Scientific Management Approaches

Scientific Management Approaches
Scientific Management Approaches

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Scientific Management Approaches

To what extent are the principles of scientific management applicable to the 21st century?

Fredrick Taylor is credited to have come up with Taylor’s management theories. These theories were later renamed scientific management theories due to how Taylor used scientific concepts to decode how organizations should be run. He came up with the concept of a scientific approach to management of organizations. While working at a steel company, Taylor had noted that the productivity of the labor force was inefficient. He attributed this inefficiency to the use of the rule of thumbs. Taylor’s management experiments were initiated on this fact.

He would conduct experiments on the workforce by coming up with ways to change or improve the rule of thumbs. His experiments were based on theories derived from science. He came up with a theory where he wanted to reduce the movement of workers while performing a single task in the industry. This move was to increase the productivity of the labor force. This theory is one of the few traditional theories by Taylor that are used in modern management even to date(Thomas 2007).

Scientific management approaches are still part of most organizations of this day and age. The widest concept adopted today is dividing the functions of the management and those of the staff. The replacement of the rule of thumbs with scientific facts has also led to the widespread application, adoption, and modification of Taylor’s theories. Most if not all modern organizations have a factual basis for their operations. As a result, they have structures for both the managerial and staff functions. The external and internal competition is managed by facts that have little to do with the scientific management approaches theories and principles (Thomas 2007).

Scientific Management Approaches

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The model of scientific management emphasizes on using one way in the overall management of organizations. It also advocates for the following of natural principles that guide human behavior and actions Ancona, D., et al. (2009). It is, however, not impossible to find organizations in the 21st century who operate using a different model or theory. The disparity in the 21st-century management can be seen in technology, infrastructures, and even the education system. The way the government is run and the family setting are also a clear example of how the management of organizations has changed in the 21st century.

The five principles of scientific management are a clear division of tasks and responsibilities for the staff. There is also the selection of the best person to perform a task that has been newly designed using scientific knowledge.Fredrick Taylor’s scientific management theory was an integral part of the understanding of how organizations in the traditional world were managed. At the same time, as the theory grew with time there were several critics who were opposed to some of its principles.

The result of the criticism was the decreased role the theory played in later management decisions of organizations. Today, there is only but traces of the theory in the management of these twenty-first organizations. Examples of the scientific management theory today are few and hard to come by. However, there are some industries that have strived to keep hold of the principles derived by Taylor on the management of organizations. The car industry is one such industry.

The computer manufacturing and healthcare industries also have traces of Taylor’s theory within their ranks. However, what is visible are similarities of the original theory rather than the actual adaptation of the theory itself. It is not known if there is any modern industry that used Fredrick Taylor’s theory in its original non-influenced theory(IAIN 2009).

Scientific Management Approaches

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Thirdly, the staff knows exactly what to do and when to do it. The use of scientific methods has been adopted to come up with how best an individual can perform an assigned task.Taylor had had vast experience in the Midvale Steel Company. Companies like McDonalds, which have their staff follow one standardized process to come up with the finished product, have adopted the technique.

The standardized process and the use of five scientific approach principles in combination have been successfully used by an organization to achieve maximum productivity. In the fast food industry, customers are usually assured to get their orders ready is a little as one minute after placing their orders. The success of the industry can be hugely attributed to the adoption of the Time and motion theory developed by Taylor.

Ensuring the workers are adequately trained for them to perform their assigned tasks is another management principle McDonalds and Google are two different but successful companies that use different scientific management approaches for their employees. Both are also in different market sectors, but one is required to be innovative and have creative skills. The other company, however, needs the hands and feet of their employees for efficient running. 

Taylor’s theories can, therefore, be said to be in use in the twenty-first century running of organizations. Google does not use a piece rate system and thus will not have that theory in their organizational management plans. Taylor’s best theories can also not be suitable for all the organization. For a modern company innovation and flexibility has to be part of the plan for there to be success in its operations (Richard 2011).

Scientific Management Approaches

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The fifth principle is to have a strict surveillance and supervision of the workers’ activities using a set hierarchy of power and authority in the organization (Thomas 2007). Every manager has their individual ways and styles of managing an organization. The managers, however, have to use principles and concept of management that can work for their particular organizations. The concepts have to blend with the culture of the organization and the nature of work there. Taylor’s theory was often criticized for not being dynamic as the employees did not want to perform their tasks differently.

