that the codes of ethics become supreme when discharging duties.

In the same vein, I will also act as a whistleblower whenever I spot any injustice or activity that is contrary to the established and expected mores of the organization (Demirtas, 2013). Being a leader in the educational sector, I recognize that I assume a societal responsibility that comes with obligations. As an agent of social change, I will offer advices on different affairs of the society.

Through my department and collaboration with other organizations, I will formulate programs and policies that act as catalyst for change in the educational system. I will also be an advocate regarding different societal issues pertinent to the education. As an example, I will speak against child labor and respond appropriately whenever I will encounter such incidences. In this sense, I will be improving the society by speaking against injustices done to the children.

What It Means to Be a Leader for Sustaining Organizational justice and My Philosophy of Organizational Justice

To be a leader for sustaining organizational justice in an organization, it means that one has to be authentic and lead from the front. In this sense, the leader has to demonstrate that he or she professes fairness and justice through practice. My philosophy of organization justice is to be guided by the laid down regulations and embrace fairness while making all decisions related to the organization.

Examples and Support of Future Goals in Education Leadership

One example of future goal in education leadership is for the education leadership to have an understanding of the legal and moral consequences of decision making in education departments. The support for this goal stems from the observation that such an understanding will enable education leaders facilitate social justice in all aspects of education.

Another example of future goals in education leadership is that education leaders should develop professional and personal qualities and skills that are able to address diversity challenges. The rationale for this goal is that the educational needs have changed and continue to change and such skills are required to address the changes.


In essence, the world is changing at a rapid speed and one of the areas where such changes are reflected is the education sector. With increasing diversity in societies, the educational needs are also becoming more divergent. To address each of the unique and divergent needs, organizational justice at the education departments is a sine qua non. It is through ethical leadership and organizational justice that the various educational needs will be addressed.


Demirtas, O. (2013). Ethical Leadership Influence at Organizations: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(2), 273-284. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1950-5.Retrieved 2016 from

Jacobs, J., Beck, B., & Crowell, L. (2014). Teacher leaders as equity-centered change agents: Exploring the conditions that influence navigating change to promote educational equity. Professional Development in Education, 40(4), 576-596. doi:10.1080/19415257.2014.896272. Retrieved 2016 from

Ibrahim, M. (2016). Professional leadership practices and diversity issues in the US. Higher education system: a research synthesis. Education, 136(4), 405-412. Retrieved 2016, from

Jeffry, B., & Elizabeth, M. (2016). Heroic Leadership Redefined in the United States Border Context: Cases Studies of Successful Principals in Arizona and Texas. . International Studies in Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM)), 44(1), 5-23. Retrieved 2016, from

Marilou, R. (2016). Preparing for your Next Leadership Position. Leadership, 45(4), 30-35. Retrieved 2016, from

Zhang, Y., Lepine, J. A., Buckman, B. R., & Wei, F. (2013). It’s Not Fair … Or Is It? The Role of Justice and Leadership in Explaining Work Stressor-Job Performance Relationships. Academy of Management Journal, 57(3), 675-697. doi:10.5465/amj.2011.1110. Retrieved 2016 from

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DNP Essentials

DNP Essentials
DNP Essentials

DNP Essentials Pertinent To Health Care Leadership and Inter-Professional Collaboration


            The push for one to acquire a doctoral level before practicing nursing is a matter of contention. Some people argue that there are simply inadequate reasons amounting to forced matriculation of the present and future nurse practitioners to attain a doctoral-grade. On the contrary, some health care experts consider DNP as an essential tool in developing an efficient system of administering health care services (Chism, 2013).

The introduction of DNP Essentials (AACN, 2006) recommended several measures geared towards developing clinically skilled and competent educators with the ability to administer skills and evidence-based practice knowledge using innovative methods. In this reflective essay, I will focus on the learning practices, which are designed to meet the DNP Essentials (AACN, 2006) pertinent to healthcare leadership and inter-professional collaboration.

Reflection on DNP Essentials for enhancing Health Care Leadership and Interprofessional Collaborations
DNP essentials associated with enhancing inter-professional collaboration and health care leadership include,

  1. Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
  2. Essential VI- Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes (DeCapua, 2016).

Essential II consists of a description of procedures of organizational and system leadership, which subsequently affects healthcare service delivery and the outcomes of patients’ care. According to AACN, (2012) preparation facilitates DNP graduates with the necessary expertise in evaluating organizational structure, identification of system challenges and enhancing organization-wide changes in discharging their service. Under this essential, the graduate is prepared to take leadership roles at different levels. This involves advancement from informal leadership at a clinical stage to formal leadership at an executive level (Chism, 2013).

On the other hand, Essential VI helps the graduates to understand the significance of inter-professional collaboration in the health care environment. Since nurses collaborate with other health practitioners in carrying out their duties, Essential VI focuses on enhancing the collaboration by equipping the graduates with leadership skills necessary to enhance cohesion amongst themselves and other team members. In some cases, graduates assume the roles of consultants.

