Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes
Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

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Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

Labour complications are the leading cause of long term disabilities, mortalities and morbidity for both the mother and the babies. One of the approaches is to assess the patient obstetrical history to identify if the pregnancy is a high risk or not. Certain maternal risk factors are associated with risk factors and are identified by assess the outcomes of previous pregnancies.

In this context, the patient had suffered from spontaneous abortion during her first pregnancy. This is the main factor that could be associated with the prolonged labour and increased bleeding post-delivery. The excessive may result due to the opened blood vessels during the caesarean delivery (Pillitteri, 2014).

 To save the lives of both the child and the mother, it is important to identify emergencies in the obstetric settings early enough.  This is because emergencies can lead to the permanent disabilities or even death of the mother, the infant or both. The main approaches identified by the evidence based practice that can be utilized includes, drills, protocols, simulation and vital sign alerts.

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

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In this case study, the best approach that should be used is the protocols. The most strategic approach in this case is use of protocols. Protocols refer to set of rules and procedures that must be followed based on the conventions that have been proven to work in such incidences  (Kee, Hayes, & McCuistion, 2015).

The main advantage is that it helps the healthcare provider make the most ethical decision as required by the organization and their professional standards. Secondly, because the  information in the protocols are written according to the evidence based research, it provides the most effective remedy to patients irrespective  of where or who delivers the care i.e. makes quality care the standard.

The main challenge is the possibility of err in healthcare protocols, because the judgement value made by guideline could be the wrong choice for this particular patient. Secondly, effective use of protocols is determined by the nurse experience and clinical opinions, and thus, for an inexperienced nurse can pick the most inferior options due to misconceptions or misrepresented community norms (Hinkle & Cheever, 2013).

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

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In this context, the protocol of postpartum assessment includes the assessment of patient’s vital signs, the assessment of breasts, bladder, fundus, perineum, lochia, legs as well as any other incision in the body. The patient pain must be assessed including the location, the type of pain, quality and degree of severity. If necessary, pain medications can be administered to reduce the irritation as well as the swelling. From the assessment records, the postpartum condition of the patient was normal. However after one hour, the patient calls for help, as she feels that she is bleeding a lot (Pillitteri, 2014).

The nurse assessment notices the vaginal bleeding, the patient if diaphoretic, pale and her fundus is boggy even with a firm massage. This is an indicator of postpartum haemorrhage, which could be due to uterine atony and trauma. According to the protocols, the patient should be administered oxytocin IV or IM.

If the intravenous oxytocin is unavailable, or the bleeding still continuous, then the  following medication should be used, including  the intravenous ergometrine, prostaglandin (sublingual misoprostol, 800 µg)  or combination of oxytocin-ergometrine is strongly recommended. The approach will reduce the bleeding rate and improve the patients’ quality of life (Kee, Hayes, & McCuistion, 2015).


Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2013). Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (13th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Kee, J., Hayes, E., & McCuistion, L. (2015). Pharmacology: A nursing process approach (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Pillitteri, A. (2014). Maternal & child health nursing: Care of the childbearing and childrearing family (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

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Healthcare Policy Degree Admission Essay

Healthcare Policy Degree
Healthcare Policy Degree

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Healthcare Policy Degree Admission Essay


Describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your Healthcare Policy Degree Admission Essay statement should not exceed 1,000 words.

What is a Masters in Health Policy? This degree can allow an individual to work more in-depth on the problems and solutions that surround the healthcare industry. The program can include analyzing important data that is relevant to determining the future of health policy, working with others to enact change in the healthcare infrastructure, and creating plans to improve the quality of life in cities. Students pursuing this degree are often given many choices for specializations, though more general options are available depending on the specifics of the program in which they are enrolled.

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Health assessment Essay Paper

Health assessment
Health assessment

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Health assessment

Whereas adequate pain control is every patient’s fundamental rights, it is important to ensure that pain management medications are not abused. The health care providers ae challenged in dealing with these ethical scenarios of deciding the way to go in pain control versus the risk of abuse and misuse of prescribed medication.

In this context, the healthcare providers must perform health assessment adequately in order to identify the root cause of the chronic pain. Managing the causes of the chronic pain will simultaneously address the pain and consequently, reduce the incidences of potential abuse of narcotics (Wand, O’Connell, Di Pietro & Bulsara, 2011).

