Cuban totalitarian regimen

Cuban totalitarian regimen
Cuban totalitarian regimen

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Cuban totalitarian regimen

Order Instructions:

Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.

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America as a superpower

America as a superpower
America as a superpower

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America as a superpower

Order Instructions:

Choose one of these thesis statements as your position (make it the last sentence of your introductory paragraph):

THESIS STATEMENT 1: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States was once essential, but should now be discarded as ineffective and counterproductive.

THESIS STATEMENT 2: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States during the Cold War has become even more necessary in this period of terrorism and instability.

� Whichever thesis statement you choose, plan to make that thesis statement the last sentence in your introductory paragraph. The general subject is America’s international “policing” role as a superpower for the last 70-plus years. You may modify the wording slightly to fit more precisely the position you wish to take. This is NOT a simple statement of a topic; it is a statement of a position you are taking about that topic. p.s. Valid arguments and “A” papers can be made with either thesis. So, you choose the one you think is the stronger position.

America as a superpower

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In your paper, use specific examples’two from the Cold War years (roughly 1950-1990) and two from post Cold War years (the past three decades, roughly 1991-2019). After giving general consideration to your readings and your research, select one of the positions above as your position your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues with this FOUR-PART organization (see Template also):

1. Part One-one paragraph. INTRODUCTION AND THESIS STATEMENT. The position you choose will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph; make it the last sentence of the paragraph.

2. Part Two-two paragraphs normally. FOUR EXAMPLES. To support your thesis, use four specific examples, two from the Cold War years (1950-1990) and two from the post-Cold War period (1991-2019). The examples should be specific and clearly support your thesis. In these paragraphs one generally must have in-text citations to support your specific examples and to show where the information was found. Make the examples SPECIFIC. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper can also help on this part.

America as a superpower

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3. Part Three-one paragraph normally. DEALING WITH THE OPPOSING VIEW. The opposing view is the thesis statement you did NOT choose. Identify that opposing view and explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours. No new research needed; just one paragraph of critical thinking suggesting why your thesis/position is stronger than a different view. Approach it this way: You adopted a thesis statement. The opposing view is the thesis statement you did NOT adopt. You might start this paragraph by saying “Some may disagree with my thesis and argue that ——- . “THEN”you spend 3 to 5 sentences giving a reasoned argument why your thesis is stronger than the opposing view.

4. Part Four-one paragraph: LEGACY TODAY AND CONCLUSION: Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession? This might be unclear at first since it is foreign policy. (But, super-power status does inevitably provide advantages in a global economy.) This might be easy if you work in cyber security, criminal justice, IT, etc.

You can consider the legal impact of terrorism on the justice system, privacy issues, etc. Even a business must now plan accordingly. Every profession now must have security safeguards, have emergency incident preparations, plan what to do with data, etc. A few comments on these things for your profession-and some comments on how this impacts our lives in general. The FORMAT SAMPLE PAPER also has good suggestions for this part.

America as a superpower

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After the fourth part concluding the paper, be sure you have the numbered list of sources at the end. And be sure each source listed is also used and cited clearly in the body of the paper. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper illustrates this.

Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length. 500 is a minimum. 750 is a guideline as a maximum. This word-count does not include any title page or sources list.

Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of four quality academic sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. The other three may be from the list below or from other quality sources you find in the university’s online library. (Sticking with the list is a safe strategy; using other quality sources from the university’s online library is permitted.) This is guided research, not Googling.

Source list for Assignment 3: Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link. For others, they are accessible through the permalink to the source in our online library: Sources below having as part of the URL have a permalink to that source in our university’s online library. (The link takes you to the library log-in; you then log in, and then the source appears for you right away). Each source below is shown in SWS form, so if you use it, you may easily copy the entire entry onto your paper’s sources list. (On a paper, never list an item as URL only.)

America as a superpower

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SWS Form for the textbook:

Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

Choose sources relevant to the topic and position you are taking:

G. H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991. Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict.

S. Chace. Summer, 2015. The Cuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed by History.

J. F. Dulles. Jan. 2, 1954. Secretary Dulles� Strategy of Massive Retaliation.

M. Klare. July 15, 2002. Endless Military Superiority.

T. McCrisken. April/May, 2013. Obama�s Drone War.

America as a superpower

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C. Paul. 2008. Marines on the Beach: The Politics of U.S. Military Intervention Decision Making. eBook.

