Please respond with a 2-3 page response about the film. In this response, feel free to agree or disagree with
David Denby’s assessments of both director David Fincher and the movie overall. Be sure to mention specific parts of the film and quote direct quotes from The New Yorker as your textual evidence. All papers should be 2-3 pages, in MLA format, titled, with Works Cited.
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history… but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. —Columbia Pictures
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• Spend at least 2 uninterrupted hours navigating through the virtual exhibition. There are 12 sections, each with several images, labels, and videos. Spend time getting oriented to the virtual space and engaging with the material. Take notes on what you notice. What stands out to you? What draws your attention? • As you navigate, ask yourself:
1. What is the main message of this exhibition? What do I see that makes me say that? What narratives about the world, groups of people, democracy, progress, oppression, etc. is the exhibit putting forth? What message do the creators want me to take away from this experience? Are those the messages that I am taking away? Why or why not? Are there images that support the intended message by relying on problematic representations or naturalized ideologies? Which ones? HINT: this set of questions will help you develop your thesis statement.
2. Does the exhibition acknowledge or address National Geographic’s apology? If so, how?
3. In what ways does the exhibition reproduce the tropes of National Geographic discussed in Week 7?
HINT: Choose specific photographs and conduct a visual analysis like the ones we have been practicing in lectures. The guided viewing questions we used with the Migrant Mother photograph in Week 5’s lecture will be helpful). Are there ways in which this exhibition challenges the tropes discussed?
Exhibition Review: Communications & Media
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4. In what ways does the exhibition reproduce Orientalism? In what ways does it challenge Orientalism?
HINT: Choose specific photographs to analyze to support your answer. Do not write in generalities.
5. Did you notice any elements of institutional critique in the exhibition? Explain your answer.
6. What ideologies are promoted or embedded in this exhibition?
7. If Fred Wilson was asked to “mine” this museum exhibition (refer to Week 8), what do you think he would say/think/do? Imagine you have had the great fortune to be awarded an internship with the artist Fred Wilson. He has asked you to insert an object into the exhibition that uses juxtaposition to make a comment about the ideas presented.
What object or image would you insert? Write an exhibition label that explains what your juxtaposition exposes. What is your message?Structure and write your paper according to the following guidelines:
• Intro: Describe what you see as the main message of the exhibition and support your assertion with evidence from the exhibition’s images, design, texts, etc. Develop a thesis statement based on your answers to prompt #1 in the directions.
o HINT: a good thesis statement must be able to be supported with evidence from the exhibition and must be debatable. Being debatable means that it is non-obvious and you could reasonably argue against it. For instance, a bad thesis example would be “The TV show Kim’s Convenience tells the story of an immigrant family’s experiences in Canada” because it’s an obvious point that you cannot reasonably argue against.
A good thesis example would be: “Although the Royal BC Museum has attempted to return artifacts to Indigenous communities, its exhibitions continue to reinforce the idea that Indigenous culture is stuck in the past.” This sentence sets you up to support your argument with evidence and to make an interesting and non-obvious point about an exhibition.
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• Supporting paragraphs: Support your thesis statement with specific image examples from the exhibition. You should have at least three supporting paragraphs.
One paragraph must address at least one trope (see prompt #3 above).
One paragraph must address Orientalism (see prompt #4 above).
You may wish to include additional paragraphs that address the prompts above about apology and institutional critique or you may wish to spend multiple paragraphs identifying how additional tropes were used or avoided.
• Conclusion: Close your review by telling your reader what you would have included (one specific image or object that you find) and why. Make sure you tell your reader you are working in the tradition of Fred Wilson and include the text of your actual exhibition label as a separate appendix at the end of the review.
• Paper should be 3 full pages, not including exhibition label. Must be in 12pt Times New Roman Font, 1-inch margins, no extra spaces between paragraphs or elaborate schemes to space your words out.
Marking Rubric
Total points possible: 22
Please note: point amounts are the maximum you can earn for each component, which means getting the max points for any component requires a stellar job addressing it. Just doing something related to the component will not yield the max points. For instance, if you say, “the main message is about women,” that will be 0 points for the “main message” component because it is not specific and is obvious.
