Data Security: Analysis of Effect of Cloud Computing

Data Security
Data Security

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Data Security: Analysis of Effect of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: Security, New Opportunities and Challenges

Section 1: Topic Endorsements

Cloud computing has been a very successful invention. It has created new opportunities for businesses in terms of storage spaces, access to software and other facilities. Additionally, many businesses have stated that they feel that their data is more secure if it is held in a cloud (Pearson and Yee, 2013). However, just as many businesses and experts have stated that cloud computing exposes data and makes businesses vulnerable in terms of data security (Ali, Khan and Vasilakos, 2015).

For computer scientists, understanding security issues as they relate to cloud computing is important for several reasons (Ali et al., 2015). The first and most important is the fact that in the future, any establishment will likely, partly or entirely, depend on cloud computing for storage of data (Mahmood, 2014). As a computer specialist, a computer scientist will be relied upon to monitor data, ensure security and make necessary adjustments where they are required (Verma and Kaushal, 2011).

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Section 2: Research Overview

The research literature on cloud computing indicates that we know cloud computing, even though safer than botnets, has created unexpected side channels because it is a shared resource (Verma and Kaushal, 2011). We also know that security incidences related to data computing are not unique, just different (Flinn, 2012). However, we do not know exact ways on how to improve data security within oud computing. However, several measures such as passwords, can be used to improve security (Pearson and Yee, 2013).

Cloud computing means that the devices used to provide required computing services do not belong to the end users (Krutz and Vines, 2010). As a result, users do not have control over how these devices are operated or who has access to them (Zhu, Hill and Trovati, 2015). Research regarding cloud computing has been extensive over the last decade as the service has continued to become more common among businesses and individuals. With each security development made, new ways to breach security come up as well (Samani, Honan, Reavis, Jirasek and CSA, 2015).

The basic research question is whether cloud computing has led to the increase or decrease of data security in enterprises, since it has become a business necessity (Nepal, Pathan and SpringerLink, 2014). The purpose of the study is to provide insight on cloud computing and how best to ensure data security. The methodology suggested for this research is equation methodology. Similarly, Moustakas- transcendental phenemonology is the suggested research model. With this in mind, the dissertation title becomes; Cloud Computing: Security, New opportunities and challenges (Schwarzkopf, Schmidt, Strack, Martin and Freisleben, 2012).


Ali, M., Khan, S. U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (June 01, 2015). Security in cloud computing:     Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, 305, 1, 357-383.

Flinn, J. (2012). Cyber foraging: Bridging mobile and cloud computing. San Rafael, Calif.: Morgan & Claypool.

Samani, R., Honan, B., Reavis, J., In Jirasek, V., & CSA (Organization),. (2015). CSA guide to cloud computing: Implementing cloud privacy and security. Waltham, MA: Syngress

Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R. D. (2010). Cloud security: A comprehensive guide to secure cloud computing. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub.

In Zhu, S. Y., In Hill, R., & In Trovati, M. (2015). Guide to security assurance for cloud computing.

In Mahmood, Z. (2014). Cloud computing: Challenges, limitations and R & D solutions.

Pearson, S., & Yee, G. (2013). Privacy and security for cloud computing. London: Springer.

In Nepal, S., In Pathan, M., & SpringerLink (Online service). (2014). Security, Privacy and Trust  in Cloud Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Verma, A., & Kaushal, S. (January 01, 2011). Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges:  A Survey.

Schwarzkopf, Roland, Schmidt, Matthias, Strack, Christian, Martin, Simon, & Freisleben, Bernd. (2012). Increasing virtual machine security in cloud environments. (BioMed Central Ltd.) BioMed Central Ltd.

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Cloud Computing in Companies

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

A couple of Information technology experts would consent that cloud computing is the most convenient and most dynamic model of message delivery since the birth of internet. Cloud computing has been used by corporate managers and decision makers to help them achieve several financial advantages and protect them from any security threats that could result to tainting of their reputable image and even the longevity of the business itself (Pereira, 2014). In itself, cloud computing is cost-effective and an efficient option to purchasing and sustaining hardware and software in-house. This has been the case since the introduction of Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Services) and EC2 (Elastic Compute cloud).

            Cloud computing has had various definitions, having different service providers and the available standard organizations giving different definitions of the same. For instance, the National Institute of standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as “a model for that enables the ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a pool of shared configurable computing services that can be speedily provisioned and released with minimal management effort. What cloud computing does, is to avail platforms, software, and infrastructure in form of web services using the internet. However the consumers do not know the specific physical location where these services are provided from.  They therefore purchase the software and hardware as services rather than physical assets (Pereira, 2014).

