Endometriosis: Lack of knowledge and awareness


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Endometriosis: Lack of knowledge and awareness

Research questions

The critical challenge that faces endometriosis community is inadequate factual awareness. Endometriosis is a challenge that keeps most women mired in menstrual myths, misinformation, delayed or under-diagnosis, under treatment, and lack of support.  The societal and cultural bias about menstruation has kept the disease invalidated, diminished and ignored.  This legacy of misinformation covering this illness is spread from medical educators, patients and the next generation (Ferreira et al. 2016).

The paper seeks to explore existing knowledge on socio-psychological impact of endometriosis on the lives of women. By doing this, it will provide insight into ways of increasing awareness of the disease. The research question is “What is the socio-psychological impact of endometriosis on women’s health? What are the impacts of increased awareness of endometriosis on women’s health?”

Clinical relevance

Endometriosis has remained in the twilight for centuries because the society has failed to recognize the existence of this disease. Research estimates that one in ten women in their reproductive age suffer from endometriosis. Endometriosis is often dismissed as a ‘normal’ problem among women. It affects 176 million women across the globe causing them to endure a life of pain and in some cases, infertility. 

Endometriosis has exerted massive economic and social costs at individual and society levels. In the US, it is estimated that 7.6 million women are affected and this accounts for $ 80.4 billion a year. This number is comparable to diabetes yet there are only a small percentage of the afflicted patients who have sought help and are aware of the disease.  (Moradi et al, 2013).

Research estimates that most of the primary doctors are not aware of endometriosis markers, which often makes the vast number of women to be underdiagnosed and undertreated. It is estimated that 61% of women suffering from endometriosis were told that it is normal to have painful periods when under treatment. It takes about 9.28 years to get a definitive diagnosis.

An average woman will take 4.67 years to report the issue and the physicians will take about 4.61 years to make the definitive diagnosis. During that time, the women continue to suffer severe pain and they are not in a position to socialise, work, or have a stable sexual relationship (Heidemann et al, 2013).

Most of the research studies have covered various aspect of the disease. However, most of these aspects are redundant in nature and lack translational benefit. A better part of the research study is directed towards the pharmaceutical diagnosis, but it fails to examine the far-reaching impact of the disease. The enduring lack of awareness exists at all societal levels; hence, this has led to average diagnostic delay which is often a catalyst for delayed effective treatment (Moradi et al. 2013).

 Early intervention and increased awareness of the disease is important. This is because it helps to reduce the disease morbidity, incidences of infertility, and disease progression across women of all ages. Also, increased awareness is important because it helps the affected women to make informed decisions about their health. Furthermore, increased awareness will facilitate delivery of correct information upon which the healthcare providers can base their healthcare decisions to make timely diagnosis (Ferreira et al. 2016).

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Research design

 To effectively address these research questions, the systematic review method will be adopted. This method is preferred due to its ability to include diverse concepts in qualitative and quantitative studies from several disciplines. Therefore, this review draws its synthesis from critical narrative instead of performing the classic systematic review methodology. The classical narrative method will adhere to PRISMA principles as much as possible.

This method is preferred due to its ability to provide exhaustive review of the current literature and published papers on endometriosis awareness, and its impact on women’s lives. The method is cost effective as minimal resources and time is needed. The results generated from this study can be generalized, they are reliable, and can be considered on the context of evidence based practice (Burns & Grove, 2011).

 The study design pitfall is the issue of study variables. This is because systematic review study variables vary, but tend to have the same outcome. Some of the reviews will only analyse certain variables such as gender and age factors that may not be allocated to other studies.  During the critical synthesis of these ideas, the variables studied in each of original studies will be put into consideration.

A systematic search will be done on multidisciplinary data bases including PubMed, CINAHL plus, Cochrane Library, EBSCOhost, SU database, and PsyARTICLES. Appropriate terms for searching the disease will be developed by reviewing the abstracts, titles and keywords, which will help to identify papers that have information on socio-psychological impact of endometriosis and its increased awareness (Burns & Grove, 2011).