C. Powell. Feb. 6, 2003. Transcript of Powell�s UN Presentation.

R. Reagan. March, 1983. Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals.

Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

S. M. Tarzi. Sept. 2014. The Folly of a Grand Strategy of Coercive Global Primacy: A Fresh Perspective on the Post-9/11 Bush Doctrine.

America as a superpower

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The Division of Power Essay

The Division of Power
The Division of Power

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The Division of Power

As we have seen through our readings, governments differ on where the power of the state should be held.Unitary systems concentrate the power within the central government and little or no authority is granted to the component areas. In contrast, federal systems allow first-order civil divisions to have some autonomy, while the central government maintains authority over some areas.

Take a moment to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of each system.As you answer this initial question for the week, provide country examples whenever possible/relevant. Connecting real-world examples to these concepts will help to make this a more meaningful discussion for us.

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Political sound bites

Political sound bites
Political sound bites

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Political sound bites

Order Instructions:

*The essay topic revolves around the use of sound bites involving a political issue or related issues to determine either the opinion of the public (positive or negative) or the validity/lack of validity as a viable source to support arguments.

The essay revolves around soundbites..

*Please highlight each thing as it comes up

-Clearly identified topic. Highlight the whole topic

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-The closed thesis statement is easily understood by the reader. Please highlight the thesis

-The topic sentences directly correlate to the thesis statement and are presented in the same order as they appear in the thesis statement. Just make sure the topic fits with the thesis.

-The three support sentences tie directly to the topic sentence. Highlight them for me .

-References to the articles used for support are provided. Put them down and highlight them for me .

*The essay needs to have soundbites in it.

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Are you an Informed Voter?

Becoming an Informed Voter
Becoming an Informed Voter

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Are you an Informed Voter?


The 3rd congressional district in the state of Marylandconsists of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard and other considerable parts of the independent city of Baltimore. Currently, Maryland’s 3rd congressional district is represented by a Democratic John Sarbanes. Some of the landmarks in this district include the Maryland Science Centre, Annapolis, Fort McHenry and the state’s capital.

Three previous individuals to represent Maryland in the US Senate include the former representative of the 3rd district such as the retired senator Paul Sabarnes, current senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin.  The 3rd district’s gerrymandering resulted from the support for a Democratic candidate in the 2000 and 2010 consensus. In 2012, the 3rd district was the least congressional district across the US (Barone and Cohen, 2013).                                                        

Consequently, the 3rd district is among the 61 districts that elected a representative to the first US Congress. It was initially included Maryland, Prince George’s County, and Anne Arundel. In 1792, the district was moved to comprise eastern half of Fredrick, Montgomery and Maryland counties (Pedersen, 2001).

Again, in 1853, the 3rd district was redrawn to include Baltimore County apart from western and northern regions of the county and a third of the eastern part of Baltimore city. In the 1860 census, Maryland was cut to about five congressional districts while the 3rd congressional district was extended to include areas of the Baltimore, which were not part of the district before 1863 (Pedersen, 2001).

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What is the recent political history of your district and state?

The recent political history of the 3rd congressional district is the most gerrymandered not only in Maryland but also across the US. The 3rd congressional district and Maryland the assembly is especially aggressive as well as creative. The assembly has been able to shift the majority of black electorates from Al Wynn’s majority-minority fourth district into eighth district, to expel the Republican representative.

Again, in 2012 the Maryland’s assembly removed the current.Roscoe Bartlett by cutting his district into a half while merging it to a prosperous, democratic neighborhood near D.C, which made Bartlett lose by about twenty, points (Barone and Cohen, 2013). Currently, the Democrats control 7 out of 8 House seats.

As a matter of fact, gerrymander issue has been exaggerated; Marylanders still uphold the law and voted for Barack. The 3rd district under John Sarbanes includes metro regions of D.C; Annapolis and Baltimore are the ugliest and least compact across the United States. Much as Sarbanes was not likely to lose the race, the recent amendments offered him a position to get hold of the rich Democrats from the county of Montgomery- likely supporters of the future senatorial campaign. Some Democrats were not happy with such a move that was as a result of Donna Edwards., a black congresswoman.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How did your representative and senator come to power? (Thoroughly describe their backgrounds.)