            Cloud computing is categorized into various classifications. Software, platform, and infrastructure as a service.

            Software as a service moves the separation to the highest level in the stack. Most of cloud services such as web-based email and word processing which are offered for free are in this category (Pereira, 2014). It is beneficial for the users since they do not incur any costs of maintenance.

            Platform as a service boosts the separation slightly higher and is a surrounding where the already developed and deployed applications are made available by cloud providers. The consumers take advantage of the platforms provided such as Java programming language and oracle databases (Pereira, 2014).

            Infrastructure as a service is the minimum class of separation between what consumers desire and the services that are readily available for them to use (Pereira, 2014). Consumers are supplied with raw computing, storage services and networking, this assists them to establish applications and custom services. The cloud provider is in charge of all the physical resources, while the consumer monitors all the other factors mentioned including development tools and operating system (Pereira, 2014).

            Technology alongside its tremendous benefits is also faced with security threats. The prevalent threats include cybercrimes.  There has been however measures that have been put in place to try and alleviate this challenges (Pereira, 2014). Cloud itself can be used as a means of securing data and also disseminate information among others.

            According to (Pereira, 2014) customers ought to get cloud services from the internet. Reports according to (Pereira, 2014) claims that ethics that regulate internet usage and accessibility are used to help clients access the cloud. Through a communication process clients are able to access information and software in the cloud. Correspondence through the cloud is grouped into; outside correspondence, which happens between the cloud and the clients and inner correspondence, which happens inside the cloud’s framework.

Outer correspondence has likenesses with other Internet types of correspondence. Subsequently, according to (Pereira, 2014) the issues experienced by the cloud as a consequence of its Internet highlight are like those of ordinary information and communication technology. These are concerns such as incorporate man-in-the-center, refusal of administration, IP-parodying based flooding, double dealing and listening to private conversations without consent (Pereira, 2014).

Security Challenges

              The general problem is that breaches in security are evident in cloud computing (Jansen, 2011). The specific problem is the increasing costs in the prevention and alleviation of breaches in cloud security. Despite the increased growth in the computing technology, a great danger of losing data due to cybercrimes and other related threats exists.  Efforts have been made to curb the problem of security issues (Younis, 2013). 

One of these measures includes the use of cloud as a tool to secure data and share information among others. Moreover, the insecurity of cloud computing has recently upsurged (Han, 2013). The paper looks into security vulnerabilities in cloud computing and recent solutions posted by different scholars are discussed.

          The cloud’s security risks may vary from those of the infrastructure of traditional IT either in intensity, nature, or even both.  Several works have been put in place to monitor the cloud’s security challenges from the service model perspective.  The identified challenges are classified according to the following domains; communication issues, contractual and legal issues.

Communication Level Challenges

            Normally, the services of the cloud are accessed by customers through the Internet (Younis, 2013). Subashini (2011) reports that standard Internet protocols and mechanisms aid in facilitating the communication between the cloud and customers. The process of communication leads to conveyance of either applications or information/data between the cloud and the customers. Virtual Machines (VMs) of the cloud are also in constant communication with each other.  Communication through the cloud is classified into; external communication, which occurs between the cloud and the customers and internal communication, which takes place within the cloud’s infrastructure.

            External communication has similarities with other Internet forms of communication. Consequently, the problems encountered by the cloud as a result of its Internet feature are similar to those of conventional IT communication (Rong, 2013). These issues include man-in-the-middle, denial-of-service, IP-spoofing based flooding, eavesdropping, and deception (Jansen, 2011).

Contractual and Legal Level Challenges

         According to Rong (2013), implementation of cloud computing requires applications and data to be migrated by institutions to the administrative control of Cloud Service Providers (CSP). As a result, several issues crop up such as geographic jurisdictions, performance assurance, compliance with regulatory laws, contract enforcement monitoring etc. These issues are associated with the legalities, physical locations of the data, and service level agreement (SLA).

         Cloud computing is an involving term that (Pereira, 2014) defines a cloud computing as an inclusion of software and system software in the datacenterthat satisfies these services. Some of the exceptional features of cloud computing include the illusion of different hardware resources and the ability to pay for the required resources. In a unique way, (Han, 2013) states that some of the features of cloud computing include use of a wide network access, large resource pool, dynamic elasticity, on-demand self-service, and also the some of the metered services that are similar to utility.