 In this context, initial evaluation includes   physical examination and patient history.  The health assessment will help the healthcare provider identify red flags and warning signs of prescription abuse/ narcotics addiction. These include signs such as anxiety, depression, as well as the pain syndromes. Other signs include manipulative attitude and aberrant behaviour such as requesting refills frequently or experiencing withdrawal syndrome (Manchikanti, 2010).

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 This helps in  categorization of the chronic back pain as a) non-specific  back pain; b) back pain associated  with spinal stenosis of radiculopathy; c) back pain originating from the non-spinal source and d) back pain due to specific spinal source.  For patients whose back pain is  categorised as  due to radiculopathy, specific spinal source or spinal stenosis;  they should  undergo Magnetic resonance  imaging  (MRI) as well as the Computed tomography (CT) to establish the exact diagnosis or  the exact cause of the disease; which will facilitate in guiding the specific care plan (Wand, O’Connell, Di Pietro & Bulsara, 2011).

 Other evaluations include laboratory assessment which should include complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and the level of C-reactive protein level. Urinalysis can also be performed to identify suspected infections as well other macronutrients levels such as alkaline phosphatase and the calcium levels. The laboratory findings can help diagnose the root cause of the infection.  

For acute low back pain, they should be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants. I will also encourage non therapeutic interventions such as healthy diets, exercising, behavioural therapy and psychiatry sessions. This will help managing the chronic pain holistically (Manchikanti, 2010).


Manchikanti, L. (2010). Evaluation of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial with a 2-Year Follow-Up. International Journal Of Medical Sciences, 124.

Wand, B., O’Connell, N., Di Pietro, F., & Bulsara, M. (2011). Managing Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain With a Sensorimotor Retraining Approach: Exploratory Multiple-Baseline Study of 3 Participants. Physical Therapy, 91(4), 535-546.

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Locate the Best Evidence in Clinical Practice

Locate the Best Evidence
Locate the Best Evidence

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Locate the Best Evidence

Locate the Best Evidenceof Clinical Practice Guidelines used in the practice setting

            Among the bodies in the US that are tasked with the responsibility of developing the clinical practice guidelines include the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) that published the Standards of Practice, Scope of Practice, as well as the Standards of Professional Performance of Diabetes Educators. Based on these documents, pharmacists have a particular role of delivering diabetes education. AADE also came up with a framework related to optimal practice for self management.

During the process, there should be an assessment of the specific education needs in every patient (Garber, Gross & Slonim, 2010). Second is the identification of the particular diabetes self-management goals in every person. This can go a long way in ensuring effectiveness of the strategies used.

Third, the behavioral interaction as well as the education should aim at ensuring that the individual achieves the identified self-management goals (Kapoor & Kleinbart, 2012). In addition, following the education sessions, there should be evaluations aimed at determining the extent to which the individual is achieving the identified self-management goals.

Locate the Best Evidence

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            The other body accountable for creating the clinical practice guidelines is ADA (American Diabetes Association). According to this body, the care standards or recommendations should not preclude clinical judgment but should be applied within an excellent clinical care context, with adjustments being made for comorbidities, individual preferences, as well as patient factors. The body also emphasizes on patient education that is patient-specific (Kapoor & Kleinbart, 2012).

Information for conducting systematic reviews

            One aspect that can guide the systematic review is evidence supporting self-management training’s effectiveness for diabetes type 2, especially on a short-term basis. Second is evidence showing that education programs that are based on the health belief model are effective in improving self-management (Chijioke, Adamu & Makusidi, 2010). Therefore, their implementation can promote effectiveness in preventing the disease’s complications.

Proper diabetes health education has short-term impacts such as knowledge of diabetes and glycemic control. Health policy makers should consider the need to train diabetes educators so that they can tailor fitting education interventions among the patients (Garber, Gross & Slonim, 2010).

Locate the Best Evidence

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Published research sources- journals to be used

            The use of peer-reviewed articles will be cardinal in helping locate credible information. Majorly, those articles are evidence-based and can ensure quality information. The journals will be obtained from authentic databases such as Proquest, GoogleScholar, and Elsevier. Research sources can also be obtained from nursing bodies’ sites as these also deliver quality information.

