Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies

marketing strategies
Marketing Strategies

In the modern world, there exists stiff competition in the global business arena on the perception of the entrepreneurial marketing. Recently, many organizations work in business environments that consist of increased uncertainties, reduced ability to foresee, fluid companies and industries jurisdictions. The competitive advantage has also been featured by the major factors such as contradiction, chaos, complexity, and change. These factors have the significant impact on marketing in an international know-how economy where clients are becoming tougher.

What appears to be apparent to the readers or researchers about the traditional marketing activities is where they are not in a position to opposite for entrepreneurial companies competitiveness amidst antagonism. Therefore, it can be noted that entrepreneurial marketing is view as a paradigm that combines certain aspects of the entrepreneurship and marketing into a comprehensive theory where marketing turn out to be a procedure used by the organizations to conduct themselves entrepreneurially.

There is a developing evidence to sustain the concept that organizations which are competitively advantaged are those which are betrothed like entrepreneurial marketing. That means that the marketing ways that are used by the entrepreneurs show the innovative orientations. The approaches vary in their connection or impact on the enterprise performances.

It becomes severe for a new business to comprehend the entrepreneurial marketing activities to apply and therefore it becomes significant to attain diversity of successful outcome and in due course for increased performances.

Lincoln marketing associates are described as the beehive of marketing operations, and it has been achieving a lot of concentration. Lincoln marketing associates top management and the working staffs use the innovative and creative marketing techniques to compete fairly in the market arena. Therefore the top management together with the workers requires taking on to the cord of conducts that guarantee the growth and application and development of the dimensions of the entrepreneurial marketing strategies.

The idea of entrepreneur marketing appears to have not been paid a lot of attention even if it is considered of great significance factor that counts in the development and extraordinary performances of the entrepreneurial companies. The general objectives of this essay are to discuss into details the dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing strategy.

Problem statement

The diversity in the competitiveness arena inside the marketing business environment has created competition for the companies to be terrible. The urge for an adequate comprehension of the entrepreneurial marketing strategies and the employment to the entrepreneurial organizations has continuously become a subject of vital concern to many researchers, employees and entrepreneurs of the business enterprises. The inadequacy of attention paid to the entrepreneurial features such as pro-activity, opportunity recognition and innovative poses a significant challenge to the Lincoln marketing associates.

The entrepreneurial pro-activity is serious to build an edge over the rivals. It entails the capability and the attitude that permits the control and the implementations of services, products or even the processes in front of the principal competitor in the global market within the same industry. On the contrary, entrepreneurial corporations are challenged with continuous dynamic changes in political, social, economic and technology thereby coming up with a congruent requirement to re-plan their entrepreneurial marketing operations to suit the changes.

Entrepreneurs are inclined to adhere with the uncertainties business as chances represent the probability of returns. The pursuit of these returns is challenged by the potential of risk over the underestimated efforts. As companies strive to pursue such chances, the top management of a given company is countenanced by the technical solving tactics, decision-making potentials and the potential to choose the right chances which make sure a competitive edge is higher than that of their principal rival.

The entrepreneurial firms are plagued with the problem of selecting from key projects that will maximize their performances, bearing in mind that not or corporations services or products innovation come to be successful, due to the fact of a high rate of return.

The concept of entrepreneurial marketing

The phrase entrepreneurial marketing comes from two different fields that are used to explain the marketing system of companies pursuing chances in dangerous market conditions always under the limited resources. To comprehend the entrepreneurial marketing, it is vital first to introduce the meaning of the expression entrepreneurship and commercialization.

The established conceptualizations of marketing hearts on the onset of operations which smooth the progress of the exchanged connection.  According to the American Marketing Association, “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.”

Recently, an entrepreneur is becoming heroes in the recessionary period and the capability or the potential to work and develop an enterprise in an uncertain business environment which is of greater significance to the community. On the other hand, the term entrepreneurship is defined as the “process of creating value by bringing together a unique package of resources to exploit an opportunity.”

The system entails the set of operations that are essential to identify a chance, describe a business idea, look into the required resources, get those resources and control and reap the business.

The theory of entrepreneurial marketing explains the principles, tactics, and cord of conduct of an entrepreneur in addressing their problems and looking for business chances. It shows various ways to envisaging the venture by itself, its linkage with the marketing place and the purpose of the marketing functions inside the company or as a plan entrepreneurial pose or cord of conduct in marketing that is characterized by corporations.

Enterprises work in business environment represented by high uncertainties and low probability of forecasting categories of forces such as contradiction, complexity, change and chaos. Entrepreneurial marketing is defined as the “effectual actions or the adaptations of marketing theory for the unique needs of the firms.” The valid activities sited address many marketing issues simultaneously. These problems include resource constraints, risk, innovation, and opportunities.

Dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing strategy


Researchers have argued that the pro-activity is an original cord of conduct built which shoe a relatively firm propensity to impact the business environmental changes. Other says that the pro-activity have a positive effect on a person as well as an enterprise performance.