 The systematic review will take broad view of the issue because there are limited studies on the impact of endometriosis or the effects that arise due to lack of disease awareness. The work will include information from the various disciplines including sociology and psychology to establish the holistic picture on the impact of endometriosis. 

The articles that will be explored include the peer reviewed articles from English language journals.  Due to the scarcity of the information on endometriosis, its impact and prevention strategies, no date restrictions will be imposed.  However, reviews, commentaries, opinions, and clinical studies will be excluded (Burns & Grove, 2011).


Increased   public knowledge and awareness will facilitate early identification of disease onset and facilitate timely intervention of the disease. This will reduce associated morbidity, infertility and associated clinical symptoms. It is time to alleviate the culture of menstrual misinformation by ensuring that the public get timely and authoritative education.  Therefore, increased knowledge and awareness will change the presumptuous perspectives and misleading attitudes that normally perpetuate myths about endometriosis.


Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding Nursing Research (5th ed.). Elsevier. ISBN-13: 9781437707502

Ferreira, A. et al  (2016). Quality of life of the woman carrier of endometriosis: systematized review. Reprodução & Climatério. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.recli.2015.12.002

 Heidemann, L. et al (2013). The relationship between endometriosis and ovarian cancer – a review. Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 93(1), 20-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aogs.12255495. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aogs.12121

Moradi, M. et al (2014). Impact of endometriosis on women’s lives: a qualitative study. BMC Women’s Health, 14(1), 123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6874-14-123

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Chronic Back Pain Essay Paper

Chronic Back Pain
Chronic Back Pain

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Chronic back pain is identified as a common problem in healthcare which calls for the careful examination to identify the particular type of back pain. These types include back pain due to the spinal cause, due to the nonspinal source, nonspecific low back pain, and spinal stenosis. Evaluation of the patient experiencing chronic pain is necessary so as to commence the appropriate treatment to manage the situation (Buttaro et al, 2013).

The evaluation of chronic of back pain entails the physical and history examination of the patient. There are various factors that I would put into consideration while carrying out the assessment. Differential diagnosis includes evaluation for congenital disease, lumbar strain, the traumatic fracture and presumed instability (Buttaro et al, 2013).The description of how the pain started and also the intensity, duration or pattern of the pain by the patient would help in evaluating the symptoms and sites of pain.

 Assessment of the chronic back pain related symptoms such as numbness, weakness, or bladder problems is essential in the evaluation. Previous episodes of back pain and the type of treatment adopted are essential in tracing the history and the experiences of the patient and the effectiveness of the management strategies used.

The working history about the patient is important so as to get a link between the back pain and work. Assessment of the sensory and muscular problems would be performed through a series of movements performed by the patient (Buttaro et al, 2013). The assessment factors would help in the evaluation of the patient who presents with chronic back pain.

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There are various warning signs that indicate that the patient is abusing the drugs prescribed by the healthcare profession. Finishing the prescription earlier than recommended raises a red flag that treatment schedule has not been properly followed (Buttaro et al, 2013). Requesting for specific dosages and medication is an indicator of poor pain management. Borrowing of medication from other people is a warning sign of abusing medication. Using medication prescribed for others or stealing drugs raises a red flag.

Losing the prescription provided as medication for pain management is a warning sign of drug abuse. In cases where the patient rates pain as ten on a numerical scale. Such rates create suspicion of whether the prescription is of help to the patient or is abused so as to get more falsely. Visiting the emergency rooms without the conscience of the doctor so as to get additional medication raises a red flag (Buttaro et al, 2013).

There are several implications that should be considered when giving prescriptions for narcotic pain. Ethical implications arise when the providers prescribe narcotic drugs as per their self-serving reasons or to have some financial gain (Buttaro et al, 2013). The drug-seeking reasons that are illegitimate in nature can lead to an ethical implication when the medication is provided to the patient. The providers have high pressure to prescribe controlled substances such as narcotics. In this case, the providers are faced with the dilemma of whether to serve the patients as per their interests or to do what is indicated as ethically appropriate.