Experts in the US who provide sources of best evidence

            Entities or bodies such as the ADA and AADE are among the experts who promote best evidence. Moreover, individuals, particularly those in the healthcare sector have a cardinal role in spreading best evidence. Moreover, agencies, particularly those focusing on research, help in generation and promoting the use of best evidence.

My personal expertise and how it fits with the EBP

            Diabetes type 2 patients need to develop a wide array of competencies so that they can manage being in greater control of their disease. in connection to this, while education should promote health, it should respect the voluntary choices and self-perceived needs. Although there is the possibility of educating patients towards greater autonomy, a good number of professionals are not ready to collaborate with them. moreover, clinical staff should acquire better comprehension on diabetes management and of the theoretical principles that underlie patient empowerment. These factors need to be considered for effective EBP (Mshunqane, Stewart & Rothberg, 2012).

Locate the Best Evidence

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Mshunqane, N., Stewart, A. V., & Rothberg, A. D. (2012). Type 2 diabetes management : patient knowledge and health care team perceptions, South Africa : original research. African Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, 4, 1, 1-7.

Kapoor, B., & Kleinbart, M. (2012). Building an Integrated Patient Information System for a Healthcare Network. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (jcit), 14, 2, 27-41.

Garber, J. S., Gross, M., & Slonim, A. D. (2010). Avoiding common nursing errors. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Chijioke, A., Adamu, A. N., & Makusidi, A. M. (2010). Mortality patterns among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Ilorin, Nigeria : original research. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa, 15, 2, 79-82.

Locate the Best Evidence

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Clinical Practice Guidelines used in the practice setting

Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines

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Clinical Practice Guidelines used in the practice setting

Among the bodies in the US that are tasked with the responsibility of developing the clinical practice guidelines include the AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) that published the Standards of Practice, Scope of Practice, as well as the Standards of Professional Performance of Diabetes Educators. Based on these documents, pharmacists have a particular role of delivering diabetes education. AADE also came up with a framework related to optimal practice for self management.

During the process, there should be an assessment of the specific education needs in every patient (Garber, Gross & Slonim, 2010). Second is the identification of the particular diabetes self-management goals in every person. This can go a long way in ensuring effectiveness of the strategies used.

Third, the behavioral interaction as well as the education should aim at ensuring that the individual achieves the identified self-management goals (Kapoor & Kleinbart, 2012). In addition, following the education sessions, there should be evaluations aimed at determining the extent to which the individual is achieving the identified self-management goals.

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            The other body accountable for creating the clinical practice guidelines is ADA (American Diabetes Association). According to this body, the care standards or recommendations should not preclude clinical judgment but should be applied within an excellent clinical care context, with adjustments being made for comorbidities, individual preferences, as well as patient factors. The body also emphasizes on patient education that is patient-specific (Kapoor & Kleinbart, 2012).

Information for conducting systematic reviews

One aspect that can guide the systematic review is evidence supporting self-management training’s effectiveness for diabetes type 2, especially on a short-term basis. Second is evidence showing that education programs that are based on the health belief model are effective in improving self-management (Chijioke, Adamu & Makusidi, 2010). Therefore, their implementation can promote effectiveness in preventing the disease’s complications.

Proper diabetes health education has short-term impacts such as knowledge of diabetes and glycemic control. Health policy makers should consider the need to train diabetes educators so that they can tailor fitting education interventions among the patients (Garber, Gross & Slonim, 2010).

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Published research sources- journals to be used

            The use of peer-reviewed articles will be cardinal in helping locate credible information. Majorly, those articles are evidence-based and can ensure quality information. The journals will be obtained from authentic databases such as Proquest, GoogleScholar, and Elsevier. Research sources can also be obtained from nursing bodies’ sites as these also deliver quality information.

Experts in the US who provide sources of best evidence

            Entities or bodies such as the ADA and AADE are among the experts who promote best evidence. Moreover, individuals, particularly those in the healthcare sector have a cardinal role in spreading best evidence. Moreover, agencies, particularly those focusing on research, help in generation and promoting the use of best evidence.

