Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal
Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Directions: Develop an educational Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:

  1. Bioterrorism/Disaster
  2. Environmental Issues
  3. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
  4. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Planning Before Teaching:

Name and Credentials of Teacher:  
Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 2 HrsLocation of Teaching: Community Social Hall  
Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Charts, projector, PowerPoint presentation, Safety gloves and equipmentsEstimated Cost: $1,000
Community and Target Aggregate: 500 People
Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion  

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (statistics related to topic):

Primary prevention/Health promotion is important in the reduction of the impact of chronic or deadly diseases on an individual in the community, in institutions and at the society level. Initiatives that develop and undertake the implementation of prevention programs at the primary level have not been evaluated with key scientific rigor (Lobb et al., 2013).

Health promotion helps in building structures that are supportive that help in empowering personal resources by maintaining health in its broad sense. The selection of the target group is based on the degree to which they are affected and the feasibility of reaching them effectively plus chances of achieving a profound and effects that are sustainable.

Nursing Diagnosis: an actual diagnosis will help in indicating how the community faces challenges concerning primary prevention for example, the deprivation of sleep. Undertaking a risk diagnosis helps in obtaining views on vulnerable conditions and the contributing factor for example, risk for shock.

In health, promotion diagnoses judge about the motivation of the community to actualize human life and desires to increase wellbeing for example their readiness to enhanced nutrition. The diagnoses are clustered if they occur together and addressed through similar interventions for example, a relocation stress syndrome.

Readiness for Learning: Factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target group.

The patients are able and tend to be motivated to process the new skills through exploration of new attitudes and behaviors. Also, there is a willingness of the patient or persons to engage in the teaching-learning process that comprise of the emotional readiness. The persons are not generally aware of the problem but, they are ready to act (Ali & Katz 2015). They think about the change but they have not yet taken any action

Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied.

The most preferred theory for the learning population is cognitive learning theory. The primary prevention phenomena will be analyzed into simpler components and studying the basic components of health promotion. This helps the target group in understanding a complex health phenomenon easily. The persons can organize and transform into a pattern what is being taught. It offers the three intellectual systems of an enactive, iconic and symbolic image of the training.

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Goal: Using Healthy People 2020 (HPP2020) Objective

The objective of promoting the quality of life and healthy development plus healthy life behaviors across all the stages of life is important in my teaching. The importance is that the community can be able to get exposed to health promotion through primary prevention on practicing healthy life practices. This also serves in educating on healthy practices in life to ensure that there is an epidemic or disease free society.

Relationship between the HP2020 and Alma Ata’s Health for all Global Initiatives

Alma Ata’s health for all global initiative included health workers with an aim of training them as one team to help in responding to the expressed health needs of the community. It also develops the ability of communities to participate through education and concerns itself with community participation and inter-sectored actions to make effective the existence of vertical integration in dealing with disease burden and shortages of workforce. The objective of promoting quality of life relates to this objective because they mainly aim at improving the human life and existence (Rusch et al., 2015).

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective
and Domain
(be specific)  
Strategies/Methods (label and describe) .
1.  The learners will be able to construct treatment and preventive plans for diabetic patients to contain avoiding certain food (cognitive)      1. Avoid food that contains much sugar and continuously do body exercises to remain healthy1. Present diagrams through the projector of specified and prescribed food to help in the primary prevention of diseases. Allow the learners to ask and present opinions on their varied diets
2. The learners will be able to demonstrate their commitment to promoting the presentation of the case by asking for feedback on the presentation (affective domain)      2. Ways of offering first aid in case of the affected patient or dealing with the desease2. Practical presentation on the recovery positions and do a mock test to determine the learners’ ability to assist during critical occasions
3. The learners will be able to calibrate on using a first aid kit before performing the actual process of helping patients and undertaking primary prevention (psychomotor domain)      3. Ensure the first aid kit is well equipped with essential drugs that help in basic diseases that affect the community3. Prescribe on drugs through demonstration that are essential in first aid and give access to the local medical centers within their locality by providing emergency assistance numbers
4. The learners will have to demonstrate on how to reduce the impacts and curb water pollution in their community (cognitive domain)      4. Put in measures such as, drinking clean and safe water4. Practical presentations on basic healthy living such as, water treatment and ensuring hygiene when handling foodstuffs

Creativity: How was creativity applied in the teaching methods/strategies? 

There was fluency, flexibility and uniqueness followed indicated by the following of the teaching instruments. Creativity was ensured through the involvement of the learners to give their views on the primary prevention (Ali & Katz 2015). Including the use of health models and use of past experiences brought in the concept of creativity. The various domains of the behavioral objectives greatly influenced the learner responses.

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planned Evaluation of Objectives (Outcome Evaluation): Ways to measure each objective

  1. In the cognitive objective of developing treatment and preventive plans will be measured through their readiness to help in orally presenting a new patient’s case
  • The learners will be able to orally present a case of a patient in a manner that is logical while observing chronology in the development of the current disease. (specific)
  • The learners can be able to prepare appropriate new patient workups (general)
  •       The learners will be able to summarize the pertinent positive and negative findings while undertaking a differential diagnosis and plans for testing and treatment further (cognitive)

Planned Evaluation of Goal:  Overall Effectiveness of the teaching plan.

Feedback can be collected from the learners concerning the clarity of the stated primary prevention or health promotion. Peer evaluation can also be undertaken through the teaching mutual or one way evaluation of teaching observation.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

Evaluate on the things that went well in the learning process and why they went well. Evaluation is also done on the problems encountered and why. What could I have done differently? What I learned from the experience and how it could help me in future.

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Barriers: Potential Barriers during teaching

The learners might not have enough confidence in the teacher but this can be handled through the avoidance of prejudice and acting professionally. The learners could possibly lack motivation but explaining the terms broadly encourages them. Also, the learners could possibly lack attention or enough time. The teaching can be scheduled in hours when the learners are free to attend.

Communication: The presentation process from “Hook” to the end of the presentation and non-verbal techniques

The use of facial expressions and signs helps in stressing the concepts of primary prevention. The presentation can begin with question and answer sessions and end with flashbacks on the topic and presentation from some of the learners on their understanding of the presentation.


Lobb, R., Petermann, L., Manafo, E., Keen, D., & Kerner, J. (2013). Networking and knowledge exchange to promote the formation of transdisciplinary coalitions and levels of agreement among transdisciplinary peer reviewersJournal of Public Health Management and Practice19(1), E9-E20.

Rusch, D., Frazier, S. L., & Atkins, M. (2015). Building capacity within community-based organizations: New directions for mental health promotion for Latino immigrant families in urban poverty. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research42(1), 1-5.

Ali, A., & Katz, D. L. (2015). Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: How Integrative Medicine Fits. American journal of preventive medicine49(5), S230-S240.

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