John Sarbanes sought the Democratic nomination for the third district following a decade incumbent Ben Cardin, who forfeit the seat to run for the senatorial position of John Sarbanes’s father, Paul Sarbanes. The primary campaign involved Paula Hollinger the state senator, Peter Beilenson the former Baltimore City Health Commissioner and Oz Bengur the former Maryland Democratic Party Treasurer.

During the September 2006 nominations, John Sarbanes won with approximately 31.9% votes (Barone and Cohen, 2013). In the general election, his Republican rival was John White, the Annapolis, and marketing executive. Nevertheless, Maryland’s 3rd district is mainly democratic from 1927 and some expected that Sarbanes to experience challenges in the elections.

Furthermore, some allege that Sarbanes won the election following the popularity of his father, Paul Sarbanes, who was the representative of the 3rd district from 1971-1977. During November 2006 elections Sarbanes worn with about 64 percent, the White gained 34% votes while Charles Curtis McPeek the Libertarian got 2 percent. Sarbanes has been reelected four times without practical opposition.

Campaign funds

John Sarbanes campaign income in 2008 was about USD 1,012,936 and spend about USD 799,506 (Barone and Cohen, 2013).  His chief supporter was Veneble LL6; USD 38,854, a place he spent 18 years (1989-2006) for his legal career, which represents non-profit health care facilities providing quality care to Marylanders. Other supporters were Chesapeake Partners Management, Johns Hopkins University, Carpenters & Joiners Union. The main industries that contributed funds to Sarbanes campaign are interest groups, lawyers, health, labor and real estate.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How have they voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?

Maryland’s 3rd congressional district held elections in November 2014 for US general elections. John Sarbanes, a Democrat, defeated his opponent Charles Long a Republican with 128,594 votes or 59.6 percent. Sarbanes also won the Democratic primary against his challenger Mathew Molyett. On the other hand, Charles Long won the Republic nominations against Thomas Harris and Michael Jackson. 

Moreover, in 2012 presidential election Barrack Obama, a Democratic candidate garnered majority votes in Maryland’s 3rd congressional district; he won with 49.39 percent against Mitt Romney with 49.31%. The state of Maryland is among the 21 states associated with the mixed primary structure. The parties have the right to elect who can vote in the primary and close the process to all electorates apart from those registered under their party.

Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party or has it been changing in recent years?

Political parties

The Democratic and Republican parties are central political parties commanding huge following in Maryland and especially the 3rd district. Towards the Civil War, the Democratic Party drew a significant part of their ability from eastern shores and their enemies from Whigs, who were common across Baltimore. The collapse of the Whigs led to the rise of the Native American party, which viewpoint on anti-immigrant and anti-Catholics attracted Marylanders as they believed that their wellbeing was vulnerable to Roman Catholics immigrants.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Maryland was the only state to vote for the presidential candidate of the American Native party. Nevertheless, declined remarkably and Maryland started to support the Democratic Party, electing John Breckinridge, the secessionist. In the 1970s corruption and peddling afflicted the main parties and in 1973 Spiro T. Agnew, a Republican and the Vice President of US during that period was accused taking money from individuals engaged in business dealings in the state especially when they were in Baltimore County and Maryland’s governor.                                                                         

In 2000, the majority of Marylanders supported the Democratic party, for example, 57% voted for Al Gore a Democrat, 40% for the Republican George Bush and three percent to Ralph Nader, the Green, party candidate. Two years later, John Kerry a Democratic challenger won 55.7% votes against Bush with 44.6 percent in 1994, governor election was a major race in the history of Maryland, Democrats won and reelected in 1998 and 2002 Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. a Republican was elected.

In 2000 and 2004, both Sarbanes and Mikulski, from Democratic Party got re-election. As of 2004, approximately 3,105,000 voters were registered, of which 58% were Democrats, 20% Republicans and 12 percent independent members. Additionally, the congressional delegation comprised of 6 and 2 democrats and republicans respectively.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, CC or FRC) rate your representative and senator?

Interest Group

Some interest groups periodically publish congressional scores to assess the representatives as well as senators position on particular issues. These scorecards are mainly obtained from determining the manner in which member voted to how the group could have voted on a given legislation and provide a score to demonstrate how vote match up(Mitchell, 2007). This means interest groups rate representatives and senators in the way they vote.