o Main message identified and supported – max 2 pts
o Thesis is appropriate to instructions and able to be debated and defended with evidence from the exhibition – max 3 pts
o Supporting paragraphs #1 and #2 (must follow instructions, choose specific images, analyze them appropriately using visual analysis methods from lectures, to get the max points examples must be convincing to the reader) – max 4pts per paragraph (8 total pts)
o Additional supporting paragraphs (relevant, well-argued and follows instructions) – max 2 pts total
o Conclusion – max 3 pts
o Exhibition label attachment – max 1 pt
o Follows formatting – max 1 pt o Overall impression, quality of paper and writing (good transitions, spelling, word choice, technical aspects of writing, components come together to form a coherent whole, thesis is supported) – max 2pts
Exhibition Review: Communications & Media
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Netflix Movie: The Social Dilemma Movie Review
Option 1: Watch the NETFLIX: THE SOCIAL DILEMMA Movie and analyze one or two of its themes. Consider the various ways in which the themes are addressed using specific aspects of the film like characters, interactions, setting, specific scenes, dialogue, and even music and framing. Consider what the film is doing to interact with that theme or make it resonate. Consider how most of the themes we’ve pointed out so far are a commentary on some aspect of society. Consider how effective the aspects you decide to analyze (characters, setting, etc) are at addressing the themes you’ve chosen.
Remember that the key is *analysis*. Explain your thoughts. Use evidence from the films to support your thoughts. Don’t just summarize the films. Use specific examples from the film to make your point.
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The Social Dilemma Movie Analysis
Watch the Social Dilemma movie and answer the following: Please read carefully as it is worth a lot of marks.
1. The The Social Dilemma movie makes the point that: We were all looking for the moment when technology would overwhelm human strengths and intelligence. When is it going to cross the singularity, replace our jobs, be smarter than humans? But there’s this much earlier moment… when technology exceeds and overwhelms human weaknesses. This point being crossed is at the root of addiction, polarization, radicalization, outrage-ification, vanity-ification, the entire thing.
This is overpowering human nature, and this is checkmate on humanity.Is there another tipping point that people have not foreseen until now, when technology and the greed of large organizations destroy human society as we know it. We can call it the “Point of Social Collapse” when society spins out of control and breaks down. What do you think about this observation – are we moving toward a “Point of Social Collapse?” Defend your answer.(5)
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2. One commentator who reviewed the film said, “We all know the excruciating nightmare that is middle school, when all of a sudden you no longer take for granted what your parents tell you and decide that what you really need is to be considered cool or at least not a total loser by your friends at school. Now multiply that by the big, unregulated world of the internet. This is why there is a precipitous spike in anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide attempts by the girls of Gen Z, current middle and high schoolers, as much as triple in some categories.”Do you agree with this comment? State reasons in support of your opinion. (5)
3. One of the people in the film refers to the fact that social media uses your own psychology against you. What does she mean by that? (3)
4. Explain the meaning of the phrase, “If the service is free, then you are the product.”(2)
5. How are the feeds of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Instagram tailored to the user?(3)
6. Some people say that the singularity has already arrived that we are already living in a time controlled by computers. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your conclusions.(5)
7. This film complains about manipulation by the social media giants. However, it too manipulates its audience. Cite some instances. (3)
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8. Follow up question: Even though some scenes are fictional, do they ring true? Do they appear to be true to life and therefore meaningful? (2)
9. Do you think that you could go for a week without your cell phone? (1)
10. How important is your right to privacy?(2)
11. Give some examples of social interactions and their level of importance to you? (3) 12. Is social media a drug? Justify you’re answer.
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The House of 72 Tenants: Depiction of Hongkong Cinema Within the US Movie Review
• Purpose: to cultivate the habits of critical reading by making arguments and providing evidence
• Content: identify an argument (not merely a topic) from a required reading (with direct quotations and page numbers) and discuss it in relation to the designated film of the day
• Focus: your ability to articulate someone else’ argument and state your interpretation of a film in relation to that argument; mere factual information or plot summary won’t count as argument
• Length: 1 double-space page or 350 words for each short paper; the portion in excess of the limit will not be graded for credit
• Grading: out of 10 points for each commentary, 3 for identification of an argument and logical transition, 3 points for film discussion focused on details, and 4 for writing (grammar, expression, coherence, style)
Required film: Chu Yuan, The House of Seventy-two Tenants(1973; 98 m) FVLDV 1219-1
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Nerve: Perception of the Internet and the Reality Behind its Users’ Actions Movie Review
For your final paper, choose a movie of your own liking that comments and explores our society and the world we live in. Consider the films we’ve watched this semester and the ways in which they engage with actual issues in the world: gentrification, poverty, family, racism, etc. Be sure that the movie you choose has enough SUBSTANCE to write about in a critical and analytical way that pertains to our course (as much as I liked Infinity War or the Justice League, they are probably not good picks for this kind of assignment, for example…).
In at least 1100 words, analyze your chosen film through the lens of this course, through the lens of how we function (or don’t function) as a society. Ask yourself similar questions to the ones I’ve posed for our response (How is X themed explored, what is Y characters contribution to the story, what do you make of the protagonist, etc).
