First responders understanding of the periodic table of elements

First responders understanding of the periodic table of elements
First responders understanding of the periodic table of elements

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First responders understanding of the periodic table of elements

1. You are the instructor for a group of first responders. In your own words, how would you describe the periodic table of elements in a way that can help them understand the chemical and physical characteristics of chemicals that could be part of an incident to which they have to respond?

2. Analyze the differences between ionic and covalent bonds and discuss why it is important for a responder to know the difference.

3. Explain the ionization of molecules and why it is important to responders to a hazardous materials incident.

4. There are certain trends recognized on the periodic table depending on the element’s location on the table. Categorize these different trends in relation to what is the reason for the trend on the periodic table.

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