Initial Reflection on Bias

Initial Reflection on Bias
Initial Reflection on Bias

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Initial Reflection on Bias

Order Instructions:

Listen to this podcast and pay attention to potential bias and the influence the participants have on your perception of the topic.

“What the Health” – Podcast

Respectfully post an initial reflection on how you view the bias in the podcast.

Bias is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief.

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Effective communication in Consumer Health Education

Effective communication in Consumer Health Education
Effective communication in Consumer Health Education

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Effective communication in Consumer Health Education

Order Instructions:

Effective communication in Consumer Health Education


The purpose of this assignment is to engage learners in evaluating factors that contribute to effective communication and health literacy in consumer health education materials.



Read the CDC Clear Communication Index:

Review the CDC Clear Communication Index Score Sheet: Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader

Locate a consumer health information resource for evaluation that meets the following criteria:

May be published online or in print, such as a pamphlet, handout, or web page

Published by a reputable health organization or institution

The material addresses a specific health condition or topic (as opposed to a range of conditions or topics)

The intended audience is a health consumer (as opposed to a health care professional)

Examples of general health consumer publications that have been evaluated using teh CDC Clear Communication Index are available at:

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Effective communication in Consumer Health Education


Publication Information

Identify the publication title, author(s), year/date of publication, and source location (URL).

Purpose and Intended Audience

In one paragraph, summarize the purpose of the material and the intended audience. Describe the target audience that the authors want to address (e.g., persons who have diabetes, are sexually active, are caregivers to persons with dementia, the general public, etc.).

Effective communication in Consumer Health Education

Category Analysis

Evaluate the material using the 7 categories of the CDC Clear Communication Index: 1) Main Message and Call to Action; 2) Language; 3) Information Design; 4) State of the Science; 5) Behavioral Recommendations; 6) Numbers; and 7) Risk.

This section can be formatted as a list, bullet points, or in paragraph format. Include examples of how clearly the main message is communicated and prominently located within the material, how main ideas and supporting ideas are organized, use of visual cues and headings, language considerations, how graphics, colors reinforce the main message; how or whether scientific evidence or authoritative sources inform the main message or recommendations; how or whether actionable behavioral recommendations are provided; whether and how numbers are used to communicate recommendations or risk, and how the risk associated with the health condition or behavior applies to the target audience or health outcomes.

Strengths and Recommendations for Improvement

In one-to-two paragraphs describe three strengths of the material and at least one recommendation for improvement based on your evaluation.

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Effective communication in Consumer Health Education


Prepare your evaluation using a word processor such as MS Word. Upload the file to the assignment link as either a Word document or PDF.

Review your work for content quality and depth, organization, and grammar. Use the grading rubric to guide your preparation.

Be sure to include the reference for the resource in APA Style format.

If the material is not available electronically, please scan and upload the document with your analysis.

Effective communication in Consumer Health Education

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Lack of Two-way Communication

Lack of Two-way Communication
Lack of Two-way Communication

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Lack of Two-way Communication

Assessment 1: Report Overview For this assessment, write a 1000 word report on the issues below:
Lack of Two-way Communication

Your report should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction (200 words): Define the issue and use Australian research and statistics to explain how common it is, and the likely impacts of this violence (for instance, mental or physical health impacts, number of hospitalisations, and other indications of impact).

2. Theoretical section (800 words): Select TWO theories from the following list, and apply them to the issue: Liberal feminism, Marxist/socialist feminism, radical feminism, critical masculinities theory. You need to pick the most appropriate theory to help you explain the issue. Think carefully about the theories you select.

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Write 400 words on EACH theory, in which you briefly define the theory, and then describe how that particular theory would explain the issue you have selected. For instance, if you select Marxist/socialist feminism for the issue of sexual assault, then your 400 word paragraph needs to explain what Marxist/socialist feminism is, and present a Marxist/socialist feminist explanation for sexual assault.
Your bibliography should contain no fewer than EIGHT academic sources. Any media sources are additional to this.