Common awareness groups consist of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and Americans for Democratic Action. They stem from the conservative and progressive wings respectively. These groups give the score of 8 and the mean of every senator. Nevertheless, the scores are not independent. In most cases, senators who get a good score from ADA are likely to score poorly from ACU and vice versa(Mitchell, 2007).

When 4 progressive and four conservative groups are used, then each senator will score 50%, which is not interesting. To address this issue, it is appropriate to use progressive groups, since a legislator with a high rating is rather prospective, that is, they support every progressive project, and he becomes a liberal thinker (Barone & Cohen, 2013). On the contrary, a conservative senator has a low ranking, as such, against all ongoing projects.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Table 1: Interest Group Ratings

MarylandPaul Sarbanes7810010010010010010010097
MarylandBen Cardin789089859510010010092

Political background Maryland and Senator Ben Cardin

Maryland is one of the first thirteen colonies that joined the Union in 1788, and it has taken part in all the 57 presidential elections. Furthermore, Maryland has been mainly “blue” state following the introduction of contemporary political parties during the period of Civil war. From 1960, Maryland has been voting for Republicans in the landslide such as Nixon in 1972, Reagan in 1984 and Bush in 1988. In 2012, Obama easily defeated Romney. On politics, there are two Marylands. The Democratic Maryland is multiracial and includes all socioeconomic groups stretching to parts of Washington and Baltimore metropolitan regions (Sheckels, 2006).

The second part is the Republican Maryland that is primarily rural, dominated by white community and conservative. It includes Maryland Tidewater and western counties of Maryland.   The early 21st-century Republican Party Maryland is not similar to the previous one, which was progressive compared to social and fiscally conservative Democrats.

Modern Republican candidates demonstrate policy standpoints of the party such as protection of property rights, Anti-tax, anti-government and anti-abortion. Republicans opposition to the dominance of democratic is not only deep-seated but also the degree of politics generated by this problem is intense compared to the present day history of Maryland.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Cardin joined politics while in law schools and served in the Maryland House of Delegates from 1967 -1968. In 1986, when Barbara Mikulski, a US representative, declared to view for the senatorial seat; Cardin joined the race in the House of Representative and was victorious by a decisivemargin. He served from 1987 to 2007, an era he became well known for his efforts in social works such as health as well as other initiatives (Mitchell, 2007).

Cardin is known for his support for child welfare, the bill to expand child programs, health benefits and high tax credits for children. In 2005, when Senator Paul Sabres announced his retirement, Cardin joined the race, he was successfully in the tight contested Democratic primary and defeated his challenger Michael Steel a Republican. In 2007, Cardin assumed office and set the record straight as a liberalist (Mitchell, 2007).

He was considerably interested in the environment, enforced a law to safeguard the Chesapeake Bay while seeking to reinforce standards of clean water. Also, he is an active foreign policy fun and became a member of Foreign Relations in the Senate committee.


Barone, Michael; Richard E. Cohen (2013). The Almanac of American Politics 2010. Washington, D.C.: National Journal Group.

Estache, A., & Foucart, R. (2013). Benchmarking Politicians.

Mitchell, C.W. (2007). Maryland Voices of the Civil War. JHU Press. 548pp.

Pedersen, V. L. (2001). The Communist Party in Maryland, 1919-57. University of Illinois Press.

Sheckels, T. F. (2006). Maryland Politics and Political Communication, 1950-2005. Lexington Books.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Becoming an Informed Voter

Becoming an Informed Voter
Becoming an Informed Voter

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Becoming an Informed Voter


The 3rd congressional district in the state of Marylandconsists of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard and other considerable parts of the independent city of Baltimore. Currently, Maryland’s 3rd congressional district is represented by a Democratic John Sarbanes. Some of the landmarks in this district include the Maryland Science Centre, Annapolis, Fort McHenry and the state’s capital.

Three previous individuals to represent Maryland in the US Senate include the former representative of the 3rd district such as the retired senator Paul Sabarnes, current senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin.  The 3rd district’s gerrymandering resulted from the support for a Democratic candidate in the 2000 and 2010 consensus. In 2012, the 3rd district was the least congressional district across the US (Barone and Cohen, 2013).                                                        

Consequently, the 3rd district is among the 61 districts that elected a representative to the first US Congress. It was initially included Maryland, Prince George’s County, and Anne Arundel. In 1792, the district was moved to comprise eastern half of Fredrick, Montgomery and Maryland counties (Pedersen, 2001).

