Women in American Journalism

Women in American Journalism
Women in American Journalism

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Women in American Journalism: A New History by Whitt, Jan

Book Review

Title of the book, author, publishing company, city, date.

  1. Give some background information on the author.
  2. Give an introduction to the book: time period, circumstances, and the individuals
  3. In relation to history, how did the individual, individuals, or event mold that period
    in history? What contributions did that individual, individuals, or event have on
    history, or change the course of it?
  4. Type of book:
    A. Biography Discuss how the individual prepared in order to make such an
    important contribution to history. What problem or problems did he/she
    encounter. How did he/she resolve them?

B. Book that Deals with a Particular Event What circumstances occurred prior to that event in order for it to occur? Who were the leaders involved in precipitating the events? What problems did the encounter and why did they succeed or fail?

C. If Your Book Covered a Wide Time Span – Select one time period of history and explain why you thought this time period was more important than the others included in the book your read. What occurred during this time period that brought changes whether they were wanted or not? How did it shape that time period?

  1. Type of book:
    A. Biography Discuss some of the other individuals that contributed to the development of the main character of your book, at least two. How did they help him/her.

B. Book that Deals with a Particular Event Why were the individuals involved in the cause so strongly motivated to bring about the event?

C. If Your Book Covered a Wide Time Span Briefly discuss two other time periods included in your book and why you thought they were interesting/outstanding.

  1. What did you thing of the book? Would you recommend it to anyone else? Explain. Was the author bias? Did he/she present a clear interpretation of the facts, individual/ individuals, or events or did he seem to favor one particular viewpoint?

Women in American Journalism: A New History by Whitt, Jan
Book Review

Women in American Journalism: A New History, Jan Whitt, University of Illinois Press (Jul 2008). Jan Whitt, currently an Associate professor in the school of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Colorado, started her profession as a newspaper reporter and editor in Texas. Her academic credentials include a BA in Journalism and English(1977),a master’s degree in English(1980)and a PhD in English(1985).


In her manuscript, Whitt embarks in portraying women contribution in journalism, a subject previously ignored. She draws to the efforts of such women journalists as Ida Minerva Tarbell whose other fields included teaching and writing. For Whitt, most marvels have, through out history, been yelled at the men such as William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, leaving women achievers uncelebrated.

How event molded that period in history

She revels how, in history, women got great things in journalism moving. For instance, Ida Tarbell’s book; The History of the Standard Oil Company was ranked number five by New York University in 1999. Another female figure who left permanent marks in journalism was Ida Bell Wells-Barnett who stood the ground for civil rights, as an activist for women rights .Being an African American, she was against the maltreatment of blacks in America. She tirelessly wrote about it as she was a journalist and a newspaper editor too.

Whitt also touches on the literary works of various women writers. She explores the lives of women reporters who achieved significant historical recognition, such as Ida Tarbell and Ida Wells-Barnett, as well as literary authors such as Joan Didion, Susan Orlean, Willa Cather, and Eudora Welty, whose work blends influences from both journalism and literature .she further explains how numerous women broadened the editorial scope of newspapers and journals and She is also for the idea that their journalistic activities broadened their thinking hence great invention, ideally out of their touring various places and interacting with vast sorts of cultures .

Such women include Willer Cather, Katherine Anne and Eudora Welty. Thus, Whitt suggests that the line between journalism and literature is very thin, almost negligible since there is little or no much difference.

Lastly, she mentions the alternative press, whose existence she proves through the lesbian press. Women like Caroline Churchill are mentioned as early fight on how numerous women broadened the editorial scope of newspapers and journals are in feminist press.

More about the book

Classified as a feminist text, the book would be a perfect tool to fight for the recognition of the role of women in journalism in America and elsewhere. Otherwise, it would be too biased, favoring women over men. Whitt only develops women figures.

Anyway, it’s a good text and anyone, male or female would enjoy Whitt’s style of writing, especially the way she vividly describes individuals. The writer of the book also recognizes those women of power who broadened the editorial scope of newspapers and journals which is an inspiring move. She also focuses on the performance of men like Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst hence dint favor a particular viewpoint.

Whitt, J. Women in American Journalism: A New History. University of Illinois Press; 1st edition (August 4, 2008)

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Business operating environment

Business operating environment
Business operating environment

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Business operating environment

How does lobbying, the news media, private politics, and corporate social responsibility affect accountancy.

A business operating environment consists of both market and non market segments.  Organizations overall performance largely depends on how well market and non-market activities are incorporated.  The non market environment is composed of issues; which are considered the basis for non-market action, interests; which revolve around persons or groups that have a financial interest in the organization, information; which refers to the level of knowledge that the interested parties had concerning the non market actions taken and their outcomes and institutions; which are generally government and non-governmental bodies, the media and the public perceptions.

To come up with an effective non-market strategy, the management must carry out a thorough assessment regarding the prevailing environment. Analyzing the current environment allows the organization to predict with some degree of certainty how the environment shall be in future order to formulate effective strategies moving forward. 

Business operating environment

Analysis of non-market issues

Writing in the influential management magazine, the MIT Sloan management review; authors David Bach and David Bruce Allen note that Nonmarket strategy appreciates that apart from being economic entities, businesses are also political and social agents. They add that since a variety of groups understand that businesses generate and distribute wealth, they seek to sway the operating environment (in their favor) using both formal and informal means.

Formal means include legislation while  informal may take the form of methods such as petitioning, activism and others in order to influence the public’s view of the business (45). To properly understand the dynamics of non market, we must first comprehend its components.

