Force Development in the Army

Force Development
Force Development

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Force Development

F103: The manner in which Phase 3, Phase 4, or Phase 5 of the process is likely to be most impacted by the reading, General Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium.

As established in the readings, the aspect of force development (FD) remains an essential element in the definition of the Army’s force structure (Thompson, 2014). It is in this case vital to consider the fact that the development aspect of a Force entails the definition of the capabilities of the military through an approach that seeks to develop appropriate force structures that provide the required capabilities that translate to organizations concepts.

In achieving the goals of the forces, it is essential to consider that there are models that are developed which reflect on the systems that provide force integrative measures and functions in force development. These models in this case reflect on the sequences of events and the manner in which these functions relate to one another (Thompson, 2014). The force development process therefore entails a network of processes that are directed towards generating the required fighting requirements, the provision of resources, the conductions of research and development.

In this case, the resultant products of the force development process remains in the acquisition and distribution of training, materials and personnel in the Army, directed towards the achievement of an ultimate goal of fielding a resourced and properly structured force (Thompson, 2014). As determined, the generation of requirements for an organization or materials is known to initiate the proponents that are known in the development of documented force structures. Effective resource structures are in this case brought into culmination through the systematized approach of planning, budgeting, and execution of functions.

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Phase 3 of the Force Development Process

The third phase of the Army Development process is considered as that of the development of organizational models. This phase is determined as an execution phase where the Army personnel’s move from a general design and approved state to a more specified model within the units with the aim of meeting an organizational capabilities gap (Thompson, 2014).

I other words, the third phase of the force development process entails a stage where the Army transitions into the application of operational and doctrinal realities to the derived concepts that have over time been developed between the first and the second phases. This marks the process where the development of responsibilities transitions from the developers primarily under the TRADOC and ARCIC to the force development arm of the Army also determined as G-3/5/7.

It is factual to consider that this phase starts when the force designs and updated (FDU) decisions that integrate the aspect of organizational change. In line with this, the proponents of TRADOC and employed in the development of new designs or in the correction of discrepancies within an existing organization (Thompson, 2014). Empirically, this can only be achieved when organizational issues, concepts and units reference sheets (URS) are developed effectively.

The Manner in which this Phase is impacted by General Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium

As depicted by General Odierno during the AUSA Winter Symposium, the primary purpose of the Army is one that is considered as steadfast with the functions of fighting and winning National battles, a factor that requires the Army to do much more. In this case, there is a need of developing an Army that is innovative and adaptive ad can be flexible within any circumstance.

This fundamentally calls for a change in the manner in which business functions of the Army are conducted, thus calling for the leaders to remain cognizant of these functions (Thompson, 2014). This transition is in this case essential in changing the manner in which the Army is structured, organized and equipped, a factor that integrates the element of the third phase of the force development process. 

F104: Adjustments to the Process or the Systems that DOD and the Army use to develop materiel capabilities

Adjustments in material development and acquisition systems as used by the Army and the DOD is essential in extending and enhancing the services of these departments and capabilities in order to protect the men and women who protect Nations. The development of material and acquisition programs can be determined through the Defense Acquisition Management Systems with this programs and services developed to comply with the regulations that govern these systems and developed appropriate approaches of acquisition regulations (Thompson, 2014).

The process of material capabilities and acquisition process is divided into phases that include material solution analysis, risk reduction, technology maturation, production and deployment, manufacturing development and operations and support management approaches.

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In this case, it is determined that some of the areas that require adjustments in terms of material capabilities and acquisition entail the element of balancing of tradeoffs between the proponents of schedule, cost and performance. Programs therefore need to be assessed on the developed criteria’s that contain the requirements of an acquisition program baseline and are in many instances denigrated since they fail in terms of costs, quality and their ability to offer quick responses (Thompson, 2014).

This consequently explains the rationale behind the failures in many of the acquisition processes that are frequently cancelled whey fail to meet the pre-established threshold in relation to performance, schedule and time.

