Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys

Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys
Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys

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Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys

Order Instructions:

Respond to this prompt: 
Skateboarding is frequently defined as ‘alternative’ lifestyle/culture,rather than a sport. Why is it characterized this way? What qualities define the alternative lifestyle? What commonalities does skateboarding share with other so-called an alternative cultures? Is this definition accurate, why or why not?

6 sources: – Film: Dogtown and Z-Boys- 3 sources will be attached through files-

(These source you will need to type in the title)
— Conflict, Exclusion, Relocation: Skateboarding and Public Space.

— The Accidental Youth Club: Skateboarding in Newcastle-Gateshead.
P.S – When citing please use “QUOTATION MARK” 

Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Skateboarding in Dogtown and Z-Boys

Skateboarding is considered as n identity to those in love with the art. It is considered as a form of expression, culture or art by the older generation as it does not conform to the abstract definitions associated with sports. These include the rules that are to be adhered to during training as well as the organisation of major competitions. In the sporting world, there are major competitive events such as the world cup for football and their enthusiast and world cup for the field and track events.

These competitive occasions are used in the ranking of both players and states. However, for skateboarding, it is s new sport that has most of its enthusiasts as youths and hence the lack of interest in the older generation. It also does not have a set of rules on how to dress during the sporting events and neither does it have the need for referees and other umpires to oversee the conduct of the same. The freestyle nature of skateboarding has left the aspects of the same to be considered as a culture and art as opposed to a sport.

Skateboarding: an alternative culture or sport

The notion of competitiveness is synonymous with any type of sports. This is coupled with a given set of rules as to the conduct and dressing of the participants. It also has the referees, coaches and other umpires who oversee the conduct of the players during the sporting events. This concept of rules and strict adherence to the same is lacking in skateboarding. The aspect of freedom synonymous with each of the skateboarder’s ability and style has made skateboarding to be referred to as a free activity that allows the participants the freedom to experiment and hence come up with new styles (Beal and Weidman, 339).

The competitiveness in the main stream sporting events makes it hard for everyone to participate as only those who emerge the best during the selective process are allowed to take part and hence lock out many who are talented and eager to showcase their respective abilities out.

Skateboarding and sports have several similarities. They bring people together in the spirit of sharing a good time as well as being an avenue of expression where the participants find a haven away from their lives (Eitzen, 13). In Dogtown and Z-Boys, skateboarding was depicted as an activity where most participants came from broken homes and hence instead of engaging in other antisocial behavior, took up skateboarding to show their talents, making a living out of it eventually.  These similarities of being sources of livelihoods for the participants as well as provide entertainment for the audience bring semblance between sports and skateboarding. They are also used as social events as people gather to watch and applaud the participants (Donnely, 45).

Skateboarding is however considered more as an alternative culture as opposed to a sport because of the freestyle nature of skateboarding. This is also due to the lack of a designed set of rules with regards to the conduct and dressing of the participants. The lack of a designated field to partake the skateboarding activities also contributes to the categorization of skateboarding as an alternative culture.

The use of streets as well as backyards and drained swimming pools make the act of skateboarding look more like a nuisance to the rest of the community instead of a meaningful activity (Nemeth, 300). In Dogtown and Z-boys the knocking down of innocent pedestrians going about their business and subsequently hurting them by skateboarders in their routine caused the activity to be looked at with disdain. This is in addition to the skateboarders aping the styles from other sporting activities such as surfing in the perfection of their routines…..

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Sports, Culture, and the society

Sports, Culture, and the society
Sports, Culture, and the society

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Sports, Culture, and the society

Order Instructions:

Please answer this two prompt questions…

1. In the article, “Sports Are More than Reflections of Society,” the author, Jay Coakley writes, “people can change sports or keep them the way they are. In fact, it is even possible for people to create and define sports in ways that differ from or even defy dominant ideas and norms and, in the process, to turn sports into sites for the transformation of the very culture of which they are a part.” Using examples from the reading and your research, discuss how people create and define sports and how sports have transformed culture.

2. In this course we have discussed and observed the impact of various factors, such as racism, politics, the economy, and urban decline on sports in various settings from the 1960s to the 1990s. Discuss one social factor that you believe has had the most significant impact on sports in the last four decades. 

Requirements: This assignment has a minimum 2000 word requirement and maximum of five pages (3000 words). You will be expected to incorporate references from the readings in class. Direct quotes are not required but you must use the correct titles and author names.

