Making sense of organizations Research Paper

Making sense of organizations
Making sense of organizations

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Making sense of organizations

To what extent is our understanding of organisations and management over the last 100 years applicable to the 21st century?


The complexity of interconnections is at the heart of our knowledge economy. In a developing economic ecosystem, all individuals, teams, communities, systems, and other corporate assets are highly interrelated. Each network player in the linked economy is part of a bigger economic web that influences and is impacted by each other (Pettinger, 2017). We can no longer focus on individual actor performance in such a linked system; instead, we must focus on system results.

The performance of the integrated whole is the key. Attempts to make sense of this new environment are revealing certain fundamental principles at work in the complex adaptive systems we call organizations. (Shapiro & Varian, 1999)  said that, “There is a central difference between the old and new economies: the old industrial economy was driven by economies of scale; the new information economy is driven by the economics of networks…”.

Recent study on knowledge economy productivity and effectiveness sheds light on what works in the linked workplace (Pettinger, 2017). When undertaking knowledge work, certain patterns of relationships arise around both effective people and successful teams.

An Organization is a group of people working together to create a surplus (Koontz & Weihrich, 2006). This surplus is profit in business organizations; however, it may represent fulfilment of needs in non-profit organizations such as philanthropic organizations. Management is the act of creating and maintaining an environment in which people work together in groups to achieve specific goals (Koontz & Weihrich, 2006). The basic definition of management implies that managing is concerned with productivity which implies effectiveness and efficiency.

Business success necessitates the development of a smart strategy into a well-executed plan. The process of directing a corporation and efficiently employing or controlling its assets and resources is known as organizational management. It goes beyond a corporate structure; it necessitates that executives have systems in place to resolve challenges and produce solutions that assist the company get closer to its goals (Leonard, 2018). 

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Managers frequently perceive their work as task or supervisory in nature, however this is a fallacy. Management is a discipline that consists of five broad functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling at its most fundamental level (indeed, 2021).Planning entails deciding on acceptable goals and activities to pursue, as well as selecting what tactics to employ, what actions to take, and what resources are required to attain the objectives (indeed, 2021).

Organizing is the process of putting things together. Workers can work together to achieve organizational goals through this process of creating worker connections. Leading involves articulating a vision, energizing employees, inspiring and motivating people using vision, influence, persuasion, and effective communication skills (indeed, 2021). Staffing involves Recruiting and selecting employees for positions within the organization. Controlling is Evaluate how well the organization is achieving their goals, improving performance, taking actions to ensure events conform to plans (indeed, 2021).

The number of levels in management grows in full agreement with the growth of the organization and employees, and vice versa. The various levels of management can impact the chain of command within an organization, as well as the degree of authority and, in most cases, decision-making power that all managerial roles have (Juneja, 2015). The board of directors of an organization, as well as the chief executive or managing director, make up the top level of management.

Because it monitors a company’s goals, regulations, and processes, it is the ultimate source of power and authority. The strategic planning and execution of the entire business performance is their top focus (Juneja, 2015). This intermediate management level is made up of branch and departmental managers.

These individuals are directly responsible to top management for the smooth operation of their departments, allowing them to devote more time to organizational and strategic duties. Lower-level managers are primarily concerned with the execution and coordination of day-to-day workflow in order to guarantee project completion and delivery of deliverables (Juneja, 2015). 

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Traditional organizational structure is a strategy for organizing a business or other entity in what is known as a hierarchy or a top-down structure (Henry, 2016). With this approach, the processes of task allocation and management focus on a vertical structure that strictly defines a chain of command. A bureaucracy of this type allows relatively little open communication between different levels of employees, with those who are assigned to work within departments normally being assigned jobs and told what to do, without much of an ability to have input into policies and procedures (Henry, 2016). 

Hierarchical structures of this type have been common in a number of different organizations, ranging from companies and non-profit organizations to religious organizations (Henry, 2016). While a traditional organizational structure can often be effective when highly competent individuals are placed in positions of authority, there are also potential pitfalls with this model that include a lack of checks and balances.

