Crash by Paul Haggis: Movie Review

Crash by Paul Haggis
Crash by Paul Haggis

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Crash by Paul Haggis: Movie Review

Communication strategies in the movie Crash by Paul Haggis

Intercultural communication, verbal communication, perception, and stereotyping all play essential roles in the characteristics of the movie Crash. This paper provides a detailed critique of Paul Haggis’ film Crash. In this evaluation, connections are made to what I have learned in class with regard to communication.

The concepts/principles of listening and stereotyping are clearly defined and applied in the film. Thesis statement: in Crash, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people and this results in ineffective communication. Ineffective listening by some characters in the movie also results in poor communication.


Stereotypes refer to the beliefs or perceptions that people hold about other people or groups rooted in previously formed attitudes and views. When people are categorized as a group, they are believed to possess comparatively similar beliefs and exhibit the same behaviors (Beebe, 2011). On the whole, stereotypes describe the behavior norm for a specific group, and not individual behavior.

In the film Crash by Paul Haggis, instances of stereotyping are many. In the initial scene of this film, the Korean lady yelled at detective Ria that Mexican people do not know how to drive – she stereotypes Mexican people. Conversely, people of Korean descent often have trouble in pronouncing some consonants rightly: the Korean lady pronounces brake as blake and she was mocked satirically by Ria who told her, I am sorry you never saw my blake lights.

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Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil, the entire society of the United States has some kind of hatred toward the Arabs as they have developed some stereotypes about Arabs. Americans believe that every Arab person could be a potential terrorist.

Other stereotypes depicted in Crash are that black people are the source of crime in American society, Caucasians do not really understand hip-hop, African Americans do not like ice-skating, country songs, or playing hockey. Nonetheless, Anthony finds it weird that Peter as an African American likes hockey, ice-skating, and country songs.

Stereotyping has embedded deeply in the minds of both African Americans and Caucasians and it embarrasses and torments them. People think that they actually know who they are. Nonetheless, when they are tested, they come to the realization that they have no idea who they are. On the whole, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people.

When their mindsets crash into one another, they eventually understand that they cannot escape unscathed. Stereotyping has been ineffective as depicted in the film Crash as it served as an obstacle to effective cross-cultural communication. In essence, whether subtle or blatant, stereotyping could have a very negative effect on human interaction and communication as shown in the movie Crash.

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Listening refers to the capability of accurately receiving and interpreting messages in the process of communication. It is worth mentioning that listening is crucial to any effective communication given that without the ability to listen in an effective way, messages would be misunderstood easily – communication will break down and the message’s sender or speaker could become irritated or frustrated easily (Beebe, 2011).

The concept of listening as a strategy for intercultural communication has also been rather ineffective as used in the film Crash. One of the main characters in the film is John Ryan who is a white police officer. He is a racist toward African Americans. His quotes captivate the viewers and he happens not to be a very good listener. When a person does not listen effectively to what the other person is saying, then the individual leaves himself and his mind open to believe anything and in most instances misunderstands the point the other party was trying to say.

Furthermore, people have the tendency of presuming what the other person is trying to say without allowing them to really finish speaking what they were saying. This could result in confusion between the two causing them to jump to conclusions. In Crash, ineffective listening or not listening to others effectively could end in serious irreversible outcomes.

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To sum up, this essay has examined the principles of stereotype and listening as depicted in the film Crash which was directed by Paul Haggis. In this award-winning movie, characters stereotype and judge each other and they also get stereotyped and judged by others. This caused ineffective communication. Furthermore, poor listening by some people in this film led to poor communication and misunderstanding.


Beebe, R. (2011). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others (2nd Canadian Edition). Scarborough, Ontario: Allyn and Bacon.

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The Portal, 2014 Movie Review

The Portal
The Portal

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Jonathan Williams’ short film The Portal, 2014 Movie Review


Write a 1 page film review of Jonathan Williams’ short film The Portal, 2014.

Your analysis should include the following information (however, please note that it should be written as one comprehensive review, not as answers to questions):

The themes of the film, what the explicit and implicit meanings are and what cultural invisibility might be present.

An analysis of the narrative elements of the film and how it does or does not fall within the three-act dramatic structure.

An analysis of the acting and what specifically makes the acting performances work.

