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Diverse Population Memo/Issue Brief
Order Instructions:
Leadership Role in Healthcare Policy: Diverse Population
The purpose of this assignment is to provide your audience with healthcare information necessary to provide person-centered-care for the vulnerable/diverse population you selected
Because of the disproportionate risk, cost, quality, overlapping issues (intersectionality), you will need at least two or three-pages (SINGLE SPACED) for an Issue Brief. APA for references and in-text citations (The link below takes you to an excellent example of an issue brief).
Be sure to speak to your audience when writing. You can keep the audience you used previously or select another audience.
You may use any or all of the information you submitted for the Diverse Population Assignment in Lesson 5
Kaiser Family Foundation has an Issue Brief that should be very helpful
Five Health Carea Disparities.pdf – Alternative Formats
Diverse Population Memo/Issue Brief
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Issue Brief Part II Instructions
Use the following as a guide for your issue brief (formally named issue memo). I know it will be impossible to cover all of the information below, cover key issues/components.
1) Identify the vulnerable/diverse population you selected
Briefly explain to your audience why the diverse groups are vulnerable to disparities and why the disparities matter.
2) What is the status of the diverse group currently
Is the vulnerable/diverse population you selected, at disproportionate risk of being uninsured, lack access to care, and unable to pay for care, likely experience worse/adverse health outcomes.
Is the vulnerable/diverse population you face overlapping systems (intersectionality) with various social stratification, such as class, race, sexual orientation, age, income, disability, and gender, etc
Diverse Population Memo/Issue Brief
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4) What are some vital healthcare reform initiatives to address the vulnerable/diverse population selected?
5) What are some of the significant risks for the diverse group if there are no healthcare system changes to the population you selected?
6) As a professional nurse, at what point(s) in the Public Policy Process (Lesson 2) would you recommend advocating for the population you selected?
7) Are there risks for a professional nurse regarding professional nursing standards and the Nursing Practice Act when providing care for the selected population? (Example: During the Pandemic, nurses were allowed to work in other states, strong feelings about a population can cause nurses to do more than within their scope of practice, etc.) Cite the nursing standards or practice act you are aligning with in your brief.
8) References
Diverse Population Memo/Issue Brief
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