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Horror Cinema and Politics of Gender: A Form of Cultural Problem Solving Movie Review
In her essay, “Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, Excess,” Linda Williams argues that horror cinema, among other body genres, functions as a form of “cultural problem-solving.” She writes, “genres thrive, after all, on the persistence of the problems they address; but genres also thrive also in their ability to recast the nature of these problems”.
Using Halloween(1978), Get Out(2017), or Parasite(2019), discuss the relationship between horror cinema and the politics of race, gender, and/or class. In your answer, you should use Williams’s comment as your guide: What is the cultural or political problem posed by the film? How does it recast the nature of those problems, especially through excess or violence? In addition to Williams’s essay, you may also draw on any other readings from our horror unit. Outside materials (e.g., film criticism, critical essays, etc) are not permitted.
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