One of the primary accountability systems includes the Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) which remains effective in determining the point at which the material program has to shift from just being a system or concept into an actual program of record (POR). This therefore requires that an acquisition program manager (PM) needs to have a properly developed system that is aligned to the acquisition program baseline.

Budgets also need to be developed to aid the material programs (Thompson, 2014). As determined by the APB documents and thresholds, exiting a program performance, cost and schedule requires the managers to report the breaches that are imminent and actual within the baselines.

In support of the author of the CRS report on the aspect of establishing a better approach through which the authorities need to remain accountable over the existing systems, there is a need of inclusively involving the government and other stakeholders in the development of accountability systems that spur the aspects of costs and performances of the programs. This can be extensively seen through the development of legislative systems and regulatory structures in the achievement of a proper acquisition system (Thompson, 2014). An instance of this can be seen in the weapons systems acquisition reforms Act of 2009.

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F105:The challenges articulated by GEN Odierno, and the viability of the newly proposed Army force generation model as sufficient in providing adequately manned, equipped, and trained Army forces to meet global requirements.

Some of the challenges that the army face as detailed by GEN Odierno include the threats that have inhibited the U.S homeland and project power. These threats are considered to originate within the densely urban regions with the long-range strikes considered to prove inefficient in the defeat of these threats (Thompson, 2014).

The complexities of the challenges in this case require an Army force that has the capacity to conduct missions within the foreign land with the aim of defending and supporting the civil authorities. This can only be achieved through an operation that requires the inclusion of innovative and adaptive approaches ad leaders that have the capacity to thrive within complex situations.

In line with this, it is therefore essential to consider the act that the proposed Army force generation model remains a sufficient element in the provision of equipped, manned, and trained Army personnel ready to meet the tasks ahead (Thompson, 2014). This is in consideration of the fact that the new generational model has been restructured to enable the Army to adapt and modernize within their missions. The model is inclusively developed through a change management that incorporates several systems that have the capacity to change the structural approaches of the Army.

F106: The Mitigation Strategies that may be used in Supporting and increase or decrease in the Reliance on Contract Support

Over the recent past, it has been established that the Army and the DOD have constantly taken approaches geared towards improving the use of operational contract approaches. The development of these contract support systems is wholly attributed to the success of the efforts of congress that ensured that appropriate modalities are put in place in order to improve the processes (Thompson, 2014).

An instance of this can be seen in Congressional efforts that were developed towards Iraq and that saw the establishment of a Special Inspector General in this state including other such as Afghanistan. In achieving the goals of the forces, it is essential to consider that there are models that are developed which reflect on the systems that provide force integrative measures and functions.

Some of the efforts that congress has enacted with the aim of mitigating the use of contractors include the changes and improvements made in supporting operational contract and the establishment of legislations that are developed to support the roles and functions of the Deputy Assistant of Defense Secretary (Thompson, 2014).

Other legislations also developed to mitigate the elements of reliance on contract support include the establishment of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund and the other hearing and oversight approaches directed towards raising the awareness of the contractors who intentionally abuse and lead to the development of a Task Force 2010.40

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These models in this case reflect on the sequences of events and the manner in which these functions relate to one another. On the other hand, there is a need of ensuring that appropriate systems are developed with the aim of ensuring the aspect of accountability and transparency are employed within these systems (Thompson, 2014). The development of these contract support systems is wholly attributed to the success of the efforts of congress that ensured that appropriate modalities are put in place in order to improve the processes.

Budgets also need to be developed to aid the material programs. As determined by the APB documents and thresholds, exiting a program performance, cost and schedule requires the managers to report the breaches that are imminent and actual within the baselines.


Thompson M.(2014) Reshaping the Army.[serial online]. November 4, 2013;182(19):34. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 4, 2016.

