Water Treatment Practices

Water Treatment Practices
Water Treatment Practices

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Water Treatment Practices

        Approximately 2 out of 10 people across the globe lack access to safe drinking water. Due to increase in population and climate changes in the global, more water crises are experienced (Ferrey, 2010). Therefore, this paper provides examples of how water treatment practices and systems provide for water needs for people across the globe and Bloomington Indiana.

        There exist a number of technologies of water purification, depending on the use of and level of purity required. Some few examples of these technologies include activated sludge model, activated sludge systems, anaerobic digestion, and chemical addition wastewater treatment. Many countries have not yet embraced the use of recycled water for drinking, mainly because many are not of the idea of toilet water in their tap. Although a few countries like Australia, Namibia, and Singapore, and states in the US like Virginia, California, and New Mexico are drinking recycled water, proofing that purified water is clean and safe for drinking.

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        Two wastewater treatment plants and one drinking water plant is what provides for water needs of the people in the city of Bloomington. The city buys water from the state of Indiana then it treats and distributes. Dillman road and Blucher Poole wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) handles the sewage treatment in the city. Activated sludge systems are the technology used to treat the sewage by the facility. Bloomington helps ease water shortage by purifying water for drinking and other needs (Bannerman & Hornewer, 2003).      

        In conclusion, many countries are using purified water for all their needs. There are several ways by which water is treated at Bloomington and other parts of the world. The right technologies in water treatment helps to demonstrate that recycled wastewater is safe and clean for drinking, cooking, and other needs.  


Bannerman, D. O., & Hornewer, N. (2003). Sources of Pollutants in Wisconsin Stormwater. Water Science Technology , 241-259.

Ferrey, S. (2010). Additional Federal Water Pollution Statutes. Environmental Law , 283-290.

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