In an attempt to evaluate the relevance of DNP essentials, the following are reflection examples demonstrating how we can relate our active learning to achieving competencies of DNP essentials. The main courses in this study provide an understanding of practice management principles, strategies of productivity assessment and quality care. For instance, the ability to evaluate current procedures and practice policies is facilitated by the development and implementation of an algorithm, which describes the protocols in health care personnel management.

This is in consistency with the procedures provided by the US Public Health Services (2013). According to Thompson and Alexandroy (2013), DNP courses promote one’s ability in strategies of improving quality both at the organizational and policy stages. Some of the main courses that enhance proficiency in quality improvement include, Application of Best Practises, where assignments are protocol and accompanied by a citation of levels of evidence. Another course is in healthy policy and politics, which involves assignments on healthy policy analysis and field project in an organization. Attending conferences are also significant in attaining the requirements of an independent study.

Similarly, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) must adjust to collaborate with other health care practitioners to assess the impact of nursing on the health of the individuals and populations. For instance, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, (2012)  states that the restructuring of the current health system in America promotes collaboration among different teams to provide a comprehensive, cost-effective and risk-free health care for persons with chronic conditions.

Similarly, attending the UAB DNP conferences creates a wider awareness on inter-professional collaboration. In addition, Thompson and Alexandroy, (2013) states that there exists a working gratitude amongst physicians, assistants and the nursing practitioners within her work environment.                 

Complex health situations are resolved by sharing abilities, skills, and knowledge among team members. This was facilitated Population Health in Advanced Practice course accompanied by a project assignment in Community of Interest. In addition, Interdisciplinary Leadership and Role Development for Practice is another course promotes leadership and inter-personal   According to DeCapua (2016), students at the University of South Florida were provided with a direct care cognate option for ARNPs in direct clinical care or indirect cognate care for education and leadership. For a person who has practiced teaching, it easier to take indirect cognate care in nursing education.


In conclusion, DNP Essentials are significant implementing effective health care policy. In accordance with the Essential II and VI of the DNP Essentials, health care leadership and inter-professional collaboration can be achieved by developing courses, which will promote a better understanding of management practice principles, productivity evaluation techniques and quality health care delivery (DeCapu, 2016).

According to Thompson and Alexandrov (2013), DNP courses develop one’s ability in developing strategies for improving quality care both at the organizational and policy stages. Essential II involves a description of procedures of organizational and system leadership, which affects healthcare service delivery and the outcomes of patient care. On the other hand, Essential VI equips graduates with knowledge on the significance of inter-professional collaboration in the health care environment (Chism, 2013). 


American Association of Colleges of Nursing, (2012). The Essentials of Doctoral Education         for Advanced Nursing Practice. Retrieved on January 3RD, 2017 from

Chism A, (2013).   Essentials of the Doctor of Nursing Practice: A Philosophical Perspective. Jones & Bartlett Learning,

DeCapua. M, (2016). The Essentials of the DNP Program. Retrieved on January 3rd, 2017 from

Thompson, J., & Alexandrov, A., (2013). Reflective Summary Retrieved on January 3rd, 2017 from

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Advanced Practice Leadership Paper from an Ethic of Care

Advanced Practice Leadership Paper from an Ethic of Care
Advanced Practice Leadership Paper from an Ethic of Care

Advanced Practice Leadership Paper from an Ethic of Care

Background Information

In the US, there are about 2.9 million nurses, making the nursing field the biggest workforce in healthcare. Nurses practice in several environments such as nursing homes, health facilities among others. This is an advanced practice leadership paper that looks and mobbing and nurse turnover from an ethic of care. Mobbing refers to psychological attacks that contribute to unethical strategies and systematic oppression of individuals so as to reduce performance, coping skills while forcing them to leave their profession (Wang, Cheney & Roper, 2016).

Healthcare is a stressful sector in comparison to a reduced number of nurses, increased nursing duties, inadequate continuing education opportunities, insufficient support from management and mobbing among nursing experts. Historically, respect was at the foundation of nursing, nonetheless, trends of incivility interfere with the environment with cases of horizontal and vertical aggression continues to rise.

Moreover, compounding the rise in mobbing is the difference in age among the nursing personnel. Peterlin, Pearse & Dimovski, (2015) demonstrate that less young graduates are joining nursing practice while more than a half of the practicing nurses are almost retiring in the near future.                                                                                                        

This paper also presents a discussion of leadership elements to a nurse practitioner with about ten years of advanced experience in the ambulatory unit and the relationship with nurse executive in a large health facility. The nurse practitioner has applied for full-time work for diabetic foot management. The nurse practitioner has the necessary information for the need or more nurse practitioners to create awareness on diabetic foot exams to patient’s complaints.

The nurse practitioner presents this proposal to the nurse executive who is aware of this incidence as it was already verified and endorsed by the Ambulatory Care Director, however, the nurse executive does not the need to recruit more nurse practitioners. This is because the nurse executive believes that education is part of the nurse practitioner’s role, as such, she has to integrate foot exam in her current work. The nurse executive validates this by alleging that there are inadequate resources.