My personal expertise and how it fits with the EBP

Diabetes type 2 patients need to develop a wide array of competencies so that they can manage being in greater control of their disease. in connection to this, while education should promote health, it should respect the voluntary choices and self-perceived needs. Although there is the possibility of educating patients towards greater autonomy, a good number of professionals are not ready to collaborate with them. moreover, clinical staff should acquire better comprehension on diabetes management and of the theoretical principles that underlie patient empowerment. These factors need to be considered for effective EBP (Mshunqane, Stewart & Rothberg, 2012).

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Mshunqane, N., Stewart, A. V., & Rothberg, A. D. (2012). Type 2 diabetes management : patient knowledge and health care team perceptions, South Africa : original research. African Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, 4, 1, 1-7.

Kapoor, B., & Kleinbart, M. (2012). Building an Integrated Patient Information System for a Healthcare Network. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (jcit), 14, 2, 27-41.

Garber, J. S., Gross, M., & Slonim, A. D. (2010). Avoiding common nursing errors. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Chijioke, A., Adamu, A. N., & Makusidi, A. M. (2010). Mortality patterns among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Ilorin, Nigeria : original research. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa, 15, 2, 79-82.

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Breast Cancer Screening Discussion

Breast Cancer Screening
Breast Cancer Screening

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Breast Cancer Screening

Why is breast self-examination being replaced in the breast cancer screening guidelines by mammography and breast magnetic resonance imaging?

Breast cancer screening is normally done to facilitate early detection. This is important as it saves millions of lives in the world. According to guidelines by the American Cancer Society, breast screening should be done regularly.  One of the most common and most easy methods is breast self-exam (BSE).  This method has been advocated for in the recent past as it enables the women have sense of control over their breasts. Research highlights that over 70% of breast cancers incidences have been reported via BSE screening technique (Mahon, 2012).

However, there have been critiques on BSE screening method; especially due to increased incidences of benign biopsy. This is attributable to low specificity and sensitivity values. The excessive biopsies are associated with risk of cancer, emotional stress and disfiguring of the breast. The guidelines also tend to favour breast magnetic resonance imaging as well as mammography over breast self-exam method of breast screening.  Magnetic resonance and mammography breast screening methods have high level of specify and sensitivity (Morrow, Waters, & Morris, 2011).

What are the risks associated with breast cancer screening? Do the risks outweigh the benefits? Why or why not?

 Breast screening is important, especially for the woman in the case study as she is at high risk age. Breast screening involves process that aid in detecting breast cancer at early stage. Breast screening is done using many methods including mammogram, breast self-exam, and magnetic resonance imaging among others. Breast screening saves lives by ensuring that cancer is detected early, and appropriate interventions are made on a timely manner (Morrow, Waters, & Morris, 2011).

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 However, there are risks involved in breast screening. To begin with, it is vital for a patient to understand that breast screenings does not prevent cancer. Some of the processes are uncomfortable and is associated with mild pain. Additionally, some processes involve use of X-rays- indicating that patients are exposed to radiation, which could lead to side effects.

However, the benefits outweigh the risks; therefore, every woman should be encouraged to undergo breast screening. There are many things that cause changes in the breast tissue. Although some of them could be harmless, it if important to get breasts checked as there is a small chance that the changes ignored are first indicator of cancer (Mahon, 2012).


Mahon, S. (2012). Screening for breast cancer: Evidence and recommendations. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16 (6), 567-571. doi10.1188/12.CJON.567-571

Morrow, M., Waters, J., & Morris, E. (2011). MRI for breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Lancet, 378, 1804– 1811. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(11)61350-0

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Allergy: Patient History

Allergy: Patient History
Allergy: Patient History

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Allergy: Patient History

Donna’s symptoms suggest allergy rhinitis and a possible an allergic contact dermatitis.  Donna complains of tenderness over maxillary sinuses and nares which are in conjunction with  red, and with boggy moist mucosa and one-medium sized polyp on each side. All these symptoms suggest rhinitis, and an inflammation of the mucous membranes taking place in the nose (McCance & Heuther, 2014).

Other effects of allergens include the reddened clear and slightly swollen eyes with tearing that Donna presents with.  Taking into consideration that Donna’s flaking erythematous rash is noted only on the flexor surfaces her arms, is it likely to be caused by direct contact with an allergen. A postponed sort IV extreme touchiness response Allergic contact dermatitis is and is appears localized, as opposed to widespread like atopic dermatitis (McCance & Heuther, 2014).

