Effectiveness of the Autism Society
The Autism Society of Los Angeles (ASLA)
The autism society of community is based in the state of Los Angeles. It is also referred to as ASLA and it deals with taking care of the autism children living within the larger community of Los Angeles (Koegel et al., 2013). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (2013) asserts that the autism community has an overall aim of ensuring they have made a major differences in the lives of the people living with the autism conditions.
Furthermore, the families of the children suffering from autism make use of the services being provided by the community. The autism community has also employed a lot of health care professionals who take care of the children suffering from mental challenge.
The autism community was created in the year 1965 (Koegel et al., 2013). It was created when the abnormality condition was not highly known among the community members. It is considered one of the oldest, as well as the largest, in terms of taking grass root measures in Los Angeles. It has over 45 years of expertise in taking care of the autism children (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2013).
This is due to the fact that it provides a lot of information concerning people suffering from autism while at the same time carrying out adequate research concerning the issue. The total number of members of ASLA community exceeds 120,000 where the supporters have remained connected in a very functional network system (Koegel et al., 2013). According to Koegel et al. (2013), they are connected in over 150 chapters in the whole of Los Angeles.
Thu, the community has also come up with objectives. First, it aims at raising money, both locally and in outside organizations, in order to cater for the demands made by the people suffering from autism. Secondly, ASLA has also been able to bring together the professionals, the interested individuals, the supporters, and the collaborators of the community in order to take care of the needs and requirements of the children suffering from autism.
Community Partnership of the Autism Society of Los Angeles
And Additional Partnership Deemed Important
The Autism Society of Los Angeles has also formed multifaceted partnerships with several important organizations to strengthen its overall operations. The formation of good partnerships has been one of the key pillars that has bolstered the process of effective delivery of the services.
The autism community group has enabled the formation of a very strong bond between the Autism Society National Society and it. Koegel et al. (2013) avers that the major aim of formation of such a partnership is to ensure there is formation of a strong bond between the organization and other related local organization in other parts of the United States.
Apart from that, it has also been able to form strong partnership with other important stakeholders and figures such as the leaders, parents, and the key professionals (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),2013). ASLA is very much aware that the formation of strong bond between it and the parents of children suffering from autism acts a very important stepping stone in building a strong bond in enhancing the process of services delivery.
The whole process has helped the parents to develop trust and confidence with the operations being carried out by ASLA, thus, acting as an important facilitator in compelling the parents to entrust it with the taking care of their children.
Contrarily, the professionals have also collaborated with the autism community in order to improve the process of service delivery. For instance, the special educationists have been able to access a chance for addressing important issues they would like to see addressed in order to improve the experience autism children gain over the time they spend in ASLA (Becerra et al., 2012).
Moreover, some professionals have also volunteered to offer some of the skills they deem important in trying to improve the lives of the autism children. The local leaders in Los Angeles have also passed beneficial laws that have favored the activities and operations of ASLA. The major aim of passing such laws and amendments is to make sure the children suffering from autism attains optimal support from the government (Hanney et al., 2012).
The leaders have also developed important financial kitties in order to fund important autism programs (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2013). Unlike the normal children, those suffering requires special treatment when being educate. As a result, the local authorities have moved in to support ASLA by closing the financial gap for the effective delivery of its services while at the same time meeting its overall objectives.
Nonetheless, the organization can improve its operations by making sure it has formed more partnership with other significant parties. For instance, it should seek forming partnership with significant parties such as the global autism societies (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2013).
The move will help incorporate ideas that have far-reaching improvements towards the lives of children suffering from autism. ASLA can also form strong partnership with religious affiliated groups (Becerra et al., 2012). This is due to the fact that such groups are more likely to offer positive contributions towards the lives of the autism children. It can also partner with more charitable organizations in order to expand its educational kitty.
The Cross-Cultural Challenges and the Humanitarian Considerations Enshrined In ASLA
The team of the professional plays a very important role in trying to determine the major decisions made by ASLA during the implementation of the major changes. The pool of professionals have recommended that the autism community should embrace the multicultural system in operating most of its affairs. They understand that the majorities holds different reasons concerning why children suffer from autism.
These may range from mode of vaccination, illnesses, environmental, perennial factors, and the hereditary. Therefore, they have helped to bring all these cross-cultural issues on board in order to come up with a comprehensive system for helping children suffering from the autism condition (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2013). The parents have also a very important role especially when it comes to the suggestion of the ways their children should be treated and diagnosed (Becerra et al., 2012).
As such, most of the policies used to govern the operations of ASLA depends on the cultural background regarding the different families that are of interest in the autism community (Becerra et al., 2012). This is due to the fact that the decisions they make are influenced by several cultural factors such as the primary language used, the rituals, the beliefs, the values, the religious backgrounds, and the traditions of the parents.
