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Biomechanics on Basketball Jump Shot
How to Make a Jump Shot Effectively
The jump shot technique is one of the essential elements of the techniques of basketball as it allows the players to earn points. The technique requires high level of performance and it engages the legs without the ball followed by a counter movement short of an arm swing. To effectively enact the move, it is important that the player should learn the fundamentals of the technique. To master the move the player ought to start with the necessary and proceed to learn the more sophisticated techniques following intensive practice and training.
The first step in ensuring that the move is conducted efficiently, the player has to select a comfortable location. In so doing the player should turn the body to face the hoop and subsequently plant the feet on the ground. More so the feet should be set in such a way that they are 10- 45 degrees such that the hips, shoulders, and elbow are aligned with the basket. In the second step, the player should get in a shooting position also known as the shooting stance. The stance has a significant impact on the accuracy of shooting. The knees should then be flexed slightly to allow for flexibility. Also, this is the position that powers the jump. The foot positioning, in this case, should be shoulder width to enhance the shooting speed.
In the third position, the ball is raised into the shooting position. To effect the position, the ball is dipped to the shooting side. The fingers should be spread to ensure that the player has control of the ball. The shooting hand should be placed behind the ball such that the back of this hand is aligned directly away from the basket. The non-shooting hand, on the other contrary, should be positioned in such a way that is on the side of the ball. Additionally, the thumb on the non-shooting hand should point towards the forehead.
The next step of the jump is to flex the knees and then make the jump. The player ought to push with their hips and legs so as to launch themselves into the air. To ensure maximum accuracy, it is important to keep the forearm aligned vertically when flexing so ensure that the motion is in line with the hoop. As the player jumps, they should launch the ball up in front of the body towards the basket in the arc with the shooting arm first.
Subsequently, the shooting arm elbow should be straightened as the player shoots. The shooting hand should only be used to ensure that the ball is kept in control. At the top of the jump, the ball is released by turning the wrist downwards. Consequently, the ball is expected to roll off from the shooting hands having contact with the index finger last. After the ball is shot the shooting hand should then naturally descend.
The Biomechanics Principles of the Jump Shot
While making the shot, various biomechanical principles have been shown to maximize the accuracy of the shot while imparting sufficient power. Regarding precision and power, several biomechanical principles are linked to the effectiveness of the jump. It is evident that here is production of a force that the shooter will employ so as to begin the shooting motion.
Research indicates that the force is produced by the activity of the muscles (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014). As a result, the stronger the muscles, the more power will be produced. However, it is important that the force developed by the muscles or the groups of the muscles must be applied in the proper sequence as well as in the proper direction so as to ensure that the greatest force is realized muscles (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014).
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As a result, there is the derivation o the most important principle of biomechanical power which is known as the summation of forces. The principle provides that the shooter should apply all the forces of summation. As such to impart the greatest power it is important that the shooter should gather the fore beginning from the legs heading to the fingertips as they release the ball. As more power is added to each and every muscle group, the shooter will be able to push the ball further than if the individual muscles were applied muscles (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014).
Another aspect that enables the shooter to have a mechanical advantage by facilitating a range of motion speed as well as the strength. As such as when shooting the basketball, the shooting arm should act as the lever and therefore assist in increasing the power of the shot. In this case, the lever will help them in guiding the ball to get off the middle, and the index finger as the shot is completed (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014).
However, the lever should also be used effectively to ensure that the shot is done effectively. Most importantly, the position of the hands during the delivery is also important to allow the ball to fly off the hands with the perfect backspin.
Another biomechanical aspect that is important in the accuracy of the shot is the angle of projection. It is implied that when the greater the angle of projection is high, then the object is likely to obtain a greater vertical height (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014). On the contrary, if the angle of projection is small, then it is likely that the ball will not have sufficient vertical velocity to have the sufficient range.
Similarly, it is evident that the release angle and the entry angle are correlated. As such when the entry angle is reduced, the target size is also reduced. The best yielding angle of release is the one that is shot between 50 and 70 degrees (Struzik, Pietraszewski & Zawadzki, 2014).
The objective of all the players during the game is to score points. As such the player has to be endowed by various techniques such as jump shots. The technique is one of the most popular techniques that engages the player in a two-legged jump shot.
The technique is not as simple as it appears since the movement ought to be automated such that the player achieves the required elements of biomechanics. The most important variables to be considered in the jump shot includes the angular velocity, the release angle and the angle and power of the portion of the body of the shooter. Therefore, the motor abilities of the shooter also plays a significant role in enacting the shot effectively.
Struzik, A., Pietraszewski, B., & Zawadzki, J. (2014). Biomechanical Analysis of the Jump Shot In Basketball. Journal of human kinetics, 42(1), 73-79.
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