For this reason, managers have to think critically and deeply on their intended principles. They also have to look for ways to make their management concepts flexible with the changing situations in the organization. Google, an internet giant, does not apply Taylor’s metaphor of the machine for its employees. It, however, uses the Hawthorne experiment that was developed by George Elton Mayo. The results of these experiments showed that workers should be regarded as assets to any organization.

The result was an increase in the motivation of the employees. The employees produced better and consequently the increase in the overall productivity of the organization. George’s work was distributed over some years and, therefore, had more data to analyze than had Taylor (Martins 2014). Google’s staff has the liberty to work at the time they feel fit. These employees also design the working environment. The organizational structure at Google ensures that the staff can work as a team on their various projects. Teamwork was seen by Mayo as a major booster to the efficiency of employees.

Scientific Management Approaches

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During Taylor’s times, charitable organizations had started to mushroom. This proves that he was wrong to think that money was the only factor to consider when managing an organization. It is, therefore, correct to say that charitable organizations that have emerged in great numbers today do not apply any of Taylor’s methods and theories in their daily operations.

However, special circumstances can lead to these organizations using one or more of Taylor’s best methods. The use of these theories can be in the assembly lines where they have to reach the needy in the shortest duration of time. This observation means that Taylor’s methods are being used even if not in their pure forms (Martins 2014).

Another scientific management theory is referred to as Fordism. The theory uses the theories of a moving assembly and the division of labor and piece rate theories by Taylor simultaneously. The result is the automation of jobs. The jobs can also be classified according to the level of skills of the employees. The flow of work in a continuous way means that there is work being done. This theory developed by Ford was used in the manufacture of his cars. However, this theory has similar discrepancies as Taylor’s.

This theory relies mainly on the division of labor for the mass production of goods to run efficiently. This process little freedom to the staff who end up being dissatisfied with their jobs (Nelson, 1980). Moreover, the machinery and infrastructure are taken to be more important than the works themselves. The only applicable element of this theory in the twenty-first century is the piece rate. The overall scientific system can be seen to be lacking in many aspects. The managers of the twenty-first century try to fill these gaps with other foreign elements like the Maslow and Herzberg theories.

Scientific Management Approaches

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Herzbergdeveloped a theory that can be seen as a deeper side of the scientific theories by Taylor. Herzberg built a basic framework for motivation after conducting many experiments and surveys. After a critical analysis of the data he had obtained, he concluded that the motivation of employees is influenced by factors he called motivators. Dissatisfaction aspects he called hygiene. When the hygiene factors are removed, one cannot know of the existence of absence of satisfaction on the employee.

He said that employee satisfaction and motivation is greatly attributed to the treatment the employee receives. To Herzberg, there exists a difference between facts on satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Managers may bring in the factor of eliminating bad factors, but this may also mean there is only peace achieved rather that motivation. The safest way to motivate employees, according to Herzberg is to give them attainable tasks and responsibilities (Armstrong 2009).

After many successful surveys, experiments and studies, Maslow developed the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. The theory can also be used to analyze the efficiency of the scientific management theory developed by Taylor. Maslow is thought to believe that human beings have a high belief and expectation of self-actualization. He had also postulated that the expectations of humans were in most cases inexplicable and undervalued. To Maslow, human beings have five goals in life. Love, safety, esteem, self-actualization and psychology are these goals.

The goals can also be said to be the basic needs of most human beings (Armstrong 2009). Maslow also said that both employees and their employers are also motivated to achieve all these goals one after the other. To him, man is a creature whose desires run to eternity and the achievement of all these goals is impossible. All individuals, therefore, have the partial satisfaction of the fulfillment of their desires. Maslow’s theory proves an important asset for the managers of organizations in the twenty-first century.

The theory advises these managers to motivate their staff by setting for them goals that lead to their personal satisfaction. Modern organizations also should start programs aimed at managing and monitoring the levels of stress among the employees.

Scientific Management Approaches

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Scientific management may seem to be an integral part of modern organizations management, but one cannot miss the defects that are part of the concept used in the twenty-first century. It can then be said that not all the modern concepts of management can be adopted in the management of organizations (Gould 2000).

