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Dissemination of Evidence
Effective dissemination of evidence means that the right audience gets the correct information on the right time, format, and manner. The general aim of communicating information is to encourage all stakeholders to understand the progress and achievements of the project so that they can take part in it (McCormack et al, 2013; Beidas et al., 2012).
The pioneer nurses who will have gone through the teaching program will be posted in different units where they will reach out to other nurses in these units about the initiative. They will be allowed to use posters outside the unit, post reminders outside the unit, or post important updates on the hospitals’ website. The nurses will also be expected to explain to fellow colleagues in other units about the CAUTI prevention program through the hospital newsletter, tweets, blogs or even during hospital-wide nursing meetings. This will be a sure way of ascertaining that equal protection is met for all patients in the hospital (Edmunds et al., 2012).
To further facilitate spread of information, the trained health care providers will be encouraged to meet with interested hospitals within the region where they will share what they will have learned and communicate the achievements they have made in reducing the rates of CAUTI within this hospital. During this activity, they will be expected to start with units with higher rates of CAUTI, share the prevention program manual and other essential resources available in the website, and avail themselves whenever they are requested to train more members.
Project leaders will also be requested to attend monthly regional coaching and monthly national content webinars where they will share crucial information about “why and what” the implementation program is all about. The project leaders will be encouraged to attend the webinar calls with at least two or three nurses who will help further in dissemination of information.
McCormack, L., Sheridan, S., Lewis, M., Boudewyns, V., Melvin, C. L., Kistler, C., … & Lohr, K. N. (2013). Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence.
Edmunds, J. M., Beidas, R. S., & Kendall, P. C. (2013). Dissemination and implementation of evidence–based practices: training and consultation as implementation strategies. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 20(2), 152-165.
Beidas, R. S., Edmunds, J. M., Marcus, S. C., & Kendall, P. C. (2012). Training and consultation to promote implementation of an empirically supported treatment: A randomized trial. Psychiatric Services.
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