Self Development and Self Management

Self Development
Self Development

Self Development and Self Management

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For individuals to perform better there are things that they ought to do.  According to Illand (2012, p.45), two of the fundamental things for good performance are self management and self development. These two aspects of performance are important for the purpose of ensuring that individual contribution towards the overall objective of an organization is capable of creating high level efficiency.

For better understanding of the above two aspects of an individual, the details of each one of them will be discussed in this essay. Additionally, this essay will focus on the concepts that surround each one of them. This essay will also try as much as possible to outline the theories that give more insight of self management and self development. A summary of all that surrounds self management and self development will be given in the conclusion section.

Self management

Self management refers to the taking up personal responsibility in all matters related to the behavior of an individual. In self management, it is the duty of a person to ensure that the decision to take a particular path in terms of action lies squarely on him or herself (Eicholz 2011, p.64). Self management stipulates that a person should be able to have self control when it comes to the way he or she handles personality related affairs.

For successful self management process, it is important to draw guidance from various aspects of an individual. Self management is more concerned with a person being able to understand more about oneself. It entails first being able to gather more self knowledge. With self knowledge identified, it is possible to have proper self management through inviting certain skills and aspects into the behavior of an individual.

One of the things that enhance self management is motivation. Motivation refers to the ability of a person to be able to develop interest in doing something (Nussbaum 2013, p.39). Therefore, with motivation an individual will always have a positive attention towards activities that he or she purposes to do.

Secondly, self management is usually supported positively by having self reflection. Self reflection refers to the process of looking deeply into the personality of an individual. Therefore, when a person is able to understand better about his or her personality and skills, it is always easy to have self management.

Self management is also supported by coming up with ambitious targets. Upon reflecting and knowing oneself better, an individual is supposed to set some bars that have to be hit (Merkle 2011, p. 21). These targets regarding self behavior should be set so that they offer a clear guidance towards achievement of full self management. Additionally, an individual should come up with a system for analysis and evaluation of the self management process. This is necessary for the purpose of ensuring that the process of self management does not spin out of control.

Self development

Self development refers to an individual activity where the aspects that define a person are improved consistently. Self development refers to a situation whereby an individual is able to improve on aspects of life such as the skills held, level of talent, the level of self awareness and knowledge. From self development, an individual is able to perform better each new day as a result of improving on the personal driving forces.

The importance of self development is emphasized by the fact that certain changes keep on occurring. The fact that the environment in which people operate in keep on changing calls for self development for the purpose of catching up. Additionally, work and employment situations of individuals keep on changing thus the need for individuals to embrace self development to ensure that there are no negative effects as a result of the dynamism.

An individual is supposed to ensure that the process of self development leads to positive results (Gall 2011, p. 245). This is necessary since it ensures that there is good progress that a person is experiencing. For positive effects to be experienced by a person, it is important to for a person to ensure that whatever needs to be improved is well defined. This means that the aspects that an individual wants to make better about him or herself need to be clear.

The importance of clear target for improvement lies in the fact that it is easy to make a clear self management plan and evaluate accordingly as the process continues (Reddy 2012, p.16). Additionally, for a successful self management process, it is extremely important for an individual to come up with a priority list of whatever is to be improved. The need for prioritizing what is to be improved is brought about by the fact that some aspects and skills are required first so that they may support the process of self management (Udo 2013, p. 18).

For example, the improvement of personal discipline is a priority for the purpose of supporting the improvement of others such as consistency. It is worth noting that the process of prioritizing in self development is made better through identifying what aspects or skills of an individual will be required in future. This means that efforts put on improvement should target aspects or skills of a person that will be useful in future.

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Theories supporting self management and self development

There are several theories that have content supporting self development. Developmental humanistic approach theory argues that employees should be given power through being taken for training. According to Masters and Wallace (2013, p.32), this theory argues that when the employees are given an opportunity to learn, they get to improve on some of their skills thus benefiting an organization.