Employees of organizations in the twenty-first century are seemingly very intelligent. They value themselves better compared to their counterparts in the days of Taylor and Ford. However, there is the fear of the employees being under-skilled due to the specialization and use of standardized procedures in most organizations. The employees are not given room to use their creativity to come up with the finished products offered by their employers. This phenomenon is most common in fast food outlets like McDonalds that use a standard process to make their delicacies.

The breakdown of tasks makes the work of the employees easier and manageable. The staff is converted to machine-like pieces of a large operational process in an organization. They become less satisfied with the jobs this has led to their low motivation. In modern organizations, however, there is an understanding that money and power are not the only aspects of the management of organizations.

By contributing to the social welfare of their employees, these organizations has become more flexible in the affairs of their staff. The organization is regarding their staff as assets to the organization. Workers now fight for promotion and financial gains rather than work as machine sin the operational processes of the organization(Soron 2013).

Scientific Management Approaches

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Most of the institutions are thought to work entirely on concept based on rational mindsets as observed by Dr. Brown (2014). There is, therefore, a movement that is based on four factors as Ritzer postulated in his 1983 book, The McDonaldization of society. Ritzer claimed that organizations are managed and affected by management decisions as a whole and thus are regulated by these four factors completely. A society that is full of individuals with a rational mind has a lot of efficiencies, sustainability and emphasis on human factors like technology and power.

The running of organizations at a such a society is therefore not based on uncertainty and regret. All these factors are common from a rational point of view. These changes have been so common that they can be said to have been as a result of a century-old management revolution. The major talking point is, however, how these modern management points of view for organizations are affecting the overall management of these organizations in the 21st century.

One can ask themselves whether these principles of are the way forward in the 21st-century management of organizations. Dr. Brown (2014) is quoted asking whether these principles are a better way to respond to traditional management and if technology is the best way to respond to these changes.

Social factors have now become a priority for most modern organizations. Employees’ initiatives and welfare is a major concern for these organizations. They are also growing focus on the on how the employees adapt to their operational processes and closely monitor their employees’ performance. The issue of employee loyalty is also an area that is being focused on modern organizations. The entire social responsibility of organizations differs with Taylor’s notion that staffs are concerned with financial matters solely. Today the idea that employees have to be controlled from above is not very welcome in many organization like Google, who have given their employees the liberty to choose their work schedules (James &Schwarzbach 2011).

Scientific Management Approaches

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The future of organizations may be influenced a lot by technology. Technology is already manifesting itself as a contributing factor in the management of these organizations. The advancement in technology has influenced key factors in an organization like competitiveness and efficiency. This has made it necessary the managers of organizations in the twenty-first century adapt quickly to these technologies for their survival in these changing times. With the growth of technology, most societies have had to respond to these fast technological changes with adaptability techniques.

Irvine et al. (2011) think that artificial intelligent units might be used to replace human altogether as the main workforce. Managers today and in the future have to adapt to the trends so as to keep up the pace of technological change. Just like the managerial revolution of the twenty-first century, there may be an impending change in management approaches in the future.

It is impossible to see the scientific theory in its purest form in today’s management of organizations. There are, however, traces of the most common elements of this theory. The elements are mixed and matched and thus become deeply embedded in the organizational structure of modern organizations. This phenomenon can be used to explain why management of organizations has taken such a drastic change in the twenty-first century. Pure forms of Taylor’s methods can still be found in developing countries.

The reason for this observation is that most developing countries managers put their interest to where there is an availability of a cheap and reliable labor force. In places like this, the workforce is mainly desperate for money putting Taylor’s original scientific management theory in practice entirely (IAIN 2009).

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In conclusion, we have to answer the question as to what extent are the principles of scientific management applicable to the 21st century. It can be observed that technical management based on a rational point of view is being widely used in today’s management options. It can also be proven that several other theories critically analyze Taylor’s theories. Examples from Herzberg, Maslow, Ford, McDonalds, Googleand other modern managers all can be used to analyzeTaylor’s theories.

By applying school of thought based on Taylor’s theories, there can be a challenge in the future on the use of technology. The scientific management approach is not the only applicable theory when managing modern organizations. However, great strengths can be drawn from the theory in the management of organizations in the twenty-first century. Adopting the use of a clear-cut procedure has been a definite success in the fast food industry as used at McDonalds. Other strengths are the piece rate operations theory that when combined with Ford’s automation can result in improved productivity.