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Translating Military Power into Desired Political Outcomes

Military Power
Military Power

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Translating Military Power into Desired Political Outcomes

Three greatest challenges for United States in translating Military Power into Desired Political Outcomes or End States


United States today faces a number of challenges in effectively translating military power to the Country’s desired outcomes in politics. However, there are three greater challenges namely:

  • Unconventional weapons along with proliferation of technology
  • Proliferation of nuclear
  • Engaging in fights using asymmetric counterforce

This paper intends to analyze the great challenges that United States as a country face when it comes to translating military power to desired outcomes in politics. In addition, this paper will also look at how the three challenges have led to outcomes of selected conflicts in the United States.

Unconventional weapons along with proliferation of technology

Most countries that engage in war with the United States prefer not to employ the immense conservative armory used by the United States (Kaplan, 2013). Instead, such nations make use of unconventional weapons to attack the United States, since there is a higher likelihood of gaining advantage over United States. Unconventional weapons result from an intelligent use of proliferation of technology.

Such technologies may include: nuclear technology, devices for radiation dispersal, biological technology, cyber warfare use, chemical weapons use, high explosives utilization, an electromagnetic pulse, as well as directed energy. In some cases, when high explosives are used in an innovative way the resultant outcome causes more destruction compared to chemical weapons, biological technology, nuclear technology as well as radiological weapons (Katagiri, 2010). On the other hand, due to globalization in information technology, cyber warfare also has great potential of causing destruction.

Therefore, cyber warfare presents a great challenge to the United States due to the damage it has the potential of causing as well as the accessibility of the weapon. For single attacks, most enemies will prefer to use nuclear weapons. However, the most effective destructive form of weapon directed towards the United States would be biological attacks.

Most of the enemies of United States however, choose to make use of high explosives in attacking the United States which if correctly executed would result in tactical serious consequences as well as strategic consequences (Lake, 2009). To achieve execution of effective attacks on the United States, then rivals of United States may employ a number of techniques.

Rival countries may increase the sentiments of anti- America in different parts of the world. Sentiments of anti- America are spread through showing support to a team that seems dominant in a conflict between two groups. In order to spread the sentiments faster strategic communication is employed which then calls for utilization of the internet (Leffler, & Westad, 2010). This helps United States rivals to gain back up and develop a larger team to fight against the United States.

A clear example of this is the conflict known as Operation New Dawn. In this conflict, the United States engages in war with a group known as Al-Qaida as a war of reducing terror globally. However, Al-Qaida continues to grow its popularity and backing against the United States operations from countries that practice Islamic religion highly. In Arabic translation, Al- Qaida stands for the foundation.

To grow its backing the Al-Qaida group has been spreading its popularity by seeking training grounds through working with different governments globally. Moreover, Al-Qaida helps its host countries in efficiently achieving their broader objectives which in turn buys Al-Qaida more backing for their operations. For instance, the Taliban government established control over most Islamic groups that had been formed with the aim of performing terrorism (Mueller, & Stewart, 2012). Afghanistan provided a suitable ground for training the combined groups.

Recruits were taken from: the host country Afghanistan, neighboring country Pakistan, from Central Asia as well as from differentiated parts of the world including Africa. In addition, Al- Qaida started receiving active sponsorship from Iran. Iran provided support through involving the government ministries. All along Al-Qaida has been persuading Iraq to support them in their activities. Iraq was reluctant which at one point led to Iran supporting attacks on Iraq. However, things took a turn when Iraq was invaded by the United States.

At the time, Islamic groups initiated support on Iraq to fight against the United States. Al-Qaida used this opportunity to show its support to Iraq by fighting against the United States, and forming small sub groups such as Al-Mahdi Army among others (Mulloy, 2011). This act by Al-Qaida made its popularity grow. More countries were now willing to support its activities, which has led to the constant attacks experienced against the United States and its allies. 

Proliferation of nuclear

The United States faces a number of challenges in the environment of nuclear security. Most of these challenges develop from nuclear relations that exist between the major countries considered as nuclear powers (Leffler, & Westad, 2010). Among the countries are: Russia, Republic of China, Great Britain and France. However, United States is also considered as one of the nuclear powers.