According to the article the Non-Market Environment of Business Non-market issues can be systemic meaning issues which stem from changes in population size and composition, climate change, wealth proliferation and economic policies. A subset of the population forms the target market for the business and therefore changes in its size, structure and/or distribution will definitely affect the firm’s environment.

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Changes in weather patterns present a new set opportunities as well as challenges to a business. Extreme weather changes can affect the target market ability to buy and disrupt crucial supply chains. The business needs to be ready to adapt. Government actions on the operating environment are critical in the long and short run. Issues arising from taxation, interest rates, licensing and others need to be anticipated and dealt with.

We also have organizational non-market issues. Organizational issues are specific in nature. The organization needs identify them and determine what impact they shall have on the organization. Appropriate measures then need to be put in place to mitigate any adverse effects they might have on the business. 

Finally, nonmarket issues can also be individual. This refers to how persons within the organization deal with the issues. Every individual has their own disposition and manner of dealing with issues. The relationship between a businesses’ representative and personnel representing the government in a government agency defines the businesses’ relationship with that body. If it is cordial, then the firm can expect favorable exchanges with that body. 

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Accountancy and non-market issues

Accountancy refers to all the activities that involve the collection, analysis and dissemination of businesses’ fiscal information to the management, government and tax authorities, shareholders and other users. From the onset then we can clearly see its link with non-market issues. For instance, the organization has to file its annual returns with the tax authorities where the data provided is scrutinized for any irregularities. The level of scrutiny subjected to organizations financial reports might be dependent on its relationship and prior encounters with the taxman. 

Lobbying and accounting

Lobbying is considered as all those acts aimed at swaying legislation in one way or another. There is level of lobbying permitted by most governments. Legislation which is likely to have a substantial bearing on a businesses’ environment is likely to be supported or contested by way of vigorous lobbying. However this should be done within the law and firm’s in most countries are not allowed to make overtures directly to members of the legislature.

Lobbying by industry or accountants is usually done maintain the status quo, to resist proposed new standards or to support them. A common technique used by businesses’ or auditors who are unhappy with the present standards is to actively lobby the institutions charged with setting standards. In most countries, their assertions form the basis for drafting new legislation (O’Regan 33).

Each firm has its own practices regarding reporting methods, the amount of financial information revealed to stakeholders Organizations accounting policies have to be in harmony with the existing laws. governing accounting. Given that, it goes without saying that any legislature that would be favorable towards organizations accounting practices would receive its backing by way of vigorous lobbying. Most firms are opposed to stringent accounting standards for a variety of reasons. 

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Human beings are naturally resistant to anything that alters the prevailing status particularly if they are comfortable with it. Fischer, William and Cheng while discussing the harmonization of global accounting standards contend that they expect active resistance from the accounting fraternity (28). They note that the reason for this defiance is the need for the accountants to familiarize themselves with new reporting designs, and the increased workload that come with it.

There is the general feeling among auditors that tried and tested techniques which are proven to work need not be replaced. According to Fischer et al, accountants may sometimes oppose new standards for actual or imagined reasons (11). Adequate training and familiarization with the new working environment however soon removes the pockets of resistance. 

However some reasons for opposition to change are not as mundane as simple fear of the unknown. Businesses’ engage in trade to make money and will actively resist any move that threatens their profits. For example a bill may come up that aims to classify an item that is listed as tax exempt as becoming taxable. In such a scenario, affected firms are likely to advance a furious lobby to fight the offensive piece of legislation.

A considerable number of amendments to accounting standards are with regard to transparency and disclosures. Thus firms seeking to conceal the true picture concerning their financial status of the business to stakeholders, creditors and the government fiercely lobby against any such amendments. 

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It is certain that change to accounting and accounting standards will be a permanent feature of the profession as it is with others. The introduction of technology to accounting means that any credible and modern accountant should at least have some working knowledge of an accounting application. Governments and the tax authorities now require the reporting and filing of periodic reports online.

All these changes have been passed through amendments to existing laws. This does not mean that there has not been active resistance through lobbying and other means including industrial action. This merely shows that the wave of change is unstoppable in accountancy as it is in all other sectors.   

Works Cited Page

Bach, D, & Allen B. What Every CEO Needs to Know About Nonmarket Strategy, (2010)   

Fischer, P, M, Taylor, W, J, & Cheng, R, H. Advanced Accounting, Cengage learning, (2011)

O’Regan, D. International auditing: A practical resource guide. John Wiley and Sons. (2003).


The Non-Market Environment of Business (Ch. 1: 1-24; Ch. 2: 29-33; 44-45)

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Good parenting

Good parenting
Good parenting

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Good parenting

Psychology Article Analysis: Good parenting heals your child’s brain

Psychology Article Analysis: Good parenting heals your child’s brain

The article ‘Good parenting heals your child’s brain,’ was written by Armin Brott and posted on hitched magazine on 21st January, 2014. It can be obtained through the following link; http://www.hitchedmag.com/article.php?id=1765

Good parenting

Main ideas

            Children who grow up in institutions as opposed to with their families have cardinal brain development deficits, similar to children who grew up in poverty. Poverty brings about stress that result to damaged DNA and cells, poor immune system function, and inflammation. Orphans in institutions possess more neurological and behavioral deficits compared to those who lived in family (Brott, 2014).

At the age of for and half years, more than forty percent of the orphans had anxiety disorders while four percent had critical depressive disorders. In addition, many orphans exhibited autism signs including stereotyping and repetitive behaviors (arm-flapping and rocking).