The goal here is to demonstrate what you have learned during the course of the semester, as well as your ability to critically analyze a subject that is familiar to all of us. 

Sports, Culture, and the society

Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.

Sports, Culture, and the society

            There exists an intricate balance between culture, sports, and the society. These three possess an interesting relationship where each has significant influence in the development of the other two. Their interaction and interoperability, however, is an issue of concern and one that raises a lot of discussion and opinions (Coakley). This section develops a discussion into several publications regarding the interaction and interdependence between culture, sports, and the society.

How people define and create sports

            Sports are a creation of human kind. It is through various stages and levels of interaction that the creation and definition of sports occurs. The nature, rules and various social conditions within a particular society are instrumental in the creation of various types of sports (Coakley 36 – 38). Examples of such interaction between people, natural phenomenon, and social conditions include the development and growth of arena sports in ancient Greece, the spread of various types of sports as a result of colonization, and the customization and change of rules in certain sports to fit into the needs of a particular society.

The development of various types of sports in West Indies such as soccer and cricket resulted from their previous colonial masters from Britain. India, on the other hand, has developed as a cricket powerhouse rivaling and even defeating their masters due to customization of the sport to fit societal needs.

            The transformation of sports into a societal norm involves the interaction between various factors over a long period. Author Jay Coakley uses the analogy of a family unit as it develops over time, its interaction with society, the various underlying factors that determine the structure, rules, and interaction of the family, and how the family is a reflection of the greater society.

The creation and sustenance of the family unit is dependent on following a number of set rules, and the interaction of various stakeholders in an environment dictated by beliefs of how the various members should relate to one another (Coakley 35 – 36 ). In a similar way, the creation of sports is dependent on a set of rules and the interaction of different stakeholders who possess different abilities and characteristics for a common purpose.

            In the same way that a family creates and defines their own set of rules that they live by, different sporting activities also apply different rules. In addition, the same sport may also have different rules depending on the context and location. This is what makes both families and sports activities unique, despite the many similarities and differences (Coakley 35). A family unit is not considered as being exclusive in any given society.

The same applies for the case of any single type of sports activity. One cannot use a single family as a representation of all the rest, and neither is it usable as a representation of the culture in the society. In the same manner, one cannot use sports as a reflection of the society, nor as a way to determine the general destination of the society.

Sports, Culture, and the society

How sports activities have transformed culture

            In continuing to analyze Jay Coakley’s analogy of a family unit, its relation to sports and culture is evident. The author determines that the different approaches of the organization of the family unit adopted by various kin provide a scenario of where debates regarding various opinions of the organization of family life. These discussions point to larger concerns about the cultures of organization philosophies adopted by various cultures. In this way, therefore, discussions about the organizational characteristics of the family leads to questions about the organization and the culture of the society (Coakley 36 ).

Making deductions from the family, sports, and societal relationship analogy presented by Jay Coakley, the organization metrics used in sports lead to questions about the efficiency of the approaches used in the organization of the society as well. By observing such differences and looking into various inefficiencies in the organization of the society, a number of changes have occurred over time in terms of how the society operates…..

Sports, Culture, and the society

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Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball

Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball
Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball

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Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball

1)    The significant expansions of labor-management started in the 1960s and were characterized by continuous misunderstandings between the proprietors and the payers. These disputes brought about several hard bargaining treaties, work stoppages, and lockouts. The first and second elementary agreement was one that to a large extent improved the minimum salary of all the players. The agreement was also a foundation for a protocol that players would follow when they need to communicate their complaints.

It can be said that these agreements were a response method that was utilized by U.S owners who had the desire to evade the competitive pressure that was being brought forth by the Mexican League which was offering better salaries. In 1953, the Major League Baseball Players Association was created to act as the negotiating body. This body served as the player’s primary bargaining body.

2)    Free agency can be described as the freedom or right of a player to provide their services to the premier bidder or team of their choice. As a result of the end of the reserve clause and the rise of the free agency, the new labor environment became stormier since free agency shook the economic related to the game to its core. Since there was no salary cap that existed, large market teams were put in a position to sign better players because of their capacity to offer better salaries.

Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball

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3)    Luxury tax can be termed as a measure put in place where a team going beyond a particular payroll threshold would have to pay cash to MLB and where those moneys would be redistributed between other teams. The implementation of the luxury cap is one that was termed a kind of flexible salary cap which would greatly puncture the income of players.