The pro-activity helps the owner and the managers to be able to define their organizational objectives and their vision and the mission statement they will use to enable them to attain their strategic objectives. Therefore, Pro-Activity can be explained as a state of thought and will be broadly be driven by an individual perception to maintain the organization’s mission, vision and to attain the planned goal, (Hooi, Ahmad, Amran, and Rahman, 2016)

It is imagined that the vision towards the formulation of the strategic restriction for recreating, impacting and influencing the nature of which they work in line with their foreseeable future. The entrepreneurial pro-activeness can also be viewed as the awareness of the firm. Scholars suggest that the entrepreneurial pro-activeness does not continue living or have to turn out to be unsuspected to rich clients and where the new process of processing that may be unidentified to other tend to be practicable.

Pro-activeness portrays the entrepreneurial enthusiasm to control competition by combining the aggressive and proactive moves. For example by establishing new services or product ahead of the competitors and working in the imaginations of the forecasted demand so as to build change and shape the nature of doing business. Furthermore, encompassing proactive orientations entails the satisfactory and the discovery of the unarticulated requirements of clients by gathering them and the competitor based data.

The dimension of pro-activeness is stated to show the top management orientation in following improved competitiveness, and it entails the risk-taking, initiative, boldness, and the competitive aggressiveness. The pro-activeness portrays a stable active connection with the performance.

The entrepreneurial pro-activeness is not enough for it to be associated to the know-how of organizing the transformation of inputs to output for making sure that high performance is recorded. It makes the entrepreneurs look into the past, present and the future with same passion, using the historical pattern to describe and fully comprehend the present and to confront and build its own pro-active in future.

Pro-activeness is creating change, initiative taking, achievement oriented, foreseeing the evolution towards a serious condition and early preparation before the emergence of short risks. It reveals itself by the activities in the creation of the “stated belief” and the implantations of individual’s attitudes.

The tendency of the pro-active offer a company the potential to imagine the changes or the requirements in the market arena and be amidst the first to operate on them and the first to apply it is assured of excellence performance.

Opportunity recognition

The concept of entrepreneurial marketing stress on takings on the chances regardless of the resources available. Chances portray themselves unnoticed to the market positions which are capable for the sustainment of profit potentials.  Pursuit and recognition of opportunity are marketing operations significant to the success of a company. Marketability is estimated by the degree of firmness which links to the abilities and resources of the business.

It is the firm tendency to show the best opportunity that establishes success, (Shane, and Nicolaou, 2015).  Even if the opportunity may come randomly, the entrepreneurial marketers have the propensity to survey for new chances proactively. Being pro-active and having the willingness to be lead the way allows the entrepreneurial companies to serve the unsatisfied requirements and take gain of upcoming chances before the competitors.

Creativity and innovation are vital tools that help the entrepreneur’s companies to change opportunity onto the reality. Chances pay a fundamental role in the company’s ability to choose the best opportunity that establishes success, (Maine, Soh,. and Dos Santos, 2015). Opportunities are viewed as a goal phenomenon which exist sovereignty of the entrepreneur and as such be inherent in a flowing exposure that is outside the entrepreneur awaiting exploitation and discovery.

It is suggested that a firm market knows how establishes whether the innovation is employed at best era, under little idea perceptions. The marketing know-how provides as a restriction, stopping the companies from extravagating resources in vain. Also, it allows the organization to take the best of its time, direct the firm towards its success. 

The availability of the chances is likely to show a relationship between the rates of the changing business environment, indicating the demand for the marketing personnel to connect in heightened categories of both actions for the discovery and search.  Moreover, the exploitations of the chances include the continuous adaptations and the learning by the marketing staffs prior, during and after the formal employment of the innovative ideas.

Opportunities portray unidentified marketing positions which are the sources of sustainable income potentials. They are consequential from the market imperfection, where the know-how relating to the defect and how to take advantage of them are differentiating the entrepreneurial marketing.


The concept of entrepreneurial marketing is found in the ideas and the innovation development that are linked to the intuitive comprehension of the market demands. It can promote the essential core competencies for a proactive company that finds innovative ways for the clients. Innovativeness is explained to the dynamic organizations that discover new chances rather than just make the most of the recent strengths. Therefore, it seems necessary to an innovative effort that is capable of expanding the customer’s wants, (Boso, Cadogan, and Story, 2012)

Scholars have argued that innovativeness entails promoting the spirit of supporting research, creativity, development, establishment of new product and services, technological leadership, experimentations and developing new processes. An innovation-oriented marketing operation helps the company to aim at concepts that lead to new processes, products, and markets.

The degree to which flourishing the companies places innovation in its marketing operations can grow from highly innovative new market know-how. Companies may select to aim at the original lines of marketing since the organization may not have the asset to attain or sustain the industry requirements. An entrepreneur shows a general openness to the introduction, and they also portray a single domain in the research that compares entrepreneurial marketing, corporate marketing, and the traditional marketing.