Good parenting

Children living in institutions possess less white and gray matter (this matter connects various brain regions) compared to those in foster homes or living with their families. In addition, they have smaller amygdala and hippocampus that are vital for memory, learning, and emotion (Brott, 2014). Reduced white matter is common in a majority of the psychiatric and neurological conditions such as ADHD, schizophrenia, and autism.

A developmental neuroscientist explained that the less white matter meant less brain electrical activity- ‘alpha power’. These brain differences were accountable for the behavioral variations in the different groups of children- higher levels of anxiety and depression disorders in children in institutions (Brott, 2014). Children in foster homes and institutions had higher levels of oppositional defiant behavior and ADHD.

This gives the implication that children are placed in foster homes too late after profound deprivations had been experienced. Children can never recover from early-life isolation and the social deprivation is devastating. The environment in a child’s life between 0-5 years is vital for their future.

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Good parenting heals your child’s brain 

Article’s purpose

            The article aims at creating awareness that poverty leads to children’s stunted brain growth. However, research indicates that good parenting reverses these impacts (Brott, 2014). Therefore, there is a need for families (particularly parents) to raise their own children and avoid leaving that responsibility to the community and other people. In addition, the brain requires stimulation for development and growth.

The field of psychology explained

            Autism experts, behavioralists, and developmental neuroscientists have a key role in ensuring a community with healthy people (Brott, 2014).



            The article’s viewpoint is that there is a need for enriched environments during childhood and infancy. Social deprivation is the reason why children living in institutions have higher levels of anxiety and depression disorders.

Reasonable information

            The article offers reasonable information owing to the fact that the information was obtained from credible researches. 

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Is the information believable?

            The information is believable since the parents were assessed keenly before the report was written. The information has also been cross examined.


            The article persuades parents to practice good parenting as this plays a great role in ensuring healthy and productive children. 

Information that can be added 

            The study should have elaborated what factors in the different environments contributed to altered brain function and structure. 

Good parenting heals your child’s brain 


Brott, A. (2014). Good parenting heals your child’s brain. Retrieved on 21st January, 2014 from http://www.hitchedmag.com/article.php?id=1765

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Explicit and Implicit Memory

Explicit and Implicit Memory
Explicit and Implicit Memory

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Explicit and Implicit Memory

Define and explain the differences between Explicit and Implicit Memory. Explain the role of the hippocampus in forming memories.

Explicit and Implicit Memory

Explicit memory is the information that an individual works consciously to remember while information that is remembered effortlessly or unconsciously is known as implicit memory.  There has been a lot of research on explicit memory and presently, researchers are working on finding out how implicit memory functions and the influence it has on behavior and knowledge (Myers, 2011).

Explicit memory stores information in cases where a person is trying to remember something intentionally, for example, what was learnt at school. This memory is used daily when recalling things such as the time and date of an appointment, the current president, a friend’s phone number, and a test’s information.

This memory is also referred to as declarative memory since an individual explains and recalls the information consciously. Explicit memory may be semantic that involves memories of names, concepts, and facts, or episodic that deals with long-term memories of particular events (Myers, 2011).

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Implicit memory involves the things people do not try to remember purposely. It is both unintentional and unconscious (Myers, 2011). It is also referred to as declarative as an individual cannot make it available consciously. For example, a person does not consciously remember how to turn on the television. Although implicit memory is recalled consciously, it has an impact on behavior and knowledge on varying tasks. 

The role of the Hippocampus in forming memories

            The brain’s horse-shoe shaped area has a vital role in that it consolidates information from short-term into long-term memory. The hippocampus is a component of the limbic system that is linked to long-term memories and emotions. Moreover, it is involved in complicated processes including organizing, storing, and forming memories. In case one hippocampus side gets damaged, memory function remains almost normal as it is present in the two brain hemispheres (Myers, 2011).

Explicit and Implicit Memory


Myers, D. G.  (2011). Psychology in Everyday Life (2nd Ed.).  (Chapter 6, 78-90). New York:      Worth Publishers.

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Elizabeth Loftus Research Focus

Elizabeth Loftus
Elizabeth Loftus

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Elizabeth Loftus 

A current and fascinating area of research is that of Elizabeth Loftus. Dr. Loftus believes that memory can be reconstructed and changed based upon outside influences and has studied misinformation effects, eyewitness testimony and memories of abuse.

Read about Dr. Loftus’ research in the textbook and go to You Tube to search for Elizabeth Loftus. www.youtube.com

There are many videos about her and explaining her research. Choose 2 videos ( Please provide links to it)which you find interesting (choose ones that have her actually speaking about her research and not copies of her experiments done by others.)

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Dr. Elizabeth Loftus also has her own website.

Answer the following questions in essay form (please answer and number each question separately) –

1. Explain the 2 YouTube videos that you watched about Dr. Loftus. 

2. Discuss the Mini Lecture #20 article and video. Watch both parts of the video to answer the questions. 

a What occurred to Jennifer Thompson and Ronald Cotton? 

b How did the police investigation and procedures allow this injustice to occur? 

c How have police procedures changed now? 

d What are your thoughts about this story?

Elizabeth Loftus

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3. Discuss 3 facts that you learned about memory from reading Myers’ discussion of Memory in chapter 7 of the textbook. Cite pages of textbook.Question 1

In the first video, Elizabeth Loftus discusses the possibility of implanting a false childhood memory in a person’s mind by merely suggesting that it happened through the use of actual facts and suggestions of possibilities of what would have took place. This was done by getting background information from the subjects’ parents prior to talking to them. A quarter of this population ended up accepting the existence of the memory which was in fact false (Loftus, 2009).

