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Class Dismissed: The Different Ways of Defining Class Movie Review
Answer the following questions
1.How is class variously defined in the video?
2.Studies suggest that women continue to be stereotyped on television shows. For instance, women on television shows are usually more agitated, timid,and afraid than men. They are generally depicted as sexually attractive. In employment roles they are less likely to hold the most important jobs. Do you see such patterns on television? Are there others?
3.In this film, Latinos, homosexuals, and African Americans are described as people on the margins. What do they share in common and where do their struggles differ?
4.Why do you think we are seeing a proliferation of “reality” shows that focus on makeovers as the way to access the American Dream? How do these shows tap into stereotypes about working-class people and myths of social mobility?
5.Two stereotypes of working-class white people in the media are “white trash” on the one hand or “good country folk” on the other, according to a website that focuses on this issue
What traits are associated with each stereotype? Give a couple of examples from television and other media—comics, film, books
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