Additionally, the nurse executive has other priorities while the nurse practitioner is aware that she will be in charge of diabetic foot patients without more staff (Thomas & Rowland, 2014). Patients are already scheduled and the nurse practitioner is not provided time to see new diabetic patients, which makes it intricate for a nurse practitioner to provide an adequate education. Furthermore, a patient develops a severe foot infection that contributes to lengthy hospitalization and leg amputation. The nurse practitioner issued by the patient, and in turn, feels unappreciated and leaves the institution.

Ethic of Care versus Ethic of Justice Perspectives

Ethics refers to right or wrong action in accordance with a person’s responsibility, outcomes, and commitment to the wellbeing of other individuals (Peterlin, Pearse & Dimovski, 2015).  The advanced practice leadership between nurse practitioner and nurse executive is a type of mobbing and is illustrated in the perspective of ethics of care and justice. According to Morrow, (2012), ethics of justice is the fairness and mutual agreement of individuals in fair circumstances.

In addition, Morrow presents sections of nursing practice and ethical elements such as bullying, lack of commitment and perceived arrogance. Much as the nurse executive has to distribute resources, the aspect of fairness of ethics of justice can be utilized to justify resource allocation. Conversely, ethics of justice is the fair, verifiable and equal treatment of individuals (Langlois et al. 2014).

In this advanced practice, the nurse practitioner is not given the necessary resources to effectively carry out further duties contributing in harm to patients. Perceived arrogance from nurse executive and inadequate commitment to new programs are major aspects of advanced practice dynamics. To ensure ethics in nursing practice, nurse leaders should promote not only honesty but also integrity and transparency.                                                                       

Thomas & Rowland, (2014) states that ethics of care involves nurturing and developing harmonious associations from a holistic and need-based perspective while taking into account the requirements of others. The delivery o holistic care has been linked to nursing practice. So as to effectively understand the needs o patients, it is important to care and be sensitive and see patients as whole individuals. Additionally, it is necessary to offer care to nursing experts and considering them as whole people. Delivery of care brings into perspective a variety of activities beyond individuals as well as biological scope (Langlois et al. 2014).                                      

For instance, Thomas & Rowland, (2014) presents cases of horizontal and lateral hostility including humiliating actions among nurses, aggressive and disparaging characters, downgrading other nurses through actions, depression confidence in duties and diminishing self-worth. Nurse practitioner not given the required support may experience mobbing and lateral aggression.

Therefore, mobbing must not be tolerated in advanced practice leadership or even perpetuated among nursing leaders. As nurses are cared for they develop qualities o their mentors while embodying them in their practice. This cycle o mobbing in nursing should be prevented and it is in the nursing leadership that it should first occur. Leaders should train new leaders with care, empathy and holistic management of staff and patient can result in stable nursing force while stopping nurse turnover. This is likely to lead to a culture based on ethics of care.                            

The application from an ethic of care dynamic Scholars has widely discussed humiliating actions among nurses, aggressive and disparaging characters, downgrading other nurses through actions, depression confidence in duties and diminishing self-worth. Other mobbing strategies include withholding promotion, isolating nurses from team activities.

The ethics of care is used to describe these factors in the present healthcare environment. Demeaning behaviors involves criticizing a nurse in front of others.  Verbal disrespect of a nurse is a common type of mobbing. For instance, while this is evident in the interaction between experienced nurses and new RNs entering nursing practice, the new RNs need not only support but also guidance.                                         

Instead, they are subjected to criticism nurses that disagree with these actions and do nothing to prevent it are also committing demeaning actions. A person committed to fostering ethics o care aims at fulfilling other individuals’ needs to ensure harmonious associations (Wang, Cheney & Roper, 2016). The executive nurse belittled the needs of nurse practitioner that contributed in harm to the patient as well as lost o experienced nurse practitioner. Aggressive and disparaging acts lead to physical harm and psychological bullying.

Gossiping is the prevalent type of mobbing leading to psychological distress among nurses. Much are nurses are ready to embrace change, negative words drain their energy (Turkel, 2014). Nurse to patient ratio is another element used to mob nursing experts by distributing a disproportionate number of patients or each nurse. For instance, the executive nurse undermined the need or diabetic foot assessment and awareness, which created workplace setting or nurse practitioners that in turn undermined the executive nurse’s confidence and self-esteem.


In nursing practice mobbing is common. As a psychological attack, it is not only unethical but also one that affects nurse performance and retention. Nurse leaders and staff should comprehend the perspective of ethics of care and ethics of justice to acknowledge and combat mobbing among nursing staff. Additionally, nurse leaders must not condone mobbing instead they should adopt robust and ethical nursing principles.

Some of the tactics of mobbing discussed include demeaning behaviors, humiliating actions among nurses, aggressive and disparaging characters, downgrading other nurses through actions, depression confidence in duties, withholding promotion, and isolating nurses from team activities. Nurse leaders’ should utilize ethics of care as the basis or deal with issues associated with patients and nursing staff. Nurse leaders should also regular training for all nursing staff to be able to identify mobbing and ensure a supportive, equal and holistic workplace setting.