             In general, cloud computing uses three main service models (Mell, 2011). The first service is software as a service (SaaS), which is software, distributed based representation in which applications are hosted by a service/vendor provider. The models are accessed by customers or the end users via the network, usually the internet. This model some scholars like (Sebesta, 2012) states that it is associated with the pass-as-you-go subscription licensing model. The second computing model is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows customers to manage the hosting environment (Chen, 2012, March). The third model is the infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

In this model, the customers control everything apart from the datacenter infrastructure (Sebesta, 2012).


Cloud computing is an emergent phenomenon which is set to revolutionize the use of the internet. Nevertheless caution is a needed about it. Moreover, these new technology has made human lives easier, but people need to be careful in understanding the security risks and challenges involved when using these technologies. In this research paper, the core focus of highlighting the challenges, insecurity issues that arise as a result of cloud computing. In summary, the cloud computing has the capacity of becoming a pioneer in the promotion of a safe, virtual and economical solution in the future.


Amazon. (2012, April). Amazon web services blog: Amazon S3 – 905 billion objects and

650,000 requests/second. Retrieved from

Chen, D., & Zhao, H. (2012). Data security and privacy protection issues in cloud computing.In Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 647-651).IEEE.

Chen, Y., Paxson, V., & Katz, R. H. (2010). What’s new about cloud computing security.University of California, Berkeley Report No. UCB/EECS-2010-5 January, 20(2010), 2010-5.

Chen, Y., Paxson, V., & Katz, R. H. (2010). What’s new about cloud computing security.University of California, Berkeley Report No. UCB/EECS-2010-5 January, 20(2010), 2010-5.

Dikaiakos, M. D., Katsaros, D., Mehra, P., Pallis, G., & Vakali, A. (2009).Cloud Computing: Distributed InternetComputing for IT and ScientificResearch.Internet Computing, IEEE, 13(5), 10-13.

Han, Y. (2013). On the clouds: A new way of computing.Information Technology and Libraries, 29(2), 87-92.

Jansen, W. (2011, January). Cloud hooks Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1-10).IEEE.

Kuo, A. M. H. (2011). Opportunities and challenges of cloud computing to improve health care services.Journal of medical Internet research, 13(3).

Mell, P., &Grance, T. (2011). The NIST definition of cloud computing.

Pereira, A., Machado, R. J., Fernandes, J. E., Teixeira, J., Santos, N., & Lima, A. (2014).Using the NIST reference model for refining logical architectures. In Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014 (pp. 185-199). Springer International Publishing.

Ren, K., Wang, C., & Wang, Q. (2012). Security challenges for the public cloud. IEEE Internet Computing, (1), 69-73.

Rong, C., Nguyen, S. T., & Jaatun, M. G. (2013). Beyond lightning: A survey on security challenges in cloud computing. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 39(1), 47-54.

Ryan, M. D. (2013). Cloud computing security: The scientific challenge, and a survey of solutions.Journal of Systems and Software, 86(9), 2263-2268.

Sebesta, D. J., Schmidt, S., Westerinen, W. J., & Carpenter, T. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 8,161,532. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

SO, K. (2011). Cloud computing security issues and challenges. International Journal of Computer Networks, 3(5).

Younis, M. Y. A., &Kifayat, K. (2013).Secure cloud computing for critical infrastructure: A survey.Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Tech. Rep.

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Technological Advancements

Technological Advancements
Technological Advancements

Technological Advancements

In recent times, technological advancements have been seen to have a massive impact on the healthcare sector in the USA. The healthcare system in the USA is faced with various challenges despite the major improvements implemented in the sector. The shortfalls in efficiency and quality care have resulted in the development of different perspectives regarding the healthcare system in the USA. 

One of the historical perspectives is that there are still disparities in health care as patients are not fully satisfied with the care received despite the huge expenditure in the evolving health sector (Piscotty et al, 2015). There have been discussions regarding insurance coverage, poor quality, and escalating quality. Another historical perspective of the healthcare system in the USA is that it has some of the best professionals in the world, their system is overspecialized but inequitable and neglects preventative and primary care.

The different perspectives touch on the healthcare system. The technological advances would shape perspectives that have been there for long. Information technology has shaped the first perspective positively by enhancing better ways of ensuring efficiency in the delivery of care and addressing disparities (Piscotty et al, 2015).The new medicine, new machines, and treatment methods, as well as integration of electronic health records into the system, has improved the delivery of care thus shaping the perspective to a better one.

However, poor development of technology leads to lower satisfaction rates as the people expect improvements to be stimulated by innovations which require technological advancement. The advancement in technology ensures that the USA has a better healthcare system compared to other countries. The better integration of the advancement would shape the perspective for the better eliminating the issues of neglecting and inequity since care would be patient centered (Piscotty et al, 2015).

