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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Sexual abuse among the minors is generally described as any sexual act between a minor and an adult or between two minors, where one partner exerts power over the other person; coercing the other partner to engage in sexual act. It also includes non –contact sexual activity such as exposing the minors to pornography, voyeurism, sexual communication via social media and exhibitionism (Barnett, Heinze, and Arble, 2013).
This is often a traumatic experience for any person; but it is a criminal offense. Sexual abuse incidences among the adolescents in the USA are high. It is estimated that every 10children, one is sexually abused before she or he attains their 18th birthday. Girls are more prone to sexual boys as compared to boys; one in every seven girl is sexually assaulted as compared to one in every boy (Reid, 2014).
Literature indicates that sexual abuse increases the chances of teen pregnancy, often unwanted pregnancy- which is associated with low birth outcomes. The coping strategies used by these adolescents include running away and substance abuse- putting the teenager in more risky activities (Marriott, Hamilton-Giachritsis, and Harrop, 2013). The statistics continues to rise and more of our children will be sexually assaulted if no intervention is put in place.
The proposed research question is ‘what are the risk factors of sexual abuse among the African American adolescents? Understanding the risk factors will help understand the teenagers, understand the behavioural and psychological challenges they deal with, and strategies to help them cope with these traumatic events (Hunt, Martens, and Belcher, 2011).
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Annotated bibliography
Barnett, D., Heinze, H. and Arble, E. (2013). Risk, Resilience, and the Rorschach: A Longitudinal Study of Children Who Experienced Sexual Abuse. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(6), pp.600-609.
The study evaluates the experiences sexual abused children, indicating that these minors are likely to develop emotion and behavioral challenges. The paper is a longitudinal study of 44 children who had undergone sexual abuse. Using Rorschach Inkblot Test, approximately three quarters of the participants reported depressive symptoms. The study evaluates the effective tools that can be used to evaluate the extent of trauma among the children and adolescents who have been sexually abused.
For instance, using Rorschach protocol, there are other ways that can be used to by the healthcare providers and school counsellors to understand the child’s processing styles including the negative thoughts associated with maltreatment and sexual assaults.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Elwood, L., Smith, D., Resnick, H., Gudmundsdottir, B., Amstadter, A., Hanson, R., Saunders, B. and Kilpatrick, D. (2011). Predictors of rape: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(2), pp.166-173.
The article highlights that socioeconomic factors are the main factor that determine risk for adolescent’s sexual abuse. The internet sex crimes against minors are few but a significant percentage of the entire issue. The study highlights that there is no child who is immune, but the social cultural background determines the risk level of sexual abuse.
Family structure is one of the risk factors, with research indicating foster families children with the highest risks, gender, age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. This very important when evaluating the ways to minimize risk factors associated with African American minor sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Francisco, M., Hicks, K., Powell, J., Styles, K., Tabor, J. and Hulton, L. (2008). The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research Review. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(4), pp.237-248.
This article adds immense knowledge to my proposed study as it describes the current literature on adolescent’s sexual abuse, teen pregnancies and the potential of risk factors that are cross cutting. The study identifies the cross cutting risk factors such as substance abuse, mother disengagement, family constellation, and parent-adolescent conflict. The study highlights the importance of identifying the victimized adults early is vital to ensure that there is early intervention.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
George, A., Abatemarco, D., Terry, M., Yonas, M., Butler, J. and Akers, A. (2013). A qualitative exploration of the role of social networks in educating urban African American adolescents about sex. Ethnicity & Health, 18(2), pp.168-189.
The article explores the role of social networks in sexual health issues among the African American adolescents. The article identifies the social media to have major roles including guide, challenger, confidant, shelter, role model, and supervisor –chaperone and the main source of sexual health information. This is one of the platforms that could be used to reach millions of youth’s sexual assaults among African American community.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Hunt, K., Martens, P. and Belcher, H. (2011). Risky business: Trauma exposure and rate of posttraumatic stress disorder in African American children and adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), pp.365-369.
This article highlights the consequences associated with sexual abuse among the African American adolescents. The study indicates that domestic violence and sexual abuse is correlated to childhood posttraumatic stress disorder (PDTSD). The study indicates that exposure to such type of violence increases the likely hood of post traumatic disorders by two fold among the African American adolescents. Other consequences highlighted by the study includes social isolation, low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Marriott, C., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. and Harrop, C. (2013). Factors Promoting Resilience Following Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Structured, Narrative Review of the Literature. Child Abuse Rev., 23(1), pp.17-34.