Langlois, L., Lapointe, C., Valois, P., & de Leeuw, A. (2014). Development and validity of the    ethical leadership questionnaire. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(3), 310-331. doi:

Morrow, M. R. (2012). Fairness and justice in leading-following: Opportunities to foster integrity in the first 100 days. Nursing Science Quarterly, 252, 188-193.

Peterlin, J., Pearse, N. J., & Dimovski, V. (2015). STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING FOR     ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY: THE IMPLICATIONS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP APPROACHES. Economic and Business Review for Central and South – Eastern Europe, 17(3), 273-290. doi:

Thomas, M., & Rowland, C. (2014). Leadership, pragmatism, and grace: A review. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(1), 99-111. doi:

Turkel, M. C. (2014). Leading from the heart: caring, love, peace and values guiding leadership. Nursing Science Quarterly, 272

Wang, Y., Cheney, G., & Roper, J. (2016). Virtue ethics and the practice-institution schema: An  ethical case of excellent business practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 138(1), 67-77. doi:

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Politicians Make Policies

Politicians Make Policies
Politicians Make Policies

Politicians Make Policies


This paper intends to discuss the making of policies by politicians. A politician is a term used to refer to individuals engaged in the long-term political practice (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015). Notably, most politicians are endowed with a certain political vision and have various political skills. Furthermore, as a politician, one is expected to be a member of a specific political party within a particular country.

Markedly, politicians often have a great impact on the development of social history (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015). To efficiently discuss the making of policies by Politicians, this paper considers politics in the United States. The politicians in consideration are Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Hussein Obama.

Generally, politicians are engaged in politics with the aim of upholding different ideas, for the country and the people (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015). Mostly, the motivation of politicians in politics is focused on the well-being of the world, upholding of peace and increasing economic development. Notably, many politicians have considerable achievements in politics.

The achievements by politicians can be termed as pillars of the country, or influential models for future generations (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015). Most successful politicians are usually highly skilled in government management matters. Furthermore, highly skilled politicians have a significant influence in promoting national well-being and overall interests of their citizens.

Accordingly, all politicians represent different classes or political forces. Furthermore, politicians are the political subjects that hold the core power (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015). Thus, politicians are engaged in social activities along with political activities as the dominant personalities. Dominance in social activities places politicians at the center of political activity. Hence, every move of a politician becomes news (Arendt, & Marquart, 2015).

For instance, the state of health of the head of state will attract the world’s attention. Notably, since politicians hold the core of power, their decisions mostly lead to a major impact on the nation. This implies to both political leaders and chief executives and legislative leaders. As the core of political power, politicians must deal with all aspects of people in order to achieve their goals and policies. The main interest of politicians is how to achieve their goals and policies. Since politicians are coordinators to how activities are done, exercise their own political interests.

To competently illustrate the role of politicians in making of policies, this paper will major its discussion on public policies. Public policies play a major role in determining the distribution and use of public resources in diverse parts of the world (Maclennan, 1980). Consequently, the process of policy formulation involves the interaction of numerous political forces. Notably, policy formulation develops from a combination of primary factors such as economic status of a country, cultural values held by the society within a specific country and known facts about the existence of a problem in a given country.

Outstandingly, the combination of economic status, cultural values and knowledge of facts regarding the existence of a problem leads to political interplay, which gives politicians a central role in the process of policy formulation. As the process of policy formulation takes shape many areas that require the attention of political players emerge. These areas include legal framework requirement, allocation of funds and participation of the general public.

Ultimately, political players find themselves at the center of policy formulation. Consequently, the central argument in the paper will be that policy formulation is not only done by fact and rationality alone, but also involves the interplay of political intrudes.

This paper will therefore, analyze the influence of politics from three perspectives. The first perspective is Political personality. The second perspective is the political role, while the third perspective is the difference of the role of political individuality in different systems. The first perspective, which is political personality, deals with psychological analysis.

Psychological analysis makes an analysis from the perspective of individual personality, political personality, and the basic political personality type. The second perspective, which is political role, discusses the meaning of three terms, political role, political personality and political role of interaction. The third perspective, which is the difference of the role of political individuality in different systems, analyzes the politician’s personality psychological characteristics and political behavior and the politician’s personality tendencies and political behavior.


Politics; Politics refers to an activity by which people make, amend and preserve various governing rules which administer how they live. Additionally, politics is an art of the government to control public affairs and oversee distribution of resources (Maita, 2009).

Political system; Political refers to system a system via which interactions and values are authoritatively apportioned to society. Political systems exist by continually allocating orders and enforcing them. Moreover, a political system is a persistent pattern governing human relationships that involve rules, power, and authority (Maitah, 2009).

Policy; Policy refers to a course of action that a government follows with the goal of dealing with problems and issues in a country or state. A policy is based on laws and regulations.

Legislature; Legislature refers to a body of the government that makes policies through a particular set of guidelines.

Factors and parties influencing policy formulation

When talking about democratic politics, the term refers to an open, fair, transparent, free and equal citizenship politics. Therefore, democratic politics requires extensive and active participation of citizens. Additionally, democratic politics also acknowledges the need for political personality from traditional to modern changes (Jensen, & Wu, 2016).