In addition to the nuclear powers, challenges from nuclear technology directed towards the United States also develop due to establishment of new states for nuclear weapons. Moreover, some states which have no capacity of producing nuclear weapons also seek nuclear weapons and use them against the United States. For instance Iran is believed to advance its efforts in producing nuclear weapons. Iran being an influential country to most countries practicing Islamic religion has led to most of the countries initiating efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

Some of the countries include: Egypt, Saudi Arabia as well as Turkey. It is expected however that, more countries may feel the need to prove their superiority hence start developing nuclear weapons in future (Kaplan, 2013). One of such countries is Brazil. Effects of need for proving superiority may result in nuclear competition. With nuclear competition, the risk of attacks on United States and other European Countries becomes higher.

Notably, when the percentage of states armed with nuclear weapons goes up then states with no capacity of producing nuclear weapons will increase their purchase levels for nuclear weapons. For United States the challenge from proliferation of nuclear emerges from the need to create a military position that will insulate United States from the world of anarchy. The other challenge develops from United States feeling the need to initiate and execute punishment to their enemies who are armed with nuclear weapons.

Recently, China has been developing itself to a major super power in the world. China has achieved its superiority due to its high percentage of expertise with knowledge of advanced technology (Mueller, & Stewart, 2012). Moreover, China has the capacity and sufficiency of resources of developing new technology. In addition, the labor force employed in China is readily available due to China’s high population. China therefore stands at a very good position of producing destructive nuclear weapons. United States then considers China a threat for its security.

Therefore, cold rivalry has developed between China and United States due to the need to prove superiority. China is known to have been producing nuclear weapons. From the silent rivalry existing between United States and China, it is expected that if China was to go to war with Japan over Senkaku Island then United States would enter the war in support of Japan (Katagiri, 2010). Notably, if United States was to consider supporting Japan, then China would fire its nuclear weapons which are believed to have been produced a few years back, and are now placed directed to United States lands and waters.

Engaging in fights using asymmetric counterforce

In terms of asymmetric counterforce United States faces the challenge of forces being attacked directly. When United States forces are attacked the main focus is on command and execution of control. Moreover, support centers for logistics, reconnaissance assets as well as United States fields of intelligence along with the Surveillance fields are at risk (Leffler, & Westad, 2010). In most cases, a situation involving asymmetric counterforce is marred with interruption by United States enemies on logistic lines used by the United States for communication.

The aim of interruption is to cause interference in United States giving support to its forces that have been deployed in the enemies’ territory. Furthermore, various attack attempts are made on the United States waters and lands. Moreover, some enemies use intimidation on allies of the United States to make them withdraw the support they are offering to the United States (Mulloy, 2011).

When the United States forces are subject to attack in a foreign land, it becomes critically hard for the United States government to fully protect a base they consider as critical. In addition, it also becomes hard to project and also sustain United States forces in an environment that is distant and cannot be easily accessed. Most of the attacks directed towards United States make use of space. The challenging part for United States is to have awareness on how the space looks like in terms of security.

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Another challenge is the constant improvement witnessed for cyber crime. Networks are being developed very fast and information revealed and past in a rate that is hard to always monitor. Some of the United States government information gets corrupted by enemies through degrading of networks. United States faces these challenges due to a number of reasons.

Three among them include: first the United States depends on countries that have neither chemical attack protection, biological attack protection nor radiological attack protection for its operations in military (Kaplan, 2013). In such a situation the partners will be subjected to so much loss and suffering which will force them to withdraw unwillingly the support they are offering to the United States. The second reason is because the United States has executed very few changes on its forces since the time the cold war ended.

With lack of changes, the United States puts itself in a situation where getting support is a hard experience since most of the allies of United States will be considered as ineffective at combat. The third reason is because forces of the United States are vulnerable to nuclear attacks that are done in small scale. It is believed that just one nuclear weapon, that has been properly used can cause an entire United States force to surrender (Katagiri, 2010).

