Public Service: Personal Reflection
Public service is at the core of the ability to deliver critical social services to its citizens by the government. Committed civil servants are the key stakeholders in this expected social contract between the government and its citizenry. As a public servant, my commitment is to provide service according to the competency of my academic qualifications to the best of my ability for not less than twenty years. According to Farrel & Goodman (2013), this will require discharging my duties with rationality, analytically and with the somberness expected with this social responsibility.
My commitment is driven by the passion for helping people and for making a difference and not by the paycheck alone. This commitment to delivering services with excellence is underpinned by knowing that my effectiveness will determine the success or failure by the government in its mandate. Knowing that I will be a role model for new public servants in the future drives me to commit to working while improving my skills so as to better impart knowledge (Besel, Williams, Bradley, Schmid, & Smith, 2016). My commitment is to provide quality service that gives value back to the taxpayers.
The following will constitute my plans which will assist me to meet the minimum requirements of the EHLS. This involves improving my computer literacy and my language skills to level two or higher on the interagency language roundtable (EHLS, 2017). Completing my bachelor’s degree is also part of my plan towards fulfilling this requirement. Committing myself to 6 months of full-time study in Washington together with an additional two months online survey is part of my plan to meet the demands of the EHLS program as well as working for the government after that.
BESEL, K., WILLIAMS, C., Bradley, T., Schmid, A., & Smith, A. (2016). The State of Public Service in America. In Passing the Torch: Planning for the Next Generation of Leaders in Public Service (pp. 3-8). Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press. Retrieved from
EHLS. (2017). Eligibility Criteria. Retrieved from
Farrel, D., & Goodman, A. (2013). Government Design: Four principles for a better Public Sector. McKinsey. Retrieved from
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