Based on the theory of individuality and governance, this paper analyzes the influence of political leaders, on the political behavior and political system within a country. Moreover, the paper analyzes the role of different political systems in promotion of the process of political democratization, through providing a theoretical reference.

Notably, due to the attention accorded to politicians by the media, people miss interpret politicians to be the government. However, it is important to note that, agendas which are politically articulated get transformation to reality, through bureaucratic systems. In many countries, bureaucracies form the main systems of exercising government control over peoples’ daily lives.

Apart from politicians and bureaucracies, interest groups are also involved in policy formulation (Zeng, 2015). For instance, in the United States of America, interests groups play an influential role in making of policies. Interest groups gather American citizens, who demonstrate similar concerns, as the ones presented by the specific interest group. When gathered, interest groups and American citizens match to the offices of the concerned officials to present their concerns.

Therefore, interest groups are efficient mechanisms used by citizens of the United States of America in presenting their views, current needs or ideas to the elected officials. Additionally, different interest groups specialize on different concerns (Thompson, & Cook, 2014). The existence and ease of performance of activities of interest groups is encouraged by the decentralization of power in the politics of the United States.

Notably, in the United States, political power is allocated to states and different localities. The decentralization of political power in the United States, explains why the political system of United States is referred as a federal system. Generally, politicians are involved in formulating policies, which are short-term while interest groups focus on long-term policies.

Another party which is interested in policy formulation is the scientists. Scientists influence the formulation of policies based on a mutual understanding, recognition of nature and uncertainty magnitude. Therefore, scientists tend to exercise cautiousness and be conservative. Moreover, scientists are always doubtful of results and the conclusions they make. Hence, scientists use evidence and in-depth analysis in advocating for policy formulation. Consequently, policies are aimed at guiding actions that are directed to achieving any desired outcome.

Outstandingly, mass media also plays an influential role in the formulation of policies. Notably, mass media affects the social context of any policies developed (Zeng, 2015). The media is involved in making citizens aware of how proposed or made policies will impact their lives. Moreover, the government is also able to gain feedback from its citizens, regarding proposed or made policies. Thus, mass media presents a link between policy makers and potential policy making process influencers (Tombs, 2016). 

Notably, in any liberal democracy, the media is mandated the role of critically scrutinizing the government in its affairs. Thus, the public is able to hold the government accountable for its actions. However, in democratic processes if the media acts politically powerful, the close link they maintain with corporate economies leads to questioning of the credibility of the media in investigating government activities. Just as the mass media, other parties involved in the formulation of policies are the Non Government Organizations.

Mostly, Non Government Organizations conduct humanitarian activities. Thus, Non Government Organizations are interested in suggestion of policies, drafting of policies and implementation of policies. Notably, recently, Non Government Organizations have recently ventured into the political life, through acting as pressure groups. For instance, the famous anti-slavery movement gave birth to the convention for anti-slavery.

However, Non Government Organizations, mostly operate in a specific country since their actions are purely motivated by situations and conditions that the locals go through. Therefore, interests of Non Government Organizations are narrowly defined (Jensen, & Wu, 2016). Consequently, Non Government Organizations will focus on advocating for implementation of policies that favor their interests.

However, the difference between politicians and Non Government Organizations, in advocating for policies that favor their interests is that, politicians have short-term interests, which favor the period between two elections (Thompson, & Cook, 2014). Conversely, Non Government Organizations have long-term interests, which favor easy running of their activities in a country.


Cannan, J. (2013). A Legislative History of the Affordable Care Act: How Legislative Procedure Shapes Legislative History. Law Library Journal, 105 (2), 2013-7.

E-health (2016). History and Timeline: Affordable Care Act History and Timeline of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Retrieved from

Henrey, J. (2013). President–Elect Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform Proposal. The Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from

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Leadership in the Star Wars Movie

leadership in the star wars movie
Leadership in the Star Wars Movie

Leadership in the Star Wars Movie


This essay sets out to evaluate the character of Luke Skywalker in episode 8 of the Star Wars movie, using some of the leadership concepts in Deep Change.  According to Quinn, (2010) transformational change starts from within. A leader is only able to create far-reaching societal impact if they are willing to acknowledge the pain of individual change (Quinn, 2010). 

Essentially, Deep Change is a radical change that has to start with the redefinition of individual values and perceptions.  The paper will examine how Luke Skywalker re-invented himself into a successful character in the Star Wars movie. On the flip side, the paper will also look at some of the miscalculation that Luke Skywalker did that would paint his downside.

Overview of the Movie                                                                                                                     

In Star Wars movie, Luke is a young man that lives in a far off desert, as such, he is not aware that his father is a celebrated Jedi Knight. On the other hand, his foster parents are afraid of Luke because his characteristics resemble that of his biological father.  This fear instills self-doubt in Luke. In addition, his foster parents discourage him from learning things from the renowned hermit commonly known as Ben Kenobi that lives in their neighborhood.

Ben Kenobi’s droid R2D2 lands in the desert, an aspect that forces him to encounter the hermit face to face. This encounter reveals a number of mysteries about his past. In addition, Ben acknowledges that he is Obi Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Knight wanted by R2D2.