Again, in 1853, the 3rd district was redrawn to include Baltimore County apart from western and northern regions of the county and a third of the eastern part of Baltimore city. In the 1860 census, Maryland was cut to about five congressional districts while the 3rd congressional district was extended to include areas of the Baltimore, which were not part of the district before 1863 (Pedersen, 2001).

Becoming an Informed Voter

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What is the recent political history of your district and state?

The recent political history of the 3rd congressional district is the most gerrymandered not only in Maryland but also across the US. The 3rd congressional district and Maryland the assembly is especially aggressive as well as creative. The assembly has been able to shift the majority of black electorates from Al Wynn’s majority-minority fourth district into eighth district, to expel the Republican representative.

Again, in 2012 the Maryland’s assembly removed the current.Roscoe Bartlett by cutting his district into a half while merging it to a prosperous, democratic neighborhood near D.C, which made Bartlett lose by about twenty, points (Barone and Cohen, 2013). Currently, the Democrats control 7 out of 8 House seats.

As a matter of fact, gerrymander issue has been exaggerated; Marylanders still uphold the law and voted for Barack. The 3rd district under John Sarbanes includes metro regions of D.C; Annapolis and Baltimore are the ugliest and least compact across the United States. Much as Sarbanes was not likely to lose the race, the recent amendments offered him a position to get hold of the rich Democrats from the county of Montgomery- likely supporters of the future senatorial campaign. Some Democrats were not happy with such a move that was as a result of Donna Edwards., a black congresswoman.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How did your representative and senator come to power? (Thoroughly describe their backgrounds.)

John Sarbanes sought the Democratic nomination for the third district following a decade incumbent Ben Cardin, who forfeit the seat to run for the senatorial position of John Sarbanes’s father, Paul Sarbanes. The primary campaign involved Paula Hollinger the state senator, Peter Beilenson the former Baltimore City Health Commissioner and Oz Bengur the former Maryland Democratic Party Treasurer.

During the September 2006 nominations, John Sarbanes won with approximately 31.9% votes (Barone and Cohen, 2013). In the general election, his Republican rival was John White, the Annapolis, and marketing executive. Nevertheless, Maryland’s 3rd district is mainly democratic from 1927 and some expected that Sarbanes to experience challenges in the elections.

Furthermore, some allege that Sarbanes won the election following the popularity of his father, Paul Sarbanes, who was the representative of the 3rd district from 1971-1977. During November 2006 elections Sarbanes worn with about 64 percent, the White gained 34% votes while Charles Curtis McPeek the Libertarian got 2 percent. Sarbanes has been reelected four times without practical opposition.

Campaign funds

John Sarbanes campaign income in 2008 was about USD 1,012,936 and spend about USD 799,506 (Barone and Cohen, 2013).  His chief supporter was Veneble LL6; USD 38,854, a place he spent 18 years (1989-2006) for his legal career, which represents non-profit health care facilities providing quality care to Marylanders. Other supporters were Chesapeake Partners Management, Johns Hopkins University, Carpenters & Joiners Union. The main industries that contributed funds to Sarbanes campaign are interest groups, lawyers, health, labor and real estate.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How have they voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?

Maryland’s 3rd congressional district held elections in November 2014 for US general elections. John Sarbanes, a Democrat, defeated his opponent Charles Long a Republican with 128,594 votes or 59.6 percent. Sarbanes also won the Democratic primary against his challenger Mathew Molyett. On the other hand, Charles Long won the Republic nominations against Thomas Harris and Michael Jackson. 

Moreover, in 2012 presidential election Barrack Obama, a Democratic candidate garnered majority votes in Maryland’s 3rd congressional district; he won with 49.39 percent against Mitt Romney with 49.31%. The state of Maryland is among the 21 states associated with the mixed primary structure. The parties have the right to elect who can vote in the primary and close the process to all electorates apart from those registered under their party.

Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party or has it been changing in recent years?