Narcotic dependence and addiction by the patient make it cumbersome for the care provider to prescribe the medication as per clinical standards (Buttaro et al, 2013). Considering the modified treatment strategies e.g. deep tissue massage to manage pain instead using narcotic that pose some problems in making clinical decisions resulting to ethical implications is crucial during treatment (Buttaro et al, 2013). Due to the arising ethical implications, health professionals should advocate the use of narcotics as indicated medically.


Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

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Global North and South Essay Paper

Global North and South
Global North and South

Global North and South


The element of the Global North and South are currently in a phase of change that is considered to be growing further from the loving and real relationship with God. This has seen the North and South turn out to be a religion closer to what Christ had initially intended for the Church.  In the North, there is a rise in individualism, an ideology that is has consequently forgotten the element of sin in religion, thus substituting the grace of God for self-knowledge (Johnson & Sun Young, 2014).

As a result of this, Christ’s mission of global salvation has turned into self-help, thus contrary to the mission of Christ who was to be a Christ of faith and who commended the concretization of cultures in order to transform their destructive tendencies. This clearly denotes that the objective of evangelization was directed towards seeking life-giving aspects in these cultures with the aim of giving flesh to the vision of the gospel of peace, reconciliation, compassion, love and justice.

North and South Growing Together: The Differences It Makes

The establishment of a Christian life and message in relation to the context of cultural living is not considered as clear, thus making its manifestation inappropriate within different cultural contexts. Christian traditions are structured on the traditions of Jesus; however, this is jeopardized by the errors of man in effectively carrying these traditions and teachings without the interference of personal characteristics that soil the word of God (Johnson & Sun Young, 2014). This depicts the fact that man is not in a position to carry out the will of God without the guidance of His Spirit, with this explaining the fact that the global south has failed in recapturing the themes and trends of early Christianity.

The primary themes that the church in the global north and south need to learn are deeply rooted in Pedro Arrupe’s statements that necessitated the need to ensure that faith in Christ is only achieved through concretizing the gospel within the existing cultures in order to transform the destructive tendencies of these cultures (Johnson & Sun Young, 2014).

This requires an exploration of the changing religious aspects, faith identities and cultural aspects of the north and south. This is attributed to the fact that the incarnation of Christian life and the message within different cultural contexts finds a principle that animates, unifies, directs, and transforms cultures with the aim of recapturing the themes and trends from the early history of Christianity.

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The primary themes and trends which the churches of the global South have recovered and that the churches of the north can learn from include the changes experienced in incorporating the Gospel of relationships and love in their ways of life. This is considerably essential in achieving the missionary work that Christ begun, that was significantly centered on the prospects of love and relationships in restoring the relationship between man and God (Johnson & Sun Young, 2014).

Traditionally, the Southern religious aspect depicted as Liberation theology was considered as normative in the manner in which the exercised their religious beliefs. However, the advent of Pentecostalism has seen the southern religious sects resorting to the reading of the Gospel with an application that determines how to live it. As a result of this, a reformation to the lost themes and trends of Christianity are being restored, an aspect that is turning to be a religious trend in the northern Churches.


In consideration of this, it is important to ascertain that the Global North and South are currently experiencing changes that are considered to be growing towards recapturing the themes and trends from the early history of Christianity. This is embedded in the global southern Churches efforts in the body of Christ that is currently being spurred by the Spirit in ensuring that the modern cultures adapt to the Christian ways as established in the history of Christianity. 


Johnson, T. M., & Sun Young, C. (2014). Tracking Global Christianity’s Statistical Centre of Gravity, AD 33-AD 2100. International Review Of Mission, 93(369), 166-181. Retrived From: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=13991642&site=ehost-live

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Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines

            Spiritual disciplines form a natural component of the Christian life. In fact, nearly nothing of any importance in Christian lives can be achieved without it. Spiritual disciplines can be illustrated as deeds that enhance spiritual growth and allow people to grow to spiritual maturity. Moreover, the course of spiritual growth and development commence the moment an individual meets the risen Christ and draw closer to Him for salvation.

Spiritual disciplines play a significant role in the growth of an individual inner being, which has been altered by Christ at salvation. In addition, redeemed believers have experienced the full regeneration of their entire person from within, concerning variation in notion, feeling, and disposition that might be unhurried to manifest in their external deeds (Daniel, 2015).