In the second video, Elizabeth Loftus discusses the unreliability of eye witness testimonies. Her hypothesis or argument is that eye witness accounts are actually much more malleable than we think. This is to say that the accuracy of these events is more flexible thus making it unreliable as a source of reference for incidents that individuals have witnessed (Loftus, 2010). 

Question 2

Jennifer Thompson was raped and in a bid to ensure the rapist gets justice insisted that Ronald Cotton was the one. As a result, he got convicted of a crime he did not commit and spent a decade in prison. 

Police investigations allowed this injustice to occur because they relied exclusively on the eye witness account rather than other important circumstances. 

Police procedures have changed in that there is more reliance on forensic evidence in combination with eye witness accounts. 

This story makes me have serious doubts about eye witness testimonies and also it leads me to be sympathetic about the large number of people who have probably been convicted despite their innocence due to reliance on eye witness accounts. 

Elizabeth Loftus

Question 3

The first fact I have learnt is that that there are three stages of memory formation and these are sensory, short-term and then long-term memory. 

The second fact I learnt is that routine events are easy to recall because they have become automatic thus leaving very little need for effort. 

The third fact I got was that sleep is indeed good for the brain (Myers, n.d.). 

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 Question 4

Memory can therefore be summarized as a the sum or recollections that an individual experiences subjectively depending on the context of the actual event as well as the present situation. 


Loftus, E (2009) The Power of Suggestion. Retrieved from  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il0u2s_WGXA

Loftus, E (2010) Eye Witness Testimony Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP8kJ5A5xU8

Myers, D (n.d.) Psychology in Everyday Life. Second Edition

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How does psychotherapy help people

How does psychotherapy help people
How does psychotherapy help people

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How does psychotherapy help people? 

How do psychologists define a psychological disorder? What are the 3 terms used to identify a disorder?

 Explain the ideas of the medical model and the biopsychosocial approach. How do they each help our understanding of mental illness?

Explain 2 ways to treat psychological disorders. For what type of disorders would each treatment be used?


How does psychotherapy help people? How does Psychotherapy help People?

There are three main ways that psychotherapy helps people. These are the provision of hope for people who are demoralized. The second way is the provision of an alternative perspective for people whose lives have been negatively affected by a psychological disorder. Psychotherapy also provides mental patients with an opportunity to develop empathetic, trusting and also caring relationships (Myers, 363).

Many people who have experienced psychological challenges tend to me demoralized about life and this gives them a negative outlook towards different matters in life. With psychotherapy, the hope that these people have can be renewed leading them to have a second chance at different matters in life. This then empowers them to take on different challenges head on (Myers, 363).

Another benefit of psychotherapy is that it helps individuals to alter the perspectives they have towards life from a negative one to a more positive one. This is done through encouraging these individuals to look at the positive aspects of their lives and situations (Myers, 363).

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Last but not least, psychotherapy is beneficial to people with psychological disorders because it offers them a chance to form empathetic, trusting and caring relationships with other people. The treatment procedures that are covered in psychotherapy gradually prepare these individuals to readjust into a society that had probably shunned them due to antisocial acts they may have been involved in at one time or another during their mental disorder.

By forming these relationships, people can recover faster since the people in their lives have a better understanding of what challenges the patients are going through (Myers, 363). 

Psychotherapy is therefore important since it strives to improve the quality of life people who have previously suffered mental disorders thus giving them a new lease of life (Myers, 363). 

Works Cited

Myers, D (n.d.) Psychology in Everyday Life. Second Edition

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The goal of this paper is to interpret the painting you have chosen using iconographical analysis by examining its relationship to the textual source upon which it is based, as outlined in the van Straten reading.

Step I: Read the text
Locate and read the text upon which your painting is based:

The Crucifixion, ca. 1340
Pietro Lorenzetti

Text: New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 27: Verse 35-56
Mark 15: 24-41; Luke 23: 33-49; John 19: 18-36
Use the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible: www.drbo.org

Step II: Writing the Essay
When the artist painted the scene before you, he made choices about how to interpret the text upon which the painting is based. It is your job as a writer to uncover these decisions made by the artist and to explain how the painter understood his text. As analytic writers, we are not interested if the artist’s interpretation is good; rather we’re interested in how the painter translated his text into a visual representation.

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In order to do this, it is imperative that you describe with loving detail how form and composition relate to, and deviate from, the narrative of the original text. Now that you have noticed patterns and anomalies separately in both the painting and the text using Rosenwasser and Stephen’s Method, you are to now look for patterns and anomalies shared between the painting and the text. Write out your observations which you will submit:

1) List shared repetitions and strands that repeat between the painting and text
2) List shared contrasts that repeat between the painting and the text
3) List shared anomalies

4) List differences between the details of the painting and the details of the text.
5) List the two most significant repetitions, the two most significant strands, and the two most significant contrasts, the two most significant anomalies, and the two most significant differences.
6) Write a paragraph about which shared element and which difference is the most significant any state why

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TIP: In order to determine the identity of the figures in the painting, based on the text, it is important that you describe them in detail to discern their distinguishing characteristics before you compare them to the text. After careful examination, you may realize the figure may not be who you originally thought he or she was.

Your paper should be organized by focusing on a series of select parts of the composition that you think are particularly important and have larger significance. Part by part, you should discuss how each relates to the original textual source. [See Rosenwasser & Stephen’s 10 on 1 Method]. You should also consider if the painting represents a particular moment in the narrative of the text, and if so, which one.

Discussion of similarities and difference should be rooted in an analytical discussion of your paintings form and composition. Discussion of the textual source should take second place to discussion of the paintings form and composition.

TIP: Organize your paper as suggested. Do not organize your paper by talking first about similarities, then about differences.