An analysis of the set design and what it communicates visually and an analysis of the costumes, hairstyling and make-up and what they convey about the characters.

An analysis of the cinematography and how lighting, camera angles, composition, and camera movements contribute to the film’s themes.

An analysis of the editing, using specific examples of cuts and transitions between cuts to illustrate the film’s narrative, physiological or intellectual function.

An analysis of the sounds and music present in the film and how they contribute to the effectiveness of the film and create symbolic import and emotional impact for the viewer.

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Remember that the goal is to analyze both the content of the film and the formal elements of the film and to note how the formal elements help express the film’s content. You must be detailed and cite specific examples. For example:

Do not simply state:

There were a lot of great camera angles that helped create the mood of the film.

A stronger statement would be:

In the scene where xyz occurs, low angles were used symbolizing xyz which also contributed to the mood of the scene which is xyz. In the scene where xyz occurs, there is an establishing shot that represents xyz and this is followed by xyz shots/angles that represent etc. etc. etc. These shots contribute to the content of the film by representing xyz…..

Remember that in this class you have been trained to become film analysts. So, you are not stating “In my opinion, I believe…” Pretend you are a film critic and you are submitting a film review that will be published in The Hollywood Reporter. How would you analyze and critique the film in a professional publication?

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Ten Days that Shook the World Arts Movie Review

Ten Days that Shook the World
Ten Days that Shook the World

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Ten Days that Shook the World Arts Movie Review


Film: October: Ten Days That Shook the World (Eisenstein, 1927, 116m, Kanopy);

Man With a Movie Camera (Vertov, 1929, 68m, YouTube)

Readings: Sergei Eisenstein (excerpts from Film Form);

Annette Michelson, Introduction of Kino-Eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov

Notes:: Montage Aesthetics notes, Man With a Movie Camera analysis

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write a response that critically reflects on one or two of this weeks’ films and readings, relating the film to the reading and specifically discussing the film’s historical significance. Do not discuss every film or reading. Focus your response on one or two films and one or two readings. Your response should demonstrate your general understanding of the readings and the films in the historical context.

Do not simply summarize the film/s. Rather, discuss how that film/s has contributed to the aesthetic and/or technical innovations in film history. Also, consider how each film reflects and influences its socio-political context. You must use proper citations for all sources in your response. Below are some questions to serve as generic prompts for reflection. You do not have to address all of these questions in your response.

What are the central arguments made by the films and/or the texts and how do they relate to each other?

What social, cultural, political, or historical issues are brought into focus in the films and how?

What themes emerge from the films or texts and how do they relate to the historical context?

Describe the aesthetics of the film and discuss how they contribute to the development of film language.

What role does this film play in the history of film in terms of its aesthetic, technological, and or socio-political contributions?

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The Terrorizers by Edward Yang Movie Review

The Terrorizers by Edward Yang
The Terrorizers by Edward Yang

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The Terrorizers by Edward Yang Movie Review.


Review the sequence from “The Terrorizers” in the following link. Write 300 words to analyze this sequence. Discuss in the first half of your answer the various aspects of its film language that are visible and important (Consult the section on “Taking Notes” in the chapter from A Short Guide to Writing about Film, which has been uploaded onto Canvas “Files”).

In the second half of your answer, discuss what meaning(s) does this sequence pose by relating this section to other moments in the film (Consult the sections on “Subject and Meaning” and “Silent Dialogue: Talking Back to the Movies” from the chapter from A Short Guide to Writing about Film). Please do a “gallery walk” to review your classmates’ posts in your learning community.

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A league of their own: Female and sports Movie Review

A league of their own:
A league of their own

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A league of their own: Female and sports Movie Review


Introduction (1-2 paras)

Optional – cite an interesting quote to frame the discussion

Topic sentence

Statement of purpose (what you will write about and discuss do in the paper)

Goals of paper

Basic film info

State characters and theme

Background (1-2 paras)

History around baseball

The time period of the film

Larger social issues of the time

Development of baseball subculture

Cite Refs

Themes (4-6 paras total)

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Theme #1: Lack of Visibility/Coverage of Women’s Sports (1-2 paragraphs)

Identify the main theme of each paragraph

Cite academic research

Cite EG from the film

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Theme #2: Sexualization of Female Athletes (1-2 paragraphs)

