Data set Research Paper

Data set
Data set

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Data set

Quantitative Section

Introduction to Data set

Data sets represent collected data from a single database or data matrix. Every column present in data sets represents a particular variable while every row represents a certain member of the data set in question. All values present in data sets are recorded as variables. Each value is referred to as datum. Data sets contain more than one form of data. The term data set was coined to mean a method of data collection from tables which are related and correspond to certain events or experiments (Bryman, 2012). Data sets have been utilised to identify and analyse both qualitative and quantitative data.

Data Management Analysis Technique

Quantitative data analysis bases on different statistical methods. The commonly used methods are measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Measures of central tendency include the mean, mode and median. Mean represents an average value while median refers to the centre value (Bryman, 2006). Mode refers to the value with the highest frequency.

The mean is the commonly used method that is used to analyse results since it monitors and determines the exact value that can be used to measure different variables. It can be used to compare different values. Measures of dispersion include variance and standard deviation and inter-quartile ranges (Mugenda, 2009). Measures of dispersion and central tendency are used together to analyse data. Standard deviation and variance are two forms used together with the mean. Variance and standard deviation show how much values differ from the mean.

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Presentation of Data

In this case an example of the disease affecting different parts of the world will be utilised. The data will be based on several continents. All the information that has been provided has been divided into data sets. The sets include the Africa region, western pacific region, South East Asia, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, and the American region. The data provided included the different diseases that affected different areas in different years.  The quantitative method that was used to analyse the data was the mean. It encompassed calculating all the different death values per disease. The following results were obtained

Mean valueRegion
134.39Western pacific region
132.23South east Asia
117.50Eastern mediterrean 
117.92 Region of Americas

Table 1.  Mean values showing the deaths of different diseases per 100,000 people per population

Description and Interpretation of Data

The above data compares different rates of morbidities across different continents. The average value when all values are incorporated equal 150.22. When this value is compared to mean values, the deviation and variances becomes easily established. The results reveal that Africa has the highest rates of mortality followed closely by Europe (Malterud, 2011). Eastern Mediterranean has the lowest value. All results reveal that the values lie within the accepted deviation standards.

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References to Research Methods

Mean values have been used to compare results from different samples. The mean as is used as a comparison method since it eliminates all outliers present in a set of data. Median and mode are two methods not utilised since they include outliers in their analysis. Additionally, the median shows the number that is in the middle while the mode shows the number appearing in most cases (Creswell & Clark, 2007). Such values cannot be utilised to compare different samples since they show bias in their analysis. Inclusion of standard deviation and variance in the mean provide a better method of analysis.

Relevance of Data to Policy

The above information can be utilised to implement new laws and heath standards that can be utilised to decrease morbidities rates. The above information provides a comparison of different health standards across the world. It can be used by non-governmental organisations health standards across the world (Neuman, 2005). The above information can be used to investigate the underlying the causes of high levels witnessed in some parts of the world.

Policy makers will be keen to address the underlying causes of the diseases. Policy makers may also opt to utilise information provided by the results to address the high levels witnessed in some areas. More specifically, it can utilise some of the policies implemented in areas that have shown low incidences. Policy makers are able to understand the number of people that affected.

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Qualitative Section

Introduction to Qualitative Data Sets

The qualitative section involves analysis of data sets that are not expressed numerically. These data sets will also be expressed in rows and columns. Data sets included in qualitative data sets will not be limited to descriptive and inferential statistics (Creswell, 2013). In this case values that are utilised to analyse the data are in nominal form or ordinal scales. This means that the data to be utilised will not base on number but in certain wordings which either shows the level or degree of sickness in this case or the number of people suffering from a given disease.

Data Management Analysis Techniques.

            Two methods have commonly been used to analyse qualitative data. These methods are coding and theming processes (Mays & Pope, 2006). Coding refers to the arrangement of data by combing different aspects such as themes, categories and ideas. Coding as a method has been utilised to bring out certain themes that are dominate in qualitative data (Patton, 2005). 

The theming process involves the identification of particular theme that is largely shown in qualitative analysis. It identifies the major themes that are easily brought out in different aspects. It normally focuses on outlining all major themes present in any form of qualitative study.

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Presentation of Data

            The information provided below seeks to address the question on the most prevalent disease that affected individuals in the year 2000. The data was selected using the theming process where the disease status of the world was going to be compared. The disease states that are available are the 2000 and 2012. Therefore, one had to be chosen and investigated.

Thus in this case the disease that was investigated was the one shown in 2000. All relevant information containing the different disease that occurred in the year 2000 as well as their levels were analysed. Their means were then identified and formulated into a pie chart to show the levels.

Description and Interpretation of Data

From the above results it can be deduced  that all causes of disease were the major contribution to the diseases rates witnessed . it was closely follwoed with cardiovascualr disease, mailgnant diseases, neoplam conditions, HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. A pie chart is used to bring out this form of information because it represent one of the best methods that brings out qualititive data. A comparison can thus be carried to identify the disease thataffacted more people in the year 2000. From this information different piechrts can be made depending on the individual gender of individuals.