Textual References
Be specific about the particular sentences in your text that you are referencing. Footnote the specific passage, by citing a particular line number, like this. I encourage you to restate the textual passage in your own words and to avoid long quotations. If you are writing about the Crucifixion, each of the Gospels tells the story in a different way. You must be specific about which gospel(s) you are citing.

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Iconography is defined as the branch of art history concerned with studies on identification, interpretation and description of the contents of an image . The painting by Pietro Lorenzetti ; The Crucifixion depicts three people crucified on the cross and may by use of iconography it is analyzed in the report to in relation to how Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross with two thieves by his side. The painting is based on the scriptures found in The New Testament Bible.


In the gospel according to Mathew, the text notes that Jesus was crucified with two thieves and Pietro Lorenzetti’s painting shows three people who have been crucified. The painting also repeats what is found in the text where we are told that there were many other people at the place of Crucifixion. ‘

In like manner the chief priests, with the scribes and ancients mocking him said to one anther’ and in the paint Pietro Lorenzetti paints an image of a crowd and they are seem to be talking to each other while others are looking up on those who have been crucified.

As represented in the text, painting shows some women who are looking off this may be traced in the text where according to Gospel by Saint Mark, it is written that there were women looking on afar off . The painting repeats the text in the Gospel of Saint John where it is noted that after he took the vinegar, he gave up the ghost bowing his head . This is represented in the painting where those who have been crucified have their heads bowed except the person on the right hand side of Jesus who is looking up.

This is also a repetition of the text in the book of Luke where one of the robbers was repentant and asked for forgiveness . The painter has repeated what is found in the text written by Saint John where he has depicted broken legs of the one persons who was crucified on the sides but the one crucified in the midst has his legs intact . The painting also depicts as written in the text pierced ribs of the person crucified at the center. The crucifixion is also done on the cross as written in the scriptures.

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Pietro Lorenzetti’s painting brings out contrast, by use of the setting and figures that can be closely linked to the crucifixion of Jesus. The audience of the painting are called upon to interpret the meaning of the painting despite the fact that painter does not state this out rightly. The painter wants the audience to relate the crowd in the picture to depict those who crucified Jesus. In the painting, some people in the crowd are carrying spears to show that it was a hostile crowd.

The image shows the person crucified in the middle has blood oozing from the ribs which is the place we are told in the Bible that Jesus was pierced but does not show the water that also came out. Another contrast in the painting with the text is that we expect those crucified to be agonising but this is not brought out in their faces.

The text which may have informed Pietro Lorenzetti in coming up with this paint have some shared anomalies with his painting. In the text, we are told that there was an inscription written over him in Greek, Latin and Hebrew that this is the king of Jews but in the painting though there are writing on the cross of the person crucified in the middle, it does not bringing out the same message as what is indicated in the bible where in the text, these word were written in capital letters.

The other anomaly is that in the text, we are told that there was darkness at some time during the crucifixion but the image depicts presence of light. The text mentions no horses at the place of crucifixion expect a mention of beasts but the painter has painted some people on horse backs.

The text also point that those who crucified Jesus shared out his clothes and the painter depicts this by painting the person who has been crucified in the middle naked with only the lower area covered but the anomaly is that the painting does not show the crowd below sharing the clothes.

There are various differences that can be noted between the text and the painting. One of these differences is that we are told by Saint Luke that Jesus said that ‘for if in the green wood they do these things what shall be done in the dry wood….’ This implies that the background of the place of crucifixion was green, but the background of the painting is golden. In the text we are also told that Jesus was crucified in a garden and therefore it is expected that the place should have been green.

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The text points that that after Jesus had died, a soldier took out a spear and opened his side where blood and water came out but in the painting only blood is seen oozing from the side. There is also another notable difference between the painting and the text where we read in the text that they gave him a sponge filled with vinegar but in the painting this is not seen as none of the persons crucified has a sponge in the month.

The other glaring difference between the text and the paint is that according to Gospel according to Mathew, they put a platting crown of thorns on the head of Jesus but this is not depicted in the painting .

The two most important repetitions of the text and the painting are that there are three people who were crucified on the cross and the one at the center had his side pierced by a spear and blood is flowing. The strands of evidence brought out by the painter to link his painting with crucifixion as explained in the text are that, some members of the crowd are carrying spears and also the use of the cross for crucifixion.

The most important contrast in the painting is the painter has only blood coming from the side that is pierced though water also came out. Another contrast is that although the painting is on crucifixion where those who have been crucified ought to be agonising, the painter does not depict this as they all look unperturbed.

A cross look at the painting and texts brings out two main anomalies where we expect to see a large writing on the person crucified at the center and the other is that we expect to see one of those crucified wearing a cap of thorns. There are also differences between the painting and the text where from the text, we expect to see water flowing from the pierced side and also the background of the painting to be green as the crucifixion happened in a garden.

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In conclusion, there are important repetitions and strands, contrasts, analogies and differences between the painting and the text which can be used in the description, identification and description of the painting. The most important repetition of the text and the painting that helps the audience to relate it to crucifixion of Jesus is that the painting shows three people who have been crucified side by side.

The person who is crucified at the center has his side pierced and blood is flowing. Strands of evidence in the painting also lead the audience to relating the painting to the crucifixion of Jesus. Despite his efforts, difference in the background where Jesus was crucified with the background and lack of a person wearing a cap of thorns in the painting may invoke doubts on whether the painting can be interpreted as the crucifixion of Jesus.

