Program Management Assignment

Program Management
Program Management

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Program Management


Select four articles that are from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Explain each article’s theoretical and methodological relevance to your chosen area of management research (Program Management), describing why and how the research in each article selection pertains to your area of research interest in the management field, and indicating the strengths and weaknesses of each article’s research (One page per article—each article review must be submitted on a new, separate page. Each page must include the title of the article that is reviewed.)

Include a reference list using American Psychological Association style. The reference list must show the name of the author, article title, journal, and volume in the correct APA format (one page)

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Program Management Article Review

Sustainability in Project Management Competencies: Analyzing the Competence Gap of Project Managers by Silvius, A.J. and Schipper, P.J.

This article focuses on sustainability as a highly relevant strategy for modern organizations that seek to enhance competitiveness. The theoretical relevance of this research for my chosen area is mainly based factors enhancing program management success. The research addresses this by providing that besides ensuring program performance, sustainability is important in overall success of the organization, hence why program managers must strive towards ensuring that programs contribute to sustainability….

Professional Discourses and Resistance to Change by Pieterse, J. H., Caniels, M. C. and Homan, T.

Change management remains one of the most common challenges in program management and resistance to change may affect program success in a significant manner. Accordingly, the article by Pieterse, Caniels and Homan provides information that is highly relevant to my area of management research. In this article, the authors discuss professional discourse differences among groups working together, which is suggested as the cause of resistance to change. They also provide a solution based on this observation, noting that managing professional discourses is paramount in enhancing change programs….

Program Management Article Review

Stakeholder Inclusiveness: Enriching Project Management with General Stakeholder Theory by Eskerod, P., Huemann, M. and Ringhofer, C.

The focus of this article is stakeholder satisfaction through inclusiveness, which is a highly relevant topic in program management. The authors discuss the need to meet stakeholder expectations and how inclusiveness could be affect project success, both positively and negatively. Program management to a significant extent dwells on the ability to satisfy stakeholders by demonstrating that the resources provided have achieved the desired purpose. Therefore, this research provides considerable theoretical relevance to my area of research.

Value Management in Project Portfolios: Identifying and Assessing Strategic Value by Martinsuo, M. and Killen, C. P.

In this article, the researchers are concerned about the non-commercial value of projects. In program management, a major focus is given to the tangible value of projects and this could eventually affect the overall impact of the programs, which explains why this article is of great relevance to the research area. The article discusses value management and how it can be achieved through considering stakeholder expectations, promoting sense-making and interdependencies between players. These factors significantly match some of the objectives of program management and the research therefore achieves theoretical relevance to my chosen area…

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