Marking Criteria

1. Accurate and clear presentation

2. Further research and comprehensive understanding (AT LEAST 8 ACADEMIC SOURCES)

3. Logical and clear structure

4. Quality of written expression

5. Correctly formatted citations and bibliography.

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Top 10 Listening Habits Profile

Top 10 Listening Habits Profile
Top 10 Listening Habits Profile

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Top 10 Listening Habits Profile

In communication, there are about ten listening habits, for example, listening to the views of others. I am a good listener.  I also do not interrupt the speaker, or finish sentences for them. When the speaker has finished, I can then ask a question to seek clarification.                   

Preparing to listen: This involves focusing on the speaker and putting other issues out of the mind. Since human mind can easily be affected by other views- I try to concentrate on the message being communicated.                                                                                                    

Putting the speaker at ease: this entails ensuring that the speaker is free to give his or her views without interruption. I usually put into consideration the concerns and needs of the speaker. Additionally, I try to nod my head or use other nonverbal communication such as gestures to encourage the speaker to go on. I also maintain eye contact with the speaker rather than staring to demonstrate to him/her that am listening and understand the message.                     

Removing distractions involve concentrating on the message being said. I do not pick my fingernails or looking out of the window; such acts interrupt listening process while demonstrating to the speaker that one is bored or not interested.       

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Empathize by trying to appreciate the speaker’s standpoint. I look at issues from the speaker’s point of view or preconceived thoughts. I am also open minded so as to fully empathize with the speaker. Nonetheless, if the speaker puts across something that I do not agree with, it’s appropriate to wait and counter, however being open-minded to the views of others is vital.    

Patience: A pause does not show that the speaker is through. Being and patient and allowing the speaker to finish is importance since it takes the time to formulate what to pass across. I do not interrupt the speaker or finish for them sentences. Keep off personal bias: do not allow an individual’s manner interrupt you from listening. While everyone has a unique way of speaking, some are shy, accents, I concentrate the message rather than delivery methods.   

Listening to the tone; volume and tone are necessary to the message being passed. Good speakers use volume and tone for their benefits to ensure that listeners are attentive. Much as speakers use volume and a tone to get the attention of their audience, it enables me to understand the emphasis of the message.        

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Listening to ideas instead of words; a good listener should get the entire picture rather than pieces of words. As such, I try to connect pieces of words to understand the speaker’s point of view. I also focus and remove interruptions.                                                                         

Watching for nonverbal communication; facial expression, gestures are very essential in listening. I do not listen with only my eyes and ears; I also use my eyes to watch for extra information being conveyed through nonverbal communication.

Works Cited

Wood, Julia T. Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2014. Print.

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Nonverbal Communication Essay

Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication

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Nonverbal Communication


Nonverbal communication is where speech is not involved in getting the audience attention or passing the message. In most, cases nonverbal communication is employed to express thoughts, make the message appealing to the audience. Nonverbal communication has a great impact on the social sphere as well as communication (Wood, 2005). Moreover, nonverbal communication controls the relationship, support or substitute verbal communication in certain conditions. Various cultures use nonverbal communication in different ways to express themselves.

How does nonverbal communication express cultural values?

Nonverbal communication is used differently to express cultural values. In the US for instance, Latin Americans use hand gestures to show that they are romantically interested in an individual, and it is typically viewed as solicitation (Wood, 2005). Telling an individual to come among the Latinos the palm is extended downwards while moving the four fingers inward and outward for 3 or four times.

When using public transport, Latino elders hold their hands sideways with the four fingers extended to demonstrate that their pickpocket around. Moreover, across US majority of the ethnicities greet visors personally, but Latinos hug visitors while “besitos” or touching cheeks and kissing nose and lips is used for women visitors.

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How to improve effectiveness in using and interpreting non-verbal communication?

Managing stress

The ability to manage stress in the spur of the moment is the best way to improve nonverbal communication. Stress hampers not only one’s ability to communicate but to misinterpret others and transmit confusing signals (Wood, 2005). To be able to avoid unhealthy reflex behavior patterns, one has to manage stress by way of exercise or meditation. However, it all starts with being conscious of it.  Calm down before you proceed with the discussion particularly if you cannot bear with the stress.