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Pietro Lorenzetti. The Crucifixion. ca. 1340 cited on 22nd November, 2011(database online) Available from http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/pietro+lorenzetti

Białostocki, Jan. Iconography, Dictionary of The History of Ideas, Online version: University of Virginia Library, Gale Group, 2003.

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Mobile Phones and Social Life
Mobile Phones and Social Life

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Mobile Phones and Social Life

How did mobile phones change our social life?


In sociology, social life refers to the interpersonal relationships of individuals, or group of individuals in a social setting such as family, community and society Macionis & Plummer (2005). Since human beings are social animals, the tenor of social life is one of the most vital influences in their lives. This is because without durable and positive relationships, the social structures are bound to fall apart. The nature of relationships in social settings influences all other factors in life.

Wajcman et al (2007) argues that, it is undisputable that among many inventions, mobile phones have diffused rapidly into people’s life across the world. As a result it has impacted on people’s lives greatly in all aspects; social, political, cultural, and economic. This research focused on how mobile phones have changed our social life. In order to have a better understanding of this research question, it is important to use sociological concepts and theories.

The theories appropriate for this discussion are functionalism, symbolic interaction, and conflict. In relation to functionalist theory, it is true that mobile phones have changed the way people function in the society; they have increased the scope for work and flexibility of families through enabling of coordination of tasks, schedules and time Wajcman et al (2007).

Mobile Phones and Social Life

These devices have diminished the boundaries between people and also between work place and personal life. In regard to symbolic interaction, Sheldon and Vryan (2003) observe that human beings are understood best based on their relation to their environment. They further note that people act toward things according to the meaning those things have for them; the meanings are derived from social interaction.

Conflict theory describes how mobile phones have brought about differences and social problems in the society Harrington (2005). According to social issue scholars and commentators, mobile phones have become a threat to quality of social life even though it provides opportunities for integration in the society. My thesis is thus informed by how these theories describe the research question and the responses from respondents of diverse walks of life. My thesis is: Mobile phones have changed our social life in a positive way. 

Mobile Phones and Social Life

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In researching my topic, I consulted variety of academic sources including the lecturer’s notes, sociological books, and related internet sources. In addition, I conducted a sample survey among the students. I administered the sample questionnaires to the selected students in order to obtain their opinions on the issue. I administered the questionnaires to all of my classmates while I selected samples using random sampling technique among the students of the other courses and academic years.

Since, I understand the fact that people have different perceptions on various issues which are in most cases informed by the cultural and social orientation and knowledge backgrounds among other factors, I considered various aspects. First, how mobile phones have impacted different aspects of individuals’ lives? Secondly, how long has an individual accessed the mobile phone?  Lastly, I considered the frequency of mobile phone use by an individual.

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From the research I conducted I obtained the following results: 90% of respondents made at least a call a day; 81% either sent or received at least one text message in a day. It is important noting that there was significant percentage of calls made and received and messages sent or received in a day with 72% making or receiving more than two calls a day while 65% sending or receiving more than two messages a day.

The respondents cited the following as the main reasons why they used the mobile phones; one, for leisure or social purposes such as managing family, maintaining contact with extended family, and balancing personal and work life (54%). Two, work or study related uses (31%). Third, other reasons such as playing games and entering lotteries accounted for 15%.

To show how important mobile phones was important in social life, the respondents said that without them life would be unimaginable. As a matter of fact, 99% of respondents admitted they cannot live without mobile phones. Therefore, it is evident that mobile phone use is important in people’s lives as it helps them coordinate their daily activities effectively in addition to providing opportunities for relaxation. 

Mobile Phones and Social Life

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As a result of the research, my perspective on myself as a member of a society changed. I realized that indeed human beings are social animals and that is why they also seek to interact with each other at any opportune time. It gave me an insight that even before the invention of mobile phones human beings had a way of communicating and coordinating their daily affairs. However, it reminded me that human beings have always sought a better way of communicating, interacting and having a better social life.

Invention of mobile phones and other communication devices such as computers is a proof of this argument. In regard to mobile phones and social life, I realized that as a human being living in this information age, mobile phone is virtually indispensable in social life and therefore I cannot do without it just like most members of the society cannot. Mobile phones make life easier and enable us conduct our activities without engaging in much of physical movement. Indeed, mobile phones have changed our social life in a positive way. 


Harrington, A. (2005). Modern Social Theory: An Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Macionis, J., & Plummer, K. (2005). Sociology: A Global Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Sheldon, S., & Vryan, K. (2003). The Symbolic Interactionist Frame. New York: Plenum Publishers.

Wajcman, J. et al. (2007). The Impact of the Mobile Phone on Work/ Life Balance. Retrieved from www.politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au , on October 17, 2011. 

Sample Questionnaire

  1. Do you make or receive at least one phone call a day, and/ or send or receive at least one message a day? ______________________________
  2. Do you make or receive more than two phone calls a day, and/ or more than two messages a day? __________________________
  3. For what purposes do you use you mobile phone for? Kindly list most if not all of the purposes_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Can you live without a phone? (Yes or No)___________ Briefly, explain your answer______________________________________________________________

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Financial liberalization Research Paper

Financial liberalization
Financial liberalization

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Financial liberalization

“Financial liberalization and increased access to international capital markets brings benefits and disruption to developing countries.”With the above statement in mind, and based on a review of the literature, consider the evidence on the net benefit to developing countries from unfettered access to international markets.


Globalization is the process of worldwide integration that occurs as a result of the exchange of global views, goods, ideas, and other cultural elements (Fernando, 2021). Globalization has been fueled by advancements in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, such as the Internet and mobile phones, which have increased the interconnectedness of economic and cultural activity in countries all over the world (Fernando, 2021).