            There are several spiritual disciplines that individuals apply and have shown immense capability in changing their lives. The common spiritual disciplines applied by individuals include prayer, fasting, scripture reading, worship, and service. Since I received salvation and decided to devote my life to Christ, I have been applying various spiritual disciplines in my daily life to assist in my personal development.

The first spiritual discipline that I employ involves the Word of God and comprises the reading, study, memorization, and meditation of scripture. These spiritual disciplines have played a noteworthy role in my personal development, and as Daniel notes if these spiritual disciplines are ignored, there is no other effort to control ourselves that will be successful because we merely do not possess the power to prevail over the opposition of the sin nature in which our new natures dwell.

In addition, we do not have the power to triumph over the resistance of demonic pressures whose plan is constantly to disconnect us from the single source of spiritual growth, the Word of God. Scripture memorization has also been an essential component in my spiritual life. I usually do scripture memorization twice a week, especially during the evening before I go to sleep. Daniel argues that individuals have been offered the free will to select what they want to put in their minds, thereby making scripture memorization important in human lives.

Moreover, since Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God they are called upon to memorize it as it facilitates Christians to keep it always in the front of their minds, which makes it possible for them to react to all life situations according to its teachings (Daniel, 2015).    

            The other spiritual disciplines that I have applied in my life include prayer and fasting. Daniel proposes that prayer has the ability to transform people’s viewpoint and further adjust what they look from others. Moreover, prayer changes how people react to predicaments. Prayer is a great source of spiritual growth for me and I usually pray in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before I sleep. Conversely, whenever I want to attain a larger spiritual objective I fast. Since it is possible to fast from pleasures, such as social media or any other activities that convey fulfillment and happiness, I desire to focus my fasting from food, and I fast mostly two or three days (Daniel, 2015).

Common temptations

            The major challenge of being a Christian is the temptations we face each day, but resisting temptation is the essential component of every Christian’s life. Christian temptations differ in various aspects, however they can be tempted, and stand firm. Personally as a Christian, I often face temptations on a regular basis, but refusing to accept the temptation is what allows me to succeed and grow spiritually. In spite of standing firm, I often face temptations that tend to have an influence on my spiritual life.

The temptations that I commonly face include overuse of electronic and social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, video games, and television. This is the temptation I face on regular basis and find it not easy to oppose, but since Christians posses the internal strength to counter temptations if they turn to God, this always constitute part of my appeal when I am praying to God (Presbyterian Mission Agency, 2012).      

Blind spots and weaknesses    

            Everyone has blind spots in their discernment that keep them from seeing the certainty about others and themselves. Since people are at times blinded to truth, they are powerless and crippled by blame and disgrace, rage and bitterness, and fear and worry. Several people live unnecessarily in defeat, powerless to their own faults or the faults of others. Moreover, they stagger around in life with blind spots blocking the work God wants to do in them.

Nevertheless, it should not be this way since regardless of how broken or upset, each person can find out the way to healing, optimism, and a pleasant new way of living. On the other hand, people always feel they have a weakness that affects their capacity to do bigger things. In fact, in the Bible, Paul felt similar way; however, he utilized his weakness to have great impacts on other people (Arterburn, 2015).

            As a devoted Christian I try very hard to live a life that is in line with the Christ teachings, however I have identified some blind spots and weakness that drags me back. The stubborn resistance is the blind spots that have an influence on my spiritual life. Arterburn argues that stubborn resistance is when people develop practices and inhibitions that they do not consider of letting go.

People often hurt themselves and those around them, thus allowing things to worsen in almost every area of their lives. Furthermore, rather than searching for ways to get rid of these blind spots, people refute that they have a problem. Nevertheless, in my case I have discovered that willingness is essential in overcoming stubborn resistance, although it is not very easy to overcome the blind spot in a moment or a day, but the realization that I have a problem is a greater step towards conquering the blind spot.