For instance, Al-Qaida had easily mastered the weakness of the United States government in 1998. Al-Qaida used interruption to reduce the support that United States was getting from neighboring countries. After causing a division Al- Qaida went ahead and utilized the United States space to carry on with a deadly attack, by bombing the United States embassy in Kenya (Metz, In Martin, & Army War College (U.S.), 2010). On the other hand, China’s has asymmetric counterforce against United States through drawing the support United States was getting from Asia into support for China.

China has achieved with large ensuring large production of products in qualities of high value, middle value and low value. With high production China has been able to raise its economy to a level that is threatening to the United States. Since China has a more stable and ever growing economy, its influence on both the allies and enemies of United States is at a considerable level (Katagiri, 2010). China has the ability of taking away one by one United States support from different countries around the globe.


In order to address these challenges, it is important for the United States to consider installing sensors in bases they would consider as high targets to help in detection of chemical agents or any form of biological weaponry. In addition, United States should consider purchasing and providing to its forces protective equipment for nuclear attacks. Moreover training should be offered on how to use the protective equipment.

In the time of any attack, then the United States government should ensure that it has appropriate equipment for sounding alarm to all people affected. Furthermore, potential victims and real victims should be identified in order to provide first aid services. In addition to this, a system should be established for disseminating information to the world, to help United States sell itself to the world for other nations to understand her and support the policies it has for national security.

It would also be important for United States to have a channel for analyzing public opinion of citizens from foreign countries. Information products should also be made available to all individuals, regardless of whether they are nationals of United States or other countries. In order to cub cyber attacks, the United States government should implement the utilization of websites on the internet for its services.

Information from the United States should be distributed to other nations through the United States embassy radio channel as well as TV. A platform should also be created for coordination of all military force groups of the United States. Therefore, the government of United States should make good use of methods of production utilized by commercial media.


From the paper it comes out clearly that the United States faces a challenge in trying to translate the power it has in military into the outcomes it may desire in politics. The most dangerous forms of challenge are unconventional weapons, proliferation of nuclear weapons and the use of asymmetric counterforce against the United States. Two outcomes have also been discussed that developed as a result of the three challenges.

The first outcome is attacks by the Al-Qaida group. The second outcome is a silent conflict between United States and The Republic of China. However, the paper has presented clearly an analysis showing that most of the enemies of the United States prefer the use of high explosives. In addition, it was also clear that the United States needs to prepare itself better for cyber attacks.


Fernando Lujan, “Light Footprints: The Future of American Military Intervention,” Center for New American Security. (ND)

Haley Stauss, “United States’ Strategy in Afghanistan from 2001 to Today,”, Pepperdine Policy Review. (ND)

Kaplan, F. M. (2013). The insurgents: David Petraeus and the plot to change the American way of war. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Katagiri, N. (2010). A Review of: “David H. Ucko. The New Counterinsurgency Era: Transforming the U.S. Military for Modern Wars .”. Terrorism And Political Violence, 22(2), 320-322.

Lake, D. (2009). The Limits of Coercive Airpower: NATO’s “Victory” in Kosovo Revisited. International Security, 34(1), 83-112.

Leffler, M. P., & Westad, O. A. (2010). The Cambridge history of the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

M. Taylor Fravel, “Power Shifts and Escalation: Explaining China’s Use of Forces in Territorial Disputes,” International Security. (ND)

Metz, S., In Martin, J. R., & Army War College (U.S.). (2010). Decision making in Operation Iraqi Freedom: Removing Saddam Hussein by force. Carlisle, PA : Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College.

Mueller, J. & Stewart, M. (2012). The Terrorism Delusion: America’s Overwrought Response to September 11. International Security, 37(1), 81-110.

Mulloy, D. (2011). A Review of: “Jeffrey Record. Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq. ”. Terrorism And Political Violence, 23(4), 674-675.

