Nursing Career: Letter of Intent

Nursing career letter of intent
Nursing Career: Letter of Intent
Nursing Career: Letter of Intent

                                                              Letter of intent

       Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career. I am willing to follow a career in which I am able to help and care for people, becoming a nurse would allow me to achieve this determination. Nursing is a career for enthusiastic, consistent, trusting people who are able to improve relations with patients quickly.

I have this expertise and I sincerely want to make a difference to people, to contribution them and their families over and done with challenging times when they are at their most vulnerable. The role of nursing is changing as nurses are distant more involved in the prosperity of patients and this is insertion more responsibility on nurses.

       Nursing has constantly been there an ambition of mine and appreciative this takes potentials such as being faithful, spontaneous, supportive and appreciating outstanding communication skills. The ability to play delicately and being self-confident when handling the suffering of parents. Nursing profession plays an important role and also be reliable, trusting, able to develop relationships, be interactive, compassionate, motivated, ambitious and hardworking.

        My course has given me the opportunity to gain new and inspiring understanding from each of the various units we have studied. I believe I have these potentials and will improve further knowledge, skills, and abilities. Overall I believe I am right for this course I am very much a people person, easy going and very responsive.

I can correspondingly manage in a multiplicity of situations, I always effort my inflexible as I am highly enthusiastic as well as self-motivated. In my opinion, it is significant to have good communication skills, be caring, concerned and open-minded and always be point toward to improve.

         There are times when I find my job concentrated and strenuous but it agrees me to grow as a being and develop as a caring expert. I want a job that is inspiring, that will reduce my restrictions and always make me learn. I am responsive of the implication research plays in improving healthcare and accomplished a research project. This involved a lot of arrangement, training and time management. My study turns around sustaining self-respect and high opinion in the care of older patients.

It is a topic I feel intensely about and one which I reflect every day at work. Although training as a work-related therapist, I worked together with other healthcare medical practitioner and became progressively more interested in the nursing profession. I worked with people of all ages with physical, mental and learning ill health in a range of diverse backgrounds and saw the positive effect nurses had on people. Resulting finishing point of my degree I initiated work as a health care associate.

        To become a nurse would be to live my life doing something I am passionate about. I will bring determination, a preparedness to learn and a positive frame of mind. I want to do a job that difficulties to people and I want to be able to increase vitality and encouragement the mental state of patients.

I am both motivated and anxious at the observation of becoming a nurse and I am more than agreeable to set all I can interest in pleasant a great one. I am self-confident of taking on this challenge and to take advantage of these changes and opportunities and use them to further my career. I am deeply obsessive about nursing and I am now looking forward to an extensive and achieving career in this field.


  1. Sherman, J. (2017). Why do you want to be a nurse? Students share their sentiments. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2017].
  2. (2017). What Your Nursing Personal Statement Should Say About You. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2017].

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