Raising Mathematics Achievement in Your Own Classroom

Raising Mathematics Achievement in Your Own Classroom
Raising Mathematics Achievement in Your Own Classroom

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Raising Mathematics Achievement in Your Own Classroom


Integrate what you have learned into one comprehensive plan for raising geometry and measurement achievement in your own classroom. The plan should include aspects from each week of the course and should be no longer than five pages.

Specifically, your plan will include:

o In Figure 19.2 on page 377 of Van de Walle et al. text (2013), a recommended sequence of instruction for measurement is provided.?

Reflect on your measurement instruction and the Common Core State Standards (or your state math standards).?

How will you incorporate this sequence into your own classroom instruction?

o Examine “The van Hiele Levels of Geometric Thought” (see Figure 20.1 and pages 403-406) from our text Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (Van deWalle et al., 2013).?

How will the van Hiele levels of geometric thought inform your planning and teaching of geometry concepts?

o Leinwand (2009) discusses ten instructional shifts to increase student achievement in Accessible Mathematics.?

Choose three instructional shifts that you would like to incorporate into your classroom.?

Why did you choose these three specific shifts?? How will you implement these shifts effectively into your own classroom? Give specific examples.
Link: Math core measures: http://www.corestandards.org/Math/

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