The low development in technology affects the perspective by making it evolve over time where the health system is regarded to be inefficient. The equitable primary care and concentration on it while adopting technologic advancement is essential for improvements in the healthcare systems while low development results to negative impacts.

There are various technological advancements that have positively impacted the healthcare system in the USA by revolutionizing it for the better. The electronic health records in the health systems in the USA is one of the major technological advancement. Through the technological advancement, the systems used in the healthcare centers has been successfully integrated into a single platform.

Previously there were disparate systems, but EHR has enabled a more structured platform thus enhancing a more efficient and integrated type of care for the patients (Piscotty et al, 2015). The advancement has impacted healthcare delivery by ensuring consistency in the medicine and treatment provided through efficiencies and centralization of patient’s information thus leading to desired outcomes. Another technological advancement is the new surgical procedures e.g.  Anesthesia used in the healthcare system.

It contrasts from the electronic health records which is an advancement involving support system while anesthesia involves treatment and surgical procedures. The advancement involves the use of anesthetic practices and agents reducing patient’s burden of surgery. The advancement has led to positive impacts such as reduced medical errors and better surgery outcomes for the patients (Piscotty et al, 2015).

These technological advancements have influenced the opinion of the public in the USA while considering the changes that they have brought in the healthcare system. The surgery improvements and use of anesthetics have led to the positive opinion of the patients regarding the advancement. The patients have rated the improvement highly since it has ensured reduction of medical errors and stimulating quicker recovery which is regarded as the major improvement in healthcare delivery (Piscotty et al, 2015).

Positive opinions are also given by the public since they experience less suffering due to the effectiveness of procedures by health care professionals. One of the negative opinions is that despite the improvements through the advancement, the greater revolution in the medical field of surgery has made patients incur higher costs for the better services received. The patients have also given positive opinions regarding the incorporation of the electronic health records in the healthcare system.

The public is of the opinion that the advancement has consistency in health systems in the way they handle their health information thus resulting in better outcomes. The public has regarded the advancement as more satisfactory since through the system more coordination of their treatment and provision of medicine is made possible. The failure by some health organizations to implement the advancement and also to have a structured platforms in place makes the public regard the change as time-consuming and complicated which slows down the delivery of care in the health sector (Piscotty et al, 2015).

Technological advancements are crucial in impacting health care utilization and delivery. The electronic health records technological advancement would be essential in the centralization of information and might also be used in future as a population and data health tool. Such changes would enhance more efficient and consistent strategies of care delivery eliminating the many challenges faced by failure to integrate patient’s care effectively (Piscotty et al, 2015).

The advancements in aesthetics as part of the surgical improvements would impact the delivery of care through reduced number of medical errors, reduced hospital stays, and readmissions which are an improvement and positive impact in healthcare delivery. The advancement such us of aesthetic practices and agents leads to a greater utilization as compared to the older techniques. The substantial innovations in the advancement over years also leads to higher utilization in the healthcare systems in the USA.

The use of the electronic health records would affect the utilization of health care by eliminating the unnecessary medical procedures and duplicate tests thus lowering utilization in the healthcare system. Rather than the technological advancements, other factors that might affect utilization in health care are insurance, education, the need for the medical services and social networking issues (Piscotty et al, 2015). In a nutshell, the effective adoption and integration of the technological advancements in the healthcare has led to more positive changes in the health system.


Piscotty, R. J., Kalisch, B., & Gracey-Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of Healthcare Information Technology on Nursing Practice. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 47(4), 287-293. doi:10.1111/jnu.12138

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The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS

The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company
The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company

Case Study: The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS


Technology has changed the way corporations carry out their everyday activities. For any company to remain relevant in a highly technological world, they have to embrace modern tools. While Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company is a start-up, its reliance on paperwork may be its undoing when it comes to competing against business rivals.

However, the adoption of the new repository is strategic when it comes to offering quality service, proficiency, controlled inventory, informed decision making and a return on investment. In this age, when every other organization is jostling to implement technology, the use of the database will eradicate cabinets and shelves.

Apart from the ease of use, and increased efficiency, the technology will enable the company to have a competitive edge. This project is about the transition from paperwork to the adoption of database technology for enhanced management at Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company.

Purpose and Goal of the Project

Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company was founded by two computer scientists called Wayne and Marisol Peeples in 2007. The residents of Willow subdivision that comprise of 120 families is served by this company, which deals with rental of videos. However, Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company need a computerized system to keep track of all the money that flows in and out of the business and the assets.

