The Host: A Movie Reflection

The Host
The Host

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The Host: A Movie Reflection


Write two reflection essays for BONG Joon-ho, “The Host” (Gwoemu, 2006, 119 mins) and WANG Xiaoshuai, “Beijing Bicycle (Shi Qi Sui De Dan Che, 2001, 113 mins). 500 words each.


An American military base of Yongson releases toxic chemicals in the drain to the Han River under the direct order of an arrogant coroner. Six years later, a mutant squid monster leaves the water and attacks people on the side of the river.

WANG Xiaoshuai, “Beijing Bicycle (Shi Qi Sui De Dan Che, 2001, 113 mins): Directed by Xiaoshuai Wang. Just as Guai, a bicycle messenger, makes his final payment for the silver mountain bike loaned by his company, he finds it stolen. After endless searching, Guai discovers his bicycle is now in the hands of Jian who bought the bicycle with stolen money. Though Guai and Jian finally work out a deal, they find themselves on an unexpected journey of self-discovery. 113 min.

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