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References to Research Methods

            Pie charts have been used in numerous occassions to bring out a qualititive method of analysis. Unlike other methods, a pie chart can be readily used to identify the disease that affected more people. it can also be further utilised to ideintify other small areas withi basing on other vraibales such as sex and region. From the above pie chart small pieces of infromation regarding the other variables can be easily collcted and utilised.

Qulitative data involves the idenfication of which disease was shon to affect  more populations across the world. from the above values, one ca easily identify the differen values belonging to different data sets. For example , one can make a conclusion that cardiovascular diseases make up the huge percentage of diseases affecting people across the world as compoared to any other form of disease. This statement can be made in regard of the disease in the year 2000.

Relevance of Data to Policy

            The above information becomes quite important to all policy makers. The identificatoon of the disease that casing more diseases across the world becomes a major concern for all policy makers. Once the disease has been identified, all necesaary measures required to decrease the disease are taken into consideration (Patton, 2005).Some of this measures include health promotion exercises, public awareness on the causes and prevention of some of this diseases.

Policy makers can also come up with laws aimed at decreasing the incidences of all the above diseases. Polyc makers can also manage their budgets so that more cash is allocated n fighting such diseases in the society (Smith, 2013). The piechart provides policy makers with an opportunity to identify disease that require immediate attention. At the same time it tells the polcy makers of the disease status of their society. 

The information that has been provided an be used to as a standard measurement against the disease status of different individuals in the society. this is because the values represent the pricture of the world. It can also be used to compare results with the coming years for example the year 2012. Lastly, the pie chart can be dissected to adress all concerns of all parties in the society.  It can be dissected basing on regions and gender.

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Bryman, A. (2012). Quantitative and qualitative research: further reflections on their integrationMixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research, 57-78.

Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done?. Qualitative research, 6(1), 97-113.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Mugenda, O. M. (2009). Research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. African Centre for Technology Studies.

Neuman, W. L. (2005). Social research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches (Vol. 13, pp. 26-28). Boston, MA: Allyn and bacon.

Patton, M. Q. (2005). Qualitative research. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Smith, J. K. (2013). Quantitative versus qualitative research: An attempt to clarify the issue. Educational researcher, 12(3), 6-13.

Mays, N., & Pope, C. (Eds.). (2006). Qualitative research in health care (pp. 10-19).London: BMJ.

Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research.

Malterud, K. (2011). Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines. The lancet358(9280), 483-488.

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The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS

The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company
The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company

Case Study: The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS


Technology has changed the way corporations carry out their everyday activities. For any company to remain relevant in a highly technological world, they have to embrace modern tools. While Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company is a start-up, its reliance on paperwork may be its undoing when it comes to competing against business rivals.

However, the adoption of the new repository is strategic when it comes to offering quality service, proficiency, controlled inventory, informed decision making and a return on investment. In this age, when every other organization is jostling to implement technology, the use of the database will eradicate cabinets and shelves.

Apart from the ease of use, and increased efficiency, the technology will enable the company to have a competitive edge. This project is about the transition from paperwork to the adoption of database technology for enhanced management at Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company.

Purpose and Goal of the Project

Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company was founded by two computer scientists called Wayne and Marisol Peeples in 2007. The residents of Willow subdivision that comprise of 120 families is served by this company, which deals with rental of videos. However, Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company need a computerized system to keep track of all the money that flows in and out of the business and the assets.

While the company is smaller than the traditional video store, this process becomes easy to follow. With a paltry investment of $300, the company could cause the business to boast of success or be deemed a failure. As founders, we have not been aggressive enough to make a lot of money with the business.                               

The company was meant for the children not just in our community but in the neighboring communities as well. Because children are fond of movies, there was a need to feed them with much-needed content. The company has been operating largely from donations and from the small investment we plow back in the business. This has seen us invest approximately 90% of our profits back to the company.

The company is still in its embryonic state with less complex transactions, as such, we never conceptualized the need for computerisation of the equipment and information in our stores. The company relied heavily on paperwork, however, this is proving not just tedious for us but has also had a toll order on the proficiency.                             

The business has since grown with the closure of the traditional video renting stores that were competing with other company. The increased demand for entertainment has compelled us to shift from a small company mentality by increasing the capacity of the company. This has also resulted in the adoption of technological application that will render paperwork irrelevant.

With computerized systems, the company is able to track inventories, forecast the demand, enhance efficiency and ensure the quality of services.  In the long run, this technology will ultimately offer a return on investments (ROI). The decision to transition from paperwork to embracing computerized system will ensure that the company is able to satisfy the needs of clients. It will also avoid overstocking as well as understocking. Moreover, technology will help the leadership make informed decisions for the sake of customer and its posterity.                                                            

The media room that has the capacity of seventy-five people was also added targeting private events. Research on the benefits accrued by using a database showed that it was a good thing to use since it is efficient and easy to use. It was then seen to be a good idea worth implementation into the company.