Emotional Awareness

The effective way to transmit perfect nonverbal signals lies in recognizing emotions and how they affect you.  In the same breadth, it also calls for the recognition of other people’s emotions and the underlying feelings.  With this in mind, you can read other people’s emotions with precision and decipher what the unspoken body language connotes (Wood, 2005).  Moreover, you can develop honesty and candor in relationships by sending nonverbal signals that correspond to your words.  React in ways that demonstrate to others your compassion. 

Practice Observing

It takes practice to be able to decipher nonverbal communication. Some people use videotapes to enhance their skills. Eye contact, body posture, and facial expressions are crucial when it comes to non-verbal communication (Wood, 2005). An individual, whose arms are crossed, turns away from you and avoiding eye contact may be holding something back or simply not interested.

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Receive Feedback

Always use the response mechanism to enhance your behavior and the connection between what you communicate, voice quality and gesture (Wood, 2005). The impression you make on others matter as well.


Wood, J. T. (2005). Communication Mosaics: an Introduction to the Field of Communication. Belmont, CA: Thomson.

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Nonverbal communication in a situation comedy

Nonverbal communication in a situation comedy
Nonverbal communication in a situation comedy

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Nonverbal communication in a situation comedy

Nonverbal communication involves the use of stimulus and not a speech to pass the message to the audience. It is non-linguistic, associated with intended symbolic actions and entails nonverbal conducts purposely sent and considered to have consequential significance.

In the Sit-Com comedy, it starts with a knock on the door, which is commonly recognized as an indication of the presence of someone. In addition, Sheldon states that “I should note I’m having some digestive distress” while touching his abdomen.  This is to emphasize what he said orally- he has digestive pain.                                                                                                                                   

Penny says “He wiped his mouth with it,” while her hands move around her mouth, showing the action of someone wiping his/her mouth. There is also a scene where Leonard knows that Sheldon was deceitful about his sickness; he shook the head to indicate defeat or to give up. Leonard gives up regarding Sheldon’s behavior. Sheldon also slaps his hands in his face to illustrate calmness while thinking about the solution to the present condition. These are instances of kinesics.                              

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Sheldon said “Oh!” when she saw the gift. The tone is heightened significantly to show that he was amazed, although since it does not sound real, it is clear to viewers that he was faking it. Penny yelled “Sheldon! What are you doing?”. Similarly, there is a change in the tone. Such changes indicate Penny’s feeling upon seeing the gifts. At the end of the comedy, Sheldon hugs Penny, thinking that his gifts were not of relevance to the napkin Penny gave him.

Apparently, Sheldon does like hugging people, as they are not only awkward but makes him uncomfortable. However, he hugged Penny. According to Haptics that involves the study of touch in communication, touch enhances the positive relationships, demonstrates intimacy and friendship, which is why he hugged Penny. The forms of nonverbal communication in Sit-Com reflects the usual roles as well as various forms of nonverbal communication

Works cited

Wood, Julia. Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the field of communication. Cengage Learning, 2013.

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Communication climates; Culture and Social communities

Communication climates
Communication climates

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Communication climates; culture and social communities

Communication climate involves the use of an emotional tone between individuals. The central communication environment includes defensive and supportive that provokes various reactions from people.  In communication climate, there may be conflicts due to individuals’ reliance on others with different opinions, principles, interests, roles and understand differences as not related. Communication that promotes defensive and supportive climate is an essential factor that impacts the effective communication. Kinds of communication that promotes defensive and supportive climate include;

Evaluation and defensive; whereby one negative or positive views triggers one to react defensively, which can mean that an individual feel that he/she is authorized to judge others.  Defensive and supportive communication aims at expressing personal feelings as well as views without necessarily making a judgment.

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Control and issue orientation involves the use of speech that controls listeners while evoking resistance. In most case, a person can try to do something to another person to change their behavior, activity of views. The level of control generates defensiveness relies on the transparency of attempts, where suspicion of exists it increases resistance. Therefore, efforts to refrain from imposing values on recipients are hampered by several obstacles.