The major talking point in the differences between the scientific approach and modern approaches is on employees values. Taylor saw employees as parts of an operational process that is aimed at improved productivity of the workforce. He viewed them to be only interested in being paid. However, today organizations are more interested in employee initiatives and welfare as a major concern for these organizations. They are also very much interested in understanding how the employees adapt to their operational processes and closely monitor their employees performance.

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The issue of employee loyalty is also an area that is being focused on modern organizations. The entire social responsibility of organizations differs with Taylor’s notion that staff are concerned with financial matters solely. Today the idea that employees have to be controlled from above is not very welcome in many organizations. Technology has also been seen as a major factor that is being used by the managers of organizations in the twenty-first century.

References (2014) Terrorism and Technology. Available at: [Accessed 15th July, 2014]

Armstrong, M., 2009.Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice.11th  ed. London:

Ancona, D., et al. (2009). Managing for the future—Organizational behaviours& processes 3rd ed. Massachusetts: Thomson Available at: [Accessed on 2nd July 2014]

Cory Doctorow Meets the Public,” Nov-Dec 2010, pp. 22. Available at: file:///Z:/Forecasts%20From%20The%20Futurist%20magazine%20%20%20World%20Future%20Society.htm [Accessed on 1st July, 2014]

Daniel N. (1980). Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management.Madison university of Wisconsin Press. Andrea Graziosi. Pp.259

Gregory G. (2008) the Real Life Search for E.T. Heats Up, pp. 20

IAIN M. (2009) The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (Yale University Press,). Available at: [Accessed 7th June, 2014]

James, H. I. and Schwarzbach, S. (2011) The Top 20 (Plus5) Technologies for the  World Ahead,” pp. 17-18

Marcuse, H. (1964). One-dimensional man: Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial  society. Boston: Beacon Press.

Marcuse, H. (1968). Industrialization and capitalism in the work of Max Weber. In Herbert  Marcuse, Negations: Essays in critical theory, pp. 201-226. Boston: Beacon PressAvailable at: [Accessed on 1st of July, 2014]

Martins B. (2014), Managing for the Future, a Lectured delivered for MSc Management Student at the Birmingham City University. Birmingham England.

Raphael Rooms, The School of Athens: the foundation of the western mind philosophy and science Available at:  [Accessed 16th June, 2014]

Richard, Y. (2011) Treading in the Sea of Data,” pp. 33. Available at: file:///Z:/Forecasts%20From%20The%20Futurist%20magazine%20%20%20World%20Future%20Society.htm [Accessed 1st July, 2014]

Robert, P. (2009) “The Automation of Invention,” pp. 24. Available at: file:///Z:/Forecasts%20From%20The%20Futurist%20magazine%20%20%20World%20Future%20Society.htm [Accessed 1st July, 2014]

Soron, D. (2013) George Ritzer, the McDonaldization of Society: 20th Anniversary Edition. Canadian Journal of Sociology , Vol. 38(3)

Steven, M. S. (2011), “The Coming Robot Evolution Race,” pp. 20. Available at: [Accessed 15th June, 2014]   Available at: [Accessed 15thJune, 2014]

Thomas, F. (2007), “Fractal Transactions: Launching the Future of Money,” pp.11.

Tomorrow in Brief, Nov-Dec 2010, pp. 2 Available at: file:///Z:/Forecasts%20From%20The%20Futurist%20magazine%20%20%20World%20Future%20Society.htm [Accessed 1st of July, 2014]

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Human Resources School of Management Theory

Management Theory
Management Theory

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Human Resources School of Management Theory

The human resources school of management theory is widely accepted and has been in existence for quite some time. However, even though not every manager or company embraces it today, it is undeniable that it has transformed overall management practice not only in health care settings, but in all sectors for better (Dunn, 2010).   Human resources management theory, which is often referred to as behavioral management or motivational theory has a different view of the employee compared to the previous management theories that are more autocratic (Dunn, 2010).

In particular, this theory puts more focus on the individuals in a place of work instead of processes, rules and procedures. Thus, in human resources theory employees are not viewed as a mere cog in the wheel of the company, but it asserts that the prosperity of an organization can only be achieved by helping its employees to prosper (Dunn, 2010).

