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How industrial revolution affected women in minorities in the 19th century
Analyze how the industrial revolution affected women in minorities in the 19th century.
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How industrial revolution affected women in minorities in the 19th century
The industrial revolution epitomizes an era in which women empowerment gained prominence, as women became educated and increasingly participated in the workforce. Women could now be employed, develop their skills and cater for their families unlike before when they had to depend on men or work at home.
As the world moved towards factory manufacturing, more women had the opportunity to work outside their home and also get professional education. The 19th century is also considered a notable period in relation to early feminism. Minority women however did not benefit from women empowerment until later in the industrial revolution.
Guy-Sheftall (2011) notes, that minorities and particularly women were overlooked in the 19th century’s democracy expansion. While the whites, also known as the majority had better opportunities for education and participation in the workforce, minority women were often sidelined in such developments. The 19th century was characterized by the fight for women rights, mostly the right for equal recognition under the law and right to vote. Previously, women were expected to be homebound and thus take care of domestic jobs such as cleaning, cooking and child-bearing and would not be allowed to socialize.
This meant that women did not have an opportunity to work or get an education. As more women participated in the workforce, they also sought to be freed from domestic labor. This was achieved through employing other women of lower class in their homes, consequently increasing the level of slavery among women minorities (Auguste, 2018). More domestic servants were needed to work in middleclass homes and this was mostly given to minority women.
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