While the company is smaller than the traditional video store, this process becomes easy to follow. With a paltry investment of $300, the company could cause the business to boast of success or be deemed a failure. As founders, we have not been aggressive enough to make a lot of money with the business.                               

The company was meant for the children not just in our community but in the neighboring communities as well. Because children are fond of movies, there was a need to feed them with much-needed content. The company has been operating largely from donations and from the small investment we plow back in the business. This has seen us invest approximately 90% of our profits back to the company.

The company is still in its embryonic state with less complex transactions, as such, we never conceptualized the need for computerisation of the equipment and information in our stores. The company relied heavily on paperwork, however, this is proving not just tedious for us but has also had a toll order on the proficiency.                             

The business has since grown with the closure of the traditional video renting stores that were competing with other company. The increased demand for entertainment has compelled us to shift from a small company mentality by increasing the capacity of the company. This has also resulted in the adoption of technological application that will render paperwork irrelevant.

With computerized systems, the company is able to track inventories, forecast the demand, enhance efficiency and ensure the quality of services.  In the long run, this technology will ultimately offer a return on investments (ROI). The decision to transition from paperwork to embracing computerized system will ensure that the company is able to satisfy the needs of clients. It will also avoid overstocking as well as understocking. Moreover, technology will help the leadership make informed decisions for the sake of customer and its posterity.                                                            

The media room that has the capacity of seventy-five people was also added targeting private events. Research on the benefits accrued by using a database showed that it was a good thing to use since it is efficient and easy to use. It was then seen to be a good idea worth implementation into the company.

A relational data will be created on Microsoft access which is aimed at keeping track of all the DVDs and video games. The database will be important in the management of the company and its branches in case we think of setting them up. The whole research points at numerous advantages in using the database.                                                          

The main reason for the selection of Microsoft Access is its ability to work with databases without being intensively gifted in the discipline. The simple-to-make use of codecs made by Microsoft corporation in their program dubbed Microsoft access has made it very easy for anyone to work with databases (Donato, 2017).

This is done by supplanting an element of the entangled work. It also offers many choices which make it the best option. The interface in it which is easy to use enables anyone to work on the databases effectively.                                     

The Microsoft Corporation considerations of people who are not good at making databases made them work on layouts that the user can download and use rapidly and efficiently. One can tailor the database from the ground up, designing it to fit into the enterprise. Many records are stored in Microsoft access such that when you start a similar business, you do not need to enter the data afresh when you start another venture that requires similar information.

Microsoft access also works hand in hand with other Microsoft office tools which include Microsoft word, Microsoft publisher, Microsoft power point and Microsoft excel. A good example is storing a spreadsheet in the database, a large volume of letters and store in the database and also storing several power point presentations and various Microsoft publications (Donato, 2017).

Name of the Project

The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS

Users and Administrators

The database will be used and administered by the co-owners who are Wayne and Marisol Peeples, the employees and the head volunteers. The administration has to be done by the honest and most skilled personnel to prevent loss of information since the sensitive information must be safeguarded (Connolly et. al., 2014). Administrators and users should have different access rights. To ensure that information is well guarded and secured, administrators should implement strong passwords.

How the Work is Being Done Now.

Currently, records are kept in the traditional paper filing system. The system has proved tedious especially when it comes to information retrieval. This hardship in the retrieval of information is what made us come up with a computer database. The bulky files due to increasing number of transactions made it difficult for us to work with the paper filing (Connolly et. al., 2014). Moreover, with too much paper, the safety of important information becomes subject to manipulation and vandalism.

Platform that will be used

Microsoft access will be used for the long-term and the short-term. The information about the customer which includes his/her name, address, telephone numbers and their date of birth and other information regarding the stock will be included. The platform was chosen due to its ease of handling and its efficiency regarding the performance (Connolly et. al., 2014).

Entities and Data Elements Involved

The entries to be entered in the database include; customer information, information on DVDs and game rentals and information on sales. On the customer side, the name, the address, the telephone number and the date of birth of the customer are recorded.

On the DVDs rentals database, the information on the date which the DVD was rented and the date it was returned is recorded, the genre of the DVD is also recorded (Horror, Documentary, Family, etc.), the price to be paid by the customers for the rental, the game ratings, the type of games and which console they were made for (android, Xbox, PlayStation, windows, etc.).

On the sales part of the database, the name of the product, the number of products sold, the date in which the product was sold, and the name of the customer who bought or rented the product is recorded (Connolly et. al., 2014).