Conversely, I have recognized that there are weaknesses that have an immense effect on my Christian life. Blame shifting tends to have an influence on how I react when things do not occur as I have anticipated, especially things done in a group. Morally, everyone has a weakness, but it is when we accept where the weaknesses are that we are more likely to prevail over them. Therefore, in my case since I have understood in which circumstances that I am more likely to shift the blame, then I will be more watchful and ask for God’s assistance, when I find myself in that situation (Arterburn, 2015). 


Arterburn, S. (2015, January 28). 5 blind spots blocking god’s work in you. Retrieved January      31, 2017, from http://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/5-blind-spots-blocking-god-s-work-in-you.html

Daniel, D. (2015, January 9). 5 Spiritual Disciplines that Will Change Your Life. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from http://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/5-spiritual-disciplines-that-will-change-your-life.html

Presbyterian Mission Agency. (2012, March 18). Spiritual practices and disciplines — spiritual formation — mission and ministry — Presbyterian mission agency. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from https://pma.pcusa.org/ministries/spiritualformation/disciplines/

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NHS: Reflective Pieces

reflective pieces
NHS: Reflective Pieces

NHS: Reflective Pieces

Since its creation, NHS England has committed itself to the principle of developing national health strategies with the voluntary, non-governmental sectors and the citizens. NHS England, being an independent body, it is responsible for setting priorities and giving directions of the Health sector and improving the health care to the citizens of England (England N. H. S, 2015). NHS is composed of different sections with various professional groups as explained below (England N. H. S, 2015);

NHS: Reflective pieces

The Secretary of State for Health: The Secretary of State has an oversight responsibility for everything that is undertaken in the Department of Health. That includes providing strategic leadership for the health sector and social care in England.

Department of Health: The Department provides strategic leadership and funding to both social care and health in England. It is a ministerial department and thus receives funds from the government.

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs): This is clinically guided statutory NHS groups that are responsible for the development and commissioning of healthcare activities in their local area. The CCG members include the GPS and other professional clinicians like the consultants and the nurses. They are allocated more than 60% of the NHS budget because they play a big part in the secondary care and the establishment of GP services. The secondary care they undertake includes Community health services, rehabilitative care, emergency care, mental health services, hospital care and health and Wellbeing Boards.

Reflective Pieces: Professional skills

For students to understand professional skills, they must attend work based training. The relevance of joint learning is highlighted by the government NHS plan where they provide a one-day training to the students so that they can interact with the professionals.  IPE acts as a platform for the commissioners in the social care and public health to interact. I attended the IPE that worked on enhancing the confidence of pre-registration of the health care professionals as they are enrolled in their workplace.

This is especially important to students who consider entering in placement areas where public health sectors where ethos are poor. The aim of these training is to foster professional interactions to improve their confidence level. Personally, from the interaction, my confidence level has improved. Through this inter-professional learning activity, I have learnt strategies to enhance democratic decisions in the health sector and strategies to strengthen the working environment and relationship between the health system and social care (Jackson 2014).

I also learnt the expert services and leadership skills vital to public health. From this experience, I can comfortably co-ordinate national health services and to guide the public to make healthier choices. I also learnt some aspects on the health sector are shared amongst various bodies. For instance, NHS Improvement- is an umbrella organization tasked with bringing together Patient Safety, NHS Development Authority, quality care, and intensive Support teams which similar responsibilities are provided by individual professional regulatory bodies such as the bodies such as General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, and General Dental Council.

The provision of quality healthcare for the patients relies on the cooperation of the high, different professionals. For healthcare to be considered complete, the contribution of each of the above bodies must be considered and implemented.  Embracing teamwork is therefore of paramount concern (England N. H. S, 2015).

Reflective pieces: Lessons learnt

From this experience, I have learnt that communication underpins everything in professionalism. For instance, it affects the quality of care and can result in bad patient experiences. Also, good communication skills encourage teamwork; poor communication is the greatest barrier towards co-operation of various members of staff or professional bodies. Some of the factors that affect communication include excessive use of professional jargons and unnecessary abbreviations. Staff members with poor skills of communication create breakdowns that work against quality interaction amongst various groups (Jackson, 2014).