The creativity of the organization may also be somewhat limited in this type of business structure, since the ideas all come from a relatively small number of individuals who are actually involved in the overall operation (Henry, 2016).

There are four basic models or types of organizational structure. One is known as Structure of a Functional Organization. People who do comparable jobs are grouped together by speciality in a functional organization structure(Alton, n.d.). As a result, all accountants are assigned to the finance department, followed by marketing, operations, senior management, and human resources. Because the group members can readily communicate, this arrangement has the benefit of allowing for speedy decision-making.

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They can also learn from one other because their skill sets and interests are comparable (Alton, n.d.). Another type is the divisional structure on Items, in which your organization divides employees into teams based on the products or projects that best satisfy the demands of a certain client (indeed, 2021). A bakery with a catering operation, for example, may divide its staff into departments based on their primary customers, such as a wedding department and a wholesale-retail department (indeed, 2021).

The matrix structure, on the other hand, is more complicated since it incorporates components from both the functional and divisional models. It organizes employees into functional specialized departments, which are subsequently divided into divisional projects and products (Sullivan, 2019). Team members are given more autonomy and are expected to take on more responsibility for their work in a matrix structure. This boosts team productivity, encourages more invention and creativity, and helps managers to tackle decision-making issues collaboratively through group engagement (Sullivan, 2019).

This organizational structure takes a great deal of preparation and effort, thus it’s best suited to large corporations with the resources to spend maintaining a complicated business framework (Sullivan, 2019). Lastly, most firms’ traditional top-down management method is disrupted by a flat organizational structure (Sullivan, 2019). There is no daily “boss” since management is dispersed.

Each employee is their own boss, which reduces bureaucracy and red tape while increasing direct contact (Sullivan, 2019). This structure eliminates needless layers and distributes authority across many positions. When everyone doesn’t agree, this contributes to improved decision-making, but it may also be confusing and inconvenient. In other words, it has advantages and disadvantages similar to other structures (Sullivan, 2019).

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Although traditional structures excel in industries where procedural uniformity equates to quality, they tend to have some drawbacks in meeting the varied demands of 21st-century businesses. One of the main problems face by the hierarchical method is that it has a complicated chain of command which can slow down decision-making (Anon., n.d.). this type of structure can reduce interdepartmental cooperation and communication. Departments can become indifferent to the concerns of other areas and develop tunnel vision (Anon., n.d.). When acute, departments may put their own agendas ahead of company goals (Anon., n.d.).

Senior persons have a significant role in decision-making under the existing hierarchical arrangement. They can either foster discussion or strive to reach an agreement among multiple viewpoints, then they might be lauded as heroes for successfully negotiating a compromise. When parties can’t agree, they’re tasked with making the ultimate decision, and they’re lauded as heroes for coming to the rescue and putting a stop to the squabble (Palmer, 2018). Or they don’t involve others in their decisions and just announce what is going to happen and are hailed as heroes for taking a strong line (Palmer, 2018).

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Another disadvantage of the hierarchical organizational method is that there is less flexibility to adapt and react to environmental market. As companies develop, they tend to add additional procedures and systems to help them manage their different pieces. With additional regulation and control added to the maze of bureaucracy, this collection of rules and processes can get increasingly complicated over time. This eventually grows into its own business, requiring an army to oversee and maintain the rules and procedures (Hayward, 2019).

Traditional management clashes with creative expression in particular. Employees at advertising firms and art and design, for example, occupations are more productive when the framework is flexible and informal (Kokemuller, 2017). Traditional management is centered on a controlled work environment in which workers are held to high professional and performance standards. As a result, traditional management rarely works in these situations (Kokemuller, 2017).

Employee empowerment, or the practice of entrusting important decision-making to firm employees, has grown prevalent in early twenty-first-century workplaces (Kokemuller, 2017). Employees who are actively participating in decision-making have a better feeling of ownership at work, according to companies. Customers also benefit from more quick problem-solving assistance (Kokemuller, 2017). Tall bureaucratic structures limited employee participation in organizational decision-making, and they were also rigid and time-consuming since decisions had to trickle down the hierarchy from the top before reaching the individuals who needed to hear the message (Kubheka, et al., 2013).