At the time when R2D2 convey the message from the Rebellion seeking Obi Wan to assist them once again, he requests Luke to come with him. Obi Wan also reveals to Luke that his foster parents have kept his true identity a secret, which makes him unaware of being Jedi’s son.                                                       

Moreover, Obi Wan undertakes on training him to become a Jedi and in particular, being in the Force.  Luke turns down the offer but later learns that the galactic empire was looking for his droid and his foster parents had been killed in the process (Galipeau, 2015). Much as he becomes sad of their demise, he thinks that their restrictions increased their death.  

All of sudden, he joins his Jedi teacher Obi Wan. To start off, Obi Wan teaches Luke about trusting in the Force, he illustrates this through the games on the trip to Alderan. During this trip, Obi Wan purposes to deliver R2D2 secret plans. Nonetheless, the trip is disrupted, when Obi and Luke are captured in the new conflict base, known as the Death Star (Fullan, 2014).

Strong Willed                                                                                                                        

Despite being inexperienced, Luke Skywalker had not just the strong will but also the tenacity to achieve his ambitions (Fullan, 2014). For instance, his stubborn curiosity in wanting to become the Jedi Knight demonstrates not just his strong will but also resolve is realizing his prospects.  

At this point, Luke Skywalker dreams of the expedition and escape from the middle of nowhere only to find his true self.  This is also evident in the typical image from A New Hope, where Luke stands gazing out at the skyline at the sundowner of his world. This exemplifies the envisaging aspect of his character.                                                                                                   

On the other hand, Luke’s thirst for vision in the Star Wars movie is attributable to slow death as also depicted in A New Hope, when he is almost executed for spying on the Sand people (Fullan, 2014). The recklessness aspect of Luke and violation of trust is also evident when he pursues the R2D2 without notifying his uncle.  Nonetheless, Luke’s Deep Change is advanced by his motivation to become something larger than himself (Quinn, 2010).  This becomes a reality in the character of Ben Kenobi; particularly when Ben decides to assist Luke to assume the responsibilities of the Jedi Knight.                                                                                           

It is through his purposeful living and strong will that Luke gets the chance to embark on a space voyage to assist the Rebel Alliance in defeating the wicked Empire, so he can also have a glimpse of a father he had no idea existed (Fullan, 2014). Apart from the proximity with a Jedi, Luke was able to enhance his personal development by virtue of coming in contact with the Force.  Luke is not only indecisive but also poor in judgment.  

Great leaders exercise the power of the sixth sense which was lacking in Luke. This is why he never realizes the hidden truth about his real father. In the Stars Wars movie for instance, Luke refuses to be a real man by walking in the shadows of a series of father figures.  Nevertheless, his willingness to learn is a plus because he is able to control not just his own emotions but also by gaining a deeper insight into the other people’s feelings (Quinn, 2010). 


Luke is continuously determined to test his abilities, as a wannabe Jedi, a courageous doer, a gunman and ultimately a pilot. As a doer, Luke is always acting fast and comes to regret later (Galipeau, 2015). He runs after R2D2 in the dangerous regions of Tatooine where he is captured by the Sand; tries to rescue the princess with no exit plan; he strands the princess and himself on a ledge without a plan.

In essence, Luke’s Deep change is advanced by continuously testing himself; he gets in events that he would have prevented if only he was confident in himself. For instance, Luke was aware that going alone in the territory of Sand people; the fight at the bar would have been prevented; the chaotic breakout of the princess was partially inspired by his desire to test his limits.                                                                                                         

Moreover, he is unsuccessful as a result of his persistence concern with the manner in which events turn out, for example, he laments how he may not get off the rock. Again, he is not only impatient but also never contented with the development of things (Quinn, 2010). 

From Tatooine, he is interested in the time he will take to become a Jedi- his training progress. The period Obi is sliced by Darth Vader; Luke is bummed since his training lessons at the Rebel Center are over. Moreover, Luke is concerned about the rate at which preparations are conducted and in the long-run, the progress of Rebels attack the Death star.

Fantasy and Fact                                                                                                                              

Additionally, Luke has a constant problem with balancing between fantasy and fact, which adversely affects his success. Uncle Owen believes that Luke’s father was a pilot; however, Obi alleges that he was Jedi Knight. Additionally, Owen states that Ben Kenobi was not just a crazy man but also Obi-Wan Kenobi did not exist, nevertheless Ben “Ob-Wan” existed (Fullan, 2014).

The counterpoint to his interests in fantasy is the fact Luke fantasizes. Based on the C3PO, facts involved in collaborating with Rebellion are unexciting: they include; the facts of adventure that demonstrate Luke’s limitations with respect to fantasies, for example, the astoundingly significant costs of recruiting Han Solo; the unanticipated issues of hyperspace flying; fighting in the force with no eyesight among others.

Conversely, there are facts that support Luke’s constant interest in fantasies such as his father being a Jedi. Recognizing a number of these facts is important for the success of Luke in the Star Wars movie, especially when it comes to knowing what he exactly wants to become. By and large, facts are beneficial to the success of Luke.


