Business and Marketing Personal Statement

Business and Marketing Personal Statement
Business and Marketing Personal Statement

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Business and Marketing Personal Statement Admission Essay


How do you hope to see your career developing over the next five years? Which a turning point in your life — an accomplishment, event, or other critical moments – that helped you understand yourself and in what ways do you hope to inspire change and create lasting value?

All of us go through regular cycles in our careers. A career Turning Point is a time in our lives when we are looking for new direction. A Turning Point typically shows up about every 7 to 10 years of adult life between ages 18 and 85. These are critical times in your life where big decisions could lead to big change, both in work and in life.

The hallmarks of a Turning Point are reflection, asking yourself questions about your current level of enjoyment, or wondering about other options. A Turning Point can feel like a crisis whether or not it is precipitated by a specific event.

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