Learning to Calculate Essay Paper

Learning to Calculate
Learning to Calculate

Learning to Calculate


Learning how to multiply can be an extremely difficult aspect of mathematics education. As described in the text (Sousa, 2015), the shift students encounter as they move from counting strategies to the rote learning of arithmetic facts can cause a major upheaval in their thought process.

Keeping this shift in mind, complete the following:

• Based on the information in the text (Sousa, 2015), analyze the multifaceted issue of how American students struggle with multiplication tables and why educators should pay particular attention to student experiences and thought processes while learning them. 

• If you teach, or plan to teach, at the elementary level, how do you believe that multiplication tables should be taught? Is it necessary to memorize them? Why or why not?

• If you teach, or plan to teach, at the high school or college level, how do student experiences with multiplication table learning impact students at this level? 

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Learning to Calculate

Based on the information in the text (Sousa,2015). Analyze the multifaceted issue of how American students struggle with multiplication tables and why educators should pay particular attention to student experiences and thought processes while learning them?

The use language in teaching mathematics makes the learning of multiplication difficulties. The addition and subtraction calculations the students are able to associate numbers which makes it easy for them to solve questions. Additionally, there is a consistent pattern that makes the students able to carry backward and forward calculations. Contrariwise multiplications are difficult because the brain is unable to find a sequence that they can relate to. The dissociative aspects of multiplication make learning of the mathematical tables hard (Sousa, 2015). Students have different learning styles that forms a foundation in their arithmetic learning. Paying attention to the learning styles makes them progress to multiplication from addition and subtraction with ease.

If you teach or plan to teach at the elementary level, how do you believe multiplication tables should be taught? If necessary to memorize them? Why or why not?

I believe at the elementary level; the teacher should focus on counting skills of the students. The counting skills are essential in solidifying the learners’ confidence in mathematics. They then can progress to multiplication tables using mathematical charts. In addition, they can start with small figures before progressing to complex ones (Sousa, 2015)…..

Learning to Calculate

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