Flattening hierarchies is an attempt to empower lower-level employees by giving them decision-making authority. While team-based approaches to operating have been identified in some organizations, most employees still delegate decision-making authority to their former middle managers, whom they regard as more experienced and knowledgeable (Kubheka, et al., 2013).

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Lastly, this organization method is resistant to creativity. Business divisions are unable to respond quickly to competitive challenges due to the top-down decision-making structure. This is one of the reasons why smaller, more agile start-ups with fewer management layers are frequently able to surprise larger competitors and carve out a profitable market niche (Basu, n.d.). 

The issue is that the chain of command functions properly when it comes to giving instructions and making judgments. It works so effectively that unless fresh ideas are communicated from the top down, they have a slim chance of being implemented. Ideas that emerge from the middle or lower levels of a hierarchy must pass through a series of managers, each having the capacity to veto but not the capacity to implement them (BURKUS, 2012).

The chance of rejection grows as a concept progresses up the levels, because those managers are removed from the area to which the concept relates and are less likely to see its genuine worth in that area (BURKUS, 2012). 

Due to the emergence of factors like globalization, intense competition due to an increase in number of companies, ethics and the green movement as well as a need for increased speed and responsiveness, there has been a growing need to change the traditional organizational structure and hence the modern organizational method emerged in the 21st century. Modern Organization means a boundaryless organization which are networking together and collaborating more than ever before (Quain, 2018).

They are well-suited for rapid innovation and therefore ideal for companies in the growing technology industry. Its main concept is to diversify its activities and connectivity as a result it can accept new challenges and can set a goal frequently. The old top-down organizational structure is replaced by teams that work on projects collaboratively in a modern organizational structure. Rather than depending on senior management to drive the work process, modern organizational design focuses on empowering individuals to make decisions and execute changes without the need for supervisor approval (Quain, 2018).

Employees are given the criteria, milestones, and productivity objectives of significant projects and must find the most effective approach to fulfill those goals under this sort of organization. This style eliminates the typical company’s vertical structure and offers employees ownership of the job they do (Quain, 2018).

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Unlike the hierarchical method, the modern organization structure is more dynamic with its business strategy. This means that it needs multiple progress and constant changes. Regardless of the fact that the hierarchical method was more stable, it was more costly. Managers jumped from job to job quickly, gaining high positions despite a lack of expertise. They not only required constant supervision, but they also struggled to understand what they needed to know (Neilson, et al., 2003).

The corporation appeared to promote its finest and brightest quickly in order to keep them. This caused extra labour at lower levels by adding superfluous layers to the system. All of these activities are really expensive. The company’s general and administrative expenditures were 20 percent more than the average of our benchmark firms due to the managers’ salary and the real cost of their operations (Neilson, et al., 2003). 

Traditional organizations are slightly conservative and they try to follow traditional rules and regulation. They always flow a static business strategy and make a workflow model maintaining a traditional marketing policy and employee management system. A modern organization is doing modification, rescheduling, flexible entity management and dynamic business strategy (Neilson, et al., 2003).

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Employees in a modern business have more freedom and flexibility in exchanging their opinions. As a result, staff morale is strong in this form of firm and they is a significant increase in employee morale. Because Traditional is a job-oriented company, you are unsure about employee morale (Jahan, 2016). there is a psychological and rational perspective when it comes to employee morale. 

Employee empowerment from a psychological perspective focuses on attempting to characterize the self-perceptions of an employee who feels he or she is empowered. According to proponents of psychological views, empowerment is a subjective state of mind in which an employee believes he or she has effective influence over their work (Kubheka, et al., 2013).

