Project Management: Annotated Bibliography

Project Management
Project Management

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Project Management: Annotated Bibliography

Paul Newton (2015). Principles of Project Management: Project Skills. ISBN 9778-1-62620-958-9

Location/Source: Online. Retrieved from

Duration: N/A

Type of Delivery: Downloading

Cost: Free

This free e-book is useful as it teaches about project-management techniques in organization. The book highlights the definition of projects, some of the project management roles and responsibilities and the way projects are mapped to the same basic life structure. Similarly, the paper provides rich insights on how project-management can be organized into functional areas.

Saylor Foundation. Project management in a complex world. (2012)

Location/source: Online Retrieved from

Duration: N/A

Type of Delivery: Downloading

Cost: Free e-book

The book looks at the challenges managers and consultants face when managing complex project. To achieve this, the book provide case studies and discussing the implications of the case to project-management. This overview and complexity profile is important for students as it helps in learning a lot about specific areas of project-management knowledge.

Project management handbook

Wouter Baars: Project Management. 2009. Print

Location/ source: DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services),

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2509 AB, The Hague

  • Duration: 6-7 days
  • Type of Delivery: Post Office
  • Cost: $ 16
  • This handbook is valuable in project-management because it provide rich content about project-management. The first section of the handbook describes working methods that can be adopted for ‘traditional Projects.’ Section two provides working methods for IT projects. The book provide practical knowledge that will enable student to understand different roles of individuals participating in a project-management.
  • Introduction to project management: Principles, Techniques and Tools.
  • UCDAVIS: Introduction to project management: principles, Techniques and Tools.
  • Location/source: Free resource retrieved from
  • Duration: N/A
  • Type of Delivery: Downloading
  • Cost: Free Resource
  • This project-management book is important for training. The text contain different concepts of project-management such as introduction, project scope, and activity planning. The paper also provides resourceful information about project monitoring and control as well as team exercise.
  • 5.      Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
  • Eric Verzuh. Fast Forward MBA in Project Management (2015). Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited.
  • Location/Source: Barns & Noble
  • Duration: 3-5 business days
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping
  • Cost: $16.51
  • This book is comprehensive guide that help students and project managers to learn the different real-world project-management methods, tools, and techniques. The book provides enough theoretical foundation and practical information to guide you in project-management.
  • Gower Handbook of project-management.
  • J Rodney Turner (2014). Gower handbook of project management. Surrey, England; Burlington, VT
  • Location/ Source: Amazon
  • Duration: 3-5 Business Days.
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping.
  • $24
  • The Gower handbook provides an overview of vital information requisite for managing projects. The handbook is created by experienced international writers and practitioners to introduce the reader to valuable knowledge and skills that are necessary to manage projects.
  • Project Management Maturity Model, Third Edition.
  • J. Kent Crawford (2014). Project Management Maturity Model, Third Edition. CRC Press.
  • Location/ Source: Barns & Noble
  • Duration: 3-5 business Days
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping
  • Cost: $ 42
  • This book by Kent Crawford provides valuable information that can help in improving the success of a project and boosting performance of the organization. The book comprehensively describes the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMMSM) to provide the reader with a comprehensive knowledge vital for improving organization’s project-management practices.

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  • Successful Project Management
  • Trevor L. Young (2013). Successful Project Management. Kogan Page Publishers. Business and Economics. 232 pages.
  • Location/ Source: Barns & Noble
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping
  • Duration: 3-5 Business days
  • Cost $ 39
  • This book covers the technical aspects of a project from the beginning to the end with practiced and tested techniques, ways to manage stakeholders, project planning, launch and execution as well as effective risk management techniques. The book is important because it assist managers to keep a balance between client’s demands, the project, the team as well as the organization.
  • Fundamentals of Project Management
  • Joseph Heagney (2012). Fundamentals of project-management. New York: American Management Association, Print book: 4th ed.
  • Location: Amazon
  • Duration: 3-5 business days
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping
  • Cost: $ 15.13
  • The book uses a simple step-by-step approach when providing information about project-management concepts, tools, and techniques. The book provide resourceful information on how to plan a project, using earned value analysis, management of project-management team and the control and evaluation process of the project. The book has been of value over the years because of its assistance to project managers on how to manage the complex process of project-management.
  • Construction project Management
  • S Keoki Sears (2015). Construction project management: a practical guide to field construction management. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
  • Location: Amazon
  • Type of Delivery: Shipping
  • Duration: 3-5 Business Days
  • Cost $ 107.31
  • This book provides guide in construction project-management. The book has been vouched for to be the preeminent guide to all aspects in the construction project-management process. The book extensively explains the critical path method (CPM) of scheduling a project among other vital information that provides solid foundation for field construction management.

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