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The next superpower of manufacturing economy
Over a period of many years, China has held its position as the world superpower of the manufacturing in the general merchandise sector. This is due to the rapid and dynamic growth in its economy, building focus in the world demand for manufacturing products and services. The country’s population, political stability and consumer interest and pattern can be explain its position as the world superpower of manufacturing in general merchandize. The country is however experiencing stiff competition from India, one of the world’s rapidly growing country economies.
India has in the past twenty years rapidly increased its share in the manufacturing industry. The country has recorded positive improvement in its gross domestic product (GDP). India just like China records one of the highest populations in the world (Ghemawat & Hout, 2016, p. 86). This offers a vast market for consumers and traders in the region. The country has taken advantage of its growing population to invest in merchandise market development. This has posed a significant threat to China’s position as the world superpower in the manufacturing industry.
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Subsequently, it can be argued that India is rapidly rising into the next superpower after China through their shift in development of technology (Gupta & Wang, 2009, p.25). The country is facing a drastic change in the industrial revolution through adopting a modern forms of technology applied in the manufacturing industry. This has increased their overall business performance.
India has tightened its grip in both the private and public sector, embraced trade liberalization and increased their involvement in foreign direct investment (Xingxing 2015, p. 685). This has primarily improved the manufacturing industry of India, making it a viable candidate as the next superpower after China.
Furthermore, the rapid expansion of information technology in India has accounted for the growth of commerce, business services, and banking. Moreover, India has gained an international reputation as an IT enabled center of the world. This has increased its global position in the e-commerce sector, improving its strength in the manufacturing industry globally.
In addition, India is experiencing growing investment rate, with an average of thirty-two percent compared to that of China at thirty-five percent (Mahtaney, 2007, p. 2455). This rate is set to project in the next year and India could surpass China’s the rate, making it the world superpower in the manufacturing industry.
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China is facing a significant challenge in their population, as a large percentage of the population is set to experience old age in the future years. This is bound to affect its general labor output, unlike that of India which is strengthening. India has a demographic surplus of younger generation increasing their task force in the manufacturing sector (Takeuchi, Chen & Lam, 2009, 86). The growing generation is also experiencing the best form of education, expanding their expertise in the sector. Based on these projections, it is predicted that India may overtake China as the current superpower in the manufacturing industry.
Reference List
Ghemawat, P, & Hout, T 2016, ‘Can China’s Companies Conquer the World?‘, Foreign Affairs, 95, 2, pp. 86-98, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 March 2016./
Gupta, A, & Wang, H 2009, Getting China And India Right: Strategies For Leveraging The World’s Fastest-Growing Economies For Global Advantage, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost
Mahtaney, P 2007, India, China, And Globalization: The Emerging Superpowers And The Future Of Economic Development, Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost
Takeuchi, N, Chen, Z, & Lam, W 2009, ‘Coping with an emerging market competition through strategy-human resource alignment: a case study evidence from five leading Japanese manufacturers in the People’s Republic of China’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2454-2470. Available from: 10.1080/09585190903363763.
Xingxing, L 2015, ‘An Economic Analysis Of Regulatory Overlap And Regulatory Competition: The Experience Of Interagency Regulatory Competition In China’s Regulation Of Inbound Foreign Investment‘, Administrative Law Review, 67, 4, pp. 685-750, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost,
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