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Questions pertaining to both personal and family history include:

  • Any history of pet, seasonal, or environmental allergies?
  • Any history of respiratory issues?
  • Any history of asthma or asthmatic bronchitis?
  • Do these symptoms present around the same time each year?
  • Have you noticed an irritant that causes these symptoms to flare up?

Evidence suggesting that Donna doesn’t have an acute severe infection

            Donna’s vital signs within normal limits, which shows hemodynamic stability; her lungs are clear to auscultation; and her postnasal drainage is clear. The presence of this evidence is not suggestive of an acute severe infection.

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Type of hypersensitivity reaction involved in Donna due to her allergic Rhinitis

            As described in McCance and Huether (2014, p.56), allergic rhinitis is caused by inhalants such as dust, pollen, and mold. This is classified as a Type I hypersensitivity reaction. The most common allergies are type I reactions, which happen as a response to an exposure to an environmental antigen (McCance & Huether, 2014).


McCance, K., & Huether, S. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 7th Edition

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan
Community Teaching Work Plan

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

PowerPoint slides and information from the World Health Organisation (WHO) portal were employed in this presentation. The nursing diagnosis is a willingness to learn. Learning includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains (Nies & McEwen, 2011). It is, however, paramount to evaluate the enthusiasm to learn about the target audience.  Apart from the disposition to learn, it is critical to assess the age group of audience, academic level, intervention structure, reading and writing capability, mental level and developmental level.

Any physical restrictions such as audibility, graphical and coordination should equally be considered. Variables that include readiness to learn are culture, emotional attributes, support structures and so forth. Family structure, monetary and social status are other variables. Nonetheless, it is critical to evaluate language barrier before drafting the teaching plan. When it comes to the learning model, bandura’s social learning theory was employed.

Learning can transpire through direct observation or instruction presented in a social backdrop. The presentation’s target audiences were policy makers and security personnel. The simple language was used for easier comprehension of the audience.

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Community Teaching Work Plan

Summary of Teaching Plan

                While the aspect of teaching the community on potential attacks is a serious issue in our nation, demonstrating to them the importance of security interventions, was a significant cause.  The probability that a nation can experience bioterrorism/disaster is somewhat factual. In the recent past, for instance, Americans experienced the effects of September 11, wars and animosity  (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012).

These are indicators that present people the fundamental basis to learn safety strategies. The presentation was the toughest of issues I had to conduct. Public speaking is not my strong point; nevertheless, I considered it my responsibility as a nurse to educate the community on tactics that could help them solve emerging problems. In most cases, PowerPoint presentations are useful tools when it comes to disseminating knowledge to individuals that do not understand complex issues. So, during the presentation, the audience would appear instinctive and interested.  

The same applies to me. When a presentation touches not just on my safety but others as well, I would be more than keen to pay attention. The presentation took approximately 20 minutes, which involved explaining and discussion. In general, I was confident regarding teaching and giving detailed examples on this particular issue. This group also was keen and considered this information relevant.

Community Teaching Work Plan

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Epidemiological Rational

Epidemiology is the study of the occurrence of diseases in different individuals. In addition, epidemiology involves the importance of having the plan to prevent such diseases.  It is not exceptional for ordinary individuals to be unaware of epidemiology. Nevertheless,  it is our duty to study not only the causes but also the impacts of detrimental as well as the sickening field of health.

Some fields of the study are not natural, and as such, easier to learn and prevent. While it is significantly incredible to control dangerous pathogens, what becomes apparent is that the cure for some physical illness has not been discovered. As such, the ability to take out a whole community has considerable impacts. This is not a thought; rather it is an endemic and probabilities are certain. Besides the 9/11 terrorist attacks, one month later there was anthrax outbreak (Markowitz & Rosner, 2004).

Also, there are also cases of smallpox, among other contagious diseases.  For that reason, it is of great importance for the community to be educated about these diseases and ways of preventing them. Much as one may wonder the way of teaching or fathom the results, the solution revolves around trying. For me, nursing is not just a profession but a way of life. In short, teaching the community about epidemiology was rewarding because I executed my duties and saved lives of others.

Community Teaching Work Plan

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Evaluation of Teaching Experience

By and large, the teaching experience was a rewarding and positive experience. Throughout my nursing career, I have never been compassionate teaching the community, and the skills acquired from this experience helped me throughout my career. While the subject was challenging regarding teaching, understanding information was considerably tough. In reality, it was hard to believe that this was not imaginary; this scenario can occur later on in life.