The relational view on empowerment, on the other hand, is concerned with the distribution of power within an organization and how it is influenced by the structure and culture of that organization (Kubheka, et al., 2013). The general theme of the rational perspective is the relocation of power from the upper level of the hierarchy to the lower level workers. Hence the modern organizational prevents people from centralizing authority or embedding power in fixed roles and allows the firm to remain flexible and adaptive (Kubheka, et al., 2013).

With the emergence of factors like globalization and technology, there has been a need for adaptation and change.The modern organization is increasingly technology-driven and devoid of boundaries. As a result, the number of employees or the office compartment are irrelevant. Traditional organizations, on the other hand, are too centralized and backward to embrace sophisticated technologies (Jahan, 2016).

With beurocracy, factors like decision-making, communication and action become slowed down and the company becomes a lumbering entity. However, with modern organisational structure, such factors are easy to adapt to and lead to both profit and growth of the company. 

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Regardless of the multiple advantages of the modern organizational structure, there are still a number of negative factors that lead to companies to retain the traditional structure. For instance, A well-designed organization ensures that reporting connections, decision-making, information flows, and work procedures are all clear (Nouri, 2019). Everyone understands precisely what they are accountable for, who they report to, and what other coworkers are accountable for with a well-crafted design.

This can help a company’s operating efficiency, especially if it’s a large one (Nouri, 2019). However, there are certain disadvantages to this level of clarity. Employees in small startups without a defined framework, for example, may be expected to do a variety of unrelated jobs. Employees in highly organized companies, on the other hand, may reject or refuse to complete work that is not part of their job description (Nouri, 2019). 

Moreover, if employees fail to hold each other accountable for mistakes, the lack of supervisory power can lead to disorder and inefficiency. Another downside is that, because the organization is no longer top-down or bottom-up, prospects for development or upward mobility are restricted, since the company now operates as a “flatter” structure in which all employees are treated equally (Ingram, n.d.). a typical organizational structure, however, concentrates decision-making and authority in the hands of a few individuals inside a company.

It reduces employee uncertainty about who is in control and sends a clear message about what workers are expected to do in the course of their jobs. A machine can be compared to the top-down structure (Ingram, n.d.).

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Alton, L., n.d. allBusiness. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 june 2021].

Anon., n.d. NibusinessINFO. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Basu, C., n.d. CHRON.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

BURKUS, D., 2012. THECREATIVITYPOST. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Hayward, S., 2019. HRzone. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 11 June 2021].

 Henry, R., 2016. SlidePlayer. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 11 June 2021].

indeed, 2021. Indeed career guide. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 june 2021].

Ingram, D., n.d. Chron.. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 june 2021].

Jahan, S., 2016. LinkedIn. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

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Juneja, P., 2015. Management study guide. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 june 2021].

Kokemuller, N., 2017. Bizfluent. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Koontz, H. & Weihrich, H., 2006. Essentials Of Management. 7th edition ed. New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw-Hill publishing company limited.

Kubheka, I., Kholopane, P. & Mbohwa, C., 2013. The Effects of Flattening Hierarchies on Employee Performance in Organizations: A Study of a South African Retail Group,Johannesburg: south africa.

Leonard, K., 2018. Chron. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 june 2021].

Quain, S., 2018. Chron. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Neilson, G. L., Pasternack, . B. A. & Mendes, D., 2003. strategy+business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Nouri, C., 2019. PingBoard. [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Palmer, B., 2018. trainingzone. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 june 2021].

Pettinger, T., 2017. econimics help. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 june 2021].

Shapiro, C. & Varian, H. R., 1999. Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. 1st edition ed. Boston: Harvard business school press.

Sullivan, J., 2019. CHRON.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 June 2021].

Organizing Staff for Success Research Paper

Organizing Staff for Success
Organizing Staff for Success

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Organizing Staff for Success


This paper addresses a case study ‘the overhaul of John’s Business- Organizing Staff for Success’.  According to the case study, John had worked in a steel fabrication industry in his entire life. He began as a trainee boilermaker, but demonstrated determination and enthusiasm that was absent in the colleagues. He had the desire to start his business, and he did so.

