Rhinitis Patient Diagnosis Essay

Rhinitis Patient Diagnosis
Rhinitis Patient Diagnosis

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Rhinitis Patient Diagnosis

Richard presented to the healthcare facility with complaints of postnasal drainage, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and nasal congestion. These clinical manifestations are common in patient diagnosed with Rhinitis. Therefore, the Advance practitioner differential diagnoses are correct. Allergic rhinitis is most likely because patient complains of runny nose, sneezing, red itchy watery eyes, sore throat and nasal congestion (Kaliner, 2011).

This is confirmed by allergy test, nasal smear for eosinophils. It is important that the advance practitioner nurse requested for nasal smear as it helps confirm the presence of eosinophils in the nasal secretions. Presence of eosinophils indicates that the patient is diagnosed with allergic rhinitis.  Blood test is also important to check for IgE antibodies which will help to confirm the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2016).

Infectious Rhiniti is suspected because of patient’s signs and symptoms such as sneezing, rhinorrhoea, cough, and congestion. This is ruled out by the laboratory test findings. Non-allergic rhinitis is suspected nasal congestion, sneezing and runny nose. The immunological tests results rules out the likelihood infection (Kaliner, 2011).

 Rhinitis medicamentosa is suspected due to presence of nasal congestion. This mainly occurs when the patient uses certain oral medications such as topical decongestants and some oral medications. These medications make the blood vessels to constrict causing nasal congestion.  This is not likely because the patient denies use of oral medications and topical decongestants (Kaliner, 2011).

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Nasal speculum is also good as it helps visualize the patient’s nasal turbinate’s and mucosa. Presence of pale and boggy turbinates’ is an indicator of allergic rhiniti. However, I think further diagnostic tests should have been considered. This includes imaging tests such as CT scans to check if the patient has sinusitis, associated structural defects or chronic inflammation.  Rhinoscopy should have been conducted as it would help to check for nasal polyps and associated complications (Ball et al., 2015).


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2016). Advanced health assessment and clinical
diagnosis in primary care (5th ed.).
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Kaliner, M. (2011). Rhinitis. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders.

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Developing a PICOT Question


Developing a PICOT

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Identifying a Problem

            The diagnosis and management of depression within the American population remains one of the health factors affecting the health sector.  Sources determine that the prevalence of depression within the American population is ascertained to stand at 8.5%, a factor that has seen less people seek medical attention (Wagner, Müller, Helmreich, Huss, & Tadić, 2015). Thus paper therefore seeks to develop a PICOT question in determine the aspect of depression and its effects within this population.

PICOT Question

            It is essential to consider that the PICOT P, Population: I Intervention C, Comparison, O, Outcome and T Time is developed in guiding this study. In the American population between the ages of 30-35 of the working class (P), is there a need of developing a tool that will analyze depression (I), compared with the other approaches of care (C) that ensures appropriate procedures are developed in order to detect depression (O) within a specified time (T)? The aim of the PICOT question is developed to determine enough evidences that justify the element of depression among the American population through the use of effective tools.

Selecting Sources of Literature

            In considering the results of this paper, it is essential to search through multiple databases that include EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, PsycINFO and the Cochrane and other sources from Health Care research centers. In getting the results of this study, there are key search words that need to be considered (Wagner, et.al.2015). These words include: screening, depression, depressive disorders, BECK or BDI-ii and the population. The use of both the published and the unpublished materials in searching the literatures was incorporated with the materials reviewed dating back between 2005-2010.

Selecting Sources of Literature

According to Wagner et.al.2015, a metal-analysis was conducted to determine the effects of depression on the American population. The findings of the study identifies that a majority of the population presented traumatic symptoms. This material determines that depressive disorders among the younger generation may lead to suicidal and homicidal thoughts and attempts (Jackson, Dianne & Garnefski, 2015).

Some of the symptoms that are presented by this author include chest pains, headaches, painful urination, dizziness an excessive sweating. This source intrinsically supports the specified area of study since it provides evidence to some of the effects of depression among the American population.

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Jackson et.al.2015 in his literature consequently revealed that the screening of depression among the American population undergoes a process of identification, assessment, and initiation of approaches aimed at managing this disease within the American population (pp.197). This author details a quantitative randomized study within this population and establishes that the abuse of substances is as a result of depression, a factor that explains the reasons why several Americans engage in risky sexual behaviors.

 On the other hand, the population is also likely to engage in drugs and substance abuse as a result of depression. The author determines that there is a need of developing a concurrent treatment method that uses psychotropic drugs and other stable stimulants in the management of depression. The inclusion of psychotherapeutic method is also essential in the management of depression.

The author also mentions that depression within this population needs to be effectively managed since discoveries have been made that establish individuals in this state engage in unprotected sex and the inclusion of multiple sexual partners, a factor that would result into a health concern within a nation.


Wagner, S., Müller, C., Helmreich, I., Huss, M., & Tadić, A. (2015). A meta-analysis of cognitive functions in children, adults and adolescents with major depressive disorder. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(1), 5-19. doi:10.1007/s00787-014-0559

Jackson, E. M, Dianne S, & Garnefski, N. (2015). Depressive Symptomatology and Child Abuse in Adolescents with Behavioral Problems. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 20(3), 197-210.Retrived From: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=10067979&site=ehost-live

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