Informal interactions between the students and professional group strengthen their IPE experience as they move into proactive. I feel the experience strengthened by including perspective which acts as a link of theory to practice. Good communication also helps the team to develop clear objective and also encourages the cooperation amongst members in the department as the goal will act as a unifying factor. A department with unclear goals will have its members concentrating on various activities that only concerns them and thus causes a breakdown in the relationships (Jackson, 2014).

I now understand the importance of fostering teamwork in their departments. One aspect that I have not well mastered is managerial skills. Managers are expected to foster teamwork in their departments. A good manager can take his or her members through a common task giving them the motivation to achieve what is required of them. I feel my managerial skills are inadequate and will enrol in professional programs that promote proper managerial skills (Jackson, 2014).


England, N. H. S. (2015). NHS England launches new framework for commissioning support services.

Jackson, D., Sibson, R., & Riebe, L. (2014). Undergraduate perceptions of the development of team-working skills. Education+ Training56(1), 7-20.

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Aunt Hetty on Matrimony

Aunt Hetty on Matrimony
Aunt Hetty on Matrimony

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An Explication paper on Aunt Hetty on Matrimony

This is an extremely funny piece written by Fanny Fern which has some inherent truth in it. For instance, men are often bored with their wives making them to neglect them. However, presently both women and men can neglect one another or each other on equal measures, but no matter what, women and men will always need each other. In the conclusion of this funny piece, Aunt Hetty makes a plea to girls, to totally shun marriage because of the fact that after their death, their husbands will remarry. However, she also strives to stop herself since irrespective of her warning; at some point in their life, the girls will try marriage (Fanny 49).   

Aunt Hetty is trying her best to offer advice to girls; this is because issues to do with marriage and love seem to disgust her and wants girls to be cautious on them.  According to Aunty Hetty, “love is a farce; matrimony a humbug; husbands are domestic Napoleons, Alexanders, and Neroes …” (Fanny 47). This indicates her disbelief in these things and is urging young girls to be careful before indulging in them. However, her motive to offer this advice is her unpleasant experience, but she concurs with the fact that at some point many women will always want to try marriage (Fanny 47).    

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Aunty Hetty reiterates that after a man wins a woman’s heart; he moves on to conquer other women hearts (Fanny 48). In addition, Aunty Hetty also believes men rarely try to build the home because they envisage that work to be done by women. Therefore, she implies that matrimony should be left alone because it is the hardest thing.

“Remain aloof to any gentleman who gives his attention; until one of us can verify his circumstances” (Fanny 16). Aunty Hetty also advise women to seek knowing men better prior to engaging with them, because they are crafty and will seek to conquer other women’s hearts after they win theirs (Fanny 48).               


Fanny, F. (1985). Aunt Hetty on Matrimony. West Trenton, NJ: Hermitage Press.

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Geox case study

Geox case study
Geox case study

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Geox case study

Case analysis: Geox shoe company


            The impact of innovation has been increasing in the recent few years. Innovation is taking place in all products including shoe manufacturing factories. Mr. Palegato’s story points to “necessity” as the driving force behind innovations. 

However, we also learn that most innovation ideas are not put to use due to lack of ability to implement them. He approached different shoe manufacturing firms who did not buy his idea of ‘breathing shoe’ product.

Product diversification and development is seen as another driving force behind the success of many companies. Geox Company realized the importance of product diversification and extended their breathability technology into fabric products. Geox embraced innovation in its operation which gave the company a competitive advantage.

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Important points

Geox history


Continuous innovation is necessary for the survival of human race due to the ever changing natural demands. Product development is essential for company’s performance in the current competitive world markets. Though initially started by manufacturing shoes for the children, Geox extended breathing technology into jackets and other fabric items.

The company invested heavily in research and development by involving engineers and best universities. The company carried out continuous experiments in its state of the art laboratories, continuously generating new research ideas for the company.

Patents and copyright laws are important in driving innovation. Gaining patent rights has helped many companies to survive in the world market. Geox shoe producing company is known for innovation and company patent rights have been protected sufficiently and their innovations are not under threats of copying and imitation by its rivals.