Political parties

The Democratic and Republican parties are central political parties commanding huge following in Maryland and especially the 3rd district. Towards the Civil War, the Democratic Party drew a significant part of their ability from eastern shores and their enemies from Whigs, who were common across Baltimore. The collapse of the Whigs led to the rise of the Native American party, which viewpoint on anti-immigrant and anti-Catholics attracted Marylanders as they believed that their wellbeing was vulnerable to Roman Catholics immigrants.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Maryland was the only state to vote for the presidential candidate of the American Native party. Nevertheless, declined remarkably and Maryland started to support the Democratic Party, electing John Breckinridge, the secessionist. In the 1970s corruption and peddling afflicted the main parties and in 1973 Spiro T. Agnew, a Republican and the Vice President of US during that period was accused taking money from individuals engaged in business dealings in the state especially when they were in Baltimore County and Maryland’s governor.                                                                         

In 2000, the majority of Marylanders supported the Democratic party, for example, 57% voted for Al Gore a Democrat, 40% for the Republican George Bush and three percent to Ralph Nader, the Green, party candidate. Two years later, John Kerry a Democratic challenger won 55.7% votes against Bush with 44.6 percent in 1994, governor election was a major race in the history of Maryland, Democrats won and reelected in 1998 and 2002 Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. a Republican was elected.

In 2000 and 2004, both Sarbanes and Mikulski, from Democratic Party got re-election. As of 2004, approximately 3,105,000 voters were registered, of which 58% were Democrats, 20% Republicans and 12 percent independent members. Additionally, the congressional delegation comprised of 6 and 2 democrats and republicans respectively.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, CC or FRC) rate your representative and senator?

Interest Group

Some interest groups periodically publish congressional scores to assess the representatives as well as senators position on particular issues. These scorecards are mainly obtained from determining the manner in which member voted to how the group could have voted on a given legislation and provide a score to demonstrate how vote match up(Mitchell, 2007). This means interest groups rate representatives and senators in the way they vote.

Common awareness groups consist of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and Americans for Democratic Action. They stem from the conservative and progressive wings respectively. These groups give the score of 8 and the mean of every senator. Nevertheless, the scores are not independent. In most cases, senators who get a good score from ADA are likely to score poorly from ACU and vice versa(Mitchell, 2007).

When 4 progressive and four conservative groups are used, then each senator will score 50%, which is not interesting. To address this issue, it is appropriate to use progressive groups, since a legislator with a high rating is rather prospective, that is, they support every progressive project, and he becomes a liberal thinker (Barone & Cohen, 2013). On the contrary, a conservative senator has a low ranking, as such, against all ongoing projects.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Table 1: Interest Group Ratings

MarylandPaul Sarbanes7810010010010010010010097
MarylandBen Cardin789089859510010010092

Political background Maryland and Senator Ben Cardin

Maryland is one of the first thirteen colonies that joined the Union in 1788, and it has taken part in all the 57 presidential elections. Furthermore, Maryland has been mainly “blue” state following the introduction of contemporary political parties during the period of Civil war. From 1960, Maryland has been voting for Republicans in the landslide such as Nixon in 1972, Reagan in 1984 and Bush in 1988. In 2012, Obama easily defeated Romney. On politics, there are two Marylands. The Democratic Maryland is multiracial and includes all socioeconomic groups stretching to parts of Washington and Baltimore metropolitan regions (Sheckels, 2006).

The second part is the Republican Maryland that is primarily rural, dominated by white community and conservative. It includes Maryland Tidewater and western counties of Maryland.   The early 21st-century Republican Party Maryland is not similar to the previous one, which was progressive compared to social and fiscally conservative Democrats.

Modern Republican candidates demonstrate policy standpoints of the party such as protection of property rights, Anti-tax, anti-government and anti-abortion. Republicans opposition to the dominance of democratic is not only deep-seated but also the degree of politics generated by this problem is intense compared to the present day history of Maryland.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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Cardin joined politics while in law schools and served in the Maryland House of Delegates from 1967 -1968. In 1986, when Barbara Mikulski, a US representative, declared to view for the senatorial seat; Cardin joined the race in the House of Representative and was victorious by a decisivemargin. He served from 1987 to 2007, an era he became well known for his efforts in social works such as health as well as other initiatives (Mitchell, 2007).

Cardin is known for his support for child welfare, the bill to expand child programs, health benefits and high tax credits for children. In 2005, when Senator Paul Sabres announced his retirement, Cardin joined the race, he was successfully in the tight contested Democratic primary and defeated his challenger Michael Steel a Republican. In 2007, Cardin assumed office and set the record straight as a liberalist (Mitchell, 2007).