Impartiality and Sympathy; neutrality in the speech to listeners showing inadequate concern for their wellbeing makes them defensive. Individuals desire to be treated with worth and affection. Communication that is associated with sympathy for listeners is, in particular, supportive and reduces defensiveness.

Reassurance emerges when the message shows that the speaker understands and identifies the listeners’ problems and their emotions. Attempts to reject the validity of listeners’’ emotions, can incite lack of understanding. Impartiality and sympathy with other people’ emotions without changing them is the highest degree of supportive climate.

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In general, provoking defensiveness interrupts communication, hence making it challenging for one to pass the message clearly and get the solution.

Works cited

Wood, Julia. Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the field of communication. Cengage Learning, 2013.

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Communication strategies in the movie Crash by Paul Haggis

Communication strategies
Communication strategies

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Communication strategies in the movie Crash by Paul Haggis

Intercultural communication, verbal communication, perception, and stereotyping all play essential roles in the characteristics of the movie Crash. This paper provides a detailed critique of Paul Haggis’ film Crash. In this evaluation, connections are made to what I have learned in class with regard to communication.

The concepts/principles of listening and stereotyping are clearly defined and applied in the film. Thesis statement: in Crash, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people and this results in ineffective communication. Ineffective listening by some characters in the movie also results in poor communication.

Communication strategies


Stereotypes refer to the beliefs or perceptions that people hold about other people or groups rooted in previously formed attitudes and views. When people are categorized as a group, they are believed to possess comparatively similar beliefs and exhibit the same behaviors (Beebe, 2011). On the whole, stereotypes describe the behavior norm for a specific group, and not individual behavior.

In the film Crash by Paul Haggis, instances of stereotyping are many. In the initial scene of this film, the Korean lady yelled at detective Ria that Mexican people do not know how to drive – she stereotypes Mexican people. Conversely, people of Korean descent often have trouble in pronouncing some consonants rightly: the Korean lady pronounces brake as blake and she was mocked satirically by Ria who told her, I am sorry you never saw my blake lights.

Communication strategies

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Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil, the entire society of the United States has some kind of hatred toward the Arabs as they have developed some stereotypes about Arabs. Americans believe that every Arab person could be a potential terrorist.

Other stereotypes depicted in Crash are that black people are the source of crime in American society, Caucasians do not really understand hip-hop, African Americans do not like ice-skating, country songs, or playing hockey. Nonetheless, Anthony finds it weird that Peter as an African American likes hockey, ice-skating, and country songs.

Stereotyping has embedded deeply in the minds of both African Americans and Caucasians and it embarrasses and torments them. People think that they actually know who they are. Nonetheless, when they are tested, they come to the realization that they have no idea who they are. On the whole, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people.

When their mindsets crash into one another, they eventually understand that they cannot escape unscathed. Stereotyping has been ineffective as depicted in the film Crash as it served as an obstacle to effective cross-cultural communication. In essence, whether subtle or blatant, stereotyping could have a very negative effect on human interaction and communication as shown in the movie Crash.   

Communication strategies

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Listening refers to the capability of accurately receiving and interpreting messages in the process of communication. It is worth mentioning that listening is crucial to any effective communication given that without the ability to listen in an effective way, messages would be misunderstood easily – communication will break down and the message’s sender or speaker could become irritated or frustrated easily (Beebe, 2011).

The concept of listening as a strategy for intercultural communication has also been rather ineffective as used in the film Crash. One of the main characters in the film is John Ryan who is a white police officer. He is a racist toward African Americans. His quotes captivate the viewers and he happens not to be a very good listener. When a person does not listen effectively to what the other person is saying, then the individual leaves himself and his mind open to believe anything and in most instances misunderstands the point the other party was trying to say.

Furthermore, people have the tendency of presuming what the other person is trying to say without allowing them to really finish speaking what they were saying. This could result in confusion between the two causing them to jump to conclusions. In Crash, ineffective listening or not listening to others effectively could end in serious irreversible outcomes.  

