Job order and process cost accounting systems

Job order and process cost accounting systems
Job order and process cost accounting systems

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Job order and process cost accounting systems


Use the Assessment 2 Template to complete Part 1 and Part 2. Each part is a different tab in the template.

For Part 3, create a Microsoft Word document. Submit both the completed template and the Word document for this assessment.

Part 1: Using Part 1 of the template, read the Central Manufacturing Company scenario and then complete the following:

1. Determine the unit cost for the month in finishing.

2. Determine the total cost of the products transferred to finished goods.

3. Determine the total cost of the ending work in process inventory.

Part 2: Using Part 2 of the template, solve the Central Manufacturing Company problems using an average cost processing system.

Part 3: In a 1–2-page Microsoft Word document, compare and contrast how job order and process cost accounting systems differ for each of the following items:

1. Materials.

2. Labor.

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Job order and process cost accounting systems Essay

Job costing is a system used in the production of heterogeneous products. The difference in the products produced is known as the creation of a job order cost record for each item. Both the direct material as well as the direct labor costs will be reported in the job cost record and any production overhead incurred (Braun et al., 2014). Process costing is an accounting system used to determine the cost of the product at each stage of production.

It is adopted where the goods produced are manufactured in a sequence of processes that are continuous. Unit cost under individual costs is determined then summed up to give an average unit cost for the product (Braun et al., 2014). The section below provides a comparison between job order costing and process accounting orders in terms of materials and labor.



Both methods have the same aim of determining the total cost of materials used. Both job order and process costing have the same workflow, where the materials inventory is recorded in a separate account and then the costs are transferred to work in the process account (Braun et al., 2014). Another similarity in both systems is that the direct material cost is included in the product cost. The management uses the unit cost of materials for decision-making. To achieve this, management will evaluate…….

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