Additionally, when people employees are taken through developmental processes, they feel appreciated and in return create more output for an organization. The other theory that supports self development is the human capital theory. The human capital theory argues that it is beneficial to put more resources into human resource development in an organization.


It is worth noting that it is only personal responsibility which is capable of moving a person to a higher level of self management and development. The consistency of the positive aspects of these personal activities should be grown every day. Every person should ensure that the skills that improve the level of self management and development are internalized for better results.

For efficient processes of self management and self development, it is necessary to have a good system for carrying out evaluation (Davis 2014, p,89). These processes should be evaluated regularly to ensure that they are within the plan. Any negative deviations identified in the process of evaluation should be controlled to ensure that the relevance of self management and self development is not lost.

The strengths identified and improved should be utilized to ensure that the performance of an individual is at a high level. Furthermore, if any weaknesses are identified, it is important to ensure that they are managed well and transformed into strengths.


Davis, F 2014, Personal Development In A Nutshell, Pagefree Publishing Inc

Eicholz, M 2011, Personal Development: Through Self-Awareness, Institute for Transformation Llc

Gall, MR 2011, How Internal Communication Can Contribute to Successful Personal Management, Grin Verlag

Illand, A 2012, Self-Management: Time Management, Life Management and Personal Management, Illand Business Pages

Masters, A & Wallace, H 2013, Personal Development for Life and Work, Cengage Learning

Merkle, JA 2011, Management and Ideology, University of California Press.

Nussbaum, M 2013, The Fragility of Goodness, Cambridge University Press

Reddy, RJ 2012, Personnel Management, APH Publishing.

Udo, F 2013, How to Become Extremely Successful in Business Management, Ufomadu Consulting & Publishing

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Spirituality: Philosophy Essay


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Most philosophers believe that every person has a worldview. They define the worldview as a framework and commitment of ideas and attitudes about human beings, life, and the world. They further describe a worldview as a set of beliefs that man holds to and lives by. It is of great importance for human beings to discover their worldviews and abide to them.

Generally, there is no widely agreed definition of spirituality. Traditionally, spirituality is viewed as the process of reformation that is aimed at recovering the original shape of man. However in present times, spirituality has been based on subjective experience that incorporates personal growth or transformation, and this is separate from the religious views.

Spirituality can be defined from different theories including scientism which is the belief in science and using scientific evidence to describe spiritually. Scientism is a belief held by scholars in their bid for the search for physical truth. On the other hand, pluralism refers to the process of viewing the society from multiple entities which work as a single unit. An example of pluralism is the society with different cultural backgrounds which maintains their tradition. Post modernism describes spirituality as a concept of modifying traditional beliefs according to modern ideas.

Prime reality

Prime reality is the understanding of what is real. This involves understanding the origin of faith of individuals. According to Christianity, God is real, and it is through his intentions that we can live. (Bak, 2013) posits that this definition is not applicable to every individual since non-Christians do not believe in God. Non-Christians believe that God cannot be present in all places at all times. However, Christians believe that Gods powers are unlimited. Prime reality is what one believes in depending on his views of reality. Believing that God is present and available in all places at all times is a reality for specific people but not others.

Nature of the world around us

From a religious perspective, nature is God’s creation, and the world is part of   God‘s plan for man. Being a Christian, I believe that God is the creator of all things. According to the Bible teachings, God provided man with natural things in the world for man to enjoy God’s creation.

Certain situation where man experiences difficulties is part of the reality as it forms part of the learning process. As a Christian, I believe that understanding God’s plan is beyond us despite the fact that God has given us the gift of reasoning.  Christians rely on faith to guide their understanding of the world (Murphy, 2016).  

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Human beings

Murphy (2016) states that humans are God’s creation; human beings have life and a sense of self-awareness to understand their purpose on earth .but others view human as complex machine developed due to scientific discovery. But for Christians, human being are God’s superior creation because God created man giving him unique abilities compared to other God’s creation on earth .this dispute the fact that human being is termed as machines.