NOTE: This is NOT a paper about how much you like the movie! This is an analysis of what you think the film is trying to accomplish and how you think it’s doing that.
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Using the New Pokémon Go Mobile Game
Mobile gaming and technology makes users think they have seen the best possible creations until the next creations come. The Pokémon Go Mobile App released in July sixth, 2016 is an example of such games that make one realize their previous favorite game was quite mediocre. With only days in distribution, the game played on Android and Apple smartphone devices has already been downloaded by millions of players across the world The (Pokémon Company, 2016).
It is, therefore, necessary that any mobile game and video game enthusiast learns how to play this game created by the veteran video gaming company, Niantic. Therefore, the paper aims at describing the game in a simplified manner to enable gamers to play the new game.
The Pokémon game is a game that lets players from all over the world play in virtual, although real world locations like Paris, New York and places in Japan. The new game allows players to play as single gamers or many gamers, either using their smartphones or using special devices that enable controlling by vibrations called Pokémon GO Plus (Pokémon Company, 2016). The game combines simplicity of managing the complexity of battling other gamers over the Internet as one searches and fights Pokémon in their locations either alone or in teams with other gamers.
When one first plays the game, they get a chance to customize their trainer to a look that they prefer to make the game more exciting. The customized App character will appear on the screen as the play moves around the map as well as when other players visit the gym that the gamer controls (Pokémon Company, 2016). After customizing the character, one will begin playing, and as they play, they will advance in levels as they continue.
At higher levels of the game, players will have abilities to catch more Pokémon to finish their Pokédex. Gamers will also access more sophisticated items for playing at higher levels such as Great Balls that give them better chances of catching Pokémon. One can also add Pokémon in their Pokedex when they catch same Pokémon species many times, and they can also evolve one and hatch a Pokémon egg that may be found at a PokéStop.
During the game, wild Pokémon appears in places near where the player lives or around the world. For instance, in places near lakes, water type Pokémon may appear. Therefore, if the gamer is always around from home, they should be alert to catch types of Pokémon they have not seen before. Evolving Pokémon can be done by, for example, if one is having problems catching a type of Pokémon, like Poliwag in their area, they can catch the available species such as Poliwhirl and evolve them to the Poliwag.
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During the game, gamers are asked to join one of three teams. As team members, players can assign Pokémon to open gym locations in real world places. Team members will also need to coordinate to defend their gym against Pokémon attacks. Once a team is in control of a gym, the members can advance the gym level and therefore get more Pokémon to guard the Gym (Pokémon Company, 2016). Teams at higher levels will also be able to attack other gyms and take them over. By completing more challenging tasks and climbing the levels, players get more achievement medals.
To sum it up, Pokémon Go is a game like no other on the smartphone platform. The game that allows gamers to transverse both the real and virtual worlds is simple to play although with exciting tasks that get the players playing the game. The Pokémon Go is also superior to other mobile phone games as it has accessories that allow players to play without looking at their phones and therefore allow multitasking. Therefore, Pokémon Go is a game that combines elements of video games and mobile games and takes it to a level that any enthusiast can hardly resist.
The Pokémon Company. (2016). Discover Pokémon in the Real World with Pokémon GO! [Motion Picture]. The Official Pokémon Channel. Retrieved July 13, 2016, from
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Structure of academic writing
Writing an academic essay can be an uphill battle particularly when you are not sure where to begin. Thankfully, once you learn the structure of academic writing it might make it easier to write your paper. Also, a good structure can be applied to almost any kind of academic writing, including advanced thesis writing.
It is worth noting that a successful academic paper requires a lot more than just structure. For instance, a good essay topic is important. Also, how you organize your content and the research you put in is equally important. Finally, do not hesitate to rewrite and edit your draft until your essay is perfect.
Now, we will explain the basic structure of academic writing and how you can apply it to your essay.
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Understanding the structure of academic writing
Regardless of the nature of your academic paper, there is a basic structure of academic writing. The accepted way to structure your paper means that it should have the following:
an introduction,
a body, and
a conclusion
Now, this structure is relevant whether you are writing a simple admission application essay or a postgraduate thesis.
Tips for Writing Your Essay Introduction
Your introduction is an essential part of your essay because it sets the tone for the rest of the paper. It also tells the reader what to expect from the academic paper as a whole. Therefore, you need to place careful thought into the crafting of your essay. Below are a few tips to help with writing your essay introduction.
Build context for your essay
Firstly, build context. One of the most common and successful ways of building context for your essay is through storytelling. Basically, you want to give the reader a brief background about the subject matter. This helps the reader to understand the context of the essay.