Personally, I detest and greed people have against others is inconceivable. When I completed the task, I was compelled to share what I learned with others to assist them in preventing these attacks. The majority of people who participated in my presentation were ignorant regarding the occurrence of these events or were even aware that they have already occurred. My response was simple.

I was not aware that this was a genuine issue or took place in the past. Before beginning this project, teaching the community was not my interest as such I cannot believe that some other people would like this subject and consider as a component of their lives unless they have no other choice. The reaction I obtained from this group was a mixture of various positive and inquisitive. Nonetheless, there some reactions that contributed to other useful information.

Community Teaching Work Plan

Community Response to Teaching

In the beginning, individuals who attended my presentation on bioterrorism awareness appeared reluctant. But when I began my assessment about the issue they were at ease and ready to get along. It was intricate to get these people to recognize the relevance of the issue. The community had been threatened with destructive attacks, however; it was certainly possible. As I wrapped up the presentations, various issues were raised including the time, the manner and the reason such attacks can happen.

For sure, I tried my best to respond to these questions, although I could not explain that area in the discussion. I merely intended to explain to the community the knowledge regarding these deadly communicable illnesses rather than the reasons they occur or the time they could happen. This demonstrates that teaching this group stimulated them to think out of the box (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012).                                                                                  

A few people, who offered insights on this issue, covered some of the disputed issues since they were former and currently they retired veterans. The queries addressed by these individuals just stated that human beings do not understand and cannot know until an event takes place. In the case of an occurrence, the country has to be prepared, not just for the deadly disease but also terrorist attacks. The group that attended learning was rather compelled following the views of the retired veterans who shared some of the things he did during the war.

Maybe this group will carry on with daily lives, I do not find it strange, but some gained understanding regarding bioterrorism as well as a different perspective. A remarkable lifestyle change is necessary because it help the group to be ready for any possible event. Of course, this was not my objective; rather my intention was informing the public to protect themselves and others.

Community Teaching Work Plan

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Areas of Strength and Improvement

This was more than just another task that I wanted to accomplish but rather a challenge. I will always attempt to do my very best in any condition; this was an issue I never imagined I would have to deal with. I must admit that any PowerPoint presentation would be to realize this assignment with positive results and benefit to those around. Owing to the number of persons that were in attendance, I believe I was able to realize most of those objectives. While my group speaking capabilities were not that perfect, I had the confidence to put my point across in a coherent manner.

My PowerPoint was simple to comprehend with just the right data to justify every aspect in the presentation. Again, my competence to present before strangers on a subject that I was not conversant with previously caught me surprised. Certainly, I had some doubts about my capability, and the real battle to overcome was in the mind. At the outset, for instance, I was never audible enough, implicitly people seated in the back could not hear me.

Community Teaching Work Plan

This is to say, I would have started the presentation with vigor to be heard by almost everyone in attendance.  I would understand being told to speak up loud. I guess the tension stemmed from self-consciousness or the usual timid disposition that presented.  Nonetheless, as the presentation went on, I gained the self-confidence and was even willing to do better.                                     

The answers section is another area that I needed to have done thorough preparation. Some questions took a tall order for me, and I, therefore, relied on other individuals. Towards the end, I recognized that meticulous preparation would have equipped me entirely. Honestly speaking the experience was one of a lifetime and it was obvious for a few probing minds to question my competence. Generally speaking, I have the confidence the whole presentation was a hit. While I set out wobbling and terrified, I gained the confidence in the long-run. As I wrapped up, I recognized that preparation should become a way of life. 

Community Teaching Work Plan

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Harkness, G. A., & DeMarco, R. (2012). Community and public health nursing: evidence for practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Markowitz, G., & Rosner, D. (2004). Emergency Preparedness, Bioterrorism, and the States: The First Two Years after September 11. Retrieved from Milbank Memorial Fund:

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011). Community health nursing: Promoting the health of   populations (5th ed). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Community Teaching Work Plan

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State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

State of New Jersey Health Report Cards
State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

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State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

New Jersey States key health indicators

According to the census population data estimates, the state of New Jersey has a population estimate of 8,938,175 with the poverty rate of this state standing at 11.4%. According to the health indicators, some of the chronic diseases that are prevalent among this population include cancer, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, HIV/AIDS, Heart diseases and stroke, and tuberculosis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013).