Since the business was booming, he realized that he required more boilermakers to assist with the work he was getting. He employed sixteen tradespeople at the workshop. He soon decided to expand his business in providing labor to nearby mines. John realized that he required office workers to assist since he had two divisions in the business: labor supply and boiler making.

John’s business was prospering and being aware of business literature aimed at keeping, attracting and motivating talented staff, he was aware that business coaching was a technique that successful businesses were using. John usually networked with the community’s business people. During one occasion, he spoke with a business coach and decided that he required the services of one to ensure his team remained productive as was the case initially.

John was informed that coaching is effective when done on-job to assist in management development, and employees are helped to develop individual skills. John therefore, decided on an external coach and being the owner and general manager, john had made several organizational changes in the company (Repenning, 2002, 120).

Specific areas were supervised by different managers. Ted, the workshop’s manager had two supervisors; Dave and Matt. Matt supervised the daily work and organized the team. On the other hand, Dave supervised the off-site work. Craig was the labor hire business manager. Louise was Craig’s assistant manager, and her responsibility was to organize the right tradespeople for specific jobs.

Organizing Staff for Success

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The management team met with John every week, to provide updates in the specific areas, discuss business, and receive instructions. John realized that his motivated and dedicated managers never met their targets. In addition, there were several communication problems although he did not know their extent. John informed the team that a business coach had been employed to work with each of them. This was a chance for managers to work through issues they had been experiencing as well as give response to the coach concerning the systems under implementation.

This was a way through which communication would be improved since the staff would get equipped on how to coach the subordinates (Duncan, 2011, 321). John wanted to initiate a continuous improvement culture in the team. The business coach would report the areas that had problems and strategies that could be used to solve the problems. A management meeting was arranged where the coach briefed the team what the coaching was all about, the benefits and what each session would entail.

At the end of the briefing meeting, the staff was enthusiastic about growing the business and having been involved in the process of decision making. The coaching continued for several months, and the coach reported her insights to john. It was realized that Ted was responsible for all the quoting which was extremely time- consuming and remarkably little would be accomplished until the company secured the job successfully.

Unless Ted was effective with quoting, employees would have nothing to do and would be unable to plan for upcoming jobs appropriately. Moreover, Matt would be frustrated as his responsibility was to organize the daily work. Dave would also be frustrated since he would take the workers to work off-site if they were doing nothing at the workshop. Staffs were usually frustrated since there was a lack of communication between the three supervisors and managers.

Apart from lack of communication, workers were confused about who was in charge of them amongst Dave, Matt and Ted). There was resentment present within the team. Dave and Matt were, ambitious, young and perfect mates away from work. The two often discussed Ted that he did literally nothing since quoting was never done on time although he always said that quoting was his key priority. Ted was open on how much he had to do and even though he dedicated long hours and hard work, productivity was not evident from his efforts.

Organizing Staff for Success

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On the other hand, Craig (responsible of supplying the right mines’ tradespeople, and developing and assisting manage the growth of the overall business) did not have much complains. His notion was that everything was alright. The coach himself was unsure of his roles. His assistant, Louise, did all the labor hire team administration work and actual positions filling. The two got along well, but there was a workload imbalance.

Finally, John was never involved in the daily running of the business as he spent most of his time networking. He had experienced massive prosperity and growth in the recent years, and had earned the rewards. He was however, aware that the business was entering hard times. John’s concern was providing some control, give direction and still keep the staff happy and motivated (Boswell, 2003).

This report is aimed at discussing whether the company’s organizational structure is justified for the size. Secondly, suggestions will be offered on how communication can be improved amongst the staff. Thirdly, it will be assessed whether there is overstaffing, and a new organizational chart will be provided. Fourthly, the benefits of an external coach will be discussed. Finally, contingency plans that can be implemented in the company will be suggested. The report is presented to Denise Tomlin, the course coordinator. Articles and textbooks will be used to gather information.