The article is important as it adds great knowledge to my literature review on factors associated with resilience after adolescent sexual abuse. Examples of such factors include interpersonal features such as the adaptive coping strategies; but the most important factors highlighted by the article is familial stability, support from peers and schools- these creates a sense of community that understands and is willing to support the victims. The article proposes more research on the effectiveness of using the systematic interventions such as social programs and policies to improve the outcomes of sexual adults’ victims.
Payne, J., Galvan, F., Williams, J., Prusinski, M., Zhang, M., Wyatt, G. and Myers, H. (2014). Impact of childhood sexual abuse on the emotions and behaviors of adult men from three ethnic groups in the USA. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(3), pp.231-245.
This article describes the impact of childhood sexual abuse on lives of the adults from three ethnic groups. The study evaluates the psychological and behavioral struggles of survivors of childhood sexual assaults. This article is important for my study as it aids in understanding the behavioral challenges which includes shame issues, sexual identity crisis, hyper-vigilance, anger and low self-esteem.
The article highlights that there are cultural context influences, such that people from different community will respond differently; suggesting that effective coping strategies are those that are tailor made to match the victim’s sociocultural background.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Reid, J. (2014). Risk and resiliency factors influencing onset and adolescence-limited commercial sexual exploitation of disadvantaged girls. Crim Behav Ment Health, 24(5), pp.332-344.
The previous studies have focused mainly on age related variables when analyzing the young women involved in sexual assaults, especially among those involved in sexual exploitation commercially. The study evaluated the variables associated with adolescents of sexual exploitation with the aim of identifying the resiliency factors and potential risks involved. This is important in my proposal as it facilitates understanding the concept of sexual victimization of adolescents, the effects of substance use and sexual violence.
Trickett, P., Negriff, S., Ji, J. and Peckins, M. (2011). Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), pp.3-20.
This article explores the collective impact of child maltreatment in the USA. The study highlights that childhood maltreatment which is associated with a myriad of mental health issues as well as developmental issues. The study helps improve the literature review of the proposed study, as it helps understand the reasons the maltreated adolescents tend to be more vulnerable bad outcomes; a predictive of long lasting effects in intimate relationships. This helps when developing early specific intervention that targets establishing effective coping strategies.
Wang, Y., Storr, C., Browne, D. and Wagner, F. (2010). Early Sexual Experience and Later Onset of Illegal Drug Use Among African American Students on HBCU Campuses. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(4), pp.543-551.
The study examines if early sexual exposure and sexual abuse is associated with subsequent drug use among the African American adolescents. The study evaluates a sample of 7372 African American students; which indicated that sexual assault is modestly associated with subsequent initiation of illicit drug abuse, especially among the females. This is also correlated with risky behaviors activities such as multiple sexual partners. The article concludes that school based programs will help empower the victims with coping strategies, effective enough, thus reducing the incidences of illicit drug use and other associated risky behaviors.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Barnett, D., Heinze, H. and Arble, E. (2013). Risk, Resilience, and the Rorschach: A Longitudinal Study of Children Who Experienced Sexual Abuse. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(6), pp.600-609.
Elwood, L., Smith, D., Resnick, H., Gudmundsdottir, B., Amstadter, A., Hanson, R., Saunders, B. and Kilpatrick, D. (2011). Predictors of rape: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(2), pp.166-173.
Francisco, M., Hicks, K., Powell, J., Styles, K., Tabor, J. and Hulton, L. (2008). The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research Review. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(4), pp.237-248.
George, A., Abatemarco, D., Terry, M., Yonas, M., Butler, J. and Akers, A. (2013). A qualitative exploration of the role of social networks in educating urban African American adolescents about sex. Ethnicity & Health, 18(2), pp.168-189.
Hunt, K., Martens, P. and Belcher, H. (2011). Risky business: Trauma exposure and rate of posttraumatic stress disorder in African American children and adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), pp.365-369.
Marriott, C., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. and Harrop, C. (2013). Factors Promoting Resilience Following Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Structured, Narrative Review of the Literature. Child Abuse Rev., 23(1), pp.17-34.
Payne, J., Galvan, F., Williams, J., Prusinski, M., Zhang, M., Wyatt, G. and Myers, H. (2014). Impact of childhood sexual abuse on the emotions and behaviours of adult men from three ethnic groups in the USA. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(3), pp.231-245.
Reid, J. (2014). Risk and resiliency factors influencing onset and adolescence-limited commercial sexual exploitation of disadvantaged girls. Crim Behav Ment Health, 24(5), pp.332-344.
Trickett, P., Negriff, S., Ji, J. and Peckins, M. (2011). Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), pp.3-20.
Wang, Y., Storr, C., Browne, D. and Wagner, F. (2010). Early Sexual Experience and Later Onset of Illegal Drug Use Among African American Students on HBCU Campuses. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(4), pp.543-551.
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