He was considerably interested in the environment, enforced a law to safeguard the Chesapeake Bay while seeking to reinforce standards of clean water. Also, he is an active foreign policy fun and became a member of Foreign Relations in the Senate committee.


Barone, Michael; Richard E. Cohen (2013). The Almanac of American Politics 2010. Washington, D.C.: National Journal Group.

Estache, A., & Foucart, R. (2013). Benchmarking Politicians.

Mitchell, C.W. (2007). Maryland Voices of the Civil War. JHU Press. 548pp.

Pedersen, V. L. (2001). The Communist Party in Maryland, 1919-57. University of Illinois Press.

Sheckels, T. F. (2006). Maryland Politics and Political Communication, 1950-2005. Lexington Books.

Becoming an Informed Voter

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The concept of conservatism and liberalism

conservatism and liberalism
conservatism and liberalism

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The concept of conservatism and liberalism


           In the article with the title “president Obama visits a mosque long overdue and vital ” by Haroon Moghul,The article is all about the Muslim religion the external image it portrays peoples perception  and believes that the general public and the government have about the religion, people having a believe that its a religion of extremism and terrorism supporting. Attracting attention from the government bodies such as NYPD  which  used to give a close monitoring of the Islam communities.

        There is conservatism theme where the Mongul mentions that though president Obama spent most of his child life in Muslim related countries, he has not visited an American mosque, he believes that just because president Obama spent his early life in Muslim countries ,he should have visited an American mosque, one can chose to attend a mosque session even if they have never been in a Muslim country.( Pipe J, 1997,

Conservatism and liberalism

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Ideologies and institutions : American conservative and liberal governance prescriptions since 1933. ) another theme of conservatism comes out clearly where the Mongul tells that the high level of civic monitoring have caused the number of Muslims attending the mosque to decrease drastically, just because  one is  being monitored doesn’t mean that one should not go to a place of worship as it is their constitutional right, here the writer is conservative and believes that close monitoring deny conducive environment for worship, conservatives believes at personal responsibility, a life that should not have too many regulations(Hibbing  J, Smith K. & Alford J. (2014). Predisposed : liberals, conservatives, and the biology of political differences)

           However, we witness liberalism where the Mongul mentions that mosque deserves protection in America as any other religion and that the Muslims should be allowed fully to use their religion related institutions as there have been alienation from them. Liberals believe that the government should offer protection to every individual regardless of their religion for aequal society.( Seaton J. 1996. Cultural conservatism, political liberalism : from criticism to cultural studies)


Seaton, J. (1996). Cultural conservatism, political liberalism : from criticism to cultural studies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Hibbing, J., Smith, K. & Alford, J. (2014). Predisposed : liberals, conservatives, and the biology of political differences. New York: Routledge.

Piper, J. (1997). Ideologies and institutions : American conservative and liberal governance prescriptions since 1933. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.

NoAuthorFound. (2012). The evolutionary psychology behind politics : how conservatism and liberalism evolved within humans. Mcclenny, Fla: Federalist Publications.

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The Four Freedoms

The Four Freedoms
The Four Freedoms

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The Four Freedoms


In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the sitting at congress with the aim of moving the nation from the foreign policies of neutrality.  The president had seen the many in which anxiety was increasing as the European nations struggled and feel into Hitler’s fascist regime and was committed to having the publics support to for America to rake a stronger stance on this (Borgwardt & Elizabeth. pp. 12).

In the address that was directed to the 77th Congress, Roosevelt clearly depicts that there was a need for the development of actions and policies that would meet the foreign perils considering the fact that the domestic problems had turned out to be of greater emergency to the state of the nation.

Roosevelt therefore insisted that the people of the world should share the American entitlement for the development of four freedoms (Borgwardt & Elizabeth. pp. 12). These freedoms included that of speech and expression, the freedom from fear and freedom from want the freedom to worship God in their own ways. This paper therefore seeks to establish the manner in which these freedoms can be applied in the context of the book Give Me Liberty (V2) by Foner.

Application of the Four Freedoms

It is essential to establish the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was elected as the president for unprecedented term since during that period the world faced several challenges such as instabilities and uncertainties. Much of Europe according to Borgwardt & Elizabethhad typically fallen to the German Army that was advancing with Great Britain failing to hold its own.

