Rapid Math Tricks and Tips Essay

Rapid Math Tricks and Tips
Rapid Math Tricks and Tips

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Rapid Math Tricks and Tips

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Generally speaking, most mathematics educators begin their journey into mathematics education because they enjoy doing math. However, as they continue teaching, the opportunities to do new or challenging math sometimes fade away. This assignment is an opportunity to rekindle your passion for mathematics—by simply doing math!

Part 1

Read through the table of contents in the Julius (1992) text and select two days that contain number tricks that are unfamiliar to you. Read the instructions and complete the practice problems until you are comfortable with the algorithm used. As you complete the exercises, check your answers with those in the back of the text.

In 1 page, summarize the algorithms you chose and discuss your thoughts during the learning process. * Was the algorithm difficult to learn? * What previous knowledge did you draw upon to help you understand it? * Did you enjoy the process of learning mathematics? Explain.

Part 2

Imagine you are preparing to teach one of the algorithms you just learned to a student at your particular teaching level (or a higher/lower level if you choose an algorithm that does not fit within your teaching level). 

In 1 page, describe how you would explain the process of the algorithm to the student. * What prior knowledge would the student require and how would you tap into that knowledge to teach the algorithm? * What challenges do you think the student might encounter?

Rapid Math Tricks and Tips


How the Brain Learns Mathematics (Sousa, 2015)Chapter 1

Developing Number Sense Chapter 2:

Learning to Calculate Rapid Math Tricks and Tips (Julius, 1992)

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Rapid Math Tricks and Tips

Learning new number tricks and algorithms

This section expounds on an assessment of the process of learning new tricks and tips using tricks from days 24 and 28 (Julius, 1992, pp. 151 – 154, 214, 174 – 176, 218 ). An explanation of the difficulty in learning the algorithms and tricks, the use of previous knowledge, and a review of the learning process are expounded below.

Difficulty to learn

The algorithms used in the rapid estimation of multiplication by 34 and 33, as well as the rapid estimation of division by 33 and 34,  were not difficult to learn. This is primarily due to the structured introduction to the algorithm and the numerous examples in each section. In addition, the Brain Builder and example exercises make the learning of the new tricks easier.

Previous knowledge used to help in the understanding of the new tricks

Previous knowledge in several topics helps make the learning process of the new tricks easier. First, the knowledge of basic multiplication and division are instrumental to the understanding of the tricks, as well as their operation and implementation. Second, the knowledge of reciprocals is important and is quoted by the author (Julius, 1992, p. 151 ). A third topic where previous knowledge helps is estimation, which is important since the author teaches faster methods of the same.

Review of the learning process

The learning process in both exercises was quite enjoyable. The introduction of new tricks that help to improve on the time taken on mathematical operations is important for development and learning (Sousa, 2015). The use of previous knowledge in learning new tricks is also quite exciting.

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