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Patient Administration System
Question 27
Upon the implementation of KKUH’s Patient Administration System (eSIHI) in May 2015, it was subsequently integrated with King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH). This means that if a medical file number of a patient exists at KKUH, the patient also has a file number at KAUH. Yes, there is a global UMRN because eSIHI interfaces with other systems such as Xcelera reports, Dictation (via fly), PACS (Radiology), 3M, employee Health Record as well as medical sick leave.
Apart from KKUH, a 950-bed capacity hospital which uses this UMRN, this UMRN is also used by KAUH a 200-bed capacity hospital. These two hospitals use a Patient Administration System (PAS) known as eSIHI, which is integrated between the two hospitals meaning that it is possible for the two hospitals to share records when necessary.
Question 28
The Patient Administration System (PAS) used by the King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH) is eSIHI, which was implemented in May the year 2005 and the hospital has no plans of replacing it even though any improvement plans may be considered. The hospital’s PAS, which is eSIHI is offered by the HIS company and will run on the software architecture of Cerner Millennium®, which is a highly unified and comprehensive information management architecture.
Hospital reports are generated whenever required or periodically for monitoring purposes. The existing system has various benefits, and hospitals adopting this system will recognize several imperative benefits, including:
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- Increased quality of care for patients: This will be achieved through elimination of errors by electronic order entries, which were previously caused by improper transcriptions or illegible handwriting, while physicians are notified by evidence-based alerts of potential complications associated to similar situations and medication interactions.
- Improved patient information access: The creation of electronic health record that is integrated for each patient, allows vital health information to be accessed in real-time, including updated radiology imagery and lab results.
- Enhanced operational efficiency: As a result of the on-time reporting offered by this system, it enables hospitals to be able to have greater control over the day-to-day operations across all the departments, while at the same time increasing efficiency and reduction of costs.
However, compared to the old system that the hospital was using, the new system (eSIHI) has a major disadvantage, which according to the staff through the old system they were able to know whether a patient has died or not, but with the new system it is not possible for them to know.
In the new system, information flows from the patient to the health record department to physician consultations, then diagnosis (i.e. lab or radiology) to surgical/dressing/radiology departments, then pharmacy and finally the finance and discharge departments. The new system is easy to use compared to the old one, and the access of medical records or information is by scanning the barcode.
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