A relational data will be created on Microsoft access which is aimed at keeping track of all the DVDs and video games. The database will be important in the management of the company and its branches in case we think of setting them up. The whole research points at numerous advantages in using the database.                                                          

The main reason for the selection of Microsoft Access is its ability to work with databases without being intensively gifted in the discipline. The simple-to-make use of codecs made by Microsoft corporation in their program dubbed Microsoft access has made it very easy for anyone to work with databases (Donato, 2017).

This is done by supplanting an element of the entangled work. It also offers many choices which make it the best option. The interface in it which is easy to use enables anyone to work on the databases effectively.                                     

The Microsoft Corporation considerations of people who are not good at making databases made them work on layouts that the user can download and use rapidly and efficiently. One can tailor the database from the ground up, designing it to fit into the enterprise. Many records are stored in Microsoft access such that when you start a similar business, you do not need to enter the data afresh when you start another venture that requires similar information.

Microsoft access also works hand in hand with other Microsoft office tools which include Microsoft word, Microsoft publisher, Microsoft power point and Microsoft excel. A good example is storing a spreadsheet in the database, a large volume of letters and store in the database and also storing several power point presentations and various Microsoft publications (Donato, 2017).

Name of the Project

The Peeples Family DVD and Game Rental Company DBMS

Users and Administrators

The database will be used and administered by the co-owners who are Wayne and Marisol Peeples, the employees and the head volunteers. The administration has to be done by the honest and most skilled personnel to prevent loss of information since the sensitive information must be safeguarded (Connolly et. al., 2014). Administrators and users should have different access rights. To ensure that information is well guarded and secured, administrators should implement strong passwords.

How the Work is Being Done Now.

Currently, records are kept in the traditional paper filing system. The system has proved tedious especially when it comes to information retrieval. This hardship in the retrieval of information is what made us come up with a computer database. The bulky files due to increasing number of transactions made it difficult for us to work with the paper filing (Connolly et. al., 2014). Moreover, with too much paper, the safety of important information becomes subject to manipulation and vandalism.

Platform that will be used

Microsoft access will be used for the long-term and the short-term. The information about the customer which includes his/her name, address, telephone numbers and their date of birth and other information regarding the stock will be included. The platform was chosen due to its ease of handling and its efficiency regarding the performance (Connolly et. al., 2014).

Entities and Data Elements Involved

The entries to be entered in the database include; customer information, information on DVDs and game rentals and information on sales. On the customer side, the name, the address, the telephone number and the date of birth of the customer are recorded.

On the DVDs rentals database, the information on the date which the DVD was rented and the date it was returned is recorded, the genre of the DVD is also recorded (Horror, Documentary, Family, etc.), the price to be paid by the customers for the rental, the game ratings, the type of games and which console they were made for (android, Xbox, PlayStation, windows, etc.).

On the sales part of the database, the name of the product, the number of products sold, the date in which the product was sold, and the name of the customer who bought or rented the product is recorded (Connolly et. al., 2014).

Database tables:

The database will compose of 3 tables which include: customer details, DVD games rental and sales tables. The first table will contain columns which contain customer name, customer address, telephone number and the date of birth. The second table will contain the date on which the DVD was rented and the date it was returned, the genre of the DVD, the rental price, game ratings and the types of games.

On the third table, the database will comprise of the columns for the product name, a number of sold products, the date, and the customer’s name. The database will be interconnected based on the client’s details, products bought and the information about sales. The process will be done concurrently to avoid confusion.

However, because of the interconnection, they will function dependently.  This means that an individual’s information will be recorded in the first field; the second field will include what is bought, then sales information in the third field.


            Forms will be used for the input of data into the tables. Forms will be used by customers to input their personal details.  However, on the official part of the forms, information about the type of DVD games and the sales information will be captured. There is a form for both the first and the second table that requires the customer and the company to fill them.

The date of birth should have a calendar attached for easy insertion of dates. The date that the DVDs were rented should also contain a calendar attached. The column with the genre of the DVD contained a drop-down list listing them. The rating part contains stars to indicate ratings.

Queries and Reports

            The database will contain some queries. There will be the consumer information query and the products bought or rented query. The information on the sales will provide special receipts for the customers as proof of payment for the goods and services. The printout will also contain the customer’s name and the product information.


The run-through will go as follows: The user will enter the data into the customer information form. Then the data will be correspondently entered into the DVD rental or the sales form. The user will open up the customer’s information then a printout of the business transaction will be done by syncing it with the sales information. 


Connolly, A., Thomas, D., Carolyn B.(2014). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions.

Donato, D. (2017). Advantages of Microsoft Access. Retrieved January 05, 2017, from

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