Despite the incorporation of the cross-cultural set up or issues, there is still scanty availability of information concerning the application of the origin of the autism in children. Thus, there is need for ASLA to listen to the reasons being offered by both parents and the professionals as the main reasons for the occurrence of autism in children.
The move helps to offer an important background for the application of the appropriate remedies during the initiation of intervention procedures (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2013). For example, children from different cultural backgrounds may have varying length of delayed embracement of their respective languages (Williams et al., 2013). While the trend may seem to be normal, there is need to incorporate important ideas concerning autism in order to determine how appropriate remedies can be applied.
The proposal for such remedies should be the sole purpose of the professionals and the care takers living within the community. Therefore, they would be able to understand how to apply the appropriate remedies based on the cultural setup of the different communities and religious groups living in Los Angeles.
The Autism Society of Los Angeles and how it makes Use of the Economic Benefits Associated with It
The autism community has a lot of economic benefits it can take advantage of to improve the overall delivery of its services towards the children suffering from the mental challenge. The autism community has put it clear that anybody can feel free to offer any form of financial assistance in its official website pages (Hanney et al., 2012). As a result, the move has helped it register tremendous improvements in terms of the bulging of funds kitty.
As a result, ASLA has managed to buy equipment meant for the facilitation of better education for the children suffering from the autism condition (Williams et al., 2013). Apart from that, the autism community has also welcomed volunteers who are interested in working and uplifting the lives of the children suffering from autism (Ennis-Cole et al., 2013). The volunteers have been at the forefront in trying to make sure the autism children are able to learn how to carry out basic events in life such as cleaning of the environment and rehabilitating the environment (Williams et al., 2013).
The larger Los Angeles community is also allowed to visit and entertain the autism children during the major events or days such as the Family Fun Day and other religious holidays such as the Easter Festive (Ennis-Cole et al., 2013). During such events, the children are encouraged to compete in activities such as the painting, mowing grass, and playing in order to create a strong competitive edge among themselves (Hare, 2012). Therefore, they are able to keep on improving their overall mental capability.
Basic Hindrances the Autism Society of Los Angeles Faces When Trying To Look For the Effective Remedies
There is strong belief that autism, among the children, is a sign of curse in respective families. As a result, the strong cultural beliefs has made the treatment and fully embracement of the children suffering from autism a serious challenge (Laugeson et al., 2015). There has been cases where some parents have declined taking their children to the facility in order to access the special needs sighting issues such as curse (Laugeson et al., 2015).
Thus, it is upon ASLA to come up with more appropriate remedies that can create awareness among the parents of such children to embrace the abnormality just like any other. In fact, it should create more open ways of communication in order to promote open sharing of information regarding autism, where some families considered the issues as a taboo (Hanney et al., 2012). This would help erase the anxiety that might be associated with the autism condition among the children in Los Angeles.
In the long run, the launching of a strong campaign, which promotes a strong awareness about the mental condition will help to erase the frustration that might be associated with the parents seeking help (Hare, 2012). The move will promote the development of an open rapport. Some of the therapeutic procedures, which should be encouraged include the embracement of the Positive Behavior Support and the Discrete Trial Training. These will be very important policies that will help to promote the development of a positive feedback concerning the matter.
Vision of the Autism Society of Los Angeles
ASLA has created its vision it would like to see being achieved in the future. The community aims at promoting and facilitating the autism children towards realizing their full potential especially within the Los Angeles State (Special Education Needs, 2013).The major aim of promoting the positive realization of their full potential is to enable them grow into fully responsible citizen, who are able to think independently and have a positive impact towards the rest of the society just like the normal children.
The Proposed Improvement and the Important Changes the Autism Society of Los Angeles Should Make
The organization will need to come up with more appropriate measures that will seek at discrediting the fact that autism children signals a curse towards the respective families. In fact, this is the only way there will be dislodging of such claims (Sun et al., 2015). The community should also mount string campaign network through the social media trying to promote need for being open enough in about the autism in children (Sun et al., 2015).
Feasible Contributions One Can Make towards the Organization’s Activities
There are different ways that one can participate towards improving service delivery in ASLA community. One can become a volunteer where he/she can take the autism children through important life tasks in order to promote their independent thinking such as encouraging them to embrace graphic designs (Sun et al., 2015).
Moreover, it will also be important in trying to promote the funding process of the organization where one can remain very active in looking for donations. Moreover, regular broadcasting and communication process and important progresses being made by ASLA is also another important opportunity a person can seek at participating in, thus, promoting the creation of more awareness.
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