Identify the main theme of each paragraph

Cite academic research

Cite EG from the film

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Theme #3: Lack of Respect for Female Athletic Abilities (1-2 paragraphs)

Identify the main theme of each paragraph

Cite academic research

Cite EG from the film

Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

Summarize the main content of paper

Wrap up main themes of paper

Reference any additional journal materials

Current state of baseball subculture

Final thoughts and looking forward, larger social importance

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Aileen Wuornos Documentary: A Critical Analysis

Aileen Wuornos Documentary
Aileen Wuornos Documentary

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Aileen Wuornos Documentary: A Critical Analysis


After viewing this Documentary on Aileen Wuornos, please answer the following question provided.

Students should submit their answer individually and provide references, sources, or URL, work cited.

Question: Using examples directly from the Aileen Wuornos Documentary, explain how Aileen Wuornos was, or was not, a sexually sadistic serial killer. Provide your response in 150-200 words.


This documentary looks at Aileen Wuornos convicted of killing 7 men while working as a prostitute in Florida. This is actually the second Wuornos documentary made by this group the first being Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer (1992). With her execution now on the horizon Nick Broomfield returns to Florida to complete the story. Her argument has always been that the killings were in self-defense but she eventually pleaded no contest or guilty to most of the murders. Broomfield was able to film several interviews which reveals her state of mind and puts into question her mental competence. —garykmcd

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Netflix Movie: The Social Dilemma Movie Review

The Social Dilemma Movie
The Social Dilemma Movie

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Netflix Movie: The Social Dilemma Movie Review


Option 1: Watch the NETFLIX: THE SOCIAL DILEMMA Movie and analyze one or two of its themes. Consider the various ways in which the themes are addressed using specific aspects of the film like characters, interactions, setting, specific scenes, dialogue, and even music and framing. Consider what the film is doing to interact with that theme or make it resonate. Consider how most of the themes we’ve pointed out so far are a commentary on some aspect of society. Consider how effective the aspects you decide to analyze (characters, setting, etc) are at addressing the themes you’ve chosen.

Remember that the key is *analysis*. Explain your thoughts. Use evidence from the films to support your thoughts. Don’t just summarize the films. Use specific examples from the film to make your point.

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Itaewon Class: K-dramas

Itaewon Class
Itaewon Class

Itaewon Class: K-dramas Emerging Superpower in Cinema Movie Review


Please include two films or dramas from class, three scholarly sources from class, and one outside scholarly source. The films and media up to Itaewon class. Please make sure you create a thesis that is original and you have the option to draw from and respond to the prompts below.

On the first day of attending his new high school, Park Sae Ro Yi punches his classmate Jang Geun Won, who was bullying another classmate. The bully is the son of CEO Jang Dae Hee. The bully’s father runs restaurant business Jagga where Sae Ro Yi’s own father works. CEO Jang Dae Hee demands to Sae Ro Yi that he apologizes to his son, but Sae Ro Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, he gets expelled from school and his father gets fired from his job. Soon, an accident takes place. Sae Ro Yi’s father dies in a motorcycle accident caused by his ex-classmate Jang Geun Won. Burning with anger, Sae Ro Yi viciously beats Jang Geun Won. He is soon arrested and receives prison time for violent assault. Sae Ro Yi decides to destroy the Jagga company and take revenge upon CEO Jang Dae Hee and his son Jang Geun Won. Once Sae Ro Yi is released from prison, he opens a restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul. Jo Yi Seo, who is popular on social media, joins Sae Ro Yi’s restaurant and works there as a manager. —AsianWiki

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Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror 1922 Movie Review

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror 1922
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror 1922

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Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror 1922 Movie Review


In no more than a page or two answer the following questions.  Please include proper MLA formatting rules and use Standard American English ( write in complete, well-crafted  sentences). Incorporate the questions into your answers.  Do not simply list the numbers and write the answers.

1. Why is this film Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror 1922 important to film history?

2. What are five camera angles (based on the my lecture notes/ and illustrated ) used in the film and record the time code where each shot occurs in the film?

3. How does the director distinguish day from night in the film?

4. What are three current (within the last five years) horror films that borrow from Nosferatu in terms of cinematography and describe how  that occurs?

5. What is the three sentence pitch for this film (write a unique and original three-sentence pitch)?

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