Communication strategies

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To sum up, this essay has examined the principles of stereotype and listening as depicted in the film Crash which was directed by Paul Haggis. In this award-winning movie, characters stereotype and judge each other and they also get stereotyped and judged by others. This caused ineffective communication. Furthermore, poor listening by some people in this film led to poor communication and misunderstanding.


Beebe, R. (2011). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others (2nd Canadian Edition). Scarborough, Ontario: Allyn and Bacon.

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Crash by Paul Haggis: Movie Review

Crash by Paul Haggis
Crash by Paul Haggis

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Crash by Paul Haggis: Movie Review

Communication strategies in the movie Crash by Paul Haggis

Intercultural communication, verbal communication, perception, and stereotyping all play essential roles in the characteristics of the movie Crash. This paper provides a detailed critique of Paul Haggis’ film Crash. In this evaluation, connections are made to what I have learned in class with regard to communication.

The concepts/principles of listening and stereotyping are clearly defined and applied in the film. Thesis statement: in Crash, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people and this results in ineffective communication. Ineffective listening by some characters in the movie also results in poor communication.


Stereotypes refer to the beliefs or perceptions that people hold about other people or groups rooted in previously formed attitudes and views. When people are categorized as a group, they are believed to possess comparatively similar beliefs and exhibit the same behaviors (Beebe, 2011). On the whole, stereotypes describe the behavior norm for a specific group, and not individual behavior.

In the film Crash by Paul Haggis, instances of stereotyping are many. In the initial scene of this film, the Korean lady yelled at detective Ria that Mexican people do not know how to drive – she stereotypes Mexican people. Conversely, people of Korean descent often have trouble in pronouncing some consonants rightly: the Korean lady pronounces brake as blake and she was mocked satirically by Ria who told her, I am sorry you never saw my blake lights.

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Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil, the entire society of the United States has some kind of hatred toward the Arabs as they have developed some stereotypes about Arabs. Americans believe that every Arab person could be a potential terrorist.

Other stereotypes depicted in Crash are that black people are the source of crime in American society, Caucasians do not really understand hip-hop, African Americans do not like ice-skating, country songs, or playing hockey. Nonetheless, Anthony finds it weird that Peter as an African American likes hockey, ice-skating, and country songs.

Stereotyping has embedded deeply in the minds of both African Americans and Caucasians and it embarrasses and torments them. People think that they actually know who they are. Nonetheless, when they are tested, they come to the realization that they have no idea who they are. On the whole, people stereotype and judge other people and they also get judged by other people.

When their mindsets crash into one another, they eventually understand that they cannot escape unscathed. Stereotyping has been ineffective as depicted in the film Crash as it served as an obstacle to effective cross-cultural communication. In essence, whether subtle or blatant, stereotyping could have a very negative effect on human interaction and communication as shown in the movie Crash.

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Listening refers to the capability of accurately receiving and interpreting messages in the process of communication. It is worth mentioning that listening is crucial to any effective communication given that without the ability to listen in an effective way, messages would be misunderstood easily – communication will break down and the message’s sender or speaker could become irritated or frustrated easily (Beebe, 2011).

The concept of listening as a strategy for intercultural communication has also been rather ineffective as used in the film Crash. One of the main characters in the film is John Ryan who is a white police officer. He is a racist toward African Americans. His quotes captivate the viewers and he happens not to be a very good listener. When a person does not listen effectively to what the other person is saying, then the individual leaves himself and his mind open to believe anything and in most instances misunderstands the point the other party was trying to say.

Furthermore, people have the tendency of presuming what the other person is trying to say without allowing them to really finish speaking what they were saying. This could result in confusion between the two causing them to jump to conclusions. In Crash, ineffective listening or not listening to others effectively could end in serious irreversible outcomes.

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To sum up, this essay has examined the principles of stereotype and listening as depicted in the film Crash which was directed by Paul Haggis. In this award-winning movie, characters stereotype and judge each other and they also get stereotyped and judged by others. This caused ineffective communication. Furthermore, poor listening by some people in this film led to poor communication and misunderstanding.


Beebe, R. (2011). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others (2nd Canadian Edition). Scarborough, Ontario: Allyn and Bacon.

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