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The human resources school of management theory has various features, but the most important ones include:

1) communication between managers and employees is provided rather than directives emanating directly from an organization’s management, which allows interactions with one another in the decision-making process;

2) instead of employees been given quotas or been required to follow certain procedures, they are exposed to emotional and motivational tactics to promote their motivation for improved productivity;

3) the focus is in ensuring that employees are satisfied, productive and helping them invest and be loyal to the company;

4) empowering employees to be innovative through training and career development; and

5) providing appropriate rewards, appreciation and recognition methods when the company goals are achieved (Dunn, 2010).    

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The components of the human resources theory can be effectively used in health care setting today by encouraging motivation of health care practitioners, which subsequently results to improved job satisfaction and increased productivity. The components can also be used to boost employees’ sense of belonging by involving them in the company’s decision-making process, which improves their morale to work and loyalty to the company (Dunn, 2010).           


Dunn, R. (2010). Dunn and Haimann’s Healthcare Management, (9th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.    

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McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y of Motivation

Theory Y of Motivation
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y of Motivation

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McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y of Motivation


 According to this theory, the managers view employees in different human nature concepts which he labels as Theory X and Theory Y.  This theory demands the managers to reflect about their employees including issues such as how do you treat the employees? How does the manager talk to them?  This is important to know because it enables the management learn where they are in the Theory X-Theory Y continuum.

In Theory X, managers assume that employees generally heat work and that the average employee is lazy, lacks ambitions and is generally lazy. This theory assumes that employee motivation is money. This type of manager is sharp contrast to Theory Y. Theory Y managers assume that employees and highly satisfied by their work and exhibit high level of creativity. According to this theory, employees seek recognition and self-fulfilment than money (Korzynski, 2013).

How I Identify and Differ With This Style

 I identify with this management theory because I believe that it is very important to understand the various ways to treat human nature, as most of the employee behaviour observed in their work place is a reaction to management style. For instance,  the management that believes employees avoids responsibility and must be coerced to achieve organizational goals  are likely to set strict measures to  the employees dictating what they want the employees to do, ways they want it done and closely monitor them.

This communicates lack of trust to the employees In this regards, the employees  reaction towards work is negative, which convinces  the managers  that their assumptions is actually correct. On the other hand, Theory Y managers have entirely different assumptions. In this type of management, they make their decisions by consensus. This enhances the employee’s sense of belonging. By empowering the employee, the employee’s authority increases and tends to be responsible. This management encourages the employee creativity as well as teamwork and are more likely to reward them. As a result, the employee’s reaction is positive because they are treated with respect and support (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, & Andersen, 2015).

  Despite the fact that the theory explanations of management and employees performance are feasible- I highly doubt that there are managers who are purely X or Y.  The theories are designed to help the management understand their natural instincts and help them appreciate their attitudes such that they can adjust to certain situations within specific environment and organizational culture.

In this regards, it’s not a question if one is a Theory X or Theory manager. Irrespective of the type of management, the work must be done. Therefore, the key to success is evaluating your organization to identify the styles that are more consistent with bringing out the highest motivation levels and improve employee’s productivity (Reed & Bogardus, 2012).

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An Example of Business That Has Applied Theory Management Style

 An example of business that has applied Theory Management style in their organization is Google Company. The Google Company gives their students much freedom to ensure that they enjoy working at this company. The management looks at the employees tend to believe that they are self-actualizing as well as self-fulfilling. In Google Company, there is no micromanagement of the employees because they want them to be creative and improve their sense of belonging by making them take ownership of their work. 

 This company does not motivate the employees with fear of getting fired if they do not deliver quality work, but rather it encourages and empower employees to ensure that they take initiative to pursue their life goals. When the employee’s psychological needs are improved, they become motivated and are ultimately more likely to accomplish their company’s goals. The organizations push their workers to ensure that they understand their self-actualisation alongside the company’s goals set. The employees are given flexibility and ensure that the work place is comfortable. This motivates the employees to remain productive (Korzynski, 2013).

Case study

 During the unstable economic times, many companies management are expected to make tough decisions regarding the organization work force structure and size.  The director of Tri-County Home Health Agency is expected to implement a reduction in force (RIF) program also commonly known as lay-off.  This requires a lot of interaction with the top management officials and human resource manager to evaluate the jobs that need to be eliminated and ways the employees needs to be notified about the decisions. In this case, Theory X will work effectively (Gandolfi, & Hansson, 2010).