The reports also indicates that access to health care services is more that the lack of health insurance with the understanding of public health care systems and having care providers remaining some of the key elements that determine the manner in which access to these services are employed. However, there is a need to increase the proportion of adults with the health care providers with the aim of improving healthcare outcomes. 

An increase in children’s lives expectancy has been impacted immensely by the reduction in mortality by infectious ailments that have been achieved through the administration of vaccines. Early childhood immunization is considered as safe with the employment of cost-efficient approaches of controlling preventable diseases through the use of vaccines. Vaccinations have on the other hand let to a 95%reduction in vaccine-preventable ailments among this populations.

According to the National Immunization Survey (NIS) 2012, New Jersey’s immunization rates of coverage for children are considered as above the national average for children aged between 19-35 months (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 2012). Low birth weights and defects are determined as the leading causes of deaths among the infants in New Jersey with many factors attributed to the quality of prenatal care, nutrition, infections, medical problems, alcohol and drug substances use, stress, obesity, poverty, violence and the mothers ages.

State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

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A dramatic increase in children and adults including teens who are overweight in New Jersey is also one of the alarming factors about the well-fare of this population. The occupational injuries that are either fatal or non-fatal in nature are also serous public health issues that affect this population. Additionally, the use of tobacco is also another factor that is considered that cause of deaths and diseases among these people (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2013).

Smoking is considered as the cause of chronic lung diseases, heart diseases, and strokes of the lungs, mouth, larynx and the esophagus. Exposure of the secondhand smoke contributes to the increase in heart diseases and cancers among the nonsmokers.

How these Indicators Influence Health Status

These indicators influence the health status of New Jersey considering the fact that the state has experienced a growing population of individuals who suffer from cancer, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, HIV/AIDS, Heart diseases and stroke, and tuberculosis. Additionally, it has also been upon the state to address these issues through the development of appropriate care approaches for the patients who present these ailments(Green, Tones, Cross & Woodall, 2015).

On the other hand, the low birth weights and defects have also constituted deaths among the infants in New Jersey with many factors attributed to the quality of prenatal care, nutrition, infections, medical problems, alcohol and drug substances use, stress, obesity, poverty, violence and the mother’s ages. The increases in child and adults having obesity also influence the health status of the state including injuries and the use of tobacco.

State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

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What is and what are Not Covered under Medicare and Medicaid

In line with the health status of this population, Medicare covers services that include the lab tests; the visits that are made by the physiciansthe provision of wheelchairs and walkers for those of face fetal injuries, hospital care for the patients, home health care services and nursing home care including a skilled facility with effective nurses(Green,

On the other hand, Medicaid is fully developed to serve most of the poor people within this population and it covers the clinical treatments, midwifery services, screening, diagnosis and treatment of the people aged between 21, doctor’s services, x-rays and medical and surgical services (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, n.d.).

Direct and Indirect Burdens Of Health Risk Behaviors

The chronic diseases and conditions among this population that includes the contraction of cancer, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, HIV/AIDS, Heart diseases and stroke, and tuberculosis remains some of the costly and preventable health issues in New Jersey (Green, These diseases are considered some of the top causes of deaths among the population of this country.

As a result of this, families are forced to put up with the costs of these illnesses that is dependent on their experiences (Green, Families are therefore forced to select treatment approaches based on the severity and nature of these ailments with the choices of these options dependent on their ability to access resources and other barriers to accessing health care systems.

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Policy and Its Impacts on Key Health Indicators

Policy plays an essential role in impacting the health indicators considering the fact that this incorporates the public and governmental interventions in changing the environment as well as promoting the behaviors of individuals with the aim of enlightening on how to prevent chronic diseases within the society(Green, Through policies, the state and the general public are in a position to reduce the contraction of chronic diseases, a factor that promotes the health of the society.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Retrieved from

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2013, from

Green, J., Tones, K., Cross R., & Woodall, J. (2015). Health promotion: Planning and strategies (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2012). Nurse practitioner core competencies. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2013). About the law. Retrieved from

State of New Jersey Health Report Cards

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