Database tables:

The database will compose of 3 tables which include: customer details, DVD games rental and sales tables. The first table will contain columns which contain customer name, customer address, telephone number and the date of birth. The second table will contain the date on which the DVD was rented and the date it was returned, the genre of the DVD, the rental price, game ratings and the types of games.

On the third table, the database will comprise of the columns for the product name, a number of sold products, the date, and the customer’s name. The database will be interconnected based on the client’s details, products bought and the information about sales. The process will be done concurrently to avoid confusion.

However, because of the interconnection, they will function dependently.  This means that an individual’s information will be recorded in the first field; the second field will include what is bought, then sales information in the third field.


            Forms will be used for the input of data into the tables. Forms will be used by customers to input their personal details.  However, on the official part of the forms, information about the type of DVD games and the sales information will be captured. There is a form for both the first and the second table that requires the customer and the company to fill them.

The date of birth should have a calendar attached for easy insertion of dates. The date that the DVDs were rented should also contain a calendar attached. The column with the genre of the DVD contained a drop-down list listing them. The rating part contains stars to indicate ratings.

Queries and Reports

            The database will contain some queries. There will be the consumer information query and the products bought or rented query. The information on the sales will provide special receipts for the customers as proof of payment for the goods and services. The printout will also contain the customer’s name and the product information.


The run-through will go as follows: The user will enter the data into the customer information form. Then the data will be correspondently entered into the DVD rental or the sales form. The user will open up the customer’s information then a printout of the business transaction will be done by syncing it with the sales information. 


Connolly, A., Thomas, D., Carolyn B.(2014). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions.

Donato, D. (2017). Advantages of Microsoft Access. Retrieved January 05, 2017, from

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Defending the spirit of the web

Defending the spirit of the web
Defending the spirit of the web

Defending the spirit of the web: Conflicts in the internet standards process


The adaption and creation of principles is frequently replica of a game. In other words, the standards process is the replica of the activities of a formulated actor in the networks. The paper focuses on the development of web services choreography standards. It details the history and explains the technological arguments surrounding the standards. It entails a model of standardization, and look at a previous case from three perspectives. The first perspective is social- it follows the people involved in the standard process, an approximation of more complex approaches. The second is cultural- it looks at the ideas of the participants, particular ideas about technology (Edrei, 2016). The third is economic.

These three approaches are intertwined. Economic theories are important in explaining how individuals with a given set of utilities will interact. On the other hand, Economic theories are insignificant at determining where the utility comes from, but social theories are better for understanding how individual’s utility gets formed. The social research allows building and calibrating a better decision model.

Literature Review

  1. The social Perspective: Following the People

The standard process of constructing the web service composition consists of two decision process, development, and adoption. In the development process, the participants in a standards body create and debate the standard. A normal document is created when the official report goes well, which is frequently improved until it is introduced to a wider community for acceptance (Nickerson, & Zur Muehlen, 2013,).

Web services choreography describes the coordination of long-running transaction between business partners using usual internet protocols. It can be used in a diversity of domains, extending from supply chain management to media content solicitation. The foundations of web services choreography can be located in workflow management technology, which has been available since the middle of the 1980s.

In early 1990s large workflow users became aware of the possibility that they would be approved for the existence of several workflow solutions from different vendors. Standards were first created within the scope of workflow management coalition, but are increasing being defined by competing for uniformity groups, such as Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI), Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standard (OASIS), and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In parallel to this growth, the use of Internet technology for application combination became feasible through the introduction of value-added models on top of the inevitable Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) protocol used for the World Wide Web. These standards allow application designers to open their request for access to the internet. However, some applications give help for simple request-response message exchanges. More robust mechanisms are needed for the coordination of long-running transactions, such as the following exchange of Quotes, Orders, and Delivery Notes.

The web service compositions are not moving by themselves it is the participants in the choreography process who are packing up, leaving, and reassembling with a different standards organization. There are a finite number of people active in the composition process, and as a group loses momentum, some of the members will move to a livelier group.

Participants in the standards process are looking for a venue in which they could offer a standard that is technically excellent. When they are not comfortable in the group they are foundering, they jump to another group. From this perspective of the movement pattern of people leaving a group to another, it is essential to look the ideas.

  • The cultural perspective: Following the ideas

From the movements of the standards participants, the main reason for shifting group is disenchantment with the development of the business in the group. And this can be described as a growing sense that the actual standard is becoming too involved. For anyone quitting a conventional process because of the complexity of the conventional process does not appear to fit into a game-theoretic model, where the players are described as seeking to dominate each other for the fulfillment of the interests of their sponsoring corporation. Instead, they are engaged in something that looks like a process of aesthetic evaluation of the standard.