 Before implementing RIF, the management should explore all the alternatives available. This is because RIF could be a quick answer, but may not make sense in the long-term.  Other alternatives such as reducing work schedules, salary reduction, freeze of hiring, reduction of employee’s contribution and natural attrition. After reviewing these options and RIF still remains the best step for the company it is important for the management to explore ways to go about it.

The following should be put into consideration, including what departments or divisions are likely to be affected or will RIF affect the entire organization. In this case, what employees are essential to keep the company running, what set of skills are very vital in the organization for future (McConnell, 2010).

 One of the challenges during this process is selection of employees who will undergo lay-offs. This is complex due to the impact of disparate analysis.  In this regards, the selection criteria should be based on employee’s level of experience, versatility and proficiency. The unnecessary jobs categories and classifications should be eliminated. The employee’s performance can be evaluated using data from job appraisal.  To decide on whom to let go or stay, the management should strive an objective comparison of its employees. Strict compliance with the requirements must be maintained, failure to which employee’s claim of discrimination can be enforced (Gandolfi, & Hansson, 2010).

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 To communicate to the employees, a note of warning must be given to organizations. This facilitates quick action which is important for people who are staying and those who are leaving. All information about severance should be clear to ensure that every person understands it. The management should predict the questions anticipated and address the issue from the start.

Additionally it is important to the employees sign a release to avoid the employees taking action against the organization. It is also important to communicate with the survivors as they are equally affected. Additionally, the survivors are expected to match the same output level or even higher, which calls for motivation, giving the employees sense of hope and belief (McConnell, 2010).


Gandolfi, F., & Hansson, M. (2010). Reduction-in-force (RIF) – New developments and a brief historical analysis of a business strategy. Journal of Management & Organization, 16(5), 727-743.

Korzynski, P. (2013). Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), 184-188.

McConnell, C. (2010). Umiker’s management skills for the new health care supervisor. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Mikkelsen, M., Jacobsen, C., & Andersen, L. (2015). Managing Employee Motivation: Exploring the Connections Between Managers’ Enforcement Actions, Employee Perceptions, and Employee Intrinsic Motivation. International Public Management Journal, 1-23.

Reed, S., & Bogardus, A. (2012). PHR. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons

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Theory X and Theory Y of Management

Theory X and Theory Y of Management
Theory X and Theory Y of Management

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Theory X and Theory Y of Management


 According to this theory, the managers view employees in different human nature concepts which he labels as Theory X and Theory Y.  This theory demands the managers to reflect about their employees including issues such as how do you treat the employees? How does the manager talk to them?  This is important to know because it enables the management learn where they are in the Theory X-Theory Y continuum.

In Theory X, managers assume that employees generally heat work and that the average employee is lazy, lacks ambitions and is generally lazy. This theory assumes that employee motivation is money. This type of manager is sharp contrast to Theory Y. Theory Y managers assume that employees and highly satisfied by their work and exhibit high level of creativity. According to this theory, employees seek recognition and self-fulfilment than money (Korzynski, 2013).

How I Identify and Differ With This Style

 I identify with this management theory because I believe that it is very important to understand the various ways to treat human nature, as most of the employee behaviour observed in their work place is a reaction to management style. For instance,  the management that believes employees avoids responsibility and must be coerced to achieve organizational goals  are likely to set strict measures to  the employees dictating what they want the employees to do, ways they want it done and closely monitor them.

This communicates lack of trust to the employees In this regards, the employees  reaction towards work is negative, which convinces  the managers  that their assumptions is actually correct. On the other hand, Theory Y managers have entirely different assumptions. In this type of management, they make their decisions by consensus. This enhances the employee’s sense of belonging. By empowering the employee, the employee’s authority increases and tends to be responsible. This management encourages the employee creativity as well as teamwork and are more likely to reward them. As a result, the employee’s reaction is positive because they are treated with respect and support (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, & Andersen, 2015).

  Despite the fact that the theory explanations of management and employees performance are feasible- I highly doubt that there are managers who are purely X or Y.  The theories are designed to help the management understand their natural instincts and help them appreciate their attitudes such that they can adjust to certain situations within specific environment and organizational culture.

