Conflict Communication Strategies

Conflict Communication Strategies
Conflict Communication Strategies

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Conflict Communication Strategies

1.    lose-lose attitude is a perception towards conflict that assumes nobody can win from engaging in a conflict such that those engaged in a conflict must lose: for example, a deteriorated romantic relationship. A win-lose attitude towards conflict assumes that when two people are engaged in a conflict, one must sacrifice to lose for other or one person must win at the expense of another, an example is in a family dispute or affair.

On the other hand, a win-win attitude towards conflict has the assumption that benefits can be derived from a conflict, and it’s possible to reach to a consensus that satisfies everyone that’s involved in the conflict; an example is in a group or a team.

2.    Grace is an act of unexpected favor and forgiveness. When one is gracious, they forego their personal needs for another person. The act of grace is not compulsory, and a person forgives someone even when it’s not expected. Grace should be exercised with care. The other person must be sincerely apologetic for grace to be granted. Grace is appropriate for family and friendship relationships but not appropriate when a person is a danger to others or for extremists.

3.    Communication climate comprises of the overall feelings and emotional moods between people. Healthy communication climates can be created and sustained through task communication such as analyzing information and ideas, procedural communication such as ordering ideas, and climate communication, for example, engagement

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4.    Conflict arises when people that depend on each other have different opinions and interests. Conflict can be constructive or destructive. One of the benefits of conflict is that it brings understanding between people in a relation. When people differ in opinions, it creates an understanding of their culture and desires. Also, conflict brings people closer when they participate in the constructive conflict.  Conflict is a confirmation of loyalty when someone remains committed to the relationship despite the differences.

Chapter 8

1.    Culture is the understanding, beliefs, and means of interpreting experiences shared by people in a community or a relationship. Communication and culture are related in that some forms of communication are a response to culture, example, and low-context communication style. Also, the level of communication one uses defines the type of culture such as individualistic culture, and thirdly, the type and level of language a person uses represent cultural diversity, for example, multilingual.

2.    The five responses to cultural diversity are respect, understanding, participation, tolerance, and resistance. One may value other’s culture and ways of doing things, accept that no tradition is better than the other, get involved in cultural activities of another group, accept differences, or attack other people’s culture.

3.    Processes of adapting communication to different cultures include listening, assimilation, interpretation, and assimilation.

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Chapter 9

1.    Particular others are certain people that are important to a person and influence self’s values and esteem. Generalized others is a perception an individual has towards the rules, roles, and attitudes set up by one’s culture and community. Particular others shape one’s confidence and values while the generalized others define the way a person carries on their life in public. Particular others and generalized others create an individual’s norms, values and approach to life hence creating one’s sense of identity. A person values particular others but still conforms to the generalized other’s culture.

2.    Egocentric communication is a form of communication that calls attention to oneself. The endorsement is accepting one’s thoughts while acknowledgment is hearing another’s expressed feelings. Egocentric helps one gain confidence while endorsement gives power when one is communicating with a group. Egocentric and endorsement lead to acknowledgment which accepts others opinions and, therefore, making a person be an effective communicator.

3.    The social comparison involves comparing oneself with others to make judgments about one’s talents and abilities. Reflected appraisal is the definition and image that others give to us. Social comparison is done by oneself while reflected appraisal is judgment formed by others about us.

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Chapter 10

1.    Relationship dialects are tension that arises between people that are in opposition. Tension is either novelty or open. An example of Novelty tension is the desire to explore new things while an example of open tension is the desire to share private thoughts.

2.    Escalation of a relationship goes through three stages: one, intrapsychic processes which involves talking about not being satisfied with the partner, two, dyadic process where problems are discussed, three, grave dressing process where partners see no value in the relationship, then resurrection where partners take different paths and reforms without involving the other in their life.

3.    A romantic relationship undergoes three processes before it’s formed: passion, for example having a strong feeling towards another, relationship culture such as rules set for the relationship, then commitment, for example, contract or marriage.

4.    Pragma, ludus, and mania are some of the styles of loving. Pragma is discriminatory. I practice pragma such that I love people by offering finances because they are poor. Ludus is sassy for example, love towards a child. Mania is insecure and obsessive for example, the love I have for my best friend and lover.

5.    Communication is one of the major challenges of long distance relationship. It is hard to express one’s feelings, and it’s normally insecure when a partner is not near. To cope and sustain the relationship, couples should communicate daily over the phone and use video chatting methods. Also, couples should learn to listen and mind the other’s feelings.

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Chapter 11

1.    A group consists of more than two people who share same goals but are independent. A team consists of people with similar resources and has the same sense of identity as they try to fulfill a certain mission. A team and a group are similar in that members have similar goals. However, in a group people are independent while in a team people are dependent.

2.    Kinds of groups that are found in businesses and civil life include formal groups, informal groups, secondary groups, and primary groups. Primary group example is a departmental association; the secondary group is a project team, the informal group is a social affiliation, and example of a formal group is a management group.

3.    Working in groups is healthy as more ideas are generated than in an individual group. However, it takes the time to process work while in a group than in individualized project. Group work is more efficient as it leads to cohesion and cultural diversification.

4.    Climate communication, egocentric communication, task communication, and procedural communication are some of the communication methods involved in group communication. Egocentric is self-centered and brings conflicts in a group, task communication helps in idea generation, procedural communication assists in establishing a process of change, and climate communication help in creating a conducive atmosphere.

5.    Stages of standard agenda are idea generation, critic, dialogue, defense, analysis, then making the final decision. It is good to allow critics and discussion to help in coming up with the best alternative decision.

6.    Stages of nominal group technique are an introduction, generation of ideas, sharing of ideas, discussion, and voting. In deciding method to use for advertising, marketer introduces the idea, members give opinions, ideas are shared and discussed then voting takes place to take the best method.

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Chapter 12

1.    Rites are planned activities that are intended to bring a group of people together. Ritual is a recurring communication technique that is perceived by organization members to contain some set values.

2.    U.S workers during industrial revolution did not have the motivation to work as they only observed rituals as set by colonialists to avoid punishments. In today’s society, workers are represented by unions hence; their needs are considered and have the motivation to work.

3.    Major communication challenges faced by organizations today are unclear expectations, distance barrier between departmental units, and employees not trusting each other. Senior employees have conflicting interests with juniors and exercise their power excessively causing conflicts. The worst challenge is conflicting interest since it causes tension and lack of concentration by employees.


Asma Zaine (2016). Barriers to effective communication in organizations. Retrieved from

Britannica (2015). Revolution of industrial unions. Retrieved from…/Revolution-and-the-gro.

julia Wood (2014). Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the field of communication. Published by Cengage Learning.

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