Luke should learn to trust in himself to be successful. Testing his skills can greatly keep him from scuffles as a result of testing his skills. Furthermore, his backstory demonstrates the reason why he did not develop trust and instead focused on testing his skills (Quinn, 2010).  In essence, the confrontation between the Empire and the Rebellion requires skills and experience. The Empire is very skilled in quashing upstart parties, though the skills are extremely rusty.

On the other hand, the Rebellion is inexperienced and composed of many people with inadequate skills like Luke, which is juxtaposed by the dispute between Darth Varder and Obi.  In spite of the lack of skills, Luke is the Rebellion’s hope. In particular, he uses the computer to locate the target. Though Obi is dead, his spirit encourages Luke to have faith in the Force.                                      

At that point, he turns off the computer and allows his actions to act as the basis of trusting in the Force and himself too.  The trust helps him to achieve the objective in destroying Death Star, which makes him a hero in the Rebellion and the voice of Obi Wan continues to remind him about the Force will always be there for him.

In any case, Luke has a unique character that makes him accomplish the objectives-naturally, by becoming a Jedi Knight (Galipeau, 2015). Because the father was a Jedi, there is highly likely that he can inherit it. It is Luke’s natural liking with the Force that guarantees his safety.


Another problem with Luke is pessimism that affects him when it comes to succeeding in his missions in the Star Wars movie. Regardless of where he is, Luke constantly thinks that his problems are never-ending. When he was in Tatooine, he thought that he will work on the farm throughout his lifetime.

Immediately, he begins Jedi classes, he also thinks that training is endless and will certainly not be a Jedi Knight; at Rebecca’s, he believes that Han will always be a self-interested mercenary who preferred his hide (Fullan, 2014). He thinks that addressing his unending problems is to end things. He will be on the farm for a given time frame or season; he will train to be a Jedi and stops once he joins the revolution.

Low self-esteem                                                                                                                                

Much as Luke’s low self-esteem undermines his worth, others assessments of his inadequate worth also affects him. As a wimpy, whiny and farm individual, he remains uninterested in increasing his worth. But when adequately assessed, he moves on and uses his Jedi skills. Furthermore, Luke has been unsuccessful since he has spent many years listening to the advice of other individuals. Though, he eventually ignores his superior’s directives to remain focused. His inner conviction turns out to make him a successful person not just in the Force but also in the Star Wars movie (Medved, 2011).                                                                                           

Nonetheless, his conscious thought is a hindrance in trusting the Force, the less he thinks, the closer he comes to the very Force. As a matter of fact, the Force makes Luke move on while allowing the Force to act in him. In turn, this enables the Force to act as the basis of unthinking views as well as reflexes to become an indomitable individual for wickedness or good. 

As the main cause of commotion at Catalina’s, he forces Obi Wan to use the lightsaver that attracts the attention of Stormtroopers. He is the reason that alerts the troops on Death Star that hampers not just the escape but also makes Obi Wan attack Darth Vader (Medved, 2011). These attempts are done to show Luke the impacts of Force on individuals as well as objects. Eventually, he is drawn to the Force that makes him an eager learner.

Ability and Desire                                                                                                                            

The elements of ability and desire make Luke successful in the Star Wars movie. For example, much as he inexperienced in certain areas, he is young and strong. Furthermore, he has beaming and driving desires, particularly for Princess Leia.  The association between Luke and the princess involves the exchange of two currencies till he drives his target to Death Star while increasing his abilities using the computer. 

The voice of Obi Wan encourages him to have faith in his feelings, that is, desires. The major thing regarding Luke’s and the princes’ association contributes to the destruction of Death Star making him a hero (Medved, 2011). By and large, in this association, desire takes the center stage.                                                                                               

Again, in his association with Obi Wan, desire is the main thing. Nevertheless, their relationship is rather problematic in the beginning since Luke does not give himself a chance to get whatever he wants. On the other hand, Obi Wan talks to him while teaching him ways of becoming successful as a galactic hero (Medved, 2011).

Owing to the fact that Obi Wan is a hero in the past decades; the desire in this relationship is not practical. They are, however, ridiculed by Chewie and Han, especially when discussing exploring the Force and assisting the Rebellion. Simultaneously, though, this association can achieve any success with no shared desires, it remains paramount.


            Undeniably, deep change is radical and starts by redefining individual values and perceptions. In the Star Wars movie, Luke Skywalker re-invented his character by acknowledging his strengths; weakness and pain, which not only fulfilled his purpose but also positively impacted the society. Increasingly, to become an effective leader in this society requires one to view the world through two lenses using the telescope that examines current issues that must be addressed and potential future issues.

From this analysis, it is evident that transformational change us holistic and derives its power from individual’s heart, minds, and societal structures and system they exist. Embracing Gandhi quote “we must be the change we want to see happen in the world,” it is important for one to honor the past lessons, and while appreciating its impact on our lives, establish one’s future life goals. Like Luke Skywalker, dealing holistically with every element of human systems results into a transformational change that is enduring and irreversible.