Though some researchers identify the beginnings of globalization in modern times, others trace its history back to the third millennium BCE, well before Europeans began crossing the Atlantic in the 15th century (Fernando, 2021). Large-scale globalization began in the 19th century, and by the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the world’s economies and cultures had become extremely intertwined (Fernando, 2021).

Following World war ii, leaders worked together to organize the Bretton Woods Conference, which took place from July 1 to July 22, 1944 (Chen, 2021). The conference brought together 730 representatives from all 44 Allied states to oversee the post-World War II international monetary and financial system (Chen, 2021). The conference resulted in key states agreeing to establish the framework for international monetary policy, commerce, and finance, as well as the establishment of various international institutions aimed at facilitating economic growth by eliminating trade barriers (Chen, 2021).

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Financial liberalization

The rapid rise of globalization has sparked a heated discussion among economists, with both supporters and critics. This paper outlines the benefits and risks that financial liberalization entails for developing countries. Financial liberalization is the elimination of government involvement from financial markets.

It involves removing limitations such as bank interest rate limits, mandatory reserve requirements, entrance hurdles, especially for foreign financial intermediaries, and credit allocation choices (Masci, n.d.). These policies limit government intervention in financial markets, resulting in the privatization of state-owned banks, the introduction of currency convertibility on the capital account, capital account liberalization, improved prudential regulation, and the promotion of local stock markets (Masci, n.d.).

Simply phrased, it refers to a country’s local financial system’s integration with international financial markets and institutions. Financial liberalization lets governments and private investors to do business with less constraints, while also allowing financial hosts to access the global market (Banton, 2021). However, because emerging countries or economies are compelled to compete in the same market as larger economies or nations, this might be detrimental to them (Banton, 2021).

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Financial liberalization

The capital account in a country’s balance of payments covers a wide range of financial flows, including foreign direct investment, portfolio flows (including equity financing), and bank borrowing, all of which involve the acquisition of assets in one nation by citizens of another (Kose and Prasad, 2020). It is theoretically feasible to manage these flows by imposing limitations on those that pass via official channels. However, through increased capital inflows and outflows, capital account liberalization is likely to result in a greater degree of financial integration of that nation with the global economy (Kose and Prasad, 2020).

Any action taken by a government or other regulatory agency to restrict the movement of foreign capital into and out of the domestic economy is referred to as capital control (Barone, 2020). Taxes, tariffs, laws, and market forces are all examples of these types of regulations. Many asset types, including stocks, bonds, and foreign currency trading, can be affected by capital regulations. 

It is a country’s attempt to protect itself against the dangers connected with international capital flow variations. Unrestricted capital flows might make maintaining a fixed exchange rate system more challenging. This is one of the reasons why, under the Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates, even industrial countries maintained relatively restricted capital accounts during the second world war (Kose and Prasad, 2020). 

One of the major roles of capital control is that it reduces the volatility of currency rates in the economy as well as provide support and stability by shielding it from sharp fluctuations (corporate finance institute, 2015). This is because unrestricted capital can produce inflows and outflows that easily affects the appreciation and depreciation of the nation’s currency (corporate finance institute, 2015). For instance, in the year 1933, President Franklin D.

Roosevelt compelled Americans to convert their gold for US currencies by Executive Order 6102 (Giambruno, n.d.). The official government exchange rate was negative, which comes as no surprise. Until 1974, the United States government prohibited individual possession of gold bullion (Giambruno, n.d.). According to Ballotpedia (n.d.) this major decision made by the late president lead to the revision of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, allowing banks to reopen after a four-day banking holiday and requiring the Department of the Treasury to examine institutions.

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Financial liberalization

The legislation increased the president’s regulatory powers over the banking system, provided the comptroller of the currency the right to restrict the activities of banks with impaired assets, and empowered the Federal Reserve Board to create emergency money backed by commercial bank assets.

Capital controls are also used to prohibit foreigners from acquiring local assets or to restrict domestic individuals’ access to foreign assets. Foreigners’ and residents’ capacity to exchange domestic money for foreign money, and vice versa, has historically been the most extensively employed capital control and it is known as exchange control (Coppola, n.d.).It can disrupt international trade by interfering with floating foreign exchange rates;

when a country’s official exchange rates diverge significantly from market prices and citizens are not permitted to get foreign money, foreign enterprises may find it difficult to conduct business there (Coppola, n.d.).

Financial liberalization

Some systems allow beneficiaries of certain types of exchange to sell a part of their receipts on the free market. A managed exchange rate is frequently higher than a free-market rate, reducing exports while increasing imports. The control authority can limit imports by restricting the amount of foreign exchange a resident may buy (Britannica, n.d.). As a result, the country’s overall gold reserves and foreign balances will not drop.

Regardless of the many advantages of capital control, there are still a number of negative factors to be considered. For instance, the distribution of resources would be inefficient if credit was determined administratively rather than by market price. Because the most promising initiatives would not be supported and hence would not contribute to economic growth, this poor allocation would exacerbate the negative impact on growth (Masci, n.d.).

Financial liberalization

Also, Access to credit would be granted for developmental purposes to big state owned and private companies, while the rest of the economy will only have some access to consumer credit (Masci, n.d.). Moreover, Individuals would find methods to export capital internationally, runaway inflation, putting pressure on the exchange rate. Administrative interest rates would undervalue actual interest rates, give an incentive to reduce savings and investment and also have a negative influence on the pace of economic growth (Masci, n.d.).