In this regards, it’s not a question if one is a Theory X or Theory manager. Irrespective of the type of management, the work must be done. Therefore, the key to success is evaluating your organization to identify the styles that are more consistent with bringing out the highest motivation levels and improve employee’s productivity (Reed & Bogardus, 2012).

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An Example of Business That Has Applied Theory Management Style

 An example of business that has applied Theory Management style in their organization is Google Company. The Google Company gives their students much freedom to ensure that they enjoy working at this company. The management looks at the employees tend to believe that they are self-actualizing as well as self-fulfilling. In Google Company, there is no micromanagement of the employees because they want them to be creative and improve their sense of belonging by making them take ownership of their work. 

 This company does not motivate the employees with fear of getting fired if they do not deliver quality work, but rather it encourages and empower employees to ensure that they take initiative to pursue their life goals. When the employee’s psychological needs are improved, they become motivated and are ultimately more likely to accomplish their company’s goals. The organizations push their workers to ensure that they understand their self-actualisation alongside the company’s goals set. The employees are given flexibility and ensure that the work place is comfortable. This motivates the employees to remain productive (Korzynski, 2013).

Case study

 During the unstable economic times, many companies management are expected to make tough decisions regarding the organization work force structure and size.  The director of Tri-County Home Health Agency is expected to implement a reduction in force (RIF) program also commonly known as lay-off.  This requires a lot of interaction with the top management officials and human resource manager to evaluate the jobs that need to be eliminated and ways the employees needs to be notified about the decisions. In this case, Theory X will work effectively (Gandolfi, & Hansson, 2010).

 Before implementing RIF, the management should explore all the alternatives available. This is because RIF could be a quick answer, but may not make sense in the long-term.  Other alternatives such as reducing work schedules, salary reduction, freeze of hiring, reduction of employee’s contribution and natural attrition. After reviewing these options and RIF still remains the best step for the company it is important for the management to explore ways to go about it.

The following should be put into consideration, including what departments or divisions are likely to be affected or will RIF affect the entire organization. In this case, what employees are essential to keep the company running, what set of skills are very vital in the organization for future (McConnell, 2010).

 One of the challenges during this process is selection of employees who will undergo lay-offs. This is complex due to the impact of disparate analysis.  In this regards, the selection criteria should be based on employee’s level of experience, versatility and proficiency. The unnecessary jobs categories and classifications should be eliminated. The employee’s performance can be evaluated using data from job appraisal.  To decide on whom to let go or stay, the management should strive an objective comparison of its employees. Strict compliance with the requirements must be maintained, failure to which employee’s claim of discrimination can be enforced (Gandolfi, & Hansson, 2010).

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 To communicate to the employees, a note of warning must be given to organizations. This facilitates quick action which is important for people who are staying and those who are leaving. All information about severance should be clear to ensure that every person understands it. The management should predict the questions anticipated and address the issue from the start.

Additionally it is important to the employees sign a release to avoid the employees taking action against the organization. It is also important to communicate with the survivors as they are equally affected. Additionally, the survivors are expected to match the same output level or even higher, which calls for motivation, giving the employees sense of hope and belief (McConnell, 2010).


Gandolfi, F., & Hansson, M. (2010). Reduction-in-force (RIF) – New developments and a brief historical analysis of a business strategy. Journal of Management & Organization, 16(5), 727-743.

Korzynski, P. (2013). Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), 184-188.

McConnell, C. (2010). Umiker’s management skills for the new health care supervisor. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Mikkelsen, M., Jacobsen, C., & Andersen, L. (2015). Managing Employee Motivation: Exploring the Connections Between Managers’ Enforcement Actions, Employee Perceptions, and Employee Intrinsic Motivation. International Public Management Journal, 1-23.

Reed, S., & Bogardus, A. (2012). PHR. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons

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Management and Managers

Management and Managers
Management and Managers

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Management and Managers

      Managing large companies is a complicated task. It is extremely vital that effective managers possess many abilities, knowledge and skills. It is worth noting that management is a process that is unpredictable. The decision making process is usually hard; even the most effective managers make wrong decisions. However, extremely effective managers learn from previous mistakes and strive in the future to come up with methods of helping their companies increase competitive advantage, survive in a volatile business environment s and improve performance. Essay to reflect on management and managers.