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Organizational structure and size

Organizational structure refers to the type and degree of vertical differentiation, horizontal differentiation, control and coordination mechanisms, centralization of power and formalization. There is one best way through which an organization can be structured, yet structural attributes vary in organizations. Size refers to the number and capacity of resources, outputs and personnel. Differentiation in an organization increases with size, although at a reducing rate.

On the contrary, the percentage of organizations dealing with administrative overhead reduces with size, resulting to economies of scale. Increased size also means more organizational activities’ structuring and reduced power concentration. Managerial practices for example personal assignments’ flexibility in authority delegation and stress in results, as opposed to procedures are linked to the managed unit size (Jacobides, 2007, 460).

John’s business is a small organization, and a tall or centralized organizational structure is appropriate. John should therefore, be relied on to make significant decisions. However, there are several management layers under the principal decision maker. The centralized structure is the most appropriate since the owner has the responsibility of making business decisions. John feels that some level of control is required in the business because he distrusts his managers’ ability to make decisions.

Owners of small businesses struggle, when allotting managerial duties to managers. However, it is imperative that small businesses that continue to expand and grow have the owners assign decision- making responsibilities (Dubin, 2001, 187). If John uses centralized structure in his business, it will be possible to maintain and create a company culture. A company culture refers to an intangible environment where employees, managers and owners work.

John’s business fits in a formal organization culture which is more stressful as opposed to a friendly and open culture. In many companies, organizational structures evolve as businesses expand and grow. Furthermore, individuals can decide the structure a business will use in its operations.

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Improving communication gaps between staff

Effective communication is extremely significant in every organization. From the case study presented, there is a communication breakdown between John and the staffs, and between Craig, Matt and Dave. However, organizations have varying types of people, with different education levels, personality types, cultures and backgrounds. What makes sense might be nonsense to someone else. Priorities and deadlines may be misinterpreted, and productive ideas can be made ineffective, unproductive and low morale can result in employees.

It is worth noting that the external coach was useful in identifying the communication gaps. John thought there was a communication breakdown but did not know to what extent. Consequently, the worker or device responsible for the breakdown should be assesses (Pugh et al, 1999, 87).

John ought to evaluate interpersonal relationships that exist between employees and communication devices’ calibers. The fact that Ted always says he has a lot to do should be assessed. John should conduct a quick survey to identify how many other employees have the same complaint.

The second thing john should do is gauge feedback and review formal messages to ensure that additional communication is avoided in clarifying principal themes. Grapevine information should not be stifled to avoid misunderstandings and lower productivity.

The third step is to assess the resources required to rectify the problem. Problems that result from acrimonious tension between staffs require a staff meeting or mediation program to disentangle issues. Dave and Matt should be advised to consider all that Ted does and offer a hand where necessary (Child, 2009, 20).

John should organize for training where employees acquire new methods of communication. Staff feedback is crucial in assisting employees’ transit to the new system. Finally, follow ups should be done to ensure that the communication gap is no more. Open communication should be facilitated by welcoming the open- door policy where employees express their concerns without retribution.

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John’s business is unquestionably overstaffed. It is worth noting that the productivity and efficiency of small businesses heavily depends on maintaining suitable staffing levels and recruiting effectively. Staffing is usually a challenge in all organizations. In my opinion, Ted and Craig should be deployed. Craig should have all he does done by Louise. Dave and Matt are close friends and can therefore, collaborate and handle Ted’s roles.

It is extremely vital that john identifies the company’s needs so as to be able to develop a staffing strategy. This can be achieved through coming up with job descriptions that displays the positions needed to meet different responsibilities. Continual communication can assist john identify staff shortcomings (Braha and Bar-Yam, 1130).  Continual feedback is useful in identifying the need for more employees so that work is completed efficiently without straining current employees.

The process of manpower planning enables an organization assess its department’s net worth. A certain department might be reaping enormous profits but understaffed at the same time. In such circumstances, the existing staffs are pressurized to perform. When small businesses are staffed properly, responsibilities and duties are completed in a timely manner.