Fullan, M. (2014). Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.

Galipeau, S. A. (2015). The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol. Open Court.

Medved, M. (2011). Hollywood vs. America: Popular Culture And The War on Tradition. Harper Collins. Quinn, R. E. (2010). Deep change: Discovering the leader within (Vol. 378). John Wiley & Sons.

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Leadership Command Philosophy Interview Essay

Leadership Command Philosophy
Leadership Command Philosophy

Leadership Command Philosophy

Being the CEO of the organization named Drugs and Co., I find myself competent enough to lead the organization diligently. There are many traits of the leader which need to be inculcated in one’s personality so that one can hold this position confidently. The leadership quality is based on various types of leadership theories. These theories depict the importance of behavior, nature and demeanor which play significant role in shaping the overall personality of a leader. The point of argument is that as far as my personality is concerned, I feel that my leadership abilities are the combination of charisma, democratic spirit and motivational leadership.

My organization demands that I provide sufficient moral and physical support to the employees so that they may feel comfortable at the workplace. In order to ensure that the employees feel relaxed, I would employ the use of motivational leadership at the first place. For this purpose, I would arrange regular informal meetings to get the point of view of the employees.

This type of leadership is called the participatory type of leadership. It is the useful technique which helps the employees to find the way and solution regarding the problem at hand. It also keeps the employees involved in the organization so that they intend to own the organization. This would enable me to get any idea about their feelings, apprehensions and issues. The reason is that, the organization which I own is based on the very tough routine and it requires the rigorous research and exploration.

The laboratory technicians are the experts who need peaceful environment to find out the chemical formulas of new drugs. These drugs are then required to be transferred to the medical stores. In order to enable the employees to make the good quality drugs I would invite their expertise (Müller, Geraldi & Turner, 2012). In addition to that, I would also make the use of my physical charisma and the authoritative decision making. I have the great quality of eloquence with the help of which I can motivate them to take risky decisions.

I conducted the interview of the CEO of an international company who has an experience of working for two years in that organization. While answering the question related to the most challenging issue he faced during his leadership tenure, he said that the most difficult task was to carry out the conflict resolution among the employees. There are many instances in which the compromise seems not to be reached among the team due to the difference of opinion.

He told that he used to manage this situation by taking the individual opinion of the contesting parties. After getting the views, he used to decide the case in the light of the best possible options. After giving the final verdict, the CEO used to arrange the joint meeting of the employees to tell them about his decision.

          While replying to the question regarding the best possible solution to the problem of leadership, the CEO said that it is best to observe patience and tolerance in the conflicting situation. Instead of getting into the head on collision with the employees and harassing them, it is rational that the employees are asked to calm down and leave the place. They must be given the relaxed environment to ponder over the situation more critically. It is the possibility that they would realize their mistake and become able to take rational decision.

He also told that in majority of the cases, this strategy worked for him. However, as an alternative he used to use his authoritative approach in those cases in which the employees exhibited the egoistic behavior. In those situation, it was necessary to bring their steadfastness under control. Had he not employed this tactics, the situation would have gone out of controls.

          The analysis of this interview shows that there is not a single leadership type or skill which can be employed in the practical life. The best approach is to use multiple types of leaderships to tackle the employees. The reason is that the employees vary from one another as far as their nature and temperament is concerned. Moreover, the leaders are required to make a rational decision about the type of leadership.

Had I been involved in the similar situation, I would have also gone for the same strategy of using the combination of different types of leadership. The reason is that the position of a leader is very dynamic and he needs to be very receptive to this fact (Zhu, Kraut & Kittur, 2012). In addition to that, I would have tried to keep my emotions under control so that my weaknesses were not evident in front of the employees.

          I would have also gone for the option of getting the grip on the rules and regulations of the organization. This would help me in making the decisions according to the rules of law. As a result, there would be the rare chances of any objections raised on my credibility. I would also try to win the confidence of the employees through my friendly behavior with them. Risk taking strategy should also be used to keep the employees attentive and ready to take new initiatives (Miner, 2015).

I would also use my charisma and eloquence so that the employees may focus the attention on my views. This type of leadership is called charismatic leadership. It is the sort of leadership which helps a lot in those situations in which no other strategy works and the employees are not ready to work unanimously. Sometimes, the conflict needs to be mediated through the presence of some compromising personalities who may lead the team through their holistic approach.

In order to ensure that, I would keep a committee of some of the competent people who can accompany me during the conduction of the meetings (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2013). The decision making needs to be very much tactical to avoid the unfair situations.

          Keeping in view the critical analysis and summary of the interview, it is concluded that the leadership modalities need to be employed through the deliberation. The competent leaders are those who keep the team bound together in the hour of both distress and happiness. They are the people with exemplary capabilities and have high level of self-esteem.

As far as their role in the organization is concerned, it is pertinent to mention that the leaders are not required to stay stubborn and rigid. Instead of that, the leaders need to be very much tolerant and accommodating so that they can control the situation and turn the tide of events. Keeping in view all these comments, I find myself to be in a better position to lead the team in a better way.


Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2013). Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press.

Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge.

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