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Ecology World Crisis
Ecologists agree to the fact that ecology world crisis that is facing the world today is attributed to the element of capitalism with the only real solution to this found in socialism. It is essential to note that many people have given explanations about the world with no formidable solutions and tasks in changing the factors that affect it (Boehlert, Strzepek, Chapra, Fant, Gebretsadik, Lickley, &. Martinich, 2015).
The environmental issues that exist in the imperialists states can be mitigated in the event that sufficient resources specifically time, labor and energy are directed towards these actions. This would therefore require some change in the manner in which consumption patterns are made. This paper consequently seeks to conduct a study on the ecological issues that the world is facing that include environmental problems such as greenhouse effect that is done through the emission of gasses over the expanse and that originate from the fossil fuels.
Ecological Crisis
Ecological crisis is one of the factors that have turned out to be of interest in this current dispensation. According to Negi, & Maikhuri (2013), ecological crisis can be termed as the occurrence of problematic changes within the physical, biological, chemical and environmental composition of the earth’s ecosystems as a result of human made and natural reasons (pp.452).
Through the development of human capacity, the environment has been viewed as changing, a factor that has seen the ecological balance loose its originality, with this damaging the ecosystems within the local and global level. It is for this reason vital to note that there is a need of establishing an ecological balance in this world which remains the final goal of this focus.
Ecology World Crisis
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The cause of the greenhouse effect is attributed to the rise of activities that have taken a central role win a capitalist economy which as seen the inclusion of fossils as an approach of generating energy for use in transport(Tauringana, & Chithambo, 2015). These are thus determined as the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions since every tone of fossil fuel that is burned produces close to 3.7 tons of carbon dioxide. This gas is considered as chemically unreactive and may not be gotten rid of easily since it is emitted from the exhausts.
The greenhouse effect has then been established as a serious problem since the earth warms is warmed by the atmosphere which acts like a protective layer since without this, the temperatures within the earth’s surface would escalate to -18 degrees centigrade(Tauringana, & Chithambo, 2015).
Heat from the sun is consequently known to pass through an atmosphere, an element that warms it up as this emits heat in the form of infra-red radiations. Some of this heat is trapped on the atmosphere with the rest escaping into the earth’s space. The greenhouse gases aid the atmosphere in trapping more radiations, with this gradually warming more than expected.
Ecology World Crisis
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Problems of the Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect is responsible in the raising of temperatures of the planet, a factor that affects the earth’s ecosystems since they remain fragile and serious heat changes may affect the systems. According to a panel on the changes in climate, it has been predicted that the rise of the degrees in temperature will be experienced by the year 2025, with this having the capacity to cripple the Corn Belts in North America which centrally provides the worlds grains.
According to Harris (2012), these effects will definitely see the rise in food prices and the limitation of food to the Third World nations (pp.572). This means that some nations which lie further north would be in a position to grow crops that they have in the past growth.
On the other hand, the rising sea levels have also been an area that is threatening many ecologists. This event is known to result from the melting of the polar ice caps that leads to severe flooding in many regions(Harris, 2012). Most of the nations that are likely to suffer from this issue are considered to be the states that are considered as poor especially the Southern Pacific, the Islands of Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean that are formulated as an alliance of other small states.
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Solution of this Ecological Crisis
It is easier enough for individuals to mention some of the elements that are required to rectify these situations than in engaging in the act. The reduction of energy conservation approaches and including alternative sources of energy such as the nuclear power is one of the fundamental ways of managing this crisis (Alberti, Primavera, Vecchio, Lepreti, & Carbone, 2015).
Additionally, the inclusion of free public transport within different nations would be another aspect in managing thins crisis since cars would be turned for recreational purposes. There is also a need to ensure that the destruction of forests is stopped and to incorporate reforestation programs in nations.
The reduction in the use of fossil fuels is another factor that would considerably reduce the levels of carbon dioxide that is produced which will in turn see the reduction of the pollutants that result in acidic rain. This may only be achieved through the use of less energy systems or through the incorporation of alternative sources of energy (Remais, Hess, Ebi, Markandya, Balbus, Wilkinson, & .Chalabi, 2014).
Household on this note also need to consider that there is essence in reducing their consumer behaviors. In this case, there is a need to educate households on the value of turning off their lights when not in use, and avoiding the usage of cars for short distances. Households also need to make use of different inventions that make use of less energy.
Ecology World Crisis
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Ecological crisis that are currently facing the world today are attributed to the element of capitalism with the only real solution to this found in socialism. It is essential to note that many people have given explanations about the world with no formidable solutions and tasks in changing the factors that affect it.
An ecological crisis can be termed as the occurrence of problematic changes within the physical, biological, chemical and environmental composition of the earth’s ecosystems as a result of human made and natural reasons (Remais, et.al.2014).
As determined in this study, cause of the greenhouse effect is attributed to the rise of activities that have taken a central role win a capitalist economy which as seen the inclusion of fossils as an approach of generating energy for use in transport.
In solving this ecological crisis, it is essential to ensure that appropriate approaches are directed towards the reduction of energy conservation approaches including alternative sources of energy such as the nuclear power is one of the fundamental ways of managing this crisis. Additionally, the inclusion of free public transport within different nations would be another aspect in managing thins crisis since cars would be turned for recreational purposes.
Alberti, T., Primavera, L., Vecchio, A., Lepreti, F., & Carbone, V. (2015). Spatial interactions in a modified Daisy world model: Heat diffusivity and greenhouse effects. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics, 92(5-B), 052717-1-052717-11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.92.052717
Boehlert, B., Strzepek, K. M., Chapra, S. C., Fant, C., Gebretsadik, Y., Lickley, M., & … Martinich, J. (2015). Climate change impacts and greenhouse gas mitigation effects on U.S. water quality. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 7(3), 1326-1338. doi: 10.1002/2014MS000400
Harris, G. P. (2012). Introduction to the special issue: ‘Achieving ecological outcomes’. Why is translational ecology so difficult?. Freshwater Biology, 571-6. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02773.x
Negi, V., & Maikhuri, R. (2013). Socio-Ecological and Religious Perspective of Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Issues, Concern and Priority for Sustainable Agriculture, Central Himalaya. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, 26(2), 491-512. doi: 10.1007/s10806-012-9386-y
Remais, J. V., Hess, J. J., Ebi, K. L., Markandya, A., Balbus, J. M., Wilkinson, P., & … Chalabi, Z. (2014). Estimating the Health Effects of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies: Addressing Parametric, Model, and Valuation Challenges. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(5), 447-455. doi:10.1289/ehp.1306744
Tauringana, V., & Chithambo, L. (2015). The effect of DEFRA guidance on greenhouse gas disclosure. British Accounting Review, 47(4), 425-444. doi:10.1016/j.bar.2014.07.002
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