Organizational chart

Benefits of external coaches

An external coach acts as a source of fresh perspectives in events and people in the organization. This implies that the coach can make connections and notice patterns which the insiders are unaware of. He is a valuable people’s thinking’ sounding boards where he can identify, ask and give feedback from an outsider’s perspective.

Since the coach does not have a manager’s direct responsibilities, he can devote his entire attention to customer’s needs. This results to high- energy and intensive types of coaching that yields significant results within a short period. Long-term term coaching provides a solid individual development foundation (Stone, 2012, 454).

Coaching is usually confidential between the coachee and coach. Hence, employees are more comfortable discussing personal concerns and sensitive information with the coach, as opposed to john. Unspoken problems that interfere with crucial business processes are therefore, resolved.

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External coaches possess extensive coaching training, as opposed to managers. Therefore, John’s company will benefit from a coaching experience wealth and exceedingly developed coaching skills (Stone, 2012, 455).

In addition to core coaching skills, external coaches possess specialist expertise that makes them suitable for particular coaching assignments. These include emotional intelligence, psychology, creativity, presentation skills, meditation, negotiation, sales and leadership.

Contingency plans

As a human resource practitioner, it is particularly vital that an environment is created whereby employees are empowered to think creatively. It is worth noting that contingency plans require the coordination and cooperation of various organizational areas.

One of the contingency plans that can be implemented is collective bargaining breakdown which requires human resource leadership, as well as public relations, purchasing, operations and sales efforts (Child, 2008, 170). Organizations with corporate planning functions can use this to secure cooperation that is organization- wide.

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Conclusion and recommendations

From the foregoing discussion, John’s business hugely benefited from the services of an external coach. The coach was able to identify the communication breakdown that the company had, and offer appropriate remedies. Since John’s company is under the category of a small organization, a tall structure fits the size of the company. It is advisable that John deploys Ted and Craig so as to avoid overstaffing.


Boswell, J. (2003) The Rise and Decline of Small Firms. Allen and Unwin.

Braha, D. and Bar-Yam, Y.  (2007) The Statistical Mechanics of Complex Product Development: Empirical and Analytical Results. Management Science. Vol. 53, iss. 7, 1127–1145.

Child, J. (2008) Predicting and Understanding Organization Structure. Administrative Science Quarter.  Vol. 18, iss. 2, 168-185. 

Child, J. (2009) Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice. Sociologa.  Vol. 6, iss. 1, 1-22.

Dubin, R. (2001) Management in Britain – Impressions of a Visiting Professor. Journal of Management Studies.  Vol. 7, iss. 2, 183-198.

Duncan, R. B. (2011) Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. Administrative Science QuarterVol. 17, iss.3, 313-327. 

Jacobides, M. G. (2007). The inherent limits of organizational structure and the unfulfilled role of hierarchy: Lessons from a near-war. Organization Science. Vol. 18, iss. 3, 455-477.

Pugh, D. S. et al. (1999) Dimensions of Organization Structure.  Administrative Science Quarter. Vol.13, iss. I, 65-105; 

Repenning, N. (2002). A Simulation-Based Approach to Understanding the Dynamics of Innovation Implementation. Organization Science. Vol. 13, iss. 2: 109-127.

Stone, R. (2012) Managing Human Resources.3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons Australia. 454 – 455).

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Management and Managers

Management and Managers
Management and Managers

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Management and Managers

      Managing large companies is a complicated task. It is extremely vital that effective managers possess many abilities, knowledge and skills. It is worth noting that management is a process that is unpredictable. The decision making process is usually hard; even the most effective managers make wrong decisions. However, extremely effective managers learn from previous mistakes and strive in the future to come up with methods of helping their companies increase competitive advantage, survive in a volatile business environment s and improve performance. Essay to reflect on management and managers.

Background of the key issues                                                                                                 

Managers supervise how the social capital and other tangible resources are used in achieving the organizations’ goal. There is an extreme need for coordinating these resources over time. The resources in an organization included assets (people and the skills they possess), knowledge and know-how, financial capital, IT and computers, raw materials and machinery.