An aesthetic judgment can contribute to a strong value system. For instance, graphic designers of the modern school are taught to avoid that which does not contribute to the meaning of a page. And also programmers are also taught about clean versus kludgy code. The standard is explicitly disapproving of a potential use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) because it is counter to the spirit of the web.

It violates the design aesthetic of those who have built the web protocols. The phrase “the spirit of the web” is interesting from two perspectives. It is closer to an aesthetic than a rule; this is because there are myriad different ways to define a protocol and a myriad. Secondly, it suggests that the web has a spirit and this spirit is to be defended.

Most of standards have grown through Request for Comment (RFC) process, and it is described as follows: easily understood documentation, technical excellence; prior implementation and testing; clear, concise, and openness and fairness; and timeliness.

The participants in the development of web services are influenced by both the norms of the corporations they serve and the beliefs of the technical community they consider themselves part of it. For example, open source develops source while working on the job, sometimes without the employer knowing (Fielding, Roy Thomas, 2013). They define their identity in the hacker community. This may be the case that regular participants are similar.

  • The economic perspective: Following the Money

It is clear that a lot about standards can be learned by evaluating the potential benefits to the players involved in decision making. The vendors want to make money on standards, and by making the standard more complex, they increase the chance of selling products (Swenson, 2013). A programmer’s utility can be evaluated when a different criterion is looked than money. The development stage can be described as a stage of the collective invention, and as a part of this invention, new ideas are continually evaluated.

The dialogues captured in standard group’s discussions often concern the weighing of different attributes. It can be predicted that different groups would have different weights in mind for a similar set of attributes. In standard groups labor is voluntary, and switching costs are low, so quitting one standards body and reforming in another is a viable option.

In modeling, the standards creation process, one possible result of an impasse might be the migration to a different standards committee. And in methodological –the social perspective helps inform the economic perspective. The bylaws of the groups might determine the allowable jumps so that the movement between groups might be less random than it appears.

Vendors would want to serve on multiple standards committees so that they don’t report late if one takes off. Also, users might have little motivation to adopt one of these standards if the head does not move.

In conditions of high uncertainty, waiting might be the best strategy. It can be seen in web services choreography that there is an absence of user adoption and participation by vendors on multiple committees. Observation of different standards and their participants’ standards can be categorized as being driven by three different groups. The first two groups are self-evident.

Some standards are clearly driven by vendors, and some standards are clearly driven by users, for instance, Rosetta Nett is driven by a set of companies in the manufacturing industry. But there is a third set of specification such as HTTP where representatives of corporations are involved, but the standards do not drive by corporations. Those are referred as research-driven. Often, those engaged in the creation are financed by government research funding organizations (Kaman et al., 2014).

The representatives of corporations involved in these standards are often individuals who maintain a strong link with the research community. And the standards are sometimes created in standards groups that are strongly identified with the research community. In the understanding of the economies of standards development, It is essential to look at the funding sources and furthermore the sympathies of those on the committees.

Most software vendors are pushing for SOAP-based coordination standards in contrast. In contrast, the dispute between different standards for railroad track widths was resolved through the wishes of an important customer, the federal government. In rare cases, customers can overcome the wishes of vendors. Vendors often use the standardization process toward their ends and, in game-theoretic terms. The most accusation against vendors for conspiring to sabotage standards might be correct. There is always tension between the proposals of research-oriented participants and those who conscientiously represent the interest of their sponsoring firms.

The standard process is complex, and multiple perspectives, applying both social and economic techniques are more likely to yield insights than unique techniques. Future research might suggest ways of preserving or improving the overall functional landscape of official bodies.


Edrei, A. (2016). Divine spirit and physical power: Rabbi Shlomo Goren and the military ethic of the Israel defense forces. Theoretical Inquiries in Law7(1), 255-297.

Fielding, Roy Thomas (2013). Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures. Department of Computer Science. Irvine, CA, University of California, Irvine, CA: 180.

Kazman, Rick, Jai Asundi and Mark Klein (2014). Quantifying the Costs and Benefits of Architectural Decisions. ICSE 2001.

Nickerson, J. V., & Zur Muehlen, M. (2013, December). Defending the spirit of the web: Conflicts in the internet standards process. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Standard Making (pp. 56-69).

Swenson, Keith D. (2013). Personal Communication. M. zur Muehlen. Hoboken, NJ. West, Joel (2013). How open is open enough? Melding proprietary and open source platform strategies. Research Policy 32: 1259-1285.

