The Raisin in The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry

The Raisin in The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry
The Raisin in The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry

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The Raisin in The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry


Directions: Answer the questions below on “A Raisin in the Sun“. Do not use any outside sources other than your notes from the classroom lecture and your knowledge of the play. The plagiarism checker is in use for this exam and plagiarized responses will be given a grade of zero. No opportunity to retake the test will be offered.  Use your time wisely. Do not upload a file! Write your responses within the exam.

Choose one character from the play and write a one paragraph discussion and analysis of his/her dream. What is the dream and how does it shape and motivate this character? What internal and external factors defer the dream?

2. Explain the practice of redlining. How has this practice contributed to segregation and housing discrimination? What evidence of this can be seen in the play?

3. Write a short paragraph comparing Beneatha’s two suitors. What similarities and differences exist between these two characters?

4. Discuss Walter Lee’s growth as a father in the play. What differences can be seen in how he interacts with Travis at the end of the play? What important revelation has he learned and what has it changed about him.

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