            One of the most significant goals of an organization is to provide a unique service or product that is desired by customers (Anonymous, 2).The CEO has the key goal of ensuring a novel stream of services and products are created, and which customers desire to buy. High effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select the right goals to be pursued but manage resources poorly in the process of achieving the goals. The result is a product that is desired by the customer but is too expensive.  

The customers cannot afford to buy the product. Low effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select the wrong goals and utilize resources poorly. The impact is a product of low-quality, and that is not desired by customers. High effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select right goals and use resources wisely to fulfill the goals. The impact is a product that is bought at a price and quality that the customer can afford. Low effectiveness/ high efficiency managers select inappropriate goals, but use resources wisely to achieve them. The result is a product of high quality and that customers do not want.

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Management and Managers

            Managers can lessen the burden of management through the creation of management teams. In the teams, employees learn new things and come up with ways on how effectiveness and efficiency can be improved in the organization. The teams ensure spread of best practices, increased business awareness, vision driven decisions and ideas can be contributed which makes decision making easy. When teams meet regularly, there is improved communication which leads to other good practices (Heerkens, 39).

Management and Managers

Examples of companies

            Werner von Siemens innovated generators and Siemens, medical devices. The hospital administrators, nurses and doctors, have the key role of increasing the hospital’s ability to treat the sick. Likewise McDonald’s restaurant manager has to ensure that the shakes, fries and burgers produced are what customers want to purchase and eat. These activities have to be undertaken following the set code of practice, regulations, rules and standards. 

            A manager has the role of ensuring that employees perform efficiently, with the use of minimum resources as possible, to produce services and products to customer. McDonald has been successful in developing an extremely efficient deep fryer that reduced the oil amount used in cooking by thirty percent and accelerated French fries cooking. Welner von Siemens developed the 1st dynamo that enabled cheaper electricity production.

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            According to Lormax (14), organizations become effective if managers select suitable goals and achieve them. For instance, McDonald managers decided that breakfast service will be provided so as to attract additional customers. This goal’s choice has proven to be extremely smart since breakfast food sales currently account for over thirty percent of McDonald revenues. Organizations that are considered high performing such as ASDA, IKEA, Intel, Siemens, McDonald and Accenture are effective and efficient simultaneously. Effective managers select appropriate organizational goals and utilize skills and resources efficiently.

            To illustrate planning in action, the situation that Dell Computer’s CEO, Michael Dell, is confronting is an apt example. Dell was nineteen years old in 1984, and he saw a chance to enter Personal Computers market through assembling PCs and consequently selling them to customers directly. He began thinking on how to actualize the idea. He decided that his aim was to sell inexpensive PCs, at a price lower than Compaq’s.

Consequently, he has to choose the course of action to achieve the goal. Dell decided to market directly to customers by the use of a telephone and bypass Apple’s and Compaq’s computer stores that are expensive (Nelson, 46). To date, managers at Dell have to plan continually so as to maintain their position as the highest- performing and largest PC maker.

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Future recommendations

            It is extremely vital that managers take advantage of e-commerce and IT, and the ability they have in reducing operation costs. In addition, senior management teams and CEOs should focus to outsource specific activities and restructure the organization so as to ensure they do not have more employees than is necessary. Organizations should engage in workforce empowerment so as to expand the responsibilities, tasks and knowledge of their employees.

In addition, there is a need for self-managed teams, which ensures quality enhancement. It is advisable to the top management to get a picture of how customers respond to their products and services so as to be able to modify them as necessary.

Works Cited

Anonymous.Management: Managers could benefit to the tune of ‘millions.’Music Week (Jun 27, 2009): 2. Print.

Heerkens, Gary.03 – Fundamentals of Organizational Management.New York: The McGraw- Hill Companies, 2006. Print.

Lormax, Stan. When disaster strikes: A primer for managers. Business and Economic Review 48. 2 (Jan-Mar 2002): 11-15. Print.

Nelson, Jennifer. “Commercial Property Managers.” New Jersey Business53. 11 (Nov 2007): 46. Print.

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