The Americans therefore remained committed to isolationism with the belief that this nation should avoid wars(pp. 12). However, President Roosevelt had a clear understanding of the British need to gain support from America and tried to convince the Americans to consider the weight of the situation. 

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In weighing the FDR’s Four Freedoms in light of the book “Give me Liberty” it is essential to consider that the narrative developed by Eric Foner gives a picture of how events unfolded during this period by striking a balance between the social and political history thus drawing attention to the political powers that impacted social events (Erick Foner .pp. 479). The narrative therefore remains enriched through a theme that centralized on the American freedom, the change of meanings, its limits and promises including the efforts that were employed to achieve these freedoms.

Freedom therefore remains one of the basic elements that is echoed in the narrative and that stands at the core of the American history and that integrates the social and political histories. Each freedom therefore remains universalized and is followed by a common refrain. It is not only enough to have freedom at home considering the fact that freedoms of expression remain real and are morally needed to be enjoyed by everyone (Erick Foner .pp. 479). Roosevelts approach in this is therefore determined in developing a universal obligation that covers the human rights everywhere in the world.

On the other hand, the author also takes a closer look at the history of American religion by tracing the religious liberties and the boundaries between the government and religion and gives a depiction of the illuminate periods where religion intersected the broader historical events. In using the freedom of worship,

Roosevelt therefore advocates for faith, secular tradition, and spirituality that individuals belong to; and urges the need to motivate good deeds that is blended with tolerance for others (Erick Foner .pp. 479). This therefore gives a clear picture on the manner in which a reminiscent community could be built that champion the diversity of people and the diversity of their ideas.

It is therefore essential to consider the fact that the intellectual and spiritual freedoms are incorporated with material relief. The FDR’s freedom from want clearly indicates the need for economic security that is blended with a healthy peacetime. This is evident in the Fone’s narrative that saw the society fight against the global threats that were posted on the health of the society.

In using the freedom of want, it is therefore essential to show generosity to the others through different practices that helps in solving the social problems that the society is facing such as poverty (Rossiter & Clinton. pp. 243). Lastly, in understand the sources of fear, there is a need to focus on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that needs to be achieved in order to make the world a safe environment.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the sitting at congress with the aim of moving the nation from the foreign policies of neutrality.  Roosevelt therefore insisted that the people of the world should share the American entitlement for the development of four freedoms (Borgwardt & Elizabeth. pp. 12). These freedoms included that of speech and expression, the freedom from fear and freedom from want the freedom to worship God in their own ways.

Works Cited

Erick Foner. “Give me Liberty.” American Historical Review 116.5 (2011): 479-480. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.               

Rossiter, Clinton. “War, Depression, and the Presidency, 1933-50.” Social Research 82.1 (2015): 219-243. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Borgwardt, Elizabeth. “FDR’s Four Freedoms as a Human Rights Instrument.” OAH Magazine of History 22.2 (2008): 8-13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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America, The World Police

America, The World Police
America, The World Police

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America, The World Police

The world has turned out to be a global drama where different countries come to interact with each other. This feature is clearly evident from the American kind of leadership where the politics is military: “The Policemen of the World.” Putting in mind incidences like gulf war of 1990 and the cold war of 1945-1991; it is not that deep that these kinds of actions are essentially justified; however, it is because of the dynamic issues which have been taking place for the last few years. These are things that cause chaos.

To begin with, America attained its independence many years ago and through many geo-political activities which appointed them as the World Police. World Police involved many activities, for example, American is well-recognized nation with a sizable navy which protects the ships in any international forms of piracy. Also, it is fought to slow communism from spreading out. Finally, due to US economic interest, it struggles to fights the drug cartels in different parts of the world, South African being among them (Rosenberg, & Guillermo, 2007).

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The above points are evident from the life situation which came about in the aftermath of World War 2. In this case, America had turned out to be a world power just after the Battle of New Orleans which took place 1812; however, it did not become the superpower until Second World War (Hickey, 2015).

This is also evident from the infrastructural damages that were caused by the war. It shows that America had a strong military that could not be worn. As a result, it gained a lot of goodwill and power after restructuring Europe through the Marshal plan. These factors therefore are what put Americans in the position they are at present.


Hickey, D. R. (2015). Glorious victory: Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans. JHU Press.

Rosenberg, M., & Guillermo, S. R. (2007). The United States and the Central America: Geopolitical realities and the regional fragility. New York City: Routledge.

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