Since God created human beings in his image, these means human beings are above all other creation on earth. Therefore, their role is to take care of the world but not undermine the rights of other creations. Human being need to understand God intention which initial living in harmony and with other creation on earth (Murphy, 2016).

What happens to a person at death?

When people die they leave behind memories, which are cherished depending on an individual action while on earth.  Apart from Christians others believe in life after death, this is his reason why several people perform good deeds while still alive because they believe God will judge them according to their actions.

Christian believes in life after death whereby the physical body dies, but our souls remain alive to start a new life in heaven. Murphy(2016) reports that when people dietheir souls escape from their bodiesand return to God the creator.

Christians believe that righteous people will be granted eternal life by God if their actions were in line with God’s commandments. According to (Murphy, 2016), the judgment day is important because this is the day when God decides our fate. This is the day that our actions are evaluated to determine if we are worth living with God in heaven. God’s Ten Commandments are rules given by God to our ancestors to guide our action. Therefore by not obeying God’s teachings we are likely to lose the chance of being granted eternal life.

The possibility to know anything at all

Knowing anything means the understanding of our worldview based on what influence our actions. Having different sets of beliefs reveals the different perspective of our view of the world. When we experience continuous changes as we go through different circumstances enables us to increase our levels of knowledge. Seeking God’s guidance is important to gain more knowledge and understand our purpose on earth (Tomasello, 2014).

How do we know what is right or wrong?

Tomasello (2014) explains how humans determine what is wrong and right by conforming to Gods moral law. In his view, moral laws reflect God’ s purpose for man. Human beings are expected to live by Gods’ intention. God moral laws are the Ten Commandments in the Bible that stipulate various acts that need to be emulated by man. However, people fail to understand God’s purpose hence violating God’s laws.

Christians believe that God makes them undergo difficulties as a punishment for their wrongdoing. Other people believe best for themselves and acceptable to our fellow humans are termed as the right thing, while what can cause harm to the majority is termed as wrong (Tomasello, 2014).

What is the meaning of human history?

History can be defined as the sequence of events that leads to fulfilling God purpose; however history is also defined as important records about past events that formed part of our identity. Human history from a Christian perspective portrays God as a wise, holy, powerful, true and the creator of the world.

Christian’s link human history to God creation, from a Christina perspective, human history cannot be defined without explaining Gods creation. Non –Christians view human history based on specific events that they value while some people believe that human history is imagination generated from the past events.


Worldviews are significant whether man recognizes them or not. They offer a basis upon which the actions and corresponding moral values are based. Our worldview   concerning reality, human beings and understand of what is right or wrong differ based on individual perspective. Views presented by pluralist, scientist and post modernist depend of their individual world view.


Bak, P. (2013). How nature works: the science of self-organized criticality. Springer Science & Business Media.

Murphy, M. C. (2016). God and moral law. Oxford University Press.

Tomasello, M. (2014). A natural history of human thinking. Harvard University Press.

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Worldview: Philosophy Essay


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Most philosophers believe that every person has a worldview. They define the worldview as a framework and commitment of ideas and attitudes about human beings, life, and the world. They further describe a worldview as a set of beliefs that man holds to and lives by. It is of great importance for human beings to discover their worldview and abide to them.

Generally, there is no widely agreed definition of spirituality. Traditionally, spirituality is viewed as the process of reformation that is aimed at recovering the original shape of man. However in present times, spirituality has been based on subjective experience that incorporates personal growth or transformation, and this is separate from the religious views.

Spirituality can be defined from different theories including scientism which is the belief in science and using scientific evidence to describe spiritually. Scientism is a belief held by scholars in their bid for the search for physical truth. On the other hand, pluralism refers to the process of viewing the society from multiple entities which work as a single unit. An example of pluralism is the society with different cultural backgrounds which maintains their tradition. Post modernism describes spirituality as a concept of modifying traditional beliefs according to modern ideas.