Financial liberalization

According to Kose and Prasad (2020), Capital account liberalization should theoretically allow for more efficient global capital allocation from capital-rich industrial countries to capital-poor developing economies, with widespread benefits such as higher rates of return on people’s savings in industrial countries and increased growth, employment opportunities, and living standards in developing countries. It also allows for risk sharing opportunities by demonstrating that international financial integration should lead to a decrease in consumption volatility relative to output volatility (Masci, n.d.).

Financial liberalization

Finally, financial liberalization provides protection against national income fluctuations while also demonstrating a country’s commitment to sound economic policy (Kose and Prasad, 2020). A perceived deterioration in the policy environment for a nation with an open capital account might be penalized by local and international investors, who might rapidly withdraw money. This offers a powerful incentive for governments to adopt and sustain solid policies, with evident long-term growth advantages (Kose and Prasad, 2020).

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Financial liberalization

Federico and Tena-junguito (2016) estimated that since the 1950s, the growth in the proportion of international commerce in GDP had added around 5% to global wealth. With a global GDP of $85 trillion in 2018, the incremental trade advantages since the 1950s amount to around $4.3 trillion in global revenue.

Financial liberalization has also boosted finance, technology, and talent flows, boosting earnings and increasing living standards (Petri and Banga, 2020 p.3). According to other research, the United States has profited from globalization even more than the rest of the globe. According to Petri and Banga (2016), advancements in globalization added $0.8 trillion–$1.5 trillion, or 11 percent–14 percent, to the US GDP of $11 trillion in 2003, between 1947 and 2003.

Financial liberalization

Extrapolating these figures to 2018 GDP, economic interconnectedness has contributed $2.2 trillion since 1947. Unfettered access to international market has brought about both net benefit as well as certain disruptions to developing countries for the past two and a half years. To developing countries, financial liberalization and integration has brought about abundant benefits that are verifiably both theoretically and through empirical evidence as well as a number of disruptions to their economy.

Firstly, liberalization has brought about the elimination of barriers to international investing whereby both the government and private organizations are allowed to business with minimal restrictions. Tax rules, foreign investment limitations, legal challenges, and accounting requirements are all examples of barriers that make it difficult or impossible to access the international market (Barone, 2020).

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Financial liberalization

During the 1980s through to early 1990s, a great banking crisis occurred that is considered to be one of the worst global credit disasters in history. The crisis drove the United States’ state and federal regulatory and deposit banking insurance systems to their breaking points, resulting in broad regulatory revisions (Summa, 2014). The Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee and Monetary Control Act of 1980, which removed many restrictions on thrifts and credit unions, and The Tax Reform Act of 1986, which fundamentally altered the banking landscape and engendered conditions that contributed to the banking crisis, were both passed prior to the onset of the crisis (Summa, 2014).

This was considered to be the primary cause of the banking crisis of that time. In order to rescue the banking sector. The United States’ economic comeback has been aided by liberalization and economic contact with the rest of the globe. Their relatively open borders, which let most foreign goods to enter with no or modest tariffs, have helped keep inflation in control, allowing the Federal Reserve to ride out the good times without raising interest rates as swiftly as it could have otherwise (Summa, 2014).

Financial liberalization manifests its positive impact through the rather increase in demand for domestic goods internationally for both developed and developing countries. By increasing the involvement of developing countries into the international market, it becomes evident through an increasing export and import volumes, as well as expanding outflows of domestic savings into international investment projects and increasing inflows of foreign capital into local enterprises (Masci, n.d.).

According to a report made by the office of the unites states trade representative (n.d.), The United States was the world’s top goods and services trading nation in 2017, with $2.35 trillion in exports. The total value of goods and services traded in the United States in 2017 was $5.3 trillion, up 6.5 percent ($321 billion) from 2016 and up 31% from 2007. The value of US goods trade was $3.9 trillion, while the value of US services trade was $1.3 trillion.

Despite the large number of benefits that are associated with financial globalization, there are also disruptions that come with liberalization. One is the transitional risks that accompany it. Despite a significant rise in global gross capital flows, net capital flows to developing countries have typically been minimal, if not negative (Broner and Ventura, 2016).

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Financial liberalization

Traditional models acknowledge that foreign sources of funding can be problematic, since the incentive for opportunistic default coupled with low-quality institutions can lead to recurring foreign debt crises. They also expect that domestic savings stay in the country and that new foreign sources of financing add to overall development funding (Broner and Ventura, 2016).

The chief concern in the US is that the economy is delivering a disproportionate share of gains to the wealthiest few. According to Census data, from 1970 to 2018 the median US household income rose from $50,545 to $63,179, or by 0.46% per year, while that of the top 5% of households rose from $192,603 to $416,520, or by 1.62% per year (Semega et al., 2019). In 1970, a high-income household earned 3.8 times as much as the median household, but this ratio had grown to 6.6 by 2018.

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Financial liberalization

Still more extreme contrasts emerged between richer and poorer households, and amongst subgroups by levels of education. In turn, inequality may have contributed to other trends such as withdrawal from the labour force, increased mortality and morbidity, and political polarization (Broner and Ventura, 2016). These trends are not direct results of liberalization, but they are often attributed to trade in popular discussions. 

Is it worth the risk of liberalization? It depends, as it would with most things. Capital account liberalization is definitely not a perfect solution, and it comes with significant dangers if it is implemented in poor conditions, especially without accompanying measures (Kose and Prasad, 2020). While data indicate that capital account liberalization is linked with transitory risks, fighting it for a lengthy length of time may be useless and harmful. Closed capital accounts are becoming more difficult to maintain as the forces of globalization progress (Kose and Prasad, 2020).

References of Financial liberalization

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Financial liberalization