The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Movie Review

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

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The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Movie Review


1) Discuss the depiction of Jewish people A) in history and B) in literature.

2) What is usury and what was the value of coins/money during Shakespeare’s time?

3) Choose one image/photograph of A) Shylock and one of B) Portia and discuss what you think this image/photograph says about the character based on that image…(You may not choose either of the two images from the film.)

4) What are 3 things that the PowerPoint tells you to watch out for in the film? (List them 1,2,3)

mercy is not strained…” A) How is it depicted in the film and B) how does it relate to the theme of the rest of the play?

3) Explain how the filmmaker portrays Shylock and other Jewish people in the play/film…Are they depicted with negative stereotypes, are they sympathetic figures, antagonistic, evil, warm etc? Explain your view and be specific. Make sure to mention at least two signifiers and put them in bold.

4) What was your favorite part of the film and why?

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