4)    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act can be termed as the initial Federal Act that disallowed monopolistic business practices. It can also be said to be the first measure that was approved by the United States Congress to do away with trusts. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was in the MLB was aimed at preventing the restraining of the movement of labor from one team to another and would also significantly reduce the acts by owners to illegally restrain trade.

5)    The primary “weapon that the Major League Baseball Players Association possesses in contract negotiations is the fact that they represent the players. Deprived of players, most people would not have a job. During 2006 when contract talks were about to commence, the MLBPA knew that they could not be as steady on demands as they were in the past mainly because they did not want to participate in forthcoming labor strikes.

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6)    It would be appropriate that Donald Fehr should be pacifying towards the owners in light of either tough or conciliatory negotiating standpoints by the owners. One of the reasons that Fehr should adopt this strategy is to prevent “strikes by millionaires” which would have a dent in the public image of the union. Through lessons learned from the “prisoner’s dilemma,” one can come up with a strategy that two parties can work together despite their rational differences.

7)    There are several issues that the union should view as “top priority.” The first issue is that of making sure that the salary levels of the players should be fair. In this case, there is need to increase the minimum salary which was set at $327,000. The second issue is that there is need to ensure that when it comes to sharing of revenues, it should benefit not only owners but also players. The third issue worth fighting for is making sure that owners of teams improve their contributions towards the pension funds of players.  


Romport, D., (n.d). Bargaining Strategy in Major League Baseball, 1(1), 1-10

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Rudy Movie Review Essay Paper

Rudy Movie Review
Rudy Movie Review

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Rudy Movie Review


Each student should choose a movie from the list below (or another one with instructor approval). View the entire movie with a critical eye and explain in a 5-7 page report how specific concepts from the field of sport and exercise psychology are exhibited and utilized in the movie. Theoretical explanations should be included, examined, and explored and the application of theory should be thoroughly explained. The paper should follow the evaluation form and should be submitted to Turnitin.

Needs to be about Rudy the Movie and the sports and exercise psychology behind his decisions and motivations.

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Speed and Agility in Sports

Speed and Agility
Speed and Agility

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Speed and Agility

Question 1

Sports solely rely on speed and agility as they are essential skills especially for athletes. Agility refers to one’s ability to change direction, start, or stop while in motion. Agility fitness training program focuses on improving reaction and foot speed (Lockie et al, 2014). Caution is taken when leading the speed and agility program. It is important to ensure that all equipments used for speed and agility training are in proper working condition.

The equipments should be assessed before the start of any activities. Another safety measure is ensuring that the trainees or those participating in the program comprehend the exercises they want to attempt for the first time to avoid cases of injury. Also, it is important to ensure that the venue for the programs is free from hazardous objects which can lead to injuries (Jones & Lorenzo, 2013).

In the course of a sport and agility program, it is essential to adhere to the recommended exercises and other safety measures such as wearing shoes and safety clothing during the training period. Introducing the training on a gradual basis before progressing to greater complexity is a crucial safety rule to ensure a foundation of strength in every bit of the speed and agility program.

Question 2

Pec fly with overhead raise is one dynamic warm-up exercise which is a good starting point in a sport and agility program. Its purpose is to increase the motion range of the arms while carrying out the overhead motion. It prepares the arms and chest for the push-ups. Shoulder and chest press ups is another warm-up exercise aimed at preparing the body for the overhead motions (Jones & Lorenzo,2013).

The toe tap to the front warm up exercise aims at increasing the motion range around the hips while at the same time increasing the motion of the quadriceps and also warming up the hamstring. Cross country skiing is another type of warm-up exercise, which is often intended to exaggerate the body to the running motion (Brown & Ferigno, 2014). Adhering to the instructions and safety measures leads to success in carrying out the speed and agility activities.


Brown, L., & Ferrigno, V. (Eds.). (2014). Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness, 3E. Human Kinetics.

Jones, M. T., & Lorenzo, D. C. (2013). Assessment of power, speed, and agility in athletic, preadolescent youth. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 53, 693-700.

Lockie, R. G. et al. (2014). The Effects of Traditional and Enforced Stopping Speed and Agility Training on Multidirectional Speed and Athletic Function. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28(6), 1538-1551.

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