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Force Development
F103: The manner in which Phase 3, Phase 4, or Phase 5 of the process is likely to be most impacted by the reading, General Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium.
As established in the readings, the aspect of force development (FD) remains an essential element in the definition of the Army’s force structure (Thompson, 2014). It is in this case vital to consider the fact that the development aspect of a Force entails the definition of the capabilities of the military through an approach that seeks to develop appropriate force structures that provide the required capabilities that translate to organizations concepts.
In achieving the goals of the forces, it is essential to consider that there are models that are developed which reflect on the systems that provide force integrative measures and functions in force development. These models in this case reflect on the sequences of events and the manner in which these functions relate to one another (Thompson, 2014). The force development process therefore entails a network of processes that are directed towards generating the required fighting requirements, the provision of resources, the conductions of research and development.
In this case, the resultant products of the force development process remains in the acquisition and distribution of training, materials and personnel in the Army, directed towards the achievement of an ultimate goal of fielding a resourced and properly structured force (Thompson, 2014). As determined, the generation of requirements for an organization or materials is known to initiate the proponents that are known in the development of documented force structures. Effective resource structures are in this case brought into culmination through the systematized approach of planning, budgeting, and execution of functions.
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Phase 3 of the Force Development Process
The third phase of the Army Development process is considered as that of the development of organizational models. This phase is determined as an execution phase where the Army personnel’s move from a general design and approved state to a more specified model within the units with the aim of meeting an organizational capabilities gap (Thompson, 2014).
I other words, the third phase of the force development process entails a stage where the Army transitions into the application of operational and doctrinal realities to the derived concepts that have over time been developed between the first and the second phases. This marks the process where the development of responsibilities transitions from the developers primarily under the TRADOC and ARCIC to the force development arm of the Army also determined as G-3/5/7.
It is factual to consider that this phase starts when the force designs and updated (FDU) decisions that integrate the aspect of organizational change. In line with this, the proponents of TRADOC and employed in the development of new designs or in the correction of discrepancies within an existing organization (Thompson, 2014). Empirically, this can only be achieved when organizational issues, concepts and units reference sheets (URS) are developed effectively.
The Manner in which this Phase is impacted by General Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium
As depicted by General Odierno during the AUSA Winter Symposium, the primary purpose of the Army is one that is considered as steadfast with the functions of fighting and winning National battles, a factor that requires the Army to do much more. In this case, there is a need of developing an Army that is innovative and adaptive ad can be flexible within any circumstance.
This fundamentally calls for a change in the manner in which business functions of the Army are conducted, thus calling for the leaders to remain cognizant of these functions (Thompson, 2014). This transition is in this case essential in changing the manner in which the Army is structured, organized and equipped, a factor that integrates the element of the third phase of the force development process.
F104: Adjustments to the Process or the Systems that DOD and the Army use to develop materiel capabilities
Adjustments in material development and acquisition systems as used by the Army and the DOD is essential in extending and enhancing the services of these departments and capabilities in order to protect the men and women who protect Nations. The development of material and acquisition programs can be determined through the Defense Acquisition Management Systems with this programs and services developed to comply with the regulations that govern these systems and developed appropriate approaches of acquisition regulations (Thompson, 2014).
The process of material capabilities and acquisition process is divided into phases that include material solution analysis, risk reduction, technology maturation, production and deployment, manufacturing development and operations and support management approaches.
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In this case, it is determined that some of the areas that require adjustments in terms of material capabilities and acquisition entail the element of balancing of tradeoffs between the proponents of schedule, cost and performance. Programs therefore need to be assessed on the developed criteria’s that contain the requirements of an acquisition program baseline and are in many instances denigrated since they fail in terms of costs, quality and their ability to offer quick responses (Thompson, 2014).
This consequently explains the rationale behind the failures in many of the acquisition processes that are frequently cancelled whey fail to meet the pre-established threshold in relation to performance, schedule and time.
One of the primary accountability systems includes the Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) which remains effective in determining the point at which the material program has to shift from just being a system or concept into an actual program of record (POR). This therefore requires that an acquisition program manager (PM) needs to have a properly developed system that is aligned to the acquisition program baseline.
Budgets also need to be developed to aid the material programs (Thompson, 2014). As determined by the APB documents and thresholds, exiting a program performance, cost and schedule requires the managers to report the breaches that are imminent and actual within the baselines.
In support of the author of the CRS report on the aspect of establishing a better approach through which the authorities need to remain accountable over the existing systems, there is a need of inclusively involving the government and other stakeholders in the development of accountability systems that spur the aspects of costs and performances of the programs. This can be extensively seen through the development of legislative systems and regulatory structures in the achievement of a proper acquisition system (Thompson, 2014). An instance of this can be seen in the weapons systems acquisition reforms Act of 2009.
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F105:The challenges articulated by GEN Odierno, and the viability of the newly proposed Army force generation model as sufficient in providing adequately manned, equipped, and trained Army forces to meet global requirements.
Some of the challenges that the army face as detailed by GEN Odierno include the threats that have inhibited the U.S homeland and project power. These threats are considered to originate within the densely urban regions with the long-range strikes considered to prove inefficient in the defeat of these threats (Thompson, 2014).
The complexities of the challenges in this case require an Army force that has the capacity to conduct missions within the foreign land with the aim of defending and supporting the civil authorities. This can only be achieved through an operation that requires the inclusion of innovative and adaptive approaches ad leaders that have the capacity to thrive within complex situations.
In line with this, it is therefore essential to consider the act that the proposed Army force generation model remains a sufficient element in the provision of equipped, manned, and trained Army personnel ready to meet the tasks ahead (Thompson, 2014). This is in consideration of the fact that the new generational model has been restructured to enable the Army to adapt and modernize within their missions. The model is inclusively developed through a change management that incorporates several systems that have the capacity to change the structural approaches of the Army.
F106: The Mitigation Strategies that may be used in Supporting and increase or decrease in the Reliance on Contract Support.
Over the recent past, it has been established that the Army and the DOD have constantly taken approaches geared towards improving the use of operational contract approaches. The development of these contract support systems is wholly attributed to the success of the efforts of congress that ensured that appropriate modalities are put in place in order to improve the processes (Thompson, 2014).
An instance of this can be seen in Congressional efforts that were developed towards Iraq and that saw the establishment of a Special Inspector General in this state including other such as Afghanistan. In achieving the goals of the forces, it is essential to consider that there are models that are developed which reflect on the systems that provide force integrative measures and functions.
Some of the efforts that congress has enacted with the aim of mitigating the use of contractors include the changes and improvements made in supporting operational contract and the establishment of legislations that are developed to support the roles and functions of the Deputy Assistant of Defense Secretary (Thompson, 2014).
Other legislations also developed to mitigate the elements of reliance on contract support include the establishment of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund and the other hearing and oversight approaches directed towards raising the awareness of the contractors who intentionally abuse and lead to the development of a Task Force 2010.40
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These models in this case reflect on the sequences of events and the manner in which these functions relate to one another. On the other hand, there is a need of ensuring that appropriate systems are developed with the aim of ensuring the aspect of accountability and transparency are employed within these systems (Thompson, 2014). The development of these contract support systems is wholly attributed to the success of the efforts of congress that ensured that appropriate modalities are put in place in order to improve the processes.
Budgets also need to be developed to aid the material programs. As determined by the APB documents and thresholds, exiting a program performance, cost and schedule requires the managers to report the breaches that are imminent and actual within the baselines.
Thompson M.(2014) Reshaping the Army.[serial online]. November 4, 2013;182(19):34. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 4, 2016.
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