Include some facts and figures
Secondly, include facts and figures. Facts are a great way to get attention because they give your subject matter a more solid form. Without facts, your proposition may remain vague in the mind of the readers.
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Define key concepts
Thirdly, define key terms. The introductory section is where you can offer key definitions of terms used in your paper. This helps the reader to better understand the context in which you use certain words and terms.
State the aim of the essay
Fourthly, describe the purpose of the essay. You can do this by talking about the structure of the essay and stating what it is about. Your essay could be to prove, analyze, describe or compare. Explaining the purpose to readers helps them to know what to expect.
State the thesis statement
Finally, it is very important to firmly state the thesis statement in the introductory section. This serves as an introduction to the paper.
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Tips for Writing the Body of your Essay
Think of the body of your essay as the meat of the academic paper. This is an important part of the structure of academic writing. Here are a few tips to guide you.
Understand the type of essay
It is important to note that there are different types of essays. An essay could be argumentative, analytical, critical, descriptive, or a blend of all four types. Once you understand the type of academic paper you are working on, it will help you to structure your paragraphs.
Write in paragraphs
Subsequently, the body of the essay will be in the form of paragraphs. It is important to remember to break up your writing into paragraphs. This makes for easier reading.
Again, it is worth mentioning that each paragraph should contain a single idea. It is not good form to mix several ideas in a single paragraph and could lead to confusion.
Use topic sentences
Topic sentences are a great way to help you organize your thoughts as well as the idea for the paragraph. Thus, you are advised to begin your paragraphs with a topic sentence.
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The Conclusion
This is the final part of your paper and is used to present a powerful argument for your thesis statement. Write your conclusion by:
– Stating the thesis statement again
– Reviewing the main topics
– Summarizing the main points
– Concluding your argument
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Standard Academic Essay Format
Is there a standard academic essay format? Depending on who you ask, you will get different answers. This can be confusing, so we have decided to answer the question once and for all here. This article will examine if there is indeed a standard format for academic essays and what form they take.
Yes, there is a standard academic essay format, but most institutions have a preferred format. Whilst there is no uniform style across all institutions for formatting your essays, there are some common denominators. So, one institution might prescribe a certain font or justification style, while another might use a different one. However, when it comes to certain areas like spacing, heading and pagination amongst others, the rules are somewhat similar.
Therefore, if you are writing an essay and use the specific essay format that has been given to you. But, if none has been specified, then you can format your essay using the standard below.
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Formatting Your Academic Essay
First, your essay must be clear and easy to read. Second, it should be set out in clearly distinguished paragraphs. And third, your essay needs to look professional. The standard academic essay format used here will help you achieve all the above mentioned.
If you are writing a long essay, like a PhD dissertation, for instance, you might need several levels of headings. Generally, most essays need about three levels with the first being the essay title. Here’s how to format your essay headings:
Heading 1 (or Essay Title) is usually bold, size 14 and centered.
Heading 2 is aligned left, size 12 and bold
Heading 3 is also aligned left, size 12, bold and italicized.
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It is generally a good idea to space your essays for several reasons. One, it makes it easier on the eye when reading. And two, the grader can easily write on the paper if it is in hard copy. Some academic institutions insist on double spacing, however, if there is no specification then use a 1.5 spacing.
In general, there are two rules of thumb when paragraphing in standard academic essay format. You can either indent the first line of the paragraph or leave a line between paragraphs. It is important to choose one style and be consistent. In other words, do not make use of both paragraphing styles when writing your essay.
Page Margins
There is no real set standard for page margins when writing your academic essay. If you are using Microsoft Word to write your essay, you could probably stick with the default. If not, then a margin of about 1 inch on both sides is good enough.
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So, we’ve already touched on fonts a little in the headings section. However, for the body of your essay you need to bear a few things in mind:
– Be consistent in your use of fonts. This means that you should not use multiple fonts across a single essay. Stick to one.
– Use straightforward fonts like New Times Roman or Arial. Do not even go near fonts like Comic Sans.
– Use 12 point fonts for your essay.
It used to be that the alignment in a standard academic essay format was justified. But, that has changed. Now it is best to make the body of your essay left-aligned for easy reading.
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Finally, most academic essays require that you number your pages. For academic essays, it is best to place the page numbers are the right-hand corner of the page. Again, if you are using Microsoft Word, you can easily insert the page numbers. If you are writing a thesis or an essay with several pages, then you need a title page. This is the page that has the essay title and your name. Note that the title page should not have a page number.
So, is there a standard academic essay format? We believe that there is, to some extent. However, this depends on the institution in question. If you need more help with formatting your academic essay, reach out to us.
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