Establishing an effective POLC Framework

POLC Framework
POLC Framework

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Establishing an effective POLC Framework


Outdoor recreation or activity refers to the pursuit of leisure activities that appeal to the lovers of natural or unnatural activities in remote village settings or towns. These are largely team sports that attract hardened individuals who are risk takers and love challengers. The sporting activity maybe canoeing, waterskiing, rock climbing, surfing, fishing, hunting, sailing or even horseback riding among other sports events.

The management of such an event provides a complex test of organization skills and a web of complicated decision-making that stem from clear understanding of business operations. The complex situations demands for skillful and competent managers who have clear business strategies and vision for successful business operations (Davidson & Stebbins, 2011).

The management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park (Outdoor Adventure) and as per the wishes of the three family members, who own the company but are not experienced on handling complex outdoor sporting activities, seeks to establish an effective POLC framework. The company strategically resolved to:

1). Reaffirmed the need to develop and share a strong and motivating mission statement.

2). Change the personnel in charge of resource organization

3). Implement new measures to ensure effective training of manpower, recruitment and development of sound employment policies and job descriptions (Miska & Mendenhall, 2015).

4). Find new ways of improving leadership and motivating employees to work hard.

5). Enumerate the critical aspects of adopting measures of standard performance, balance score cards and effective feedback systems that reflect the company’s vision and mission.

6). To implement the POLC framework and weigh its impact on organizational growth.


Mission and Vision

The mission of the outdoor facility is to provide fun activities that are safe and which are designed to enhance rich outdoor experience for children, teenagers, young adults, team building work groups that target relaxation and also holiday making. The vision of the facility is to provide unrivalled Outdoor experience that would be an entertainment destination for thousands of professions throughout the country and other fun lovers. The number of visitors currently visiting the facility out-numbers the resources available and mishandling of customer bookings have been noted severally due to staff incompetence and lack of clear operations structure. The result has been loss of potential customers and sales.

Goals, Objectives and Strategy

The company seeks to develop and set goals that are consistent with the management strategies as espoused by the company’s mission and goals. The operations of the company have been organized to develop targets that would ensure that the goals of the company have been achieved. The Outdoor Adventure’s management team has ensured that the operational strategies that had been earmarked to improve performance have been fully implemented in an effort to increase sales and improve customer experiences. The strategies are addressed during the initial POLC framework planning to ensure that the crucial concepts are also captured in the POLC framework.


Organization Culture

Outdoor Adventure was established b three owners who shared a dream of developing a first class outdoor facility that would provide memorable experiences to all its customers. However after several years in existence the owners are not on the same page regarding the management of the Outdoor sports center. The management wants to institute a new organization culture that would enhance more team work and create more production and sales.

Organization Structure

The organization lacks a clear organization structure which is making the company to be ineffective in its role as a first class facility. The current structure provides no job definitions or roles. The company needs to adopt a clear organization structure that has clear hierarchy order as depicted below. The major advantage of hierarchal organization structure is that it provides an appropriate centralized structure that is consistent with the nature of the business that needs a strong management presence in most of its operations.

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Job Profiles, Descriptions and Responsibilities

John Thomas oversees most of the company’s general operations and is also responsible for making key organizations changes and business operations. Carl Thomas is also responsible for general business operations together with Joe.

Phillips is responsible for daily operations at the company while also coordinating and assigning duties at the park. Roberts is in charge of sales and marketing and works directly under the three directors. Finesse is in charge of the human resource and is responsible for hiring competent staff. The stores department is manned with Smith who also oversees the work of other store’s supervisors while also controlling the inventory. She reports to Phillips. The concepts of POLC are meant to equip the organization with qualified personnel who can steer the company in the right direction.


The lack of a clear organization structure in Outdoors Adventures led to ineffective leadership which also trickled to other departments and eventually affected the customers (Miska & Mendenhall, 2015). Poor communication among the owners resulted in ineffective business operations. To promote innovation at the park, the management ought to consider knowledge-based leadership as a way of promoting innovation (Doh and Quigley, 2014).

Knowledge based leadership would provide better and well informed judgment on the part of the three owners given that some employees are concerned on what are the real objectives of the park from the owners perspective. Leadership skills form one of the major components or pillars of POLC framework (Conway, n, d).


Balanced Scorecard

The best way to implement strategic controls in a company is through the use of balance scorecard that has aligned the four major functions with the company’s strategy that has also incorporated the company’s mission and vision. The balance scorecard (BS) translates a company’s vision and strategy into reality.

The BS identifies the relationship between a company’s operations control and the strategic controls of a company. What the customers are exposed and what the management wants the customers to see. How the company’s financial resources match the shareholders expectations and the best way to grow (Kaplan & Norton, n, d).

Strategic Human Resource Management

The human resource management plays a critical role in POLC framework. The HR department must hire competent employees to ensure that the services provided by the company are above the average standards and qualities of all the company’s services are universally acceptable and are consistent with the company’s objective.


Conway, C. (n, d) Leadership Skills Approach retrieved July 11, 2016 from

Davidson, L., & Stebbins, R.A. (2011) Serious Leisure and Nature: Sustainable Consumption in the Outdoors. Hound mills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Doh, J. and Quigley, N. (2014) Responsible Leadership and Stakeholder Management: Influence Pathways and Organizational Outcomes. Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(3), pp.255-274.

Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (n, d) Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work, Harvard Business Review, retrieved July 11, 2016 from

Miska, C., & Mendenhall, M.E. (2015) responsible Leadership: A Mapping of Extant research and Future Directions, Journal of Business Ethics retrieved July 11, 2-16 from

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