Geox investments in research and development yielded a stream of patents; over 50 patents were obtained to its name by September 2009. There were patents related to equipment, machinery and even processes and materials. 

Smart people with smart ideas have always found their way out just like Mr. Polecat. Although most people are creative, many lack the ability to translate their good ideas into business opportunities. Engaging in marketing research gives any given company an opportunity to be competitive.

Technological development is necessary to support innovations. Goex did not enter into main shoe market until they introduced a different technology in their breathing technology to help them expand into producing sports shoes. Technology is seen as a pre-condition for innovation. Innovation alone cannot guarantee good performance of company products especially in the fashion-mindful shoe industry. 

Competition should not deter the implementation of business ideas. Fierce competition in the shoe manufacturing sector did not deter Polegato from pursuing his business idea. Instead it helped him come up with better ideas to win customers. Competition from other players in the industry helped the firm to grow in strength.

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Global footwear industry

The world market is growing and more so the demands for shoes just like other goods and services. The USA provides the biggest market for shoes although Asian market is growing rapidly. This market is highly segmented hence provides manufacturers the opportunity to specialize, for instance in casual wear, children and sports.

            Market segmentation gives new entrants an opportunity to venture into big market by starting off with a particular market segment and later expand into the bigger market. Geox entered the shoe market by producing shoes for children before venturing into the larger market.

We should be flexible and avoid sticking to our areas of specialization all the time. Although specialization has been found to increase individual competence in a particular area, overspecialization may lead to loss of opportunities for many people. Having interest in things outside your area of expertise helped in establishment of Geox company which is quite different from Polegato’s areas of specialization.

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Geox profile

Setting clear company objectives is necessary for the performance of any company. Geox Footwear Company just like other firms in footwear industry has clear objectives that guide their operations. Their operations are lined towards achieving the set objectives.  

Outsourcing is necessary for cutting costs and helps in saving costs associated with setting up new firms in a new area. The money saved can be utilized in other areas that are more demanding. For instance, Geox outsourced its production to Asian shoe factories which contributed over 95% of its total production. Outsourcing was the company’s easiest way of entering new markets of Asia without necessarily installing full operational plant.

Brand name is necessary marketing tool for company products. Geox name had been established as a popular brand name across the globe, this acted as a major marketing tool for its products. Company brand name differentiates its products from those of its competitors and is easily accepted in the market without even much advertisement and sales promotion.

However advertisement and sales promotion plays a crucial role in popularizing company products. However, communication strategy determines the effectiveness of advertising to the audience.

A well established distribution channel is equally necessary for company performance. Customers require goods when they need them and this depends on the efficiency of company’s distribution network. Geox had excellent distribution network spread across the globe of over 10,000 multi- brand stores and 997 single stores Geox stores located in major world cities.

Staff development through training and promotion cannot be underestimated. Staffs need to be motivated to give their best in terms of performance. For instance, Geox School was established in 2001 which was training school for both new recruits and company staff.

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Footwear key players

Footwear industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world today. The major players includes boss holdings, brown shoe company, coach inclusive company,  Iconix Brand Group, Rocky Brands, skin Inc. among others.

However, challenges are inevitable and companies should be prepared for the challenges that arise. For instance, global economic downtown exhibited in 2009, adversely affected Geox just like many others. 

However drastic measures are called for to overcome external challenges. For example, the company halted its expansion strategy until the period of economic recovery to consolidate its weakened financial status. In most cases, strategic change is necessary to minimize production and operational costs sometimes leading to the laying off some staff to cut down company costs. 


From the story of Mr. Mario Polegato and Geox Shoe Company, we realize that most innovative ideas are left unutilized due to lack of ability to implement them.  It’s my view that had not Mr. Polegato had the ability and means to raise funds to implement his breathing shoe technology, the idea could have been wasted.

Innovation is key for survival of any company in the evolving world market hence patenting laws need to be enhanced to promote innovation. Governments should embrace the idea generation to encourage creativity among its citizens.

