Spiritual or religious values and traditions

Spiritual or religious values and traditions
Spiritual or religious values and traditions

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Spiritual or religious values and traditions


What spiritual or religious values and traditions underscore concern for environmental health? Discuss the role of spiritual or faith-based institutions in environmental stewardship. How have these spiritual or ministerial efforts supported local public health initiatives? What collaborative efforts have been made in environmental health, both locally and globally, with regard to spiritual or faith-based collaboration?

Well-functioning healthcare systems are fundamental for maintaining healthy populations. Good health is essential for a country’s economic productivity and social development.

Community public health initiatives focus on identifying specific geographic areas with high levels of need and helping those communities overcome barriers to living healthier lives. Community members’ average lifespans can differ by 20 to 30 years based on inequities that restrict access to healthy food, affordable health care, and mental health support, according to the American Public Health Association.

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