Background of the key issues                                                                                                 

Managers supervise how the social capital and other tangible resources are used in achieving the organizations’ goal. There is an extreme need for coordinating these resources over time. The resources in an organization included assets (people and the skills they possess), knowledge and know-how, financial capital, IT and computers, raw materials and machinery.

            One of the most significant goals of an organization is to provide a unique service or product that is desired by customers (Anonymous, 2).The CEO has the key goal of ensuring a novel stream of services and products are created, and which customers desire to buy. High effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select the right goals to be pursued but manage resources poorly in the process of achieving the goals. The result is a product that is desired by the customer but is too expensive.  

The customers cannot afford to buy the product. Low effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select the wrong goals and utilize resources poorly. The impact is a product of low-quality, and that is not desired by customers. High effectiveness/ low efficiency managers select right goals and use resources wisely to fulfill the goals. The impact is a product that is bought at a price and quality that the customer can afford. Low effectiveness/ high efficiency managers select inappropriate goals, but use resources wisely to achieve them. The result is a product of high quality and that customers do not want.

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Management and Managers

            Managers can lessen the burden of management through the creation of management teams. In the teams, employees learn new things and come up with ways on how effectiveness and efficiency can be improved in the organization. The teams ensure spread of best practices, increased business awareness, vision driven decisions and ideas can be contributed which makes decision making easy. When teams meet regularly, there is improved communication which leads to other good practices (Heerkens, 39).

Management and Managers

Examples of companies

            Werner von Siemens innovated generators and Siemens, medical devices. The hospital administrators, nurses and doctors, have the key role of increasing the hospital’s ability to treat the sick. Likewise McDonald’s restaurant manager has to ensure that the shakes, fries and burgers produced are what customers want to purchase and eat. These activities have to be undertaken following the set code of practice, regulations, rules and standards. 

            A manager has the role of ensuring that employees perform efficiently, with the use of minimum resources as possible, to produce services and products to customer. McDonald has been successful in developing an extremely efficient deep fryer that reduced the oil amount used in cooking by thirty percent and accelerated French fries cooking. Welner von Siemens developed the 1st dynamo that enabled cheaper electricity production.

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            According to Lormax (14), organizations become effective if managers select suitable goals and achieve them. For instance, McDonald managers decided that breakfast service will be provided so as to attract additional customers. This goal’s choice has proven to be extremely smart since breakfast food sales currently account for over thirty percent of McDonald revenues. Organizations that are considered high performing such as ASDA, IKEA, Intel, Siemens, McDonald and Accenture are effective and efficient simultaneously. Effective managers select appropriate organizational goals and utilize skills and resources efficiently.

            To illustrate planning in action, the situation that Dell Computer’s CEO, Michael Dell, is confronting is an apt example. Dell was nineteen years old in 1984, and he saw a chance to enter Personal Computers market through assembling PCs and consequently selling them to customers directly. He began thinking on how to actualize the idea. He decided that his aim was to sell inexpensive PCs, at a price lower than Compaq’s.

Consequently, he has to choose the course of action to achieve the goal. Dell decided to market directly to customers by the use of a telephone and bypass Apple’s and Compaq’s computer stores that are expensive (Nelson, 46). To date, managers at Dell have to plan continually so as to maintain their position as the highest- performing and largest PC maker.

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Future recommendations

            It is extremely vital that managers take advantage of e-commerce and IT, and the ability they have in reducing operation costs. In addition, senior management teams and CEOs should focus to outsource specific activities and restructure the organization so as to ensure they do not have more employees than is necessary. Organizations should engage in workforce empowerment so as to expand the responsibilities, tasks and knowledge of their employees.

In addition, there is a need for self-managed teams, which ensures quality enhancement. It is advisable to the top management to get a picture of how customers respond to their products and services so as to be able to modify them as necessary.

Works Cited

Anonymous.Management: Managers could benefit to the tune of ‘millions.’Music Week (Jun 27, 2009): 2. Print.

Heerkens, Gary.03 – Fundamentals of Organizational Management.New York: The McGraw- Hill Companies, 2006. Print.

Lormax, Stan. When disaster strikes: A primer for managers. Business and Economic Review 48. 2 (Jan-Mar 2002): 11-15. Print.

Nelson, Jennifer. “Commercial Property Managers.” New Jersey Business53. 11 (Nov 2007): 46. Print.

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