Companies should carry out industry and external market analysis to inform its strategic marking process. Analysis of industry will assist in establishing company strengths and weaknesses as well available opportunities to exploit, and threats posed by the industry players. External analysis will prepare the company for unforeseen challenges and benefits. 

Investment in research and development should be accompanied with investments in new technology and infrastructure that provide conducive environment for the function of companies. Globalization and opening of borders have greatly contributed to the growth of many firms by offering markets for their goods and services. 

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Innovation is taking its rightful place as the main weapon for company survival in the global market. Therefore, this noble concept should be supported by all governments and major players tasked with regulation of trade and patent rights. Technological development, political stability, favorable economic environment and ecological and social factors have both negative and positive influence on performance of manufacturing firms. Companies should always be prepared for the unforeseen circumstances that have led to downfall of many companies in the past.


Ali Farahoomand. (2011) Breathing innovation into shoes; Asia case research Centre, University of Hong Kong. POON Kam Kai series; 10/472c

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Comparing and contrasting Velasquez and Bernini

Comparing and contrasting Velasquez and Bernini

Velasquez and Bernini

Comparing and contrasting Velasquez and Bernini

The 15th and 16th century saw the birth of some great artists across Europe. This paper compares and contrasts two regional variations and artists that is; Spanish (Velasquez) and the Italian (Bernini) by looking at what they stood for, their similarities and differences and it concludes by giving a personal opinion on who stood out between the two. 

Comparing and contrasting Velasquez and Bernini: Spanish (Velasquez) 

In Spain, Velazquez an accomplished portrait artist was famous for his paintings on historical and cultural themes during the European baroque period of art. He was fondly associated with some great works such as the Las Meninas (1656) which was an all-time favorite amongst art lovers (Goldberg, 1992). He was a Christian, and he schooled in the special fields of languages as well as philosophy.

He was an adherent of long-bristled brushes for his works. Besides artwork he also taught at times. His realism-based paintings were inspired by his religious back ground of Christianity. His outstanding works contributed to the rise of the Velazquez style which was especially common because of his closeness to the royal family under Phillip IV who was at the reign in Spain at that time. 

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Actually he continued with religious paintings with his most famous being the Christ Crucified (1632). He was famous beyond borders and served as the chief artist for King Philip IV and for a long period acted as the King’s painter. His main differences from the Italy’s Bernini artist are that: He liked and painted on historical and cultural contexts as well as portraits. He unlike Bernini painted not for monetary gains.  Unlike Bernini he really expressed and upheld realism in his works.

Comparing and contrasting Velasquez and Bernini: Italian (Bernini)

Unlike Velazquez who was a painter, Bernini was more involved in sculpture. However both were masters in their fields. For both Velazquez and Bernini, they were good in multitasking as Bernini was also an architect of high standing. While Velazquez used bristled brush and canvas to paint, Bernini used chisel and marble to come up with sculptures. Both Bernini and Velazquez were religious at least at one time in their lives.

Both were attached and close to royalties for Velazquez he was close to Philip IV and committed his later years to painting for the royal palace. As for Bernini he became close to Urban VIII who commissioned him to work for him. Bernini produced works related or attached to his faith as demonstrated by one of his works, ‘the remodeled Church of Santa Bibiana in Rome’ (Mormando, 2011).

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Another striking similarity is how both were leading artists in their ages; for Bernini as a leading sculptor while for Velazquez he was a leading painter. Both artists traveled widely, while Velazquez made numerous trips to Italy, Bernini was a visitor to France at the invitation of the authorities. His visit to Paris projects his personality as that of a stubborn man especially because of assertions which offended the citizens when he alleged that Italy’s art was superior to that of France. We do not hear of such controversies from Velazquez.

Personal Preference

I prefer Velazquez over Bernini, because he employed naturalism and the way he could present situations as they are in reality especially the “Pope Innocent X painted in 1650 which he painted in such a real way it almost risked hurting his relations with the authorities. 


Goldberg, E. L. (1992) Velázquez in Italy: Painters, Spies and Low Spaniards“. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 74, No. 3.pp. 453–456.

Mormando, F. (2011). Bernini: His Life and His Rome. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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