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Counter Terrorism in The United States of America

Counter Terrorism
Counter Terrorism

The various counter terrorism units in the country play an integral role in ensuring that the fight against terrorism is won. They are focussed on ensuring that not only the USA but the world in general is peaceful. A number of agencies are involved in the fight against terrorism in the USA but the focus of the paper will be centered on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI serves as an intelligence and law enforcement agency and has its headquarters in Washington D.C. The agency was started in 1908 and has grown immensely to cover a wider range of responsibilities. It currently has over 35,104 employees that have a wide range of skills and knowledge that are essential in protecting the citizens of the USA from terrorism attack (Gulati, Raffaelli, and Rivkin, 2016).

Counter terrorism: Structure of FBI

            The FBI has a centralized organizational structure that ensures a seamless flow of information. The head of the agency is the director who works in close conjunction with the office of the General Counsel, chief of staff, inspection division. The next in line is the deputy director who works in close conjunction with the office of professional responsibility, office of equal employment, office of the public and congressional affairs.

The other units that are controlled directly by the director and deputy director are criminal justice information service division, tracking division, administrative services division, training division, information resource division, information resources division, national security division, criminal investigative division, laboratory division, finance division, investigative services division, and counter- terrorism division ( United States Federal Bureau of Investigations(FBI) Academy Handbook, 2014, p.89).

From an international perspective, the FBI has over 64 legats and smaller sub offices in various cities around the world. The presence of the agency is present in over 200 countries and they have been set up through a mutual understanding from the governments and the agency. Most of the offices are located within the U.S embassy or the consulate. Their main aim is to ensure that they share intelligence information that will benefit the country they are operating and the USA (International operations, 2017).

The agencies that they work with are Interpol, foreign police, CIA and other international organizations that safe guard the people. The interactions between the country they are hosted and the USA is based on the treaties, statues, executive orders and Attorney general guidelines that are agreed upon by all the agencies.

The Legat program goes further ahead to offer international intelligence training to the security agencies in the different countries that they operate. The training does provide an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the agency, USA and the countries they operate in. Moreover, it does provide an opportunity to consolidate the security of the entire world with respect to combating terrorism activities (International operations, 2017).

After the 9/11 attacks in the USA, the agency’s responsibility, intelligence work increased immensely to ensure efficiency in the operations to combat terrorism (McClintock, 2016). The counter terrorism division within the FBI is divided into four branches which are operations Branch 1, operations Branch II, analytical and operations support branch.

The Operations Branch I is further divided into two sections which are the international Terrorism Section I that does concentrate on al Qaeda activities on a regional and international basis. The second section concentrates on terrorism affiliated groups in Iraq/Syria/Libya, Palestinian rejectionist groups, Iran and Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups that are present in different parts of the globe (Anderson, 2010, p. 19).

The second branch, operations branch II, concentrates on weapons of mass destruction, terrorist financing operations, domestic terrorism and communications exploitation sections. The FBI does provide intelligence information on nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapons that are used by terrorist groups to clear a large number of people or cause extreme damage to the infrastructure of any nation. The second section, terrorist financing operations section, focuses on the investigating the funding of the terrorism groups and freezing their assets to decapitate their operations (Gulati et al., 2016).

The section does play a vital role in carrying out in depth investigation, prosecution, disruption and continuous demolishment of the terrorist activities that are tied down to fund-raising activities. The section has been further divided into four units to enhance efficiency, they are financial intelligence analysis, global extremist financial investigations, radical fundamentalist financial investigative, and domestic WMD, and global financial investigations unit (Gulati et al., 2016).

The third branch is the counter terrorism branch that deals with analysis and preparation of the intelligence reports.  The branch does serve as the clearing house for all the intelligence gathering and processing. The branch has five divisions which are activities, ideology, linkages, trade craft and terrorist group composition. The branch does identify intelligence assets, blind spots and gaps in the intelligence system, evaluating the threat levels within the country, and the source of funding for all the terror groups.

The most dangerous groups that the branch monitors are the Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas. Last but not least it does share the intelligence they have gathered with other security agencies in the country to consolidated their work efforts (FBI Counter terrorism Analysis Branch Jobs and Salary, 2017).

