Emergency and Disaster Management Paper

Emergency and Disaster Management
Emergency and Disaster Management

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Emergency and Disaster Management

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The history of major natural disaster from the Galveston Hurricane through the formative years of disaster policy includes several focusing events such as the San Francisco Earthquake, the Great Mississippi Flood or the Xenia, Ohio tornado and the subsequent response of individuals and governments at all levels have contributed to the emergence of disaster policy.

As noted in the essay The Calm Before the Storm, it details how the issues of geography, the history of past storms, and the continued pressure of development affects efforts to protect the city from known hazards. It is clear that during the past century, there has been a gradual development of emergency of emergency management as a discrete discipline by noting the transition of citizens viewing disasters as “acts of God” to events that could be studied, understood and thus prepared for through both individual and community efforts.

Emergency and Disaster Management

Yet the interplay of factors such as issue salience, fragmented government responsibility, communities of stakeholders, jurisdictional concerns and technical expertise remain perennial concerns for emergency managers. Respond to the below question:
Select two focusing events from the past 120 years and compare / contrast how two issues from this list – issue salience, fragmented government responsibility, communities of stakeholders, judicial concerns or technical expertise illustrate these tensions.

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Emergency and Disaster Management Essay

Making use of the Galveston hurricane of 1900 and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, this article analyzes how fragmented government responsibility and technical expertise remain concerns for emergency and disaster managers through the creation of tensions in their line of work.

Fragmented government responsibility

The federal and state governments have various experts charged with the task of overseeing the handling of such emergencies such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes, and the resulting disasters. While this ensures a team of experts is available to handle the arising matter…

Technical expertise

The possibility of insufficient knowledge and skills affects the efficiency of operations for emergency managers, therefore creating tensions. Using the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 as an example, the absence of the technical skills to estimate the…

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