Prime reality

Prime reality is the understanding of what is real. This involves understanding the origin of faith of individuals. According to Christianity, God is real, and it is through his intentions that we can live. (Bak, 2013) posits that this definition is not applicable to every individual since non-Christians do not believe in God. Non-Christians believe that God cannot be present in all places at all times. However, Christians believe that Gods powers are unlimited. Prime reality is what one believes in depending on his views of reality. Believing that God is present and available in all places at all times is a reality for specific people but not others.

Nature of the world around us

From a religious perspective, nature is God’s creation, and the world is part of God‘s plan for man. Being a Christian, I believe that God is the creator of all things. According to the Bible teachings, God provided man with natural things in the world for man to enjoy God’s creation.

Certain situation where man experiences difficulties is part of the reality as it forms part of the learning process. As a Christian, I believe that understanding God’s plan is beyond us despite the fact that God has given us the gift of reasoning. Christians rely on faith to guide their understanding of the world (Murphy, 2016).

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Human beings

Murphy (2016) states that humans are God’s creation; human beings have life and a sense of self-awareness to understand their purpose on earth .but others view human as complex machine developed due to scientific discovery. But for Christians, human being are God’s superior creation because God created man giving him unique abilities compared to other God’s creation on earth .this dispute the fact that human being is termed as machines.

Since God created human beings in his image, these means human beings are above all other creation on earth. Therefore, their role is to take care of the world but not undermine the rights of other creations. Human being need to understand God intention which initial living in harmony and with other creation on earth (Murphy, 2016).

What happens to a person at death?

When people die they leave behind memories, which are cherished depending on an individual action while on earth. Apart from Christians others believe in life after death, this is his reason why several people perform good deeds while still alive because they believe God will judge them according to their actions.

Christian believes in life after death whereby the physical body dies, but our souls remain alive to start a new life in heaven. Murphy(2016) reports that when people dietheir souls escape from their bodiesand return to God the creator.

Christians believe that righteous people will be granted eternal life by God if their actions were in line with God’s commandments. According to (Murphy, 2016), the judgment day is important because this is the day when God decides our fate. This is the day that our actions are evaluated to determine if we are worth living with God in heaven. God’s Ten Commandments are rules given by God to our ancestors to guide our action. Therefore by not obeying God’s teachings we are likely to lose the chance of being granted eternal life.

The possibility to know anything at all

Knowing anything means the understanding of our worldview based on what influence our actions. Having different sets of beliefs reveals the different perspective of our view of the world. When we experience continuous changes as we go through different circumstances enables us to increase our levels of knowledge. Seeking God’s guidance is important to gain more knowledge and understand our purpose on earth (Tomasello, 2014).

How do we know what is right or wrong?

Tomasello (2014) explains how humans determine what is wrong and right by conforming to Gods moral law. In his view, moral laws reflect God’ s purpose for man. Human beings are expected to live by Gods’ intention. God moral laws are the Ten Commandments in the Bible that stipulate various acts that need to be emulated by man. However, people fail to understand God’s purpose hence violating God’s laws.

Christians believe that God makes them undergo difficulties as a punishment for their wrongdoing. Other people believe best for themselves and acceptable to our fellow humans are termed as the right thing, while what can cause harm to the majority is termed as wrong (Tomasello, 2014).

What is the meaning of human history?

History can be defined as the sequence of events that leads to fulfilling God purpose; however history is also defined as important records about past events that formed part of our identity. Human history from a Christian perspective portrays God as a wise, holy, powerful, true and the creator of the world.

Christian’s link human history to God creation, from a Christina perspective, human history cannot be defined without explaining Gods creation. Non –Christians view human history based on specific events that they value while some people believe that human history is imagination generated from the past events.


Worldviews are significant whether man recognizes them or not. They offer a basis upon which the actions and corresponding moral values are based. Our worldview   concerning reality, human beings and understand of what is right or wrong differ based on individual perspective. Views presented by pluralist, scientist and post modernist depend of their individual world view.


Bak, P. (2013). How nature works: the science of self-organized criticality. Springer Science & Business Media.

Murphy, M. C. (2016). God and moral law. Oxford University Press.

Tomasello, M. (2014). A natural history of human thinking. Harvard University Press.

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