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EMR system

EMR system
EMR system

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EMR system

Managing Health Care Business Strategy                                                                                                              

What elements (at least two) are missing from the action plan in Table 9.1 for the EMR system? Justify your choice

Piloting is a very important element which has been omitted from the action plan. Piloting helps to ensure that the vendor will supply a truly tested and proven system which is relevant to the organization. The risk of not piloting is too high given that a lot of money goes into acquiring such a system.

Failure to pilot a system can lead to multiple challenges such as loss of funds in that, after procuring the system, most likely it will be a custom – made one and therefore in the event it malfunctions, the vendor might not accept it back since the specifications, coding and even the program used is tailor made for the organization which ordered for the EMR system and therefore the vendor cannot resell it. 

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Another problem associated with failure to pilot the system is the possible loss of data in that a malfunction if system is fully implemented without piloting will lead to difficulties if the system fails. Loss of man power hours is also a likely outcome of an EMR system which was not properly tested before implementation. Also employees are known to oppose changes especially those which touch on their work. EMR systems digitalize the records of an organization and therefore an EMR should be effective in providing the relevant information in as far as medical records are concerned (Moseley III & George, 2008).

The EMR should function so well that all users in a medical set up should be able to access information with ease. This is only possible if employees get a chance to try the system way before it is implemented. This in turn creates an opportunity for the management and the vendors to receive feedback from the employees and deliver a final product which is not only user friendly but also one which will make the employees feel like they own it. Finally piloting serves to improve a system in that system bugs will be identified and fixed therefore the hospital will end up with a cost effective system.

EMR system

Funding is very important in any system implementation process and this requires the involved stakeholders to budget for the project. It also calls for approval from the top management such as the organization’s board of directors. Indeed, many good plans in organizations end up unimplemented due to lack of funding or sometimes underfunding which can cause a project to stall even at its very final phase.

Therefore the managers should ‘count cost’ before initiating an EMR project. The stalling of a project can cause conflicts in an organization, stemming from disillusioned employees. Sometimes this can lead to big losses in the future.

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Project auditing which is also known as a preliminary needs analysis is a very crucial step which serves to give project credence. This also ensures that processes are done in a transparent manner. Since the auditing will answer questions such as; is the project important? Is it timely? Is it cost effective? And if it will add value to the organization, this is very important because it’s the auditing report can even cause the project to be dropped altogether.

Describe the activities that should be implemented to address the missing elements.

For piloting activity, the system will have to be implemented in one department first before approval and subsequent application in the whole organization. Testing and piloting therefore need to happen so as to give a preview of what to expect upon project implementation. It will not be prudent to skip this stage/phase only to end up with a system installed but hat which cannot fulfill its intended purposes

EMR system

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Describe where these activities would be added to the list (relative to the other activities already listed).

The three activities can each be arranged with the help of a Gantt chart which serves to show what activities must be completed first before which others. In this case auditing or needs assessment should be the first step towards a successful implementation of an EMR. This is because the verdict given at this stage influences whether the EMR is necessary and profitable for the organization.  Project piloting or testing will follow thereafter if the needs assessment of auditing gives a nod for the organization to implement fully the project. The second last step should be the piloting step which should happen just before full implementation.

Funding on the other hand ensures that enough finances and other resources are set aside to carry on the projection to completion. Without the EMR system being factored in the budget, it only means the project will not take off let alone starting.

Project auditing calls for a team of experts in a given area. The experts in EMR implementation offer a neutral stand point which is regarded with honor by many and therefore by allowing the auditing process, needs are identified and solutions suggested. This leads to a process that is smooth and devoid of avoidable errors.

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Specify exactly which people from the hospitals and practice will participate in these new activities and justify your choice.

The three additional activities suggested will need to be handled by experts in their respective fields. It is however worthy noting that in all steps of the project process, stakeholder identification and involvement is very crucial. Employees at various levels in the hospital are very important stakeholders and must be involved in the system design and implementation so that they may own it. Those who audit the EMR should be experts in the area as well as the managers in the relevant departments.

EMR system

As for the funding the organization, the chief executive officer or the board must be involved because they are the one to authorize money to carry on the other phases. Finally piloting and testing needs to be done by two technical teams, one from the supplier and the order one representing the interest of the hospital. In conclusion, it is clear that despite the enormous advantages of an EMR system, its purchase and installation needs more than just consulting with the physicians; it as well requires careful considerations so that the resulting product is the best value for money.


Moseley III, George B. (2008) Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 

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