Koplan on Global Health

Global Health
Global Health

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Koplan on Global Health

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Koplan on Global Health, (2009) wrote an opinion article in Lancet stating:

The need for a commonly used and accepted definition [of global health extends beyond semantics. Without an established definition, a shorthand term such as global-health might obscure important differences in philosophy, strategies, and priorities for action between physicians, researchers, funders, the media, and the general public. Perhaps more importantly, if we do not clearly define what we mean by global health, we cannot possibly reach agreement about what we are trying to achieve, the approaches we are to take, the skills that are needed, and the way that we should use resources (p. 1993)

Koplan on Global Health

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Koplan et al. (2009) offered the following definition of global health: “…global health is an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide” (p. 1995). In Koplan et al.’s (2009) commentary, they offered a table distinguishing global health from international health and public health.

On the other hand, Margaret Bentley and her colleagues rebutted Koplan et al.’s position in a 2010 edition of the Lancet and believes global health and public health are indistinguishable.

Do you think global health and public health are 2 distinct disciplines or are they indistinguishable?

In your response, state your position supported by evidence while discussing both sides of the argument.

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