It can be said that, in the scenario of the entrepreneurs, the marketing plans take over from the traditional marketing ideas by the innovation shown by the entrepreneurs of today, flexibility, and creativity, (Pahnke, McDonald, Wang, and Hallen, 2015)

Innovation consists of positive technical knowhow concerning how matters can be done better that the previous state of creativity. Being innovative will assist the companies to increase new ventures and sole proprietorships opportunities and successfully finalize in a changeover economy. It helps firms determine a leading competitive position and can have enough money to a new venture and change to receive an edge in the market.

Firms that sustain the culture of innovation have a higher probability to maintain a competitive market and dynamic in a way that it is by an intuitive comprehension of the marketing demands. Creativity and innovations are conditions intrinsic in the purpose of the entrepreneurship and show a company needs to improve techniques which may impact in the establishment of products, technological systems, and processes.

Scholars argue that innovativeness has to turn out to be a pre-requisite for an organization’s core competencies and survival. It seems specifically significance to SMEs with limited assets. Innovativeness is a significant determinant of a company’s performances.

Calculated risk taking

The authority of risk taking entails the willingness to use the substantial asset for exploiting the chances by using business plans based on the effects which may vary with risk. Companies which have taken on the entrepreneurial marketing develop the calculated take, rational and weigh uncertainties, (Lückenbach, Baumgarth, Schmidt, and Henseler, 2016)

Companies that have taken on the entrepreneurial marketing developments are not speculators but are risk takers who comprehend that the innovation in the current technological, social and economic environment is intrinsic unsure and needs the rational laying a bet on the long shots. One technique for managing risks is to operate in coalition with other groups, that the companies thought will offer the complimentary potential and assist tilting the loss to other people.

Customer intensity

The dimension of client’s strength creates on what is seen as the driving factor of marketing in the corporation. The client-centric-orientation applies the innovative manner to build and maintains the customer based relationship, (Lechner, and Gudmundsson, 2014).Some of the researched studies explains that the organization successes are which placed on a greater stressing of the customer intensity. On the contrary, it has additionally opts those extreme clients orientations might slow down the burst through of the innovation which builds markets and disrupt equality.

It is because the fundamental changes are out in front of the client. Customer orientation has its base in introductory services marketing text in that the significance of customer focused workers was a physical sign of quality for the company and its services. Since then, the ideology of customer orientation inside the company has been examined by various researchers and authors. Indeed, some of them see the client directions as the “pillar of marketing,” (Anning-Dorson, 2016)

Value creation

The optimal point of the entrepreneurial marketing is the innovative value creation. It is assumed that the value creation is the precondition for the relationship and transactions. The work of the marketing workers or the marketers is to find out the unused resources of the client value and to build a first integration or asset to bring into being value, (Amit, and Zott, 2012). 

It is because, the paramount ability to see and utilize chances is argued that the companies that take on the entrepreneurial marketing system are well able to recognize good-looking entrepreneurial prospects and use them by leveraging innovation to improve the sacrificed merits and reduce the sacrificed costs that result in paramount value for the client, (Dess, Lumpkin, and Eisner, 2014).

Resource leveraging

The primary challenges that occur for the new business as far as marketing is concerned are the limited of personal and financial resources. The insufficiency requires a thorough monitoring of the marketing expenditures and constrains the intensity and the range of marketing operations within the new business that can be pursued, (Hallbäck, and Gabrielsson, 2013).

The entrepreneurs can deal with this challenge by trying to attain additional assets like the bank’s loans, venture capital, and trying to meet the optimal impact of the limited resources. Two approaches can be reviewed on how to deal with the scarcity of the resources. The first one is the strategies and techniques that are used to minimize the amount of asset used for a given marketing operation.

They entail; strategies for creating a coalition with other firms and the free rising plan. The second ones are the strategies and methods that need only a few assets yet assure to regenerate higher return in the marketing arena. They include step by step development plan, adoption of a niching strategy, low-cost guerilla methods in marketing, (Becherer, and Helms, 2016)

Implications of the findings

The study has shown that the entrepreneurial marketing is a multi- dimensional assembly whose features have an important, optimistic power on the greater performance of the Lincoln marketing associates. The essays portray that the seven dimensions of the entrepreneurial marketing strategies that is the resource leveraging, value creation, customer intensity, risk taking, innovation, opportunity recognition, and the pro-activeness by the Lincoln marketing associates will improve the performance.

Moreover, the essay confirmed that the entrepreneurial pro-activeness is the fundamental driving factor to attain the core competencies. The aggressive steps and system by the establishment of the new products or services ahead of the key rivals determines the core competencies firm exposure to other companies within the same industry, (Franco, and Haase, 2013)

Additionally, the entrepreneurial company’s pursuit and recognition of the chances are the marketing operations that are significant to the performance. Therefore going by the latent marketing chances by looking innovative explanations to improve core competencies. A chance of a company aims at the capability to choose the good chances to establish success. Thus the Lincoln marketing associates chances recognition potential has an enthusiasm result on the performances, (Alegre, and Chiva, 2013)


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