The last branch, operations support branch, does focus on handling a number of responsibilities that are essential in ensuring that the tactical personnel are able to operate efficiently in the various missions. They develop budgets, organize training programs for the units, formulate CTD strategies, and consolidate partnerships with external private entities in the intelligence security organizations (FBI Counterterrorism Operational Support Branch Jobs and Salary, 2017).

The branch has two divisions which are the national threat center and the counter terrorism operational response section. The division is the backbone of the FBI and does share intelligence information with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Department of Homeland Security to counter terrorism. Moreover, the unit also shares information with the general public when it comes to counter terrorism programs.

Additionally, the branch oversees the FBI personnel who have been seconded to other security agency and finally it does work in close conjunction with the Department of Defense when it comes to coordinating operations (FBI Counterterrorism Operational Support Branch Jobs and Salary, 2017).

On the logistic perspective focuses on ensuring that the agency can be able to work effectively in their operations. The employees in the logistic centre work in construction, space management employee health and safety, telecommunications management, facilities operations, mail/freight management, and security electronics. The logistics of the team does go beyond consolidating the operations within the Washington D.C offices and the legate in different parts of the world (Our very own global logistics Service, 2017).

 Logistic aspect also does come into action when the FBI is engaged in field activities. The team that handles their logistics is referred to as the Rapid Deployment Logistic Unit (RDLU), the unit is the first respondents when the agency is called to handle an attack and it does constitute counter terrorism experts, communicators, medical staff, military liaisons, lab personnel among others. They also have the Crisis Advance Team (CAT) that does determine the number of specialist that are required to combat counter terrorism.

When the specialist responds to any attack the field specialists segregate areas to set up the command post, and other machines that will be essential in linking the operation to the FBI offices in the USA. The RDLU also does work in setting up temporary operation centers that provide the team with an opportunity of hosting major diplomatic meetings, international sports and other special events (Our very own global logistics Service, 2017).

On the financing aspects the agency does receive funds for operations mainly from the federal government. The president does provide the agency with the finances required to run the operations each financial year based on the budget prepared by the operational support branch of the FBI. The machinery and weapons used by the tactical team vary based on the mission that the agents are carrying out. As discussed, the unit has different agents handling varying issues with respect to countering terrorism (Operational Technology, 2017).

The one aspect that is clear is that the agency uses the latest technology in their role to combat terrorism in the USA and the world at large. The FBI has launched the operational technology division located in Virginia that does incorporate technology in the intelligence, law enforcement and national security aspect of the nation. Some of the specific areas that they focus on are advanced electronic surveillance and search, digital forensics, radio program, specialized support and coordination, tactical operations, technical personnel and defensive programs among others (Operational Technology, 2017).

In conclusion, counter terrorism is an issue that does affect everyone in the different parts of the world. The FBI is one of the agencies that our focus group concentrated on evaluating their organizational structure, size, the different responsibilities of the branches, the finances and the type of machinery that is used. The FBI is not the only agency that tackles terrorism issues, but it does play an effective role by collaborating with the internal and external agency to combat terrorism.


Anderson, J. W. (2010). Disrupting Threat Finances: Utilization of Financial information to Disrupt terrorism. Diane Publishing.

FBI Counterterrorism Analysis Branch Jobs and Salary. (2017). Retrieved 11 August 2017, from…….analysis/

FBI Counterterrorism Operational Support Branch Jobs and Salary. (2017). Retrieved 11 August 2017, from…….operational-support/

Gulati, R., Raffaelli, R., & Rivkin, J.W. (2016). Does “what We Do” Make Us” who We Are”? Organizational Design and Identity Change at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Harvard Business School.

International Operations. (2017). Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 11 August 2017, from

McClintock, M. (2016). Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights since 9/11. The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence, 411.

Operational Technology. (2017). Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 11 August 2017, from

Our very own global logistics Service. (2017). Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 11 August 2017, from

 United States Federal Bureau of Investigations(FBI) Academy Handbook. (2014). International Business Publication, USA.

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