Product Market Trend

Product Market Trend
Product Market Trend

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Product Market Trend

Write the trend of each product segments

• Telecommunication services• Phone devices• Accessories

Markets – what does the competitive landscape for your product look like?- What are the main Product market segments- Who are the major competitors and what are their products- What are the trends in the types of products being developed and launched

Please note that you will NOT be coming up with a new product idea. This assignment is about understanding the consumer, key influencing trends and creating the basis for idealization in the front end of innovation

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1. Markets – what does the competitive landscape for your product look like? • What are the main Product market segments Main product segments: • Telecommunication services? Optus, Vodafone, Telstra • Phone devices? smartphones, cell phone, public phones etc• Accessories? Headphones, cases, screen protectors, car holders, headsets

Marking Criteria 

1. Accurate and clear presentation 

2. Further research and comprehensive understanding (AT LEAST 8 ACADEMIC SOURCES) 

3. Logical and